Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 11, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 8

Mountain View News Saturday, March 11, 2023 
Mountain View News Saturday, March 11, 2023 
San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming 

Health and Wellness Talk: Strokes 

Tuesday, March 14 at 1 PM, Barth Community Room

 Bhavesh Trikamji, MD specializes in neurology,
neuromuscular medicine, and electromyography at the UCRHealth Multispecialty Center. He is also an Assistant Professorof neuroscience at the University of California, RiversideSchool of Medicine. Trikamji will share the fundamentalsof strokes and key elements in detecting strokes early. Hewill also discuss critical stroke interventions and various 
prevention strategies. Registration is not required.
Happy Hour Shamrock BingoWednesday, March 15 at 12 PM, Lacy Park

 Join your friends and neighbors at Lacy Park for ShamrockBingo! Enjoy a few games of bingo along with music, lunch,
drinks, and opportunity drawings. Bring your lucky charmsand join us for a fun filled afternoon. This event is free andopen to San Marino residents ages 55+. Registration isrequired.
Author Visit with Jennifer Torres 
Saturday, March 18 at 2 PM, Barth Community Room

 Join us for a special visit from award-winning author,
Jennifer Torres. Jennifer is the author of “Stef Soto, Taco 
Queen,” “Twins Vs. Triplets,” and other books for youngreaders. Kids ages 5 and up will have the opportunity to learnabout the writing process and be inspired to share their ownstories through a mini writing workshop. A craft activity willalso be provided for younger siblings. The first 20 children inattendance will receive a free copy of “Stef Soto, Taco Queen”!
Registration is not required.
LA Opera Talks: Pelleas & MelisandeSunday, March 19 at 2 PM, Barth Community Room

 Community educators present fascinating facts and musicalexcerpts from the operas that are playing downtown at theMusic Center. This Talk focuses on Pelleas and Melisande. 
Lost in the forest, a hunter encounters an ethereal beautywith a mysterious past. Registration is not required.
The Community Services Department will be hidingin plain sight over 20,000 eggs at the annual Great SanMarino Egg Hunt on April 8

 If that’s not enough, the San Marino Firefighters Associationwill be serving over 6,000 pancakes at their Pancake Breakfaston the same day! Festivities begin at 9 AM at Lacy Park. Thisis a ticketed event; wristbands go on sale March 20 and willbe available for purchase onlineCity Council Meeting RecapAt last night’s San Marino Council meeting, ValentineElementary student Celine Cheng joined City Council as 
Mayor for the Day. As Mayor for the Day, Celine called the 
meeting to order and led a portion of the meeting, includingthe pledge of allegiance and roll call. She was presenteda certificate by Mayor Steve Talt for her participation. Inaddition, Mayor Talt issued a proclamation to officiallydeclare this week as Arbor Week. Newly hired police and firepersonnel were also introduced and pinned.
If you missed last night’s meeting, all agendas and videos areposted at:
Recent Happenings

 This week, Parks and Public Works maintenance staff 
worked on the following tasks: removing fallen tree branches,
palm fronds, and other debris from the public right-of-way;
replacing streetlight bulbs and street signs; performing minortrimming and irrigation repairs around Lacy Park; repairingpavement and sidewalk; and completing minor buildingrepairs at City Hall, the San Marino Police Department, andthe Crowell Public Library. Staff also placed a new concretewalkway leading up to the Lacy Park Admissions Booth andresponded to an after hours call out for a fallen street tree.
Residents who wish to report non-emergency issues in thepublic right-of-way or City streets may do so via the SanMarino Service Request Center:
MeetingsRecreation Commission MeetingMonday, March 13 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom 
(Public Access)
Design Review CommitteeWednesday, March 15 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom 
(Public Access)
City Manager Recruitment Community ForumThursday, March 16 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom(Public Access) 

Altadena Library DistrictRedistricting Town Hall 

to mitigate the spread of the 
disease. COVID-19 cases have 
been declining since the startof 2023 and have now stabilized 
in the Low Community Levelas defined by the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention 
(CDC). Between January 1 andFebruary 24, the seven-day dailyaverage of cases declined byalmost half.

 “With the end of the emergencyproclamations, the Pasadena 
community will enter a newphase in the pandemic, but thethreat posed to community 
health by COVID-19 will 
continue,” Handler said. 
“Terminating the local publichealth emergency will shift 
intervention measures from 
PPHD to individuals and their 
healthcare providers. PPHD 
will maintain a full complementof staff who will continue to 
conduct contact tracing and caseinvestigations, offer vaccines 
and boosters, and provide safetyinformation and guidance to thecommunity.”

 Tragically, the Pasadena 
community has lost 442 
residents to this terrible disease 
and the City shares condolenceswith those who have lost friends 
and family members during thisdifficult time.

 Pasadena Public Health 
Department (1845 N. Fair OaksAve.) continues to offer free 
COVID-19 bivalent boosters on 
Mondays and Wednesdays from

8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1 – 4:30 
PPHD recommends everyoneconsider their personal andenvironmental factors to 
assess their risk of contractingCOVID-19 and to take 
necessary precautions to protectthemselves and others

 For more information visit: or call (626)

Pasadena Announces Two 
New Department Directorsand Deputy City Manager 

Jacobs-Quinn Paige

 City Manager Miguel 
Márquez has announced 
the promotions of Deputy 
Director of Planning & 
Community DevelopmentJennifer Paige and HumanResources Manager TiffanyJacobs-Quinn to director of 
their respective departments.
Márquez also announced 
the promotion of HumanResources Manager Alex 
Souto to deputy city manager.
All three will assume their 
new roles on Monday, March13. 

coordination. Before joining

 “Jennifer, Tiffany and 

the City of Pasadena, Jacobs-

Alex have over 40 years of 

Quinn worked as a labor 

combined experience with 

relations representative for 

the City of Pasadena,” said 

independent municipal 

Márquez. “Their wealth of 

employee associations in

knowledge, familiarity with 

Southern California. She 

the City, and vision will 

earned master’s degrees 

help us continue to foster 

in linguistics and public 

an exceptional employee 

administration from Cal State 

experience, guide equitable 

Long Beach and Cal State 

policies and programs, and, 

Northridge, respectively. 

ultimately, improve the lives 

She also earned a bachelor’s 

of all Pasadenans. I’m excited 

degree in romance languages 

to welcome them to the City’s 

& literatures from Pomona 

executive leadership team.” 


 Paige has been serving as 

As the newly appointed 

the acting director of the 

deputy city manager, 

Planning & Community 

Souto will be responsible 

Development Department 

for overseeing the City’s 

since last summer. She first 

enterprise risk management 

joined the department in 

program and promoting a 

2000 as an associate planner 

culture of risk mitigation. He 

and held various roles in 

will also manage the Liability 

increasing responsibility 

and Insurance Claims, 

before being promoted to 

Occupational Health & Safety, 

deputy director in 2016, 

and Workers’ Compensation 

where she oversaw special 

Divisions, which will be 

projects and the work of 

integrated into the new Risk 

the Planning Division. 

Management Division of the 

Prior to joining Pasadena, 

City Manager’s Office. Souto 

Paige worked for the Cities 

will also be responsible for 

of Claremont, Lake Forest 

managing Citywide ADA 

and Burbank. She holds a 

accessibility, and employee 

master’s degree in public 

engagement and wellness 

administration from Cal 


State Northridge, a bachelor’s

 Souto joined the City 

degree in urban & regional 

of Pasadena in 2015 as a 

planning from Cal Poly 

principal human resources 

Pomona, and an American 

analyst. He was promoted to 

Institute of Certified Planners 

human resources manager 

(AICP) certification. 

in 2016, where he was 

Both Jacobs-Quinn and 

responsible for developing 

Souto have taken turns 

Citywide personnel policies, 

serving as acting human 

leading labor relations 

resources director since the 

activities with employee 

spring of last year. 

bargaining units, directing 

Jacobs-Quinn has been with 

employee relations activities, 

the City since 2009. She began 

and managing the Citywide 

her tenure as a management 

occupational health and 

analyst in employee relations. 

safety program. Souto holds a 

In 2014, she was promoted to 

bachelor’s degree in political 

human resources manager, 

science from Cal State LA 

where she oversaw a team 

and a master’s degree in 

responsible for employee 

public administration from 

recruitment, selection and 

Cal State Northridge. He also 

training; performance 

has a master’s certification 

evaluation; classification 

in labor relations from the 

and compensation; 

California Public Employers 

and rideshare program 

Labor Relations Association. 

Applications for SummerROSE Internship Program

 The City of Pasadena is now interest. 
accepting applications for its The first round of the online 
ROSE Internship Program. application period opened 
The Realizing Opportunities Wednesday and runs through 
through Summer March 31. Applications will 
Employment (ROSE) be reviewed on a rolling basis 
Program is open to Pasadena until all positions are filled. 
residents ages 14 – 24 who To apply, visit 
reside in low- to 
households. And-Rec/Rose. For more

 The program pays a $1,500 information or application 
stipend upon completion assistance, call (626) 744of 
a 100-hour assignment. 7300 or visit the Jackie 
Internship assignments Robinson Community 
include, but are not limited Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks 
to, the fields of recreation, Ave. To request a reasonable 
maintenance, clerical, accommodation, auxiliary 
technology, and engineering. aid or service for effective 
Participants receive skills communication, including 
training and mentorship, materials in alternative 
and are able to network with formats, contact SMendez@ 
professionals in their field of 


Catch breaking news at: 
The Altadena Main Library isset to hold a town hall meetingMarch 25 centered on Altadena 
Library District redistricting.
The meeting will be held bothin person at the Main LibraryCommunity Room 600 E. 
Mariposa St. or Zoom from 10

a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 
To ensure more fair and 
representative elections, the 
Altadena Library District 
committed in 2019 to 
establishing five Library Boardof Trustee districts in Altadena 
rather than seats being at-large.
Join us for a town hall meetingduring which the National 
Demographics Corporation 
(NDC), the district’s 
demographic consultant, willshare a draft of the map.
Residents will have the 
opportunity to review the map(it will be available on the districtwebsite no later than March 18)
and provide feedback.

 For more information about the 
process, go to: altadenalibrary.

 We invite you to send yourquestions or comments to priorto the meeting. The communitywill have the opportunity to 
review the maps and providefeedback at the Board of 
Trustees Meeting April 24, at 5 

 For those wishing to makePublic Comments at the April 24Meeting, you may present your 

comments in-person during themeeting, or submit by email tobe read aloud at the meeting. Foremailed comments, if multiple 
comments are submitted,
only the first comment will 
be read aloud during the 
meeting. Email and ElectronicComments submitted online 
will be accepted up to two (2)
hours prior to the start of themeeting. Email comments 
can be submitted to hello@ with the 
subject line: “Public Comment”. 
Electronic Comments may 
also be submitted online 
publiccomment. If you wishto make your public commentduring the live meeting, pleasestate so in your email. If youwould like to make yourcomment virtually, you mayalso select on the form “Yes – I 
want to provide this commentin real-time and need the Zoom 
link” in the online form. 
Email and Electronic 
Comments will be submitted 
to the legislative body and shallbecome part of the record of themeeting.

 If you are unable to submitvia email, online, or attend the 
meeting in-person, you cancall in to (626) 798-0833 ext.
103, during the correspondingitem of the agenda. For publiccomment on any non-agendaitem, please plan to call at 4:00 


Interim Health Officer Dr. Eric 
Handler announced Tuesdaythat Pasadena Public Health 
Department (PPHD) will 
terminate the local public health 
emergency for COVID-19,
effective 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. 
According to Handler the endof the public health emergencycomes as community spreadof COVID-19 has decreased 
locally and statewide. ActingDirector of Public Health 
Manuel Carmona will 
recommend Monday nightthat the City Council ratify aresolution terminating both the 

local public health emergencyand local emergency.

 “I want to express my deepgratitude to all City employeesand community partners whoworked tirelessly to support 
our community during this 
unprecedented time,” said CityManager Miguel Márquez. 
“We remain committed to 
keeping Pasadena safe and 
seek community cooperationto utilize effective tools for all 
of us to be healthy as the viruscontinues to circulate.”

 The end of the local publichealth emergency will occurless than a week after Governor 
Newsom ends the California 
COVID-19 state of emergencyon February 28, and nearlythree years after it was firstdeclared by Pasadena HealthOfficer Dr. Ying-Ying Goh onMarch 4, 2020.

 Over the last three years, PPHDhas monitored COVID-19 data 
and designed interventions 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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