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Mountain Views News Saturday, July 30, 2011



Board Approves 3-year Contract

Alverno High School

200 N. Michillinda Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 355-3463 Head of School: Ann M. Gillick 

E-mail address:

Arcadia High School

180 Campus Drive Arcadia, CA 91007

Phone: (626) 821-8370, Principal: David L. Vannasdall

Arroyo Pacific Academy

41 W. Santa Clara St. Arcadia, Ca, 

(626) 294-0661 Principal: Phil Clarke

E-mail address:

Barnhart School

240 W. Colorado Blvd Arcadia, Ca. 91007

(626) 446-5588 Head of School: Joanne Testa Cross

Kindergarten - 8th grade


Bethany Christian School

93 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 355-3527 Principal: James Lugenbuehl

E-mail address:

Carden of the Foothills School

429 Wildrose Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016 626/358-9414 
626/358-5164 fax

The Gooden School

192 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 355-2410 Head of School: Patty Patano


High Point Academy

1720 Kinneloa Canyon Road

Pasadena, Ca. 91107 626-798-8989


LaSalle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca. 

(626) 351-8951 


Monrovia High School

325 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016 

(626) 471-2000, 


Norma Coombs Alternative School

2600 Paloma St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107

(626) 798-0759 Principal: Dr. Vanessa Watkins 

E-mail address:

Odyssey Charter School

725 W. Altadena Dr. Altadena, Ca. 91001

(626) 229-0993 Head of School: Lauren O’Neill


Pasadena High School

2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca. 

(626) 798-8901 Principal: Dr. Derick Evans


Pasadena Unified School District

351 S. Hudson Ave. Pasadena, Ca. 91109

(626) 795-6981 website:

St. Rita Catholic School

322 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 355-9028 website:

Sierra Madre Elementary School

141 W. Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 355-1428 Principal: Gayle Bluemel


Sierra Madre Middle School 

160 N. Canon Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

(626) 836-2947 Principal: Gayle Bluemel

Contact person: Garrett Newsom, Asst. Principal

E-mail address:

Walden School

74 S San Gabriel Blvd

Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 792-6166

Weizmann Day School

1434 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91107

(626) 797-0204

Lisa Feldman: Head of School

Wilson Middle School

300 S. Madre St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107

(626) 449-7390 Principal: Ruth Esseln

E-mail address:

Pasadena Unified School District

351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Ca. 91109

(626) 795-6981 Website:

Pasadena, CA - The Pasadena Unified 
School District (PUSD) Board of Education 
tonight welcomed Jon R. Gundry as the new 
Superintendent of Schools, and approved 
his three-year contract by a vote of 6-0. Mr. 
Gundry officially begins his tenure on July 
27, 2011.

“I would like to welcome Mr. Gundry 
to the Pasadena Unified School District,” 
said Board President Renatta Cooper. “He 
brings impressive skills and knowledge to 
our district, and we wish him much success 
as we work together for students.” 

Mr. Gundry, who brings more than two 
decades of experience as a teacher, principal 
and instructional leader, joins PUSD after 
three years at the Los Angeles County 
Office of Education (LACOE). He served 
as Deputy Superintendent of LACOE from 
2008 until September 2010, when he was 
appointed Interim Superintendent.

 “It is going to be my pleasure to serve this 
community, these parents and kids, and to 
work together with the Board to make this 
the great school district that you envisioned 
when you put together the Strategic Plan,” 
said Mr. Gundry. “This morning, I had 
an opportunity to meet with two parent 
groups, and I look forward to working with 
all the parents of this district to do what’s 
best for kids. My success will be the success 
of the students of this district.”

 Mr. Gundry met with parents from the 
District’s English Learner Advisory Council 
(DELAC) and the African-American Parent 
Council (AAPC) today, and has scheduled 
meetings with other parents, community 
leaders, and employees in the next few 

 He was also welcomed by representatives 
of employees in the district at tonight’s 
Board meeting.

“On behalf of teachers, counselors, 
librarians, and other members, I would 
like to welcome Mr. Gundry to Pasadena 
Unified and look forward to working with 
him,” said Alvin Nash, President of the 
United Teachers of Pasadena.

 As the Chief Executive Officer of 
LACOE and Secretary of the County Board 
of Education, Mr. Gundry was responsible 
for ensuring the financial and academic 
stability of 80 school districts that serve 
more than two million preschool and 
school-age children, and for overseeing 
$16 billion in school district funding and 
a staff of nearly 4,000. He was appointed 
Interim Superintendent by the Los Angeles 
County Board of Supervisors following the 
retirement of Darline P. Robles last summer. 
Previously as Deputy Superintendent, 
he had been a vital member of LACOE’s 
Executive Cabinet, developing policy and 
overseeing strategic projects and initiatives. 

Prior to joining LACOE in February 
2008, Mr. Gundry served in the Houston, 
Texas, Independent School District since 
1982. His tenure there included 12 years as 
an administrator, ultimately serving as an 
executive principal overseeing 17 campuses 
in a high school feeder system. A 16-year 
classroom teacher, Mr. Gundry taught 
English, Spanish and English as a Second 
Language in the middle and high schools. 

 Mr. Gundry earned a Bachelor of Science 
in English and Spanish from Northern 
Arizona University in 1978 and a M.Ed. 
in Administration from Houston Baptist 
University in 1996He was awarded the 
Texas Excellence Award for outstanding 
high school teachers in 1989. A Fulbright 
Scholar, he spent a year teaching in Nicosia, 
Cyprus, in 1990. He is a fluent speaker of 
Spanish, and spent one of his high school 
years as a foreign exchange student in 

 Tonight’s approval of Mr. Gundry’s 
contract culminates a five month process 
that began in March. The process included 
outreach to parents, staff, and community 
leaders to identify the qualities they wanted 
to see in the new superintendent. The 
Board retained the executive search firm 
of Ray & Associates to recruit and select 
candidates. The search firm and Board of 
Education relied heavily on the results of the 
community input process when reviewing 
the strengths of the candidates and finalists 
in the deliberation. 


Mr. Gundry replaces Edwin Diaz, who 
retired from PUSD on June 30 after more 
than four years of leading the district to 
rising student achievement and a 50 percent 
decrease in the student dropout rate.


ROSEMEAD, CA–July 27, 2011– Nearly 
200 local elementary and middle school 
students are enjoying dissecting lamb 
hearts, building and operating robots 
and learning algebraic equations this 
summer in the high school labs of Don 
Bosco Technical Institute (Bosco Tech) 
through the school’s unique Tech Scholar 
program. The five-week, intensive program 
exposes younger students to applied STEM 
(science, technology, engineering and 
math) education. Wrapping up only its 
second summer, the hands-on, lab-based 
curriculum has had rave reviews from 
participating students and their parents, as 
well as the students’ elementary and middle 
schools. This year, the program more than 
doubled in size to 190 Scholars eager to 
participate. As Bosco Tech’s program gains 
in popularity, other Los Angeles County 
high schools are planning their own 
versions of the Tech Scholar curriculum. 
“There’s a definite need in this country 
to expose kids to STEM education at the 
grade school level in a way that sparks their 
imagination and fuels their passion for 
learning,” explains Bosco Tech’s Director 
of Admissions Rudy Herrera, who runs 
the Tech Scholar program. “Young people 
need hands-on experience with science 
and technology. We want to teach them the 
language of science; we see that as a part of 
our mission.”In a time when only 15 percent 
of U.S. college graduates pursue engineering 
or computer science degrees, compared 
to up to 70 percent in China, India and 
Eastern Europe, Bosco Tech is determined 
to become one of our nation’s leading 
schools for preparing students for careers 
in STEM-related fields. Nationally, STEM 
programs focus primarily on high school-
level education, but Bosco Tech is focusing 
on elementary school-aged children, 
believing that they will benefit from the 
early exposure to science and technology.
The seventh and eighth grade students, for 
whom the Tech Scholar program is free of 
charge, are selected to participate through 
a highly competitive process, based on an 
aptitude for science and math. The program 
is divided into four components, each 
taught by a seasoned Bosco Tech faculty 
member. The unique curriculum includes 
study skills, a science workshop, a course 
in electrical engineering and computer 
science, and ends with an introductory 
course in algebra. “We want to create a 
smooth transition from elementary to high 
school and dramatically increase a student’s 
opportunity to succeed at a four-year college 
or university,” says Herrera. “We’re doing 
our part to help prepare tomorrow’s leaders. 
We want to lead by example and encourage 
other high schools to replicate our program 
and contribute to much-needed science 
and technology literacy.”Bosco Tech is 
the only all-male Catholic high school in 
the state that uniquely integrates college-
preparatory and technology education. 
The academic curriculum allows students 
to meet university admission requirements 
while completing extensive integrated 
coursework in one of five technology and 
engineering-related fields: Architecture 
and Construction Engineering; Computer 
Science and Electrical Engineering; 
Integrated Design, Engineering and 
Art; Materials Science, Engineering 
and Technology; and Media Arts and 

For further information about Bosco Tech, 
please call (626) 940-2000 or visit www. 

respect for othersrespect for selfrespect for the worldClassical Education and Emphasis on the ArtsAn Academic Environment Where Student Competence 
and Confidence are DevelopedK-8 Co-ed School that values Diversity, Character Development 
and Social ResponsibilityService-Learning Projects at Every Grade LevelLocated in the Foothills 5 Minutes from PasadenaFully Accredited by CAIS & WASCThe Gooden School192 N. Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA
Looking Into The Life Of A Teenager

 By Meaghan Allen

Perks of Being 

Some people are born with the ability 
to carry on in conversation smoothly and 
naturally. I am not one of them. I am a 
member of the other type of person – 
the awkward. Not that I do not try to be 
natural and nonchalant when I talk, it just 
happens that my words come out garbled 
and the conversation becomes slightly 
uncomfortable. Eventually, though, when 
someone gets to know me after cracking 
my outer awkward shell, the conversation 
and interaction does become smooth 
and natural, it is just the getting there 
that is uncomfortable. Not to say that 
being awkward is such a bad thing to be 
though. To be quite honest I get quite a 
kick out being awkward because it makes 
conversation and meeting people so much 
more interesting and memorable. A perfect 
example would be this past Monday at 

My best friend Colleen and I were being 
our usual quirky selves and after, not 
seeing each other all summer due to my 
travels, decided to go to Starbucks to get 
some iced coffees and kick back in the air-
conditioned lounge area. Upon entering 
the store I noticed that once again one of 
our teacher’s brothers was working. After 
countless times of going to Starbucks 
when he was there, I decided to introduce 
myself to him as one of his sister’s 
students. Immediately the conversation 
became awkward, but he went along 
with it and introduced himself. Then the 
more awkward part came. Being prone to 
misunderstand peoples names I repeated 
his name to guarantee I heard correctly, 
and he decided to poke fun and repeat his 
introduction to me like I was slow, which 
sent Colleen into hysterics. Embarrassed I 
introduced her and walked away with our 
coffee. Colleen and I laughed about it the 
rest of the day and it will now be another 
instance of my awkward interactions on 
which we can look back and laugh. 

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What’s On YOUR Mind? 

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