3Mountain Views-News Saturday, No
vember 5, 2022VOTE YES ON MEASURE HR 3Mountain Views-News Saturday, No
vember 5, 2022VOTE YES ON MEASURE HR
Learn more at SMreferendum.com
.Vote YES on Measure HR
That’s part of Santa Monica Developer New Urban West’s strategy. They want you to believe that the tract-housing project of
42 houses is better than 7 houses under Hillside Zoning on the 17 acres.
If their densely packed tract home development goes forward, they and the Chicago property owner make millions and Sierra
Madre ends up with:
• 42 McMansions (huge homes on disproportionately small lots) built in an extreme re risk zone
• Additional stress on our already precarious water supply leading to rate increases and rationing
• Destruction of wildlife habitats
• Dangerous congestion around Bailey Park
• More than 500 additional daily trac trips
• Destruction of over 100 mature trees
• Loss of open space
Attention Sierra MadreVoters!
If you want to sign the petition for the referendum email sierramadrepetition@gmail.com.
We will bring one to you. We will also be Kersting Court this Saturday and Sunday from
8:00am-2:00pm to gather signatures and share information.
Confused about Measure HR?
Preserve our beautiful town
Long-time preservation groups Preserve Sierra Madre and Protect Sierra Madre are opposed to
this project and say Vote Yes on Measure HR. Don’t be fooled by the Santa Monica developer
that is spending more than $250,000 to defeat this homegrown initiative.
Paid for by Protect Sierra Madre - Stop the Housing Project
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com