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MountainViews-News Saturday, October 2, 2010
Methodist Hospital’s 21st Annual Crystal
Ball ‘stuff dreams are made of’
Music in Your Own Backyard
Live classical music for free...
near your home…no traffic…
plentiful parking. Does it get
any better? Pasadena is proud
to boast its own community
orchestra, which each season
offers four classical concerts
at the First Church of the
Nazarene, plus a concert of
light music at Memorial Park
in Sierra Madre as summer
Directed by Alan Reinecke,
the Pasadena Community
Orchestra consists of volunteer
amateurs musicians who enjoy
getting together each week to
play a variety of music and
rehearse for concerts. “It’s an
honor and privilege to lead such
a talented and dedicated group
of people,” says Reinecke, now
in his third season with the
What’s in store for this season?
While PCO concerts generally
feature music from all periods,
Reinecke has selected mostly
Romantic programs for this
year— he notes that even the
more modern 20th century
pieces he has chosen have
a Romantic flavor. The
first concert of the season,
November 5, will include
pieces by Lalo, Schubert, and
Haydn, and will feature violin
soloist Mischa Leftkowitz, of
the Los Angeles Philharmonic
Orchestra, playing selections
from Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping
Beauty. (Please see orchestra’s
website— the
full season’s offerings.) As is
traditional with the orchestra,
the May concert will feature
a gifted young artist, chosen
through competition.
The orchestra, once part of
Pasadena City College, moved
off-campus with its director
Wayne Reinecke in 1983.
Wayne led the group until his
retirement in 2008, at which
time his son Alan was selected
by the orchestra foundation’s
Board of Directors. PCO always
welcomes new players when
spaces are available; interested
musicians should contact
Reinecke by following the link
on the orchestra’s website.
Arcadia –Methodist Hospital Foundation’s black-
tie event, the 21st annual Crystal Ball, featuring
the enduring surfer sounds of The Beach Boys,
will be held Saturday, October 16, at the Pasadena
Convention Center. This year’s theme, “An
Evening of Good Vibrations with The Beach
Boys,” promises a memorable night for those
attending. It’s the stuff that
dreams are made of.
Yet, such dreams do not
happen all by themselves.
Long hours spent carefully
working through countless
details by the event’s co-
chairs and their committee
members will be rewarded
October 16 when this
year’s Crystal Ball dream
comes true. Methodist
Hospital Foundation
board members Christine
Antonovich and Richard
Sun, DDS, are co-chairs.
The 2010 Crystal Ball committee includes
Jill Boli, Angela Fu, Evelyn Greathouse, Dick
Hale, Sue Hale, Ben Harrington, C.H. Hsueh,
Ulanda Lee, Meimei Liu, Juliet Lu, Lindburgh
McPherson, Kathy Sun, Ivy Sun, Annie Teng,
Angel Throop, Dr. K. Heiner Vogelbach, Sherry
Wang, Susan Woo, Kevin Yang and Lulu Yuan.
Honorary committee members are Elizabeth
Rusnak Arizmendi and Paul Rusnak.
Crystal Ball will honor Methodist Hospital
Foundation board member and philanthropist
Kathleen Ellison for her long-time commitment
and service to Methodist Hospital. Event
proceeds will benefit
Methodist Hospital’s
nationally recognized
comprehensive cardiac
care program, which
provides specialized,
advanced services in
diagnosis and treatment.
This year’s Crystal Ball
Grand Sponsors are:
The Honorable Mike
Antonovich and Christine
Antonovich, Arthur Liu
and Angela Y. Fu, Cole
and Cindy Harris; Panda
Restaurant Group, Inc.; Jackson Wen and Sophia
Li Wen; and Hing Chung Wong, M.D., and US
TOPCO Energy, Inc.
For more information about Crystal Ball, please
contact the Methodist Hospital Foundation at 626-
San Marino Community Church
welcomes the Rev. Dr. Laird J. Stuart,
Interim President of San Francisco
Theological Seminary to the pulpit at
both the 9:15 am traditional worship
service and “The Gathering” at 11:15 am.
Dr. Stuart’s sermon “Being Christians”
draws inspiration from II Timothy 1:1-14.
Celebrate World Communion with the Lord’s Supper.
Check out the new video about “The Gathering” at www.
“Being Christians”
For Saturday, October 2San Marino Community Church
1750 Virginia Road, San Marino, CA 91108For more information call: (626) 282-4181
Connect with us online: www.smccpby.com9:15 am Traditional & Student Worship ServicesSunday school (K-5) and childcare provided10:30 am Adult Spiritual Formation11:15 am “The Gathering” worship serviceCasual worship, multi-voice ensemble, childcare provided
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