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Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival Special Edition Arcardian’s Organize For Aid To Japan Page 5 SATURDAY MARCH 19, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 12 The City of Sierra Madre has issued a Yellow Flag Alert. The County of Los Angeles Public Works Department has issued a Phase 1 Mudflow Forecast. A Phase 1 indicates that small isolated debris and mudflows are possible at specific locations. Streets may be flooded or blocked by debris. Woodland Drive, Skyland Drive, and other streets may be closed due to blockage. Should debris flows occur overnight, crews will begin clearing the following morning. Parking restrictions are now in effect in the Upper and Lower Canyon during Yellow or Red Flag alerts. Vehicles parked on the streets may be towed at owner’s expense. The affected streets are: Mount Wilson Trail, Churchill Rd., Skyland Dr., Fern Glen, Fern Dr., Idlehour Ln., Canyon Crest Dr., Orange Dr., Woodland Dr., Brookside Lane (upper, middle, and lower segments), Sunnyside Lane, Sturtevant Dr., and Yucca Trail. Overnight parking restrictions through the rest of the city are lifted during Yellow or Red Flag Alerts. The City Public Works Department may determine that Upper Brookside Lane and the very northern portion of Woodland Drive will be closed and a temporary debris wall will be erected. Residents in the affected areas are urged to be "set" to leave at a moment’s notice and may choose to voluntarily evacuate. In the event the City receives a Phase 2 or Phase 3 alert from the County, a Red Flag Alert will be issued that will most likely include mandatory evacuation orders. Evacuated residents will not be allowed to return into an evacuation area until the order is lifted. For additional information and updates: PHONE: City Hall - 626-355-7135 (business hours 7:30am – 5:30pm) Police Dept - 626-355-1414 (non-emergency, 911 for emergencies) City Website (http://www.cityofsierramadre.com/) Emergency Radio Station: 1630AM SIERRA MADRE ISSUES A YELLOW FLAG ALERT 90 Year Old Sierra Madre Resident Saves Little Girl By Susan Henderson Sierra Madre resident, John Shear has a reputation for being a really nice guy, and that was before he, heroically at age 90, stopped a horse from running over a little girl. According to track officials, last Saturday, as John was working as a Paddock Gaurd at Santa Anita Race Track, a 3 year old gelding named Sea and Sage was in the walking ring with nine other horses who were readying for the upcoming race. Sea and Sage wheeled, freeing himself from his handler and in a 180 degree about-face, sprinted towards the opening Shear was guarding just outside the walking ring. As seen live on simulcast television, Shear, instead of dropping the perimeter rope he was holding and protecting himself, ran in front of the loose horse and threw himself in front of and on top of the young girl in the crowd, who appeared to be three or four years of age. Sea and Sage collided with Shear, who remained conscious, responsive and was moving when he was attended to by on-site First Aid personnel and later by members of the City of Arcadia Fire Department. Shear was taken by ambulance to Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena for further evaluation. Shear is said to have suffered several broken bones but is expected to fully recover. Shear, a former jockey, has been a gaurd in the paddock at Santa Anita and at one time Hollywood Park since 1962. He turned 90 on January 17th of this year. In an interview after a rail fell on him and broke his leg inseveral places several years ago, he told a reporter that, “Retirement was never an option. I’ve worked since I was 14 years old,” said the Britishborn, 5-foot-4, 115-pound one-time jockey, trainer and exercise rider. “I’ll never retire. I’m physically fit. I don’t put on weight. Sometimes I drive Diane (his wife of more than 40 years) crazy because I climb up on ladders and do things around the house. But I can’t be idle.” With that said, well wishers hope that John will have a speedy recovery. John Shear, pictured above on duty at Santa Anita, risked his life in order to save a little girl. The picture in the inset shows John in 1956. Archived Photos UPDATE: JAPANESE CULTURAL EVENT IN MEMORIAL PARK TO INCLUDE RED CROSS BOOTH Those wishing to make a contribution to the Red Cross for the disaster relief effort in Japan may do so at Memorial Park, 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., on Friday, March 25, from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. The Red Cross will have representatives at the park during the “Sierra Madre Japanese Cultural Night, which the event participants requested go on as planned, out of honor and respect for the Japanese people as they cope with the devastation resulting from the earthquake and tsunami. All are invited to come to the park in a communal expression of solidarity and concern for our “neighbors to the west” in their time of need. For updated information on the event programming, please call the Sierra Madre Public Library, 626-355-7186. Information is also available on the Sierra Madre City Facebook or website, www.cityofsierramadre. com. This event is sponsored by Tokyo City Keiba (TCK), Yakult USA, Santa Anita Park, and U.S. Equine, Inc. CIVIC CLUB PREPARES FOR MAIN EVENT “Catch The Wave” will be the theme of the Sierra Madre Civic Club’s annual salad luncheon and Chinese Auction on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. The event will be held in the LaSalle High School Auditorium, corner of W. Sierra Madre Blvd. and Michillinda Avenue. Planning a big splash for this Sierra Madre main event are Co- Chairs Jean Coleman, Karma Bell and their committees. They promise the best beach party in town. The day’s highlight is the Chinese Auction with Anita Thompson returning as Auctioneer Extraordinaire. She keeps the action rolling at a fast pace and with great humor. There will be a large variety of quality items, each which can be won for a small amount of money. There will also be a silent auction with some very special items to be bid on. The top prize of the day is the money hat, a beautifully designed beach hat by Sheila Woehler and paying the very lucky number winner a whopping $250.00. The event is also popular for its salad luncheon with a delicious variety of gourmet salads provided by members. This will be a day to remember, the best party in town (and sand-free). Tickets are $25.00 with prior purchase a must. Proceeds of this main benefit supports the club’s very generous annual charity giving. For tickets and more information all Reservations Chair Shirley McGillicuddy at (626) 355-8715. CITY POSTPONES ACTION ON HIGHLAND AVENUE PROPERTY By Bill Coburn Co-Chairs Karma Bell and Jean Coleman, with surf board in tow, are preparing to “Catch The Wave” at the club’s annual Chinese Auction on April 9th After receiving numerous comments from residents near the former church/YAC at 186 W. Highland that indicated that they were uncomfortable with the speed at which the City has seemingly accelerated the process to construct low to moderate housing at the site, the City Council decided not to allow staff to enter into negotiations with Heritage Housing Partners, instead appointing Council Members MaryAnn MacGillivray and Josh Moran to meet with neighbors to discuss why the site was headed in that direction and to request input as to what the neighbors would like to see happen with the site. The property was acquired by the City more than a decade ago using CRA funds and designated for low and moderate housing. During the development of the recent Housing Element (part of the General Plan), it was reiterated that the site was designated for low to moderate income housing, to help the City comply with state designated Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirements for that type of housing. Nothing has been done with the property, though for a while, the City’s Youth Activity Center was located there. Recently, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) adopted a 5-year plan that called for expanding, improving and preserving the City’s supply of housing affordable to persons and families with low and moderate incomes. In addition, the Governor’s proposed budget calls for abolishing the CRA, eliminating the possibility of using CRA funds to develop the property. These two occurances have led to the City accelerating the process of converting the property. And, as Mayor Mosca informed the residents, because the land was acquired with CRA funds and designated for low to moderate housing, the only way to avoid that is to have the City acquire the property from the CRA funds using General Fund money, and the City doesn’t have enough General Fund money to make that happen. At a recent Council meeting, the Council appropriated $25,000 for the retention of a consultant to assist with the development and evaluation of Request for Proposals for the development of the property. By entering into negotiations with Heritage Housing Partners, staff was hoping to save that $25,000 for the CRA. However, the outcry from the site’s neighbors caused Council to delay entering into negotiations until outreach with the community has been explored further. Sierra Madre Paramedic Lifesavers Paramedic Subscription Program Do you know it can cost in excess of $1,000 if you are transported to the hospital during an emergency by an ambulance? Members of the Sierra Madre Paramedic Lifesavers Paramedic Subscription Program will never have to worry about such a cost. The Sierra Madre Paramedic Lifesavers Paramedic Subscription Program is an official program offered by the City of Sierra Madre which offsets the cost of emergency medical response and transport. Residents of the City of Sierra Madre, who subscribe to the program by paying an annual membership fee, avoid any additional out-of- pocket costs associated with ambulance transportation their individual insurance carrier does not cover. Residents who do not have health insurance, and are subscribers to this program would pay nothing out-of- pocket if they were to be transported to the hospital by ambulance. One emergency call for Emergency Paramedic services can cost in excess of $1,000. Additionally, many insurance companies do not cover the full cost of these services. As a member of the Lifesavers Paramedic Subscription Program you will be provided with emergency medical services with no additional costs. Your subscription to the program will perform similarly to a secondary insurance plan, with no out- of-pocket cost to you. This program is provided to all residents of the City of Sierra Madre with an annual cost of $30.00 per resident. Annual renewal to the Lifesavers Paramedic Subscription Program happens every fiscal year on July 1st, and lasts a full 12 months. We highly encourage every resident in the City of Sierra Madre to participate in this important program. To subscribe to the Sierra Madre Lifesavers Paramedic Program, please fill out the membership application form provided in this article and send it in with your payment. Please mail the completed application and payment to: Sierra Madre Fire Department Attn: Lifesavers Subscription Program, 242 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024, or you may visit the Sierra Madre City Hall and subscribe to this program in person. Application on page 3 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |