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MVNews this week:  Page 12



 Mountain Views-News Saturday August 4, 2012 



Review By Sean Kayden


 Heavenly Beat, the latest venture from ex-Beach Fossils bassist, John 
Peña, has an utterly delectable sound. His debut LP, “Talent” is heavy 
rhythm inducing and it occupies a diversity of sounds ranging from hints of dance, soul, lo-
fi, and surf-rock. Heavenly Beat is a far cry from Peña’s previous band. While Beach Fossils 
are the epitome of chillwave, Heavenly Beat is not. With “Talent”, Peña takes his experiences 
with Beach Fossils and developed an entirely sensual and quite mesmerizing record by 
anyone’s account. Despite the diversity in tones, each sequential track does sound somewhat 
familiar to the next. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, since every song is marvelous in it’s own 
slightly distinctive way. The record’s theme is somewhat of an enigma with all one-name titles 
for the respective songs. What should be noted is how all the tunes presented here have a 
distinguishable ebullient beat that carries 
endlessly through. It won’t be too long, until 
you find yourself submerged into the mindset 
of Peña as he displays a truly innovative 
approach to a genre filled to the brim of 
equals that really don’t match the vibes or 
mood crafted here. 

 “Talent” is graced with eleven delicate but 
robust tracks that give the listener roughly 35 and ½ minutes of sublime contentment. You 
can’t knock an album such as this which will easily put you into a wistful state of mind. The 
powers of “Talent” seem limitless, but are constrained into a particular section of the genre. 
The album never strays away from the sound it initially proposes. However, if you like one 
song here, chances are you’ll like them all. It just boils down to how much you like each 
individual song. The collection of tunes from beginning to end makes up for one of the most 
consistent albums of the year. One of my favorite songs off “Talent” is “Faithless”, with its 70s 
disco inspired verses and outright beguiling beat. “Influence” is striking and beautiful and, 
while the shortest in duration, it’s definitely the most memorable. The tunes flow as if they 
are effortlessly performed - simple one minute, intricate the next. Heavenly Beat may seem to 
play with overwhelming amount of ease, but don’t believe for a second that every bit of heart, 
mind, and soul weren’t connected in delivering upon this enlivening assortment of songs. 

 I truly can’t fault the band for anything. I love the fact that Peña took a completely different 
direction with H.B. than simply trying to emulate the sound of Beach Fossils. In the end, 
“Talent” is entirely intoxicating with glorious songs that are as much of a joy to listen to at 
face value, as they are getting completely lost in the beat with. No matter if you’re a dreamer 
or realist, Heavenly Beat has something for you with no preparation needed to dive right in.

Grade: 8.5 out of 10
Key Tracks: “Faithless”, “Tolerance”, “Presence”, “Influence” 

Artist: Heavenly Beat

Album: Talent

Label: Captured Tracks

Release Date: July 24th, 2012






 Yes, I am a smartphone freak! Just like many of you who 
own this wonderful gadget that is terrible at making phone 
calls, we become fascinated with the other handy tools 
that actually work on it. There are countless Apps that are 
fitness and diet related, all of which serve the great purpose 
of helping track calories and activities. Some Apps even 
provide exercise instruction and routines. 

 These Apps on your phone can become just as useful as, 
say, Gazelle or Ab Toner currently taking up room in your 
garage. You may ask, “What is the harm with down-loading 
something that only costs a few bucks?” Well........nothing. 

 Here is my question to you....if all these Apps are so good, 
why aren’t we finding success in using them? The answer 
is quite simply that after a week they loose the novelty and 
usefulness in our daily life. 

 Ok, so how do you use them? First thoroughly read the description and reviews of all the 
exercise apps that catch your eye, then pick the one that’s the most appealing. Challenge 
yourself to use any App you download for at least thirty days. Don’t buy another one till 
you have used the first for at least those first 30 days. 

 Use the same diligence when picking a nutrition or calorie counting program. With 
these Apps, be sure you get one that helps you both track and count calories so you can 
print them out daily. The way to utilize calorie counting Apps is to write down everything 
that you eat/drink and their associated calories. The only way to have success with these 
Apps is to actually see the raw data print out in front of your face, then make changes 
according to what you see. Just like the workout programs, the 30 day rule needs to be 

 This article isn’t exclusive to smart phone users but is for anyone who has browsed 
internet sites or bought countless books to help them get to a better physical place. Take 
the thirty day challenge before you decide to open your wallet again.

The yoga mat, it comes in many colors. It comes in many textures. 
Some slip and others are tacky. Some yoga mats have designs on 
them. How important is your mat? Did you know that some mats 
can cost over $100? You can also buy a mat that is eco friendly, or 
a mat that has a lifetime warranty. Why all the fuss? You can just 
borrow a mat at your studio. Well, some of us have actually come to 
LOVE our mats.

The mat is the place where transformations happen. The mat is the 
place where our mood changes for the better, our stress levels come 
down, our sense of well being sets in, we laugh, cry, fall and then one day stand on our hands! 

Of course we love this place. We see truth here. We nod in agreement with our teacher 
and fellow students. It’s not just fun, but uplifts us and allows us more freedom. When we 
haven’t been on our mats in awhile, there is this really awesome feeling when we roll it out 
again, a sigh, a contentment – yes, my yoga practice! I am going to feel great again.

There is nothing like that first downward dog in the morning. But then, of course the real 
work begins: taking what you have learned off your mat and into the real world. Less stress, 
more happiness are good things to take into the world. Less drama and better health are 
what we are wanting. Here is the ancient formula for a happy and successful life: Asana 
(yoga postures), Pranayama (yoga breath work) and meditation. The rest falls into place 
beautifully. It doesn’t happen with a pill or overnight.

You don’t believe me? If you don’t – there is only one reason, you just haven’t been on your 
mat enough. 

So, I’ll be seeing you in class ;) Namasté, René

Kurt Vasquez is a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. His philosophy is simple: Fitness is a 
process, not a project. He can be reached at (626) 695-2624 or