Mountain Views News Saturday August 4, 2012
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
The August
Government Affairs
Forum at Arcadia was
awesome as always.
First on the agenda were
guest speakers, Arcadian
entrepreneur Jack Orswell,
Republican candidate for
the 27th Congressional
District and Fred Ortego,
District Director for
Democrat Congresswoman Judy Chu,
seeking reelection.(Judy was in Washington,
D.C. , as Congress is in session.)
Jack Orswell had quite a cheering
session; mom and stepdad, Lois and Dick
Rosskopf, son Jeff, daughter-in-law Nicole,
and granddaughter Josie. Peter Ulrech
introduced Mr. Orswell : Born and raised
in Pasadena; receive Bachelor’s Degree
in Business Administration from USC in
1971; in April 73, became a Special Agent
with the FBI and worked there fifteen years;
small business owner for 22 years; in 2009,
received Master’s Degree in Organizational
Leadership; a reservist with the Arcadia
Police Department; (Six years ago, a question
arose - what year Officer Matthies died.
Jack did research and paved the way for the
joint project ( APD AND AFD) for a new
headstone.) An Elder at his Church; Jack has
been married to wife Janet for 41 years; three
adult children and four grandchildren.
Jack revealed that our government
in Washington is responsible for our debt
of almost 16 trillion dollars. He feels “The
government has gotten too big. We need to
shrink down the size of government; have
smaller governments with self-reliance. We
need more individual responsibility…with
my small business experience,…promote
small business, get us going again, the jobs
going again.”
He said that his philosophy and that of his
opponent were on different sides of the
spectrum. He feels 2/3 of jobs are created by
small businesses. “The tax system
is out of control, and we need a
balanced budget-the government
has gotten too big”.
Jack also said the Health Care
Act is “horrible” and would like
it repealed. The tax credits do not
work for small businesses, and
insurance needs to be affordable
for everyone.
Fred Ortega gave
Congresswoman Judy Chu’s
background. In an article several
months ago, “The Dynamic
Duo”, I wrote about Judy and her
husband, Assemblyman Michael
Eng. a Judy has been in Congress
since 2008, when she took over
the vacant seat of Hilda Solis, who
became Secretary of Labor. Judy
has worn many hats. She began
as a math major at Cal State Santa Barbara,
but transferred to UCLA earning a doctorate
in Psychology. Judy taught at East LA
Community College for twenty years. After
Judy and Mike’s marriage in 1978, they settled
on Monterey Park. Judy served on the Garvey
School Board, won a seat on the Monterey
City Council, served in the State Assembly,
and on the State Board of Equalization, prior
to her election to Congress. She has focused
on jobs and the economy, and salutes small
businesses. She has worked for funding with
Congressman Dreier and Assemblyman
Adam Schiff to extend the Gold Line to
Claremont. Judy has also written to the
Secretary of the Interior to convince him to
make our San Gabriel Mountains a National
Park area.
These are two fine candidates, with
similar stances: promote jobs and improve
the economy. I am not in the district, so I
don’t have to choose between them. Every
voter should go on line and find out as much
as they can before making a decision.
At the government forum, there was
an update on the 710 Freeway Extension
Project and Environmental Study update.
Right now, there are twelve different
proposals/projects. They NEED public input.
Thursday, August 9, there will be a meeting
at the Monrovia Community Center (Palm
Ave.-across from the Library) from 6:30-7:30
pm. After hearing the public’s input, they
hope to narrow the choice to five options.
Please attend if possible.
Hovanes Gasparian from
Assemblyman Portantino’s office brought
info about a joint bill to prevent abuse in
Youth Boot Camps. (Hovanes NEVER
misses a meeting-even came out July 5th!
He always brings Xeroxed copies of bills that
Assemblyman Porrtantino has introduced or
has been passed.)
State Senator Carol Liu, Assemblyman
Anthony Portantino and Pasadena Police
Chief Phillip Sanchez held a press conference
on July 31 to promote this bill to prevent
abuse at military-style youth “boot camps”.
Everyone must remember the graphic
news reports on TV and in local papers
released by the Pasadena Police-disturbing
videos showing abuse, and its director was
charged with kidnapping, child abuse, false
imprisonment and sexual assault. Senator
Liu and Assemblyman Portantino have
introduced bill SB 1089 to ensure proper
licensing and regulation of boot camp
These Arcadia Chamber Government
Forums provide updates from our local
government officials and usually a special
guest speaker on varied subjects: Secret Service
agents spoke of counterfeiting practices; Steve
Scauzillo, environment and water issues; City
Manager Dominic Lazzaretto, the state of
affairs in Arcadia, and today we learned about
the two Candidates for the 27th District. At
the close of the meeting, there was mention of
inviting the candidates for State Assembly and
Senate at the next meeting-September 6th.
The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce is at 388
W. Huntington Drive. www.arcadiachamber.
org See you there!
Left to right: Jack Orswell, Peter Ulrich, Fred Ortego (Congresswoman Judy Chu's District Director)
Many people are planning their family vacation. For most, that means a long car ride. Before
you hit the road, there are some things you need to do. First, make sure someone knows
the route you are taking and when you will arrive and have your cell phone and charger with
Since you will be carrying the most precious cargo, your family, you need to make sure your
car is up for the trip. Start by checking your tires. They should be inflated properly and have
plenty of tread. Then check to make sure your lights are working properly and your brakes
are good.
Then, open the hood and examine all the hoses and belts. Replace any that have cracks or
are worn. Next, check all the fluids in your car. Any fluids that are dirty should be flushed
and replaced.
If the color of the oil is brown or milky, it means that coolant is getting into one or more
cylinders in the engine. This is a serious problem and needs to be fixed immediately. If you
do not fix it, you run the risk of blowing the engine.
If you are uncomfortable about taking the car on a long trip, this is the time to replace it. A
car dealer will not want your current car since it has a major problem. One excellent alternative
is to donate your car to charity. Cars4Charities does not care about its condition and will
pick it up for free. You will get a very nice tax deduction for your car donation. Simple call
them a 1.866.448.3487 or go to http://www.cars4charities.org/.
Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.comVOLUME 5 NO. 23
SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2011Inside This Edition...
Sierra Madre News Page 3More News Page 4Pasadena/Altadena Page 5Arcadia
Page 6Monrovia/Duarte Page 7Education & Youth Page 8Class of 2011 Page 9Good Food & Drink Page 10Arts & Entertainment Page 11Legals Page 12Left/Right Page 13Opinion
Page 14The World Around Us Page 15
The Good Life Page 16Homes & Property Page 17
Page 18Research Supporting
Mitigated Negative Dec-
laration Called “Woefully
By Susan HendersonOn Thursday, the Sierra Madre
Planning Commission heard from
both supporters and opponents of the
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND) for the Alverno High School
Master Plan. The plan includes
expansion of the school’s facilities
that include a 12,860 square foot, two
story multi-purpose building; a 2,900
square foot amphitheatre and a new
multi-purpose sports field to replace
the existing softball field.
Currently the school is operating
under a Conditional Use Permit
that was originally approved in
1959. Alverno has not done any
major renovations since that time.
It is proposing the improvements
and expansion in order to maintain
its ability to compete with other
private schools and maintain its’
enrollment. Currently the enrollment
is approximately 350 young women.
After years of negotiations with
neighbors and city officials, an Initial
Study was done in March of this year
to review the overall impact of the
project on the community. In May, a
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
was prepared for the Sierra Madre
Planning Commission. On Thursday,
the MND was reviewed and the
commission requested additional
information from city staff before
approving the document.
Residents who live in the area sur-
rounding the school are split in their
opinions of the project. Many of the
more vocal opponents have lodged
their complaints with the school and
the city. As a result, a series of com-
munity meetings were held last year
that resulted in the school and the city
mitigating certain issues, but there are
still concerns being expressed over po-
tential increases in noise and traffic.
There is also concern about the impact
of the project on the trees in the path
of the expansion.
According to CEQA, a Negative Decla-
ration (or Mitigated Negative Declara-
tion) can be prepared only when there
is no substantial evidence that the
project may have a significant effect on
the environment. And while the city
has submitted documentation to sup-
port a MND, opponents do not agree.
The consensus of those opposed to the
project is that the data used to support
the MND was “woefully inadequate”.
Before the MND was submitted
to the planning commission, the
state’s clearinghouse submitted the
application from Alverno to numerous
agencies for review. Reviewing the
application to insure that the school’s
plans would not violate any state laws
or have an adverse impact on resources
in the area were the California
Departments of Fish and Game,
Parks and Recreation, Transportation,
Regional Water, Quality Control, Cal
Trans and the Highway Patrol. In
addition, the North American Heritage
Commission reviewed the application.
Of the agencies contacted by the state,
only one, Cal Trans, issued a letter to
the city. In it, the agency asked the city
to limit heavy construction equipment
to off-peak hours and to remain
mindful of concerns regarding water
The planning commission listened to
speakers on both sides of the issue in
a marathon session that resulted in
postponement of any action on the
MND until July.
The 2011 Election Committee is
looking for a few more volunteers
for the Altadena Town Council Elec-
tions on Saturday, June 11. There are
five polling locations to choose from:
Charles White Park 77 Mountain
View Street (Ventura Street side)
Farnsworth Park 568 East Mount
Curve Avenue
Gordy’s 843 West Woodbury Road
S& J Auto 1904 New York Drive
Webster’s 2450 North Lake Avenue
Shifts are:
9:00–11:00; 11:00–1:00 and 1:00–3:00
We also need ballot counters from
3:00 to 4:30 at the Davies Building at
Farnsworth Park. Feel free to take a
polling shift, a ballot counting shift
or both!
Email atcelection@yahoo.com to
volunteer or contact Eric PierceChair- 2011 Election CommitteeAltadena Town Council atcelection@
yahoo.com or call 626 664-4300Alverno's Principal, Ann Gillick, was
among several from the school and
contracted specialists who made
presentations at Sierra Madre's
Planning Commission recent meet-
ing. Over thirty persons spoke dur-
ing public comment, with only a
handful of dissenters. The commis-
sion discussed the current iteration
of the plan until 11 p.m., asking for
further work from the school. The
plan will be revisited next by the
commission in July. Photo by Chris BertrandPost Commander Dave Loera sa-
lutes as Paul Puccinelli performs
Taps at Memorial Day serviceA standing room only crowd es-
timated at more than 200 people
turned out to honor the nation’s
fallen soldiers at Pioneer Cemetery
today, Memorial Day, at a ser-
vice put on by Sierra
Madre’s Harry L. Em-
bree VFW Post 3208.
Commander Dave
Loera presided over
the ceremony, which
began with the posting
of the colors by mem-
bers of the VFW, fol-
lowed by the Pledge of
Allegiance.. Rev. Pat-
rick Brennan of Mater
Dolorosa gave the in-
vocation, and Patrick
and Mary Cronin led
the crowd in singing
the National Anthem,
America the Beau-
tiful and God Bless
Commander Loera in-
troduced Mayor John
Buchanan, who spoke
briefly about Memo-
rial Day, thanking the
veterans and applaud-
ing the VFW members
for the spirit in which
they present the ser-
vice on an annual basis. He asked
the crowd to remember that “this
day is their special day, but so too,
is tomorrow.”
Buchanan then introduced keynote
speaker Council Member Mary-
Ann MacGillivray. Ms. MacGil-
livray spoke for just under twenty
minutes, reciting statistics on the
number of casualties and deceased
in various wars, and quoting presi-
dents, statesmen, historians and
military figures. She reminded the
audience that Sierra Madrean How-
ard Miller, who is buried in Pioneer
Cemetery, and whose widow, Tom-
mie Anne still lives in town, was
one of the men who raised the flag
at Iwo Jima. And she spoke of what
America is, and that others strive to
be like America.
“We’re a collective mix of greatness
and greed, high tech and heart-
land. We are the country of Mickey
Mouse and Micky Mantle, from
John Smith to John Glenn and Atlas
Booster, from Charles Lindbergh to
Charlie Brown, from Moby Dick
to Microsoft. We went from Kitty
Hawk to Tranquility Base on the
moon in less than seventy years.
We’re blue grass and rock and roll,
Marvel Comics and the Bill of
Rights. In short, we are everything
that everybody wants to be.”
She spoke of the recent passing of
a 110-year old WWI veteran, the
last remaining veteran from World
War I. And she spoke of the need
to keep the stories of our WWII
veterans alive. She then introduced
the VFW members that had served
in WWII, allowing each to stand
and be recognized, and they were
recognized with a standing ovation
and a long round of applause.
She introduced Staff Sergeant Ken
Anhalt, who was a tail gunner on
B-24 bombers. Petty Officer Gor-
don Caldwell, who served on the
USS Saratoga, was next, followed
by Staff Sergeant Art Contreras,
who served in the Pacific The-
ater and was awarded the Purple
Heart for his service. Michael Do-
menico, a US Army Engineer who
served in Belgium, Luxembourg
and Germany, as well as the Pacific
Theater. She introduced Petty Of-
ficer Ted Evans, who served from
1945 to 1949 in the Philippines,
Japan and China, and Petty Officer
George Metzger, who served from
1943 to 1946, including Okinawa.
“These gentlemen are our World
War II heroes,” she concluded the
She closed by reciting the third
verse to America the Beatiful, call-
ing it a “fitting end to this day.” The
words to that verse are:
O beautiful, for heroes provedIn liberating strife.
Who more than self their country
lovedAnd mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refineTill all success be noblenessAnd every gain divine!
Following the traditional laying
of the wreaths by members of the
VFW, Paul Puccinelli performed a
flawless rendition of “Taps” on the
bugle. The service was followed by
a lunch of sandwiches, chips and
Entire video link: http://www.sier-
ramadrenews.net/?p=2497Photo Story by Jeff Brown at
jab3jab48#p/u/0/-izPdOIrVbEHEROES: REMEMBERING AND REMEMBEREDMemorial Day Services Hosted by VFW Post 3208Story and Photos by Bill CoburnPost Commander Dave LoeraVeterans Gordon Caldwell and Art ContrerasALTADENA TOWN
VOLUNTEERSAlverno Neighbors Remain
Concerned Over Master PlanThe Class of 2011 - Part I Page 9Subscribe Today!
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