Mountain Views News Saturday, July 30, 2011
Eight Sundays of Free Summer Concerts
Five Summer Songs
You Need To Hear
Pasadena, CA (July 2011) – The Pasadena Playhouse
District Association sizzles this summer
with its 8th Annual Free Jazz Summer Concert
The concert series takes place every Sunday evening,
July 10 through August 28, 2011 from 5 pm
until 7 pm at the Vroman’s outdoor courtyard, 695
E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. The 8th Annual Free
Jazz Summer Concert Series is free and open to
the public.The eight week series features an eclectic
roster of up-and-coming and notable jazz performers
such as the Jacques Lesure Group, Jamila
Ford, Faro, and Latin Jazz Syndicate among other
groups. From blues to Latin and smooth jazz, the
free summer jazz concert series has something for
all jazz lovers.
The full concert schedule listed below. In its
eighth year the summer jazz concert series has
provided the community with all-star jazz entertainment
at no cost.
For additional information on the Seventh Annual
Free Summer Jazz Concert series, contact the
Playhouse District Association, 626.744.0340.
About the Playhouse District Association The
Playhouse District Association (PDA) is a California
non-profit formed in 1995, which serves
to enhance and promote The Playhouse District
as the historic, cultural, and thriving commercial
heart of Pasadena. 2011 Summer Concert
Schedule *
July 31 – Joseph Pernicano
August 7 – Latin Jazz Syndicate
August 14 – Michael Haggins
August 21 – Jacques Lesure Trio
August 28 – Scott Martin Latin Jazz Soul
* Performers are subject to change without notice.
Airship –
“Kids” – UK
sound like
veterans. Their first single, “Kids” provide lively
paced drums, low guitar riffs, and verses that
augment into electrifying choruses. “Kids” is
the just the right song for the summer. Fresh
and invigorating, Airship may be the remedy
you’re looking for in 2011. This explosive and
intoxicating new track is a promising indication
of what their full-length album may sound like
when it debuts this fall.
Cut Off Your Hands – “Buried” – Cut Off
Your Hands recently released their sophomore
album, “Hollow Out”, which features the beach-y,
foggy, plenty of reverb gem, “Buried”. It’s a
pleasant and multi-layered sound that’s quite the
directional change for a band whose debut album
was fairly loud and recurrently rambunctious.
The band seems to be taking a note or two from
fellow New Zealanders, Crowded Houses. And
why not throw in The Smiths and Beach Boys
for good measure? With a colossal line-up of the
aforementioned influences, how could you not
wanna take a peak inside? Nostalgia, anyone?
The Echo Friendly – “Same Mistakes” – “Same
Mistakes” is a darkly coated tune with dual vocals
(female and male), reminiscent of the band, The
XX. Although the least sounding summer song
off the list of songs here, The Echo Friendly may
supply the substance you need heading into
autumn. This 4-piece rock band has abandoned
their former sound and seems to be heading into
mysterious terrain. Given the straightforward
and honest lyrics, “Same Mistakes” may just be
the emblematic song for the thirty-something
year olds who haven’t grown up or have no desire
to do so anytime soon. The band will be releasing
a new EP later this year and despite whatever
transitional era you may be in, The Echo Friendly
could ultimately wind up as your guiding light.
Real Estate – “It’s Real” – Ridiculously breezy
and perpetually catchy, Real Estate have released
“It’s Real”, the first single off their sophomore
album, “Days” due out on September 27. “It’s
Real” has squeaky-clean guitar riffs, wistful
melodies, and remains positively upbeat. It’s
short and sweet at less than three minutes long.
The song floats on so effortlessly with such a
crisp sound and summery vibrations. This season
provided us with surprisingly strong albums, but
the upcoming fall releases look to take it one step
further. I’m no doctor, but Real Estate appears to
show no symptoms indicating a disappointing
follow-up record this fall.
Mona – “Teenager” – Nashville rockers Mona
are creating major buzz. Their self-titled debut
LP is due out in September, but a sneak preview
EP recently dropped this month. “Teenager”
starts off like a vintage Kings of Leon tune, but
quickly explodes into what may become the
signature sound of this young and seemingly
ultra-talented group of musicians. Their entire
EP sounds utterly fresh and tight for 2011, yet at
the same time encompasses a worn out feel to it.
From the looks of it Mona is bringing good old-
fashioned rock and roll back into the forefront
(where it belongs). I wouldn’t be in the slightest
bit surprise if Mona becomes the premier rock
band in 2012.
Join the City of Sierra Madre this summer for
the FREE Concerts in the Park Series which begin
Sunday, July 10, 2011 and occurs every Sunday
through August 28, 2011.
The eight concerts are held from 6:00 pm and
run through 8:00pm. All concerts will be held
at the Memorial Park Bandshell, 222 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. next to City Hall. Seating is on the
green so remember to bring blankets and lawn
chairs. Alcohol is prohibited.
Spectators are encouraged to support local organizations
that may provide refreshments. For
additional information please contact the Community
& Personnel Services Department (626)
July 10 – Yvonne Perea (folk and blues fusion),
sponsored by the Spero Foundation selling dollar
street tacos, cookies, drinks and homemade ice
cream by Pepper Marie’s Ice Cream.
July 31 – Fairytales and Fantasy VI (musical),
hosted by Southern California Lyric Theatre
August 7 – Ghost in the Machine (The Police
and Sting Tribute Band), hosted by L.A. County
Arts Commission
August 14 – Ray Bailey - Blues and Jazz sponsored
by Kiwanis and Friends of the Library
August 21 – Danny Dean and the Rockabilly
Lovers (50’s Rock) sponsored by the Senior Community
Commission selling desserts
August 28 – The Silver Beatles (Beatles Tribute
Band) hosted by the Community and Personnel
Services Department.
The Book Report
By Jeff Brown
Friday Night Live Returns to Sierra Madre
Beginning Friday, July 29th, downtown
Sierra Madre will again be the site of live
music in Kersting Court, as well as shoppers’
incentives for those in the neighborhood. And
there’s a new twist this year: theme nights.
Opening week features the music of Ron
Ellington Shy and Son, sponsored by Bean
Town Coffee House. An outstanding singer,
keyboardist, sax player, trombonist, drummer
and dancer, Ron puts it all together in a
dynamic style of non-stop music that fits all
generations with variety, class, and energy.
The theme for the evening is “Outrageous Ties”
and shoppers are encouraged to wear their most
outrageous neckwear. During the course of the
evening, one lucky tie wearer will be selected as
the winner, and will receive a $25 gift certificate
to Butterfly Effect Day Spa and a Sierra Madre
t-shirt. Other themes will include Mad Hatter
night, Hawaiian night, Groucho night and more.
In addition, anyone who spends $35 in a retail
store or $50 in a restaurant during Friday Night
Live hours (6:30 to 9pm) is invited to bring
their receipt to the Chamber booth in Kersting
Court. They will be entered in a drawing to
take place the final week of Friday Night Live.
Shoppers are eligible every time that they spend
$35/retail or $50/restaurant – the more times
they spend $35/$50 the greater their chances of
winning. On the final Friday, August 26th, two
lucky shoppers will have their names drawn to
win a shopping/dining spree at Sierra Madre
businesses that has an estimated value of $500!
Friday Night Live will take place in Kersting
Court in Sierra Madre from 6:30 to 9pm on
Fridays from July 29th to Aug. 26th.
For more information, including an
entertainment lineup, list of themes, and a list
of businesses participating in the shopping spree
giveaway, visit www.SMFridayNightLive.info or
call the Chamber at (626) 355-5111.
Battlefield Angels: Saving Lives Under Enemy Fire From Valley Forge to
Afghanistan by Scott Mcgaugh
A popular history of battlefield medicine from the Revolutionary War to
the present, told through stirring portraits of our unsung heroes, America’s
military medics and corpsmen. From foxholes and trenches, generations of
young medics and corpsmen have willingly sprinted into enemy fire to save the
lives of their fellow soldiers. Some paid the ultimate price, and many were never
recognized for their selfless heroism. From the Revolutionary War to the wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq, their stories reflect the proud history of America’s
military medical corps and its pioneering contributions, which include
the ambulance, sanitary hospital design, emergency surgical techniques,
MASH units, and medical evacuation by helicopter (medevac). America’s
military medical corps adopted advances in medical science, such as blood
transfusions, antibiotics, and antiseptic surgical procedures, field tested them
in battle, adapted them, and proved their value. Here are accounts of boundless courage, compassion,
and resourcefulness from America’s forgotten heroes. But to the fighting men and women whose lives
they have saved, they are battlefield angels.
Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Dan Koeppel
A gripping chronicle of the myth, mystery, and uncertain fate of the world’s
most popular fruit In this fascinating exploration of the banana’s history, cultural
significance, and endangered future, award-winning journalist Koeppel gives
readers plenty of food for thought. Fast paced and entertaining, Banana takes
us from jungle to supermarket, from corporate boardrooms to kitchen tables
around the world. We travel to early 20th century Central America, where aptly
named “banana republics” rose and fell over the crop, while the companies
now known as Chiquita and Dole conquered the marketplace. Koeppel then
chronicles the banana’s path to the present, alarmingly taking us to banana
plantations across the globe that are being destroyed by a fast moving blight,
with no cure in sight and to the high-tech labs where new bananas are literally
being built in test tubes, in a race to save the world’s most beloved fruit. Dan
Koeppel, author of the critically acclaimed memoir To See Every Bird on Earth, is an award-winning
outdoors and adventure writer.
Upcoming Community Events
at Santa Anita Park ~
Foothill Unity Center “Back to School Fair”
Thursday, August 13, 2011
Santa Anita Park
(626) 358-3486
Greek Festival
September 16, 17, and 18
Paddock Gardens at Santa Anita Park
(626) 449-6943
International Special Events Society
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Paddock Gardens at Santa Anita Park
(626) 574-7223
Multi Chamber Social Media Seminar
presented by HUTdogs
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Chandelier Room at Santa Anita Park
(310) 821-1936
Arcadia High School Reunions
Class of 61, 66, 71, 81, 91
October, 2011
Chandelier Room at Santa Anita Park
(909) 374-4835
Monrovia High School Alumni All Class “Day at
the Races”
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Infield at Santa Anita
For more information call (626) 574-6474
Due to the high demand for her tutoring and education services, bookstore
owner, Sally Morrison, is opening a new learning center here in Sierra Madre.
Mindspring Education Center will cater to students (children and adults)
interested in furthering their reading, writing, math, spelling, and
comprehension skills. In addition, Sally offers assistance in study skills,
homework, and test preparation. She also specializes in helping students
with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Those interested in summer
sessions should contact Mindspring soon because space is limited.
As a result of this business expansion, Sally Morrison and Jeffrey Ingwalson,
owners of Sierra Madre Books, will be closing the bookstore in June 2011.
“We appreciate all the support we’ve received from our customers over the
past few years, but are excited about our new venture. We look forward to
continuing to be part of this community.”
For questions about Mindspring Education Center, please call (626) 355-1972.
For questions about Sierra Madre Books, please call (626) 836-3200.
The Opening of...
Mindspring Education CenterOne-to-One Instruction for All Ages37 Auburn Ave., Suite 7ASierra Madre, CA 91024(626) 355-1972www.mindspringEDC.com
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com