Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, April 23, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 4


Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 23, 2011 

Charges Filed in 
Rose Bowl Shooting

Spring Egg 
Hunt at 

The Los Angeles County 
District Attorney’s office 
filed murder charges 
Thursday against the brother 
of a Duarte man found dead 
in February in Parking Lot I 
of the Rose Bowl. The body 
of 56 year-old, Victor Cass 
had been discovered Feb, 28 
shortly before 5 a.m. by a city 

The murder charge was filed 
against the victim’s brother, 
55 year-old, Clifton Cass also 
a Duarte resident. . Dwayne 
Sims, 55, of Duarte, was also 
arrested and charged with 
being an accessory to murder 
and a felon in possession of a 

Police said the case was 
difficult to solve because of 
a lack of witnesses or a clear 
motive for the crime.

“I am exceptionally proud of 
the work of lead Detective 
Keith Gomez and the other 
homicide investigators who 
worked on this case. The 
results of this investigation 
are symbolic of the Pasadena 
Police Department’s 
commitment to excellence 
and to our pursuit of justice 
for the victims,” said Chief of 
Police Phillip L. Sanchez.

Cass is being held on 
$2,000,000 bail and Sims’s 
bail has been set at $175,000. 
Both suspects are slated for 
arraignment on April 22, 

Persons with information 
regarding this investigation 
are asked to contact Detective 
Keith Gomez at:

(626) 744-3953 or Pasadena 
Police Department dispatch 
at (626) 744-4241.

An egg hunt through fresh 
green grass is the perfect 
way for families to enjoy 
springtime’s abundance of 
birth and renewal. 

 The Pasadena Human 
Services and Recreation 
Department invites families 
to celebrate the season 
by attending Villa-Parke 
Community Center’s 
Spring Egg Hunt on 
Saturday, April 23, from 
noon to 3 p.m. 

 Parents are advised to 
bring their cameras: Spring 
Bunny will make a special 
guest appearance! The event 
also will feature arts and 
crafts, a petting zoo, treat 
bags and mega-slides. 

 Egg Hunt schedule by age 
is: Ages 1-3 – 12:30 p.m. 
Ages 4-6 – 1 p.m. Ages 7-9 – 
1:45 p.m. Ages 10-12 – 2:15 

 Villa-Parke Community 
Center is located at 363 
E. Villa St. For more 
information call (626) 744-

Guns in Old Pas

By Dean Lee

Opposed to a bill authored by Assemblymember 
Anthony Portantino that would make it illegal to 
carry an unloaded handgun in any public place or 
street, a group of guns rights advocates took to the 
streets of Old Pasadena Thursday night in protest. 

Member of the Brady Campaign, in favor of AB 
144, also demonstrated and Portantino himself 
also made an appearance. 

“I think most Californians would agree that they 
don’t want people walking around in parks or in 
coffee shops with a gun strapped to their hip,” 
Portantino said. “Whether it’s loaded or not, it 
creates some very real public safety issues.”

Member of the South Bay Open Carry strolled 
down Colorado Blvd with Glocks, revolvers, 
.357s and other handguns proudly displayed 
looking for somewhere to eat ending up at The 
Cheesecake Factory. 

As they dined a number of Pasadena police 
officers stood outside. One officer asked an 
Open Carry group member if they had planned 
the demonstration. He said it was part of their 
monthly dinner meetings.

Gene McCarthy, President of South Bay Open 
Carry told reporters earlier in the night they 
usually dine somewhere in the South Bay although 
chose Pasadena because of Portantino’s bill.

“With Portantino’s Assembly Bill 144, that bill if 
passed, will remove the only option for you and 
I to defend ourselves,” McCarthy said. “The only 

McCarthy added that it was not his goal to “take a 
life,” but to defend himself. “It would be a terrible 
thing to have to do that and I can’t imagine,” he 

He said having a gun strapped to his hip was 
similar to a black and white police car patrolling 
a neighborhood. 

“If they see me they are not going to come up to 
me and cause trouble, it’s a deterrent,” he said. 

McCarthy did say they do have to stay 1,000 feet 
from any schools, “and we know exactly where 
those are. We have entire mapping units to do 
that,” he said. 

Joe Brown, president of the Pasadena NAACP, 
said he thought the Open Carry protesters sent 
the wrong message to the youth of Pasadena.

“What if they were to go just a few blocks up Fair 
Oaks,” he said referring to North West Pasadena, 
an area in the city known for gangs. 

Brown also said he thought the group was 
combative looking for a confrontation. 

Arlington Garden Celebrated

 Pasadena City Councilman 
Steve Madison and Charles 
and Betty McKenney invite 
the community to celebrate 
the sixth anniversary of 
Arlington Garden on 
Saturday, April 30, from 9:30 
a.m. to 2 p.m. 

 The event will include 
guided tours, exhibitions 
by local artists, discussions, 
expert advice on plant 
care and garden design, a 
demonstration of a new 
smartphone app that enables 
visitors to take audio tours 
and scan 23 identification 
signs, and a lecture about 
labyrinths throughout the 
world, including the seven-
circuit labyrinth at Arlington 

 For several years the three-
acre lot owned by Caltrans 
at the northwest corner 
of Pasadena Avenue and 
Arlington Drive sat empty. 
Madison initiated the project 
and asked the McKenneys to 
lead a steering committee to 
determine the best use of the 

 In the last six years the city of 
Pasadena has leased the lot, 
which has been transformed 
through a public/private 
partnership to a drought-
tolerant demonstration 
garden with hundreds of 
trees and thousands of 
plants. It also features walls, 
paths, sculpture, furniture, 
a solar-powered fountain, 
stained glass artwork, an 
amphitheater and a vernal 

 The garden is maintained by 
local volunteers, the Pasadena 
Beautiful Foundation, The 
Mediterranean Garden 
Society, Pasadena Water 
and Power and the Pasadena 
Public Works Department.

 The garden is open from 
sunrise to sunset seven 
days a week. For more 
information visitwww.
org or call (626) 441-4478. 


Leighanne Nickle, an open carry activist, 
holds quick load bullets for her revolver. 

To the surprise of some, Gene 
Masuda, the well known Eaton 
Blanche Park Neighborhood 
Association President, beat 
out candidate Jill Fosselman 
in Tuesday’s runoff election to 
become the city’s next District 
4 councilmember. 

Masuda told reporters at city 
hall, as the ballots were being 
counted, that his first goal was 
to look at spending saying the 
city had not had a balanced 
budget in three years. His 
opponent Jill Fosselman made 
no appearance. 

Masuda immediately put the 
word “victory” in large red 
letters on his website. He also 
called his win a landslide 
receiving 55.7 percent of the 
vote. Masuda got 1,975 votes 
to Fosselman’s 1,566 votes.

City Clerk, Mark Jomsky, said 
Tuesday night the results still 
needed to be finalized and 
approved by the city council. 
The swearing in will take place 
in May, he said. 

Police to Conduct Citywide 
Distracted Driver Program

AQMD Offers 
Lawn Mower 

Citizen Journalism Meet-up

 The Pasadena Police 
Department will be conducting 
a “Distracted Driver” 
enforcement operation 
throughout the City of Pasadena 
on Monday April 25, 2011. The 
hours of operation will be from 
6:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

 The Pasadena Police 
Department is committed to 
reducing the number of traffic 
collisions resulting from driver’s 
inattentiveness. It is paramount 
that drivers of motor vehicles 
refrain from texting while 
driving, and talking on cellular 
phones without using proper 
hands free devices. The ultimate 
goal is to enforce and educate 
the driving public at the same 
time reducing serious injuries 
and fatal collisions caused by 
driver inattention to the road.

 Funding for this program 
was provided by a grant from 
the California Office of Traffic 
Safety, through the National 
Highway Traffic Safety 





The Pasadena Community 
Network and this newspaper 
are holding a workshop on 
Citizen Journalism. 

 This group is the place where 
aspiring journalists can learn 
from trained professionals 
and support their local 
community by covering 
what’s really happening in 
their neighborhoods.

 We will put the news in your 
hands. Learn how to find 
the story, the tools needed 
to capture the story and the 
means to tell the story using 
the power of video, audio 
and print along with online 
social media The next 
meeting is April 26 from 
6 p.m. to 8p.m. This week 
at the Donald R. Wright 
Auditorium (see below). For 
more info call 626.794.8585 
or visit

Learn not just how 
to blog but how to 
report the news

Turn in your gas lawn mower 
for a cordless electric one. 

The Lawn Mower Exchange 
Program, a partnership of 
the city of Pasadena and the 
South Coast Air Quality 
Management District, is 
providing incentives to help 
residents make the switch 
from gas lawn mower to 
cordless electric ones.

Eligible residents can pay 
just $100 or $160 for a new 
residential cordless electric 
mower valued at $400 or 
$500. Interested buyers must 
be among the first to register, 
starting Wednesday, April 20, 
at 8 a.m. 

 “When you switch out your 
old gas-powered mower for a 
cleaner electric one you lower 
your exposure to emissions,” 
said Gabriel Silva, recycling 
coordinator in the Pasadena 
Public Works Department.

 Southern California 
residents exchanged 37,000 
mowers in the past nine 

 The exchange program is 
available in Pasadena and 
other areas served by AQMD. 
Quantities are limited and 
exchanges will be made on 
a first-come, first-served 
basis, upon registration. 
Instructions and details 
are online at www.AQMD.
gov or starting April 20 or 
call AQMD’s Lawnmower 
Program at (888) 425-6247.

JPL Tweetup for Missions: 
Mars, Jupiter and More

Pet of the 

 The Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
will host a Tweetup, to show off 
some of its upcoming missions, 
for approximately 120 Twitter 

Registration for the event 
opens at noon PDT (3 p.m. 
EDT) on Tuesday, and it closes 
at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT) on 
Wednesday. The tweetup will 
take place Monday, June 6. 

With four space missions 
launching this year and 
an asteroid belt encounter 
nearly underway, 2011 will 
be one of the busiest ever in 
planetary exploration. Tweetup 
participants will interact with 
JPL scientists and engineers 
about these upcoming 
missions: Aquarius, to study 
ocean salinity; Grail, to study 
the moon’s gravity field; Juno 
to Jupiter; and the Mars Science 
Laboratory/Curiosity rover. 
Participants also will learn 
about the Dawn mission and its 
upcoming encounter with the 
asteroid Vesta.

 The Tweetup will include a tour 
of JPL, robotics demonstrations 
and a last chance to see the 
Curiosity rover before it ships 
to Florida to prepare for a 
November launch. Tour stops 
will include the Spacecraft 
Assembly Facility, where 
Curiosity is under construction, 
the mission control center of 
NASA’s Deep Space Network, 
and JPL’s new Earth Science 
Visitor Center.

 Tweetup participants also will 
mingle with fellow attendees 
and the staff behind the tweets 
MarsRovers, @AsteroidWatch 
and more.

 For more information about 
the Tweetup and to sign up, 
tweetup .

 NASA Television will broadcast 
portions of the Tweetup. 

Citizen Journalism Speakers 
Series: Former Maxim Sports 
Reporter Diane Hill 

 The Pasadena Community 
Network and this newspaper 
will hold the 2011 Citizen 
Journalism Speaker Series 
featuring Diane Hill Tuesday, 
6:00 p.m. This free event features 
local and national journalists, 
telling their personal stories 
and adventures in the life of 
journalism and media.

Diane Hill, who now practices 
in the legal arena, was an 
extremely successful journalist 
in the sports arena. Diane has 
worked as a radio field reporter 
for several nationally syndicated 
shows, hosted sports shows for 
Sirius satellite radio network, 
such as “The Naked Truth”, and 
was a sports correspondent for 
“The Bower Show”. Diane has 
spent many days in the City of 
Pasadena as a regular guest host 
on the live internet show, “The 
Regular Joes”. In Diane’s bold 
and sassy broadcast career, she 
became the first woman sports 
columnist for an international 
publication, Maxim magazine.

 Diane known for her go-getter 
attitude was best remembered 
for saying, “Deep down every 
athlete is just a teenage boy 
trying to impress the hot chick 
who just happens to be writing 
it all down for the sake of 
posterity. Who better than me 
to make them talk?”

 In 1998, Diane received her 
Bachelor of Arts degree in 
Broadcasting from California 
State University and in 2008 
received her Juris Doctorate 
from Southwestern Law School. 
Today, Diane works as an 
Attorney in the Los Angeles 
area, under her surname, Diane 
Hlywiak. The speaker series will 
be held at: Donald R. Wright 
Auditorium 285 E. Walnut St., 
Pasadena, CA 91101 (located in 
the Pasadena Central Library) 
All Events Door Open at 6:00 

Ollie, an adorable, one 
year old Chihuahua mix is 
a little shy at first but loves 
attention. He gets along 
with other dogs and loves 
treats. Ollie would be a great 
companion for someone 
in an apartment or condo. 
Come visit with him today!

 The regular dog adoption 
fee is $120, which includes 
medical care prior to 
adoption, spaying or 
neutering, vaccinations, 
and a follow-up visit with a 
participating vet.

 Please call 626-792-
7151 and ask for A286050 
or come to the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA, 
361 S. Raymond Ave , 
Pasadena CA , 91105 . 
Our adoption hours are 
11-4 Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday, 
Wednesday, Thursday, and 
Friday, and 9-4 Saturday. 
Directions and photos of 
all pets updated hourly 
may be found at www.

The Pasadena City Council, 
which has been seeking 
applicants to serve on the 
Charter Amendment and Sub-
Geographic Districting Task 
Force, announces a deadline for 
receipt of applications.

 The nine-member Task 
Force will study changing the 
selection method for members 
of the Board of Education 
for Pasadena Unified School 
District from the current at-
large method of election to 
district-based elections. 

 To be considered for a City 
Council appointment, task force 
applications from Pasadena 
residents must be received in 
the Office of the Mayor and City 
Council, 100 N. Garfield Ave. , 
Room S228, Pasadena CA 91101 
by 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 25.

 Three positions will be filled 
by council appointment. The 
task force will also be composed 
of three positions appointed 
by the PUSD Board of 
Education, two by Los Angeles 
County Supervisor Michael 
D. Antonovich and one by the 
Sierra Madre City Council.

 At the February 15, 2011, joint 
meeting of the PUSD Board of 
Education and the Pasadena City 
Council, the governing bodies 
approved initiating the process 
for a charter amendment and 
sub-geographic districting for 
the PUSD Board of Education 

 The Pasadena Unified School 
District intends to implement 
geographic region elections for 
the PUSD Governing Board for 
a March 2013 election. To meet 
the 2013 deadline, the task force 
will complete its work over the 
next 14 months.

 For more information call 
(626) 744-4311.

Sought for 
Task Force

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No.327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: