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HALL PASS: A Teen’s Life Page 7 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 6 SIERRA MADRE TEEN WINS MARTIN LUTHER KING ESSAY CONTEST Sierra Madre Downtown Still Safe and Full of Vitality 2010 AUDIT COMPLETED Sierra Madre’s 2010 Audit Is Completed On Time and Includes More Detailed Schedules and Information By S. Henderson When Elaine Aguilar became City Manager for Sierra Madre, she faced a number of challenges including bringing all of the city’s financial audits up to date. Fortunately, under with Karen Schnaider, the city’s Administrative Services Director, with in a few years, they were able to get all of the back audits that were due before they were hired completed and Aguilar and Schnaider have kept current activities on schedule. The latest financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 were completed by the Independent Accounting firm of Beranek Chan and Associates in January. In their auditor’s report, they confirm the integrity of the city’s financial records. According to the report, “We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller of the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.” An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.” They go on to confirm that the city has reliable financial records and practices. As a result of the Bell scandal, more public scrutiny has been given to city operations throughout the country. To have a ‘clean bill of health’ from the auditor should also put to rest the countless rumors and accusations that city finances, such as the information that lead to the water rate increase, was not accurate. In the past, financial statements have been roughly 40 -50 pages for the city. However, this year, Aguilar and Schnaider included more schedules that will give citizens a more detailed look and hopefully better understanding of the city’s financial position Despite the recent EVG Scandal and the closure of several businesses in 2010, local merchants and entreprenuers are optimistic about the future. Sierra Madre is a town that is known for its ability to survive. It has survived mudslides, fires, earthquakes, political turmoil and economic fluctuations. It has been able to maintain its’ village character while in the midst of one of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas. So it should not be a surprise to anyone that local merchants have been able to overcome the huge amount of negative attention that the city attracted as a result of the recent EVG credit card scandal. That scandal, in which criminals fraudently used information obtained from credit card and debit card purchases for illegal activities, did not just impact the gas station where the crimes occured on S. Baldwin or the Valero station on Sierra Madre Blvd., but it also momentarily had a negative impact on other businesses as well. Rosa Jaime, proprietor of the Four Seasons Tea Room noticed the reluctance to supply credit card information to secure reservations over the phone initially. “People would ask if it was safe to use their credit card”, said Jaime. It took a little convincing at first, she said. However, no other business has been involved in the scandal and use of credit and/or debit cards in local retailers is safe. Flurry of New Activity Despite the scandal, there is also a flurry of activity to open two new restaurants in town. One is a Mexican restaurant on Sierra Madre Blvd. where Kentucky Fried Chicken used to be and the other is at the old site of Lozano’s on Baldwin. Both should be open to the public very soon. Ugo’s gets a new name Ugo’s has changed it’s name to Zugo’s Cafe. Nothing else has changed, Owners Chez and Sherry want everyone to know that everything else remains the same. “A cafe in Culver City recently informed us that they had trademarked the name Ugo. Although they had known about us and we had known about them for at least three years they waited until now to tell us about the Trademark. Ugo is a common first name in Italy and it was the name of the street that Chez grew up on in Rome (Via Ugo Balzani). So Zugo’s it is, we actually love the name and look forward to seeing all of our old and new foodies. Zugo’s will be open Monday February 14th for Valentine’s Day with a special menu and a complimentary glass of Prosecco, Cheers” Amadia Tanner is a confident, compassionate, composed, and intelligent young lady who attends Sierra Madre Middle School. She is 13 years old and a student of Ms. Nepf in the 7th grade and recently won First Place for her division in the PUSD’s essay contest for her submission on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. In conjunction with February being Black History Month, below you will find the complete text of Amadia’s award winning essay. When asked why she felt her essay was meaningful today she said that Dr. King “never had the chance to finish his work. He was more than halfway, but less than finished”, something many realize and hope to continue in order to make this world a better place. Miss Tanner’s essay: Martin Luther King Jr. was a dreamer. But unlike many other people from his time, he was determined to make his dreams a reality. Through thick and thin, he fought for what he believed in, and to this day, we have come far in achieving his dreams. Martin Luther King wanted a world where everyone was equal, not judged based on the color of their skin. A few of his many wishes were having integrated schools, equal rights for everyone, and no segregation. In his time, not everyone was treated fairly. Black people were discriminated and cut off from sharing the privileges that white people had. They had to drink from separate water fountains, eat at separate counters, sit in separate sections on the bus, and went to different and inferior schools. On top of all this, they were looked down upon, but thanks to Dr. King, our world isn’t like this today. Today, America doesn’t face segregation. We have integrated schools, and consider everyone equal by law. African Americans have the rights they deserved to have during and before the time of Dr. King. But our country still isn’t perfect. In fact, even though we’ve taken monumental strides to overcome our flaws, we still haven’t achieved all of the inevitable. If Martin Luther King Jr. was here today, I believe that he would want to improve upon our flaws first before adding to our successes. He would want to start off with education in particular. Education provides us with the knowledge we need to establish right from wrong. If we, as a country could fix the excessive amounts of school dropouts, then I believe we could also fix other capacious problems that we face. For example, going to school could reduce the amount of gangs or gang violence that has been happening. Since Dr. King was a well- educated man, he would know that lack of education is a dominant factor in a lot of these occurrences. To quote him, “Everything we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see”. To stop these school dropouts (and eventually the gang violence that could potentially follow), Dr. King would seek America’s leaders first. He would provide them with advice (such as proposing to pay our teachers more than they are currently receiving in order to prevent any of their students from dropping out and getting into trouble later down the road). In fact, I believe that if we paid our teachers nearly, if not the same amount as we pay our celebrities and sports figures, there would be no education problems. Plenty of money could go to helping those who couldn’t afford to go to school, and those who were in school wouldn’t want to drop out because of the good quality education they would be receiving. If our leaders couldn’t stop this drop out problem, then Dr. King would take it on himself. He would make speeches, and lead non-violent protests (just as he did before) in order to grab America’s attention. When the country finally understood what would need to be done, our government would see that we really do need to pay more attention to our educators, rather than our entertainers. Martin Luther King’s dreams have very nearly been achieved. If he were here today, I think that he would want to focus on improving education and the number of school dropouts in order to make America better. If his supervision and power were here today, I believe that there wouldn’t be very many school dropouts or much gang violence at all. If we follow in Dr. King’s footsteps, we are likely to achieve completion on the road to success. If one man could do so much to make our country a better place, then just imagine the endless possibilities and effects the entire country could have. City Manager Elaine Aguilar, left, and Administrative Services Director Karen Schnaider, review the expanded financial statements. Next City Council Agenda To Include Discussion on Key Issues Agenda includes: (partial listing) Application For Cellular Tower Modification Fees For Rental of City Rec Facilities Amendments To Local CEQA Guidelines Fire and Police Annual Reports Proposed Canyon Zone Ordinance Farmer’s Market Discussion Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Also Inside... CALENDAR Page 2 FEATURES Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Legals Page 11 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 12 Opinion Page 13 The World Around Us Page 14 Homes & Property Page 15 The Good Life Page 16 SPORTS Page 17 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course FYI Page 18 WE NEED YOUR HELP! The 2011 Wistaria Festival is right around the corner and we need VOLUNTEERS! Come to the Hart Park House on Tuesday, February 8th at 7 p.m. and learn more about how the Festival works and what you can do to help. For more information contact the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce at 626-355-5111. 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