Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 5, 2022

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Mountain View News Saturday, November 5, 2022 
7ALTADENA - SOUTH PASADENA - SAN MARINO Mountain View News Saturday, November 5, 2022 
Pasadena's PEDAL Website The 4th Annual Adaptive Facts as Voters to Decide on 
Launches New Info Feature Sports Festival held Today Library Services, Measure L

 Pasadena public libraries creating, and much more. 

The site will increase 

play an essential role in The parcel tax generates 


providing safe, accessible about 20% of the library regarding skilled and 100% free educational budget. The revenue has 
nursing and long-resource centers for been used to keep libraries 

everyone. Individuals and open and well-maintained, 

term care facilities. 

families, no matter their purchase up-to-date books 
In an ongoing effort to socioeconomic status, can and materials, support library 
provide information count on Pasadena libraries programs and services, 
and transparency to the to provide them with the continue to offer access to 
community, the Pasadena resources they need to computers and Wi-Fi, and 
Elderly and Dependent Adult succeed and the answers to retain qualified librarians. 
Liaisons (PEDAL) website School of Medicine (KSOM), important questions they It has enabled Pasadena 

now includes a Facility Huntington Health and can't otherwise find. In Public Library to bring many 
Information and Complaint WISE & Healthy Aging to addition to their original technological improvements 
Resources portal. This leverage the knowledge, purpose of providing to the library, including an 

portal provides direct access skills and abilities necessary information, Pasadena advanced search engine; 

to California Department to raise awareness of libraries provide early and a computerized magazine 
of Social Services (CDSS) focused healthcare matters; digital literacy programs, and newspaper index; a new 

and California Department resolve issues important school readiness programs, online library catalog; and 

of Public Health (CDPH) to facility residents, their and free computer and Wi-Fi public access to the internet, 
information for each families and their healthcare access. with terminals at all library 
Pasadena skilled nursing and professionals; and conduct “It's no surprise that the locations. 

long-term care facility, along community outreach, Pasadena Public Library The operations of the Library 
with complaint resources. code enforcement and, if was founded years before and Information Services 

and inclusive sports and 

 The PEDAL website also necessary, prosecution. Pasadena was incorporated Department are funded

 The City of Pasadena in fitness opportunities.” 

includes several new critical KSOM’s participation as a city. Residents came primarily by the general fund 

coordination with Triumph “In 2021, the festival together to the 

information bulletins equips the PEDAL team with support and supplemented by the 

Foundation, a nonprofit attracted close to a 

funding of the first library voter approved parcel tax. 

intended to provide the knowledge and expertise organization working to thousand participants and 

operational guidance to staff of medical doctors and by purchasing shares for as The following is a breakdown 

improve the lives of people really made an impact on 

at skilled nursing facilities. clinical researchers so the little as $5. Since then, the of taxes annually: 

living with disabilities, will everyone who attended. 

The critical information team can better understand Pasadena community has Single Family $40.86 

host the 4th annual Pasadena We are so thankful for our 

bulletins are produced from the complexities of elder banded together to support Condominiums 

Adaptive Sports Festival on partnership with the City 

time to time on an ad hoc mistreatment and care for the Special Library Parcel $40.86 

Saturday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 4 of Pasadena,” said Andrew 

basis, and are intended to the elderly and underserved. Tax: in 1993 with 79.9 Duplexes & Larger 

p.m., at Brookside Park, 360 Skinner, who founded 

comprise an expanding KSOM also brings grant percent support, in 1997 $26.83/unit 

N. Arroyo Blvd. Triumph Foundation 
collection of resource funding to PEDAL for with 84 percent of the vote, Non-Residential

 The Adaptive Sports Festival in 2008, four years after 

information for industry consultancy services of a and in 2007 with 80.4% $298.99 

is a free, fun-filled day of suffering a spinal cord 

professionals and other certified public accountant/ of the vote. On Monday, For most taxpayers, this tax 

sports and fitness activities injury in a snowboarding 

interested persons. fraud examiner who will July 11, the Pasadena City can be deducted from federal 

for people of all abilities. accident. “Events like this 

 Established in August 2021, help expand the team’s Council unanimously voted income taxes. Exemptions 

Activities offered include give people with disabilities 

the PEDAL team reaches investigative capacity related to support Measure L and are provided for qualified 

handcycling, wheelchair a chance to push the limits 

across the breadth of City to cases of elderly financial our public libraries,” stated seniors, disabled, and low-

rugby, pickleball, disc golf, of their ability, play games 

departments and integrates exploitation and educate Mayor Victor Gordo. income owners. 

aquatics, tennis, boccia, with friends and family on 

representation from a community members and After almost 15 years since If the existing funding 

adaptive archery, disc golf, a level playing ground, and 

variety of nonprofit social facility staff to recognize its last renewal, the library through the Pasadena 

boxing, power soccer, a enhance their quality of 

service, educational and risk factors for victims and revenue source will expire Public Library Services 

resource fair, and more! life through the benefit of 

healthcare organizations perpetrators. in February 2023 and can Continuation Measure 

This event introduces exercise, sports and fitness.” 

to improve the quality of Visit the PEDAL website only be continued by a (Measure L) is not

public Andrea Jennings, chair of 

life for the more than 3,000 for additional information. the general to public vote. Therefore, this maintained, the library 

adaptive sports, showcases Pasadena’s Accessibility and 

residents in over 100 skilled Questions should be year, the City Council placed would lose approximately 

individuals with disabilities, Disability Commission adds, 

nursing and long-term care directed to Neighborhood Measure L—the Pasadena $2.8 million annually, or 

and helps foster a more “The Pasadena Adaptive 

facilities in Pasadena. and Business Services Public Library Services 20% of its budget, which 

inclusive community. Sport Festival is a one-of-a

The team includes strategic Administrator Israel Del Continuation Measure—on may lead to the closure

 “The City of Pasadena kind, inclusive experience 

alliances with USC’s Keck Toro at (626) 744-7138. the November 8, 2022, ballot. of neighborhood library 

is excited to partner with where community members 

Voters will decide whether branches, a reduction of 

Triumph Foundation to can interact with one 

to continue the dedicated, books and collections, 

offer this fun and exciting another and even learn 

South Pasadena Brace & special revenue source for a reduction in library 

event,” said Brenda Harvey-a new sport as I did by 

Pasadena Public Library hours, the loss of qualified 


Bolt Program Now Open Williams, of participating in archery at programs and services. If librarians, and cuts in 

Pasadena’s Parks, Recreation the 2019 festival. There were 

approved, it will continue to other significant programs 

and Community Services great trainers available for a

You own and live in the generate approximately $2.8 and services offered to our

 Earthquake Brace + Bolt house you would like to Department. “This is the variety of learning styles in a million annually for the next community. 
(EBB) helps South Pasadena retrofit. fourth of what we hope will very inclusive environment.” 15 years. Whether there’s a family 
homeowners lessen the You live in one of the EBB be many Pasadena-based Visit: triumph-foundation. Pasadena Public Library looking for a fun story 
potential for damage during program areas, which are events promoting accessible org, for more information. 

serves as an important City time, an immigrant in need 
an earthquake by offering designated by ZIP Code. institution that continuously of language resources, an 

qualified homeowners a Your house was built before delivers on equity and unemployed individual 

Free Nov. Movies at the 

grant for up to $3,000 toward 1980. inclusion for Pasadena searching for job help, or a 

a building code-compliant Your house has a raised Pasadena Senior Center residents. The libraries play community member who 

earthquake retrofit. EBB is foundation, or crawl space a critical role in educating needs help on their taxes, 
also offering a Supplemental under the house. Friday movie matinees will favorite. our children and youth, the library has something to 
Grant to homeowners with Your house is built on level be shown Nov. 4, 11 and 18 at Seating will be limited and and are contemporary offer. 
a household annual income ground or a slight slope. 1 p.m. onsite at the Pasadena registration will be accepted establishments looking into For more information on 
of $72,080 or less as funding You have not already Senior Center, 85 E. Holly on a first-come, first-served the future with programs Measure L, the Pasadena 

permits. An EBB retrofit is completed a “brace and bolt” St., including an Academy basis. Each member of the that include robotics, Public Library Services 
specifically for homes with a earthquake retrofit. Award nominee for best Pasadena Senior Center may computer coding, 3-D Continuation Measure, 
crawl space beneath the first For more information visit: foreign film, a modern take reserve one additional seat printing, and a hands-on visit 

floor. on classic film noir and a for a nonmember guest 50 lab for tinkering, designing, MeasureL.

 You may be eligible to or: film that for nearly 30 years or older. 
apply if: has been a holiday comedy “Children of Heaven” Serve on the Altadena(1997, PG) starring Amir 
Farrokh Hashemian and 

Library Board of Trustees 

Mohammad Amir Naji – 
Friday, Nov. 4, at 1 p.m. The Altadena Board of Trustees is accepting applications from 
After a boy loses his sister’s anyone who would like to serve on the board for the two-year term 
prized possession – a pair starting in December. Applicants must be at least 18, a resident 

of pink shoes – he embarks of, and registered to vote in Altadena. The chosen candidate will 
on a series of adventures be sworn in at the regular December board meeting on Monday, 
throughout South Tehran December 19.

 This unpaid, volunteer position involves budgetary and policy 

to find them. Persian with 

oversight as well as high-level strategic decision-making for the 

English subtitles. This film 

Altadena Library District. The board meets at 5:00 p.m. on the 

was nominated for the 

fourth Monday of each month. Academy Award for Best Interested parties should submit a letter of intent, resume, and 
Foreign Film. completed supplemental questionnaire to the District Director 

 “Grumpy Old Men” by 5:00pm on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. The board will 
(1993, PG-13) starring interview potential candidates at a Special Board Meeting to be 
Jack Lemmon and Walter held on Monday, November 14 at 7 p.m. Each candidate will have 
Matthau – Friday, Nov. 18, 3 minutes to make a statement and then will be asked to answer 
at 1 p.m. A lifelong feud 3 questions, which will be provided to candidates in advance of 

the meeting. 

between two retired next

If you are interested in filling the open seat on the Board, please 

door neighbors only gets 

download a copy of the Certification Qualification Questionnaire 

worse during the holidays 

and submit it along with your accompanying materials (letter when a new neighbor (Ann-of intent, resume) to as soon as 

Margret) moves in across possible. 

the street. The film was a You may also mail or drop off your materials in person to the 
runner-up for inclusion in Main Library at 600 E. Mariposa St., Altadena, CA 91001. 
the American Film Institute’s 
“100 Years…100 Laughs.” San Marino Sandbag Self-fill

 To register for any or 
all of these movies or for With the rainy season 
more information, visit: approaching, the Parks and Public Works Department 
and click on Activities & is providing a sandbag self-
Events, then Friday Movie fill location in the Stoneman 

parking lot that is available to 

Matinee or call 626-795

residents. Sand and bags are 


available at the location, and Hall, and can be picked up by

 In addition to online 

residents are welcome to fill appointment, if necessary. For 

classes, onsite events and 

up to six bags to help protect any questions, please contact other activities, members their home from potential the Parks and Public Works 
and nonmembers of the flooding. A limited supply of Department at 626-300-0765 or 
Pasadena Senior Center additional bags is also available publicworks@cityofsanmarino. 
are encouraged to visit in the Public Works yard at City org. 
the website regularly for 
highlights of a quarterly 
magazine, free food delivery 
for older adults in need, 
COVID updates specifically 
for older adults and more. 

Catch breaking news at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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