Mountain Views News Saturday, July 30, 2011
Trucker Convicted of
Vehicular Manslaughter
Festival Set
for Sunday
A jury Friday convicted a
commercial truck driver of
involuntary manslaughter,
vehicular manslaughter and
reckless driving causing
injury in the fatal 2009 crash
in La Canada Flintridge that
killed a 12-year-old girl and
her father.
The jury of 10 men and
two women found Marcos
Barbosa Costa, 46, guilty of
the crash that killed Angelina
Posca and her 58-year-old
father, Angel Posca, both
of Palmdale. He was found
guilty of two counts each of
involuntary manslaughter
and vehicular manslaughter.
The jury also found the
Massachusetts resident guilty
of injuring three people in
the April 1, 2009, crash at
Angeles Crest Highway and
Foothill Boulevard.
The jury found him not
guilty of two counts of
murder. They hung on two
allegations of causing great
bodily injury to two victims
and found that one allegation
of causing GBI not true.
Deputy District Attorney
Carolina Lugo prosecuted
the case.
The case was investigated
by the Los Angeles County
Sheriff’s Department.
Costa returns to court on
Sept. 8 for sentencing before
Pasadena Superior Court
Judge Darrell Mavis. Costa
faces up to nine years in state
Witnesses testified Costa
ignored warnings from an
off-duty firefighter who
pulled him over and said
smoke was billowing from
his brakes and warned him
the road was worse going
By the time the truck
reached Foothill Boulevard,
the brakes appeared to have
failed as the truck ran a red
light and slammed into the
Poscas’ red Ford, dragging
it 150 feet. The truck struck
six more vehicles before
slamming into a bookstore
and nail salon.
Pasadena Mayor Bill
Bogaard will cut a cake at
4 p.m. celebrating Pasadena’s
125 birthday.
This Sunday will mark the
fourth annual Armenian
Identity Festival as hundreds of
Armenian American celebrate
at Victory Park with Food,
live music, booths, children’s
activities, and a tribute to
early Armenian settlers in
Pasadena. The Armenian
Community Coalition event
is co-sponsored by the city of
Founder and President of
Armenian Identity Harvest,
Khatchik Chahinian said
Thursday, “This is bringing
the Armenian community
together every year to
celebrate our dual heritage
as an Armenian American
citizen and the positive impact
in the community and family
Chahinian added that this
year the festival would also take
part in celebrating Pasadena’s
125 birthday with a cake
cutting by Mayor Bill Bogaard.
He said even through the
festival has been growing over
the year’s this year they expect
an even larger crowd that will
include elected officials and
other city employees.
“We expect a lot of people and
have partnered with the police
department, fire department,”
he said. “We have outreached
to the African American
communities, the Latino
communities. We would like
this to be an event that we
can all come together and
He also said there would be
a classic car show and catering
by Robin’s Wood Fire BBQ and
As well as BBQ, Chahinian
said there would be plenty
of authentic Armenian food.
When asked what was a must
to try he said, “Easy, Kabob,
Hummus [although not a
traditional Armenian recipe]
and all the beautiful pastries.”
He said all the festivities start
at noon and go until 8 p.m.
“At 2 p.m. the U.S. Marines
are going to do a flag ceremony
and Color Guard,” he said. “We
will also have kid’s activities,
moon jumpers and a petting
Chahinian said, last year, the
police department landed one
of the helicopters in the park
an SWAT did a demonstration.
Victory Park is at 2575 Paloma
Street. Free admission and free
parking he said. For more
information go to www.acc-us.
org or call 626-399-1799.
Opportunity Fair Focuses On Local Hires
The city Finance Department’s
Pasadena First Buy Local hosted
an Opportunity Fair Thursday,
in which, businesses and
residents interested in working
on the Rose Bowl Stadium
Renovation project got the
chance to meet first hand with
those involved in the project.
“Contractors that are working
at the Rose bowl, have been
working at the Rose Bowl and
additional contractors that
think they might be working
at the Rose Bowl are here,”
said Larry Hammond the city’s
Purchasing Administrator in
charge of putting the event
together. “What we want to do
is provide an opportunity, not
only for local businesses to talk
to those contractors through
this renovation process, but also
for local hiring.”
Hammond said the Rose Bowl
renovation was just ending
Phase I of the project.
“We are going to ratchet down
a little bit as we get ready to go
into football season,” he said.
“After the Rose Bowl game [in
January] we’ll ratchet up again.”
He said most of the contractors
were getting ready for phase II.
“A big part of all this is to
expand the press box as part of
phase II,” he said adding that
they just finished redoing the
score boards and cleaning up
the billboards around the rim of
the stadium. He said they also
widened two of the tunnels and
removed some seating.
“We do know what’s coming
down the pike, there will be
more tunnel widening and more
of the perimeter work will be
done, outside bathrooms, that
kind of thing.” He said.
Sergio Ramos, Field
Representative for Laborers
Local 300, said they were
charged with bringing in the
local hires. He said during Phase
1 they had about 25 people
employed from Pasadena.
“That from our union,” he said.
“Yah, it’s really hard to know
how many we will have in the
next phase.
Ramos said the contractors all
have their own crews but call
them to fill in the local hires
requirement by the city. He
failed to say if there was a quota.
He said they were also
responsible for the apprentice
program in which laborers can
get training while working.
Currently Laborers Local 300
has also put residents to work
on other Pasadena projects
including, on the 210 freeway,
Caltech building upgrades, and
street maintenance on Colorado
Blvd. among others Ramos said.
Altadena Sheriff’s Station
Installs Drug Drop Boxes
PCC Receives
Talent Grant
Local Teens Make Web
Series on Under-Age Drinking
Pasadena City College has
been selected by the U.S.
Department of Education
to receive funding under the
Talent Search Program to
serve 500 at-risk students.
The grant awards $230,000
per year over five years to
provide students with a
comprehensive program of
support services, enabling
them to complete high
school and succeed in
higher education.
PCC’s Talent Search will
begin with a thorough
plan to identify and select
students according to the
eligibility guidelines. The
program will target the
needs of students through
a structured schedule of
assessment, monitoring,
services, and activities
designed to provide
them with the skills and
motivation to succeed.
It will offer academic
and cultural enrichment
activities, workshops for
social and interpersonal
communication and
collaborative learning skills,
tutoring, and assistance in
completing college financial
aid forms and admissions
Talent Search will
coordinate with PCC’s other
TRIO programs – Classic
Upward Bound, Math/
Science Upward Bound, and
Student Support Services.
With the addition of the
Talent Search Program, the
college’s combined TRIO
programs will provide more
than $1 million annually
and in excess of $5.3 million
over the five-year grant
Talent Search is one of eight
federal TRIO Programs
whose purpose is to assist
disadvantaged students
starting in middle school
and continuing through
graduate school. It identifies
and assists individuals from
disadvantaged backgrounds
who have the potential
to succeed in higher
education. The program
provides academic, career,
and financial counseling to
students and encourages
them to graduate from
high school and continue
on to and complete higher
education. The program
also encourages young
people who left school to go
back and finish.
For more information,
please call (626) 585-7384.
When most teens are
spending their days
relaxing at the beach or
park, members of the CHP
(Campus Health Promoters)
have been in pre-production
for “Pretty Little Drunk,” a
web-series being produced
by OnWeb Television in
conjunction with NATHA
(Neighbors Acting Together
to Help All). The series
follows NORA, a 15 year old
high-school girl who begins
to use alcohol to hide from
her problems and the friend
who gains the courage to
finally confront her.
The teens are from local high
schools in the Pasadena area
and have been involved in all
aspects of the production,
including deciding upon the
web series title. “Pretty Little
Drunk” starts production on
August 3rd at the offices of
NATHA in Pasadena and will
shoot for three days around
NATHA. The web-series
uses a combination of local
teens and professional actors
cast in lead and supporting
roles and is being produced
to help teens realize the
negative effects of under-age
NATHA is a true grassroots
non-profit organization
serving low income families
in the largely minority
Lincoln Corrid
or of Northwest Pasadena.
The organization was
recently funded through
the federal Drug Free
Program, which provides
grants of up to $125,000 to
community coalitions that
mobilize their community
to prevent youth alcohol,
tobacco, illicit drug and
inhalant abuse. The Drug
Free Communities Support
Program will enable
NATHA to strengthen
their prevention efforts and
encourage the community to
join forces in their substance
abuse reduction efforts.
The Altadena Sheriff’s
Station announced Thursday
the installation of one
Prescription and one Illicit
Drug drop box in the front
of their station. The boxes
are located on the northwest
side of the Altadena Sheriff’s
Station at 780 E. Altadena
Boulevard, Altadena.
Residents are now able
to drop off any unwanted
prescription drugs and any
illegal drugs at the Sheriff’s
Station with no questions
asked. We anticipate
installing a hypodermic
needle drop box in the near
future. Please feel free to use
these boxes as an alternative
to flushing unwanted drugs
into the sewer system or
placing them in the trash.
For further questions
contact Lieutenant Joseph
Dempsey at 626-798-1131
Citizen Journalism Meet-up
The Pasadena Community
Network and this newspaper
are holding a workshop on
Citizen Journalism.
This group is the place where
aspiring journalists can learn
from trained professionals
and support their local
community by covering
what’s really happening in
their neighborhoods.
We will put the news in your
hands. Learn how to find
the story, the tools needed
to capture the story and the
means to tell the story using
the power of video, audio and
print along with online social
media The next meeting is
Aug. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8p.m.
at the Pasadena Community
Network - Studio G, 2057 N.
Los Robles Ave.
For more info call
626.794.8585 or visit
Learn not just how
to blog but how to
report the news
Pet of the
Schiff Applauds Deal with
China Search Engine
One Stop China, a joint
venture between Sony Music,
Warner Music, and Universal
Music, announced Tuesday a
licensing deal with Chinese
search and social networking
giant Baidu. One of the 10
most trafficked websites in the
world and the most popular
website in China, Baidu has
long been a major concern
for U.S. copyright holders, as
their services connected users
to infringing music and video
content and facilitated piracy.
Baidu has been highlighted by
the International Anti Piracy
Caucus in its annual watch list
every year since 2008, and in
2010, it was included among
a list of six “Rogue Sites” that
facilitate digital piracy on a
massive scale.
“With this deal, American
creators will be fairly
compensated for their talents,”
,” said International Anti
Piracy Caucus Co-Chair Rep.
Adam Schiff. ” I applaud the
deal and hope it is the first of
many more steps by Baidu and
other Chinese companies to
respect international copyright
norms. I also hope it sends
a powerful message to other
foreign websites identified in
the 2011 Anti Piracy Caucus
Watchlist, such as the Russian
website vKontakte, that it’s
time to become good corporate
The International Anti Piracy
Caucus’s 2011 Watchlist report
highlighted China as one of five
nations of particular concern
with regards to intellectual
property protections. The
report addressed Baidu at
length, saying, “Websites
offering pirated music remain
an enormous problem. Baidu,
the leader among China’s ‘deep-
linking’ sites that connect users
to infringing content, facilitates
Internet piracy through its
dedicated music service. We
highlighted Baidu among our
2010 Rogue Sites List, and
we continue to believe that
Baidu’s facilitation of digital
piracy drastically lessens the
market for legitimate content
in China. Approximately
half of unauthorized music
downloads in China take
place through Baidu links.
Indeed, as the United States
Trade Representative reported
in its Special 301 Review of
Notorious Markets in February
of this year; Baidu is the most
visited site in China, and
ranks among the top ten most
visited sites in the world. In
addition, numerous popular
Internet forums point users to
Chinese cyberlockers, where
unauthorized files are available
for download or streaming.
Peer-to-peer file-sharing and
streaming of infringing music
content also remain pervasive.”
PCC Local Vendor Information
Meetings Set for August
Freddy, a two year old, chow
chow mix is so adorable! He
can be a bit shy when you
first meet him but he will
surely blossom in a loving
home. He is calm, knows
the sit command, takes
gently from your hand,
and enjoys gentle scratches
under his neck. And just
look at that smile!
The regular dog adoption
fee is $120, which includes
medical care prior to
adoption, spaying or
neutering, vaccinations,
and a follow-up visit with a
participating vet.
Please call 626-792-7151
and ask for A290955 or
come to the Pasadena
Humane Society & SPCA,
361 S. Raymond Ave,
Pasadena CA , 91105.
Our adoption hours are
11-4 Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday, and 9-4 Saturday.
Directions and photos of
all pets updated hourly
may be found at www.
Pasadena City College
wishes to invite local
vendors, contractors, and
suppliers who are interested
in working with the District
and PCC to information
meetings on August 5 and
6. The event begins at 9 a.m.
both days, with a program
and presentation beginning
at 10 a.m. The event will
be held in PCC’s Creveling
Lounge in the Campus
The sessions are designed
to introduce prospective
suppliers to PCC purchasing
procedures, bidding,
invoicing, and general
needs of the college. Session
highlights include a brief
introduction to the District’s
current and upcoming
projects, a question-and-
answer session, and group
PCC contracts with vendors
for items such as building
materials, painting services,
plumbing services, network
cabling, instructional
materials, computers,
laboratory equipment,
and consulting services.
Contracts also range in scope
from individual purchases to
large construction elements
associated with the District’s
$150 million Measure P
The District strongly
encourages local businesses
and suppliers whose main
office is located within the
limits of the District to take
part in the information
sessions. A District map
is available online at the
PCC website at www.
pasadena.edu or by typing
districtmap2.cfm into your
web browser.
Parking will be free in Lots
1 and 4.
For more information,
contact Purchasing Services
at (626) 585-7367.