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Inside this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia:
Monrovia – Duarte: More News: Good Food & Drink: Arts & Entertainment: Opinion: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Homes & Property: SierraMudre.Info: Columnists: Recent Issues:
SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 15 In an effort to clear the air on what the city intends to do with the boarded up Church at 186 West Highland (at Hermosa), Council members Mary Ann MacGillivray and Josh Moran, along with city staff, met with approximately 20 residents on Wednesday evening. The purpose of the meeting was to listen to concerns from residents who live near the building and the hear what ideas the city had on developing the property. The building (right) was originally a church and after years of being vacant, the city eventually acquired the property with Community Redevelopment Agency funds. When that purchase was made, it was done under the auspices that it would be converted to 15 units of ‘work force housing’. The term is used for affordable housing created as an incentive for people who work in the city such as firefighters, police officers, teachers, etc., to move to Sierra Madre. It is not ‘affordable housing’ in the common use of the term, but one that provides less expensive housing for local workers. When it was identified last year as part of the city’s housing element, some residents expressed concern about the ‘kind’ of residents that would be moving in, i.e., low income households. At this point, however, the concern appears to be focused not on the income levels of the occupants, but the impact of 16 new units in the area. According to one concerned citizen, Faith Pincus, the issues are, “Traffic/ parking, which leads to…Safety issues.” The property is directly across from Sierra Madre School’s lower campus. Pincus says, “Highland and Hermosa is probably the most traffic impacted intersection in Sierra Madre. Three times a day you can barely get down the street or to or from your house, and that’s assuming a parent isn’t blocking your driveway. Every single person that attended the meeting complained loudly about the traffic and parking problem – it’s bad.” “We live in Sierra Madre to avoid traffic and parking problems. If we wanted that, and a crowded residential area with large multi-family projects, we’d buy homes somewhere over the hill or near the ocean.” She continues, “The City’s original low-mod income multi-family proposal, and their concurrent up-zoning placed into the new “housing element” of the proposed General Plan, will allow for 16 units on a 15,000 square foot lots. That’s absurd! In most of Sierra Madre, especially on Highland and in the surrounding neighborhood near the Old Church, we have the following types of developments on that size lot: 1) single family home; 2) single family home with a granny unit; and a few 3) duplexes or triplexes. 16 units is obscene. The amount of traffic and parking issues even 6 or 10 units would bring is totally unacceptable.” At the meeting, in response to these concerns, the city promised to do a traffic study and try to find a solution to the traffic and parking problem independent of developing the property. (The traffic congestion is because of the school). City Manager Elaine Aguilar indicated that the city now how had a better understanding of what the community concerns were and that the city would discuss with Heritage Housing (the proposed developer) the suggestions that were made. In addition, Pincus indicated residents are also concerned about the impact of such a development on Property values. “As for property values, we are, of course concerned that units sold at low to moderate income prices will effect and lower our property values. This issue seemed to have been addressed sufficiently by the city when they stated that the units are recorded at fair market value, not the actual reduced/subsidized price paid. Assuming the assessors don’t take into account that the units are low- mod income units and downgrade the neighborhood based on that, the city’s assurances that our property values will not be impacted seem fair.” Pincus feels that if the city will not down zone the parcel, then the residents are going to fight anything more than 3 units on the property. “It’s too much for the area and not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood”, she said. On the other hand, Aguilar believes that the city and the community will be able to come up with an acceptable plan. Aguilar noted that the council liaisons, MacGillivray and Moran, will work with residents in developing a plan that is acceptable. She reiterated that the discussion of 16 units, or any other development of the site, was just a proposal and nothing had been decided upon at this point. S. Henderson/MVNews In a press release sent out earlier this week, the City of Sierra Madre Community & Personnel Services Department and the Senior Community Commission announced this year’s Older ‘Sierra Madre’ American - Pat Alcorn. Alcorn, who is a familiar face among volunteers in Sierra Madre, “has actively contributed to the Sierra Madre Community since 1964 when she and her husband moved from Pasadena. Her recent activities have included the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library Wine Tasting were she served as the co-chair for the past two years, she is currently co- chairing the City of Sierra Madre Community Services Commission but her community involvement has also included being past President of the Sierra Madre Civic Club, a graduate of the first Sierra Madre Citizen’s Emergency Response Team training and three time Creative Arts Group Garden Tour Docent.”. In addition, Alcorn ran for Sierra Madre City Council in 2010 but was unable to garner quite enough votes to win a seat. The loss did not deter her, however, from continuing to support the community. Pat is married to Sierra Madre’s Secretary of Volunteerism, De Alcorn. A special reception will be held in her honor on Friday, May 13th— 4:30 pm at the Hart Park House Senior Center, 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. The public is invited to attend. Please call the Senior Desk at (626) 355-7394 to make a reservation. COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COMMUNITY MEET TO DISCUSS FATE OF THE OLD YOUTH CENTER Pat Alcorn Named Older American Of The Year THE HARDER THEY FALL This huge pine tree just couldn’t take it any more. On Sunday, it toppled over on Ida Mae Lane in Sierra Madre to the surprise of the residents. There was minimal property damage and no humans were hurt other than frayed nerves when the tree fell. A young neighbor poses in front of the fallen tree about an hour after the incident. (right). The next morning, just before the crews came out to clean up the mess, the photo below was taken which shows just how large the tree was and how close it came to smashing a home or two. Photos by Marlena Tanner Inside This Edition... CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Arcadia Page 5 Monrovia/Duarte Page 6 More News For You Page 7 Education & Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Places To Go Page 10 Arts & Entertainment Page 11 Legals Page 12 Opinion Page 13 The World Around Us Page 14 The Good Life Page 15 Homes & Property Page 16 SPORTS Page 17 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course FYI Page 18 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |