Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 3, 2010


Celebrate Freedom!

 MountainViews-Observer Saturday, July 3, 2010 

Happy 4th of July
Old-Fashioned Homemade Ice Cream

• 6 eggs 

• 2 cups sugar 

• 1/4 teaspoon salt 

• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 

• 13-ounce can evaporated milk (1-1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons) 

• 1 gallon whole milk 

• chipped ice 

• rock salt 

In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs. Add sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Add salt, 
vanilla and canned milk. Add about a pint of the fresh milk and mix. 

Pour mixture into ice cream freezer can. Add enough of the remainder of the milk to 
fill can to the middle of the top board of dasher. (If the freezer can has a "fill" line on 
it, fill no higher than that line.) 

Assemble the ice cream freezer. Add 
alternating layers of chipped ice and rock salt 
to barrel around freezer can. Crank freezer 
until ice cream begins to freeze (cranking will 
become harder as ice cream freezes), adding 
more ice and salt, as needed. When handle 
becomes difficult-to-impossible to turn, 
remove turning mechanism, and carefully 
remove top from freezer can; remove dasher. 
Replace top. Cover can with more ice and 
salt. Cover ice with an old towel, allowing ice 
cream to "cure" for at least 1 hour. If yours 
is an electric freezer, follow manufacturer's 
directions, but the curing step is essential. 

Makes about 5 quarts of ice cream

Have A Wonderful Holiday!

A True July 4th Tradition

MVNews this week:  Page 12