Nameplate:  Mountain Views News

Inside this Week:

SM Calendar of Events

Sierra Madre:
Sierra Madre Police Blotter

Pasadena – Altadena:
Pet of the Week

Around SGV / The World:
Looking Up
Christopher Nyerges
What's Going On

Arcadia Police Blotter

Monrovia – Duarte:
Monrovia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:
The Reel Deal

Good Food & Drink:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
In the Kitchen

Best Friends / Sports:
Happy Tails
Pet of the Week

Arts / Health:
Sean's Shameless Reviews
The Joy of Yoga
Kurt Vasquez
Jasmine's Corner

Homes & Property:
One of a Kind

The Good Life:
… This and That
Senior Happenings

Business News & Trends:
On Line
Social Media Tips & Tricks
Business Today
The Funnies

My Turn
Rich Johnson
Out to Pastor
Stuart Tolchin On …

Left Turn / Right Turn:
Tina Dupuy
As I See It
Gregory J. Wellborn
The Funnies

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

Legal Notices (4):

This & That:

F. Y. I. :

Chris Bertrand
P. J. Carpenter
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Merri Jill Finstrom
Hail Hamilton
Howard Hays
Rich Johnson
Sean Kayden
Chris LeClerc
Christopher Nyerges
René Quenell
Joan Schmidt
La Quetta M. Shamblee
Ben Show
Rev. James L. Snyder
Stuart Tolchin
Katie Tse
Gregory J. Wellborn
Jasmine Kelsey Williams

Recent Issues:
Issue 35
Issue 34
Issue 33
Issue 32
Issue 31
Issue 30
Issue 29
Issue 28
Issue 27
Issue 26
Issue 25

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1





T. Boyle’s Now Open For Business 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012 will be a day of remembrance, honor and appreciation 
in the city of Sierra Madre, The city’s Police and Fire Departments 
will hold their annual memorial service in honor of the victims of the 9-11 
attack in 2001. They will then be honored by the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, 
and later in the day, by the Sierra Madre City Council.

According to Chief Steve Heydorf, at 6:30 am, the SMFD and SMPD will 
hold their annual ceremony in front of the fire station which will include a 
moment of silence at the exact time the seccond World Trade Center Tower 
went down and the ringing of the bells in honor of those who lost their lives.

Following the ceremonies at the Fire Station, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis 
Club will honor the city’s first responders with breakfast at The Lodge, 33 E. 
Sierra Madre Blvd at 7:45 am. The public is invited. For reservations for the 
Kiwanis breakfast, please call 626-355-0728.

Later in the day, at the regular City Council meeting, Mayor Josh Moran and 
the entire council will also honor our police and fire departments.

This year marks the 11th anniversary of the attack that brought down the 
towers of the World Trade Center and killed thousands of Americans.

Donnelly Identifies California’s 
“2012 Top Ten Worst Bills”

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who 
currently represents Sierra Madre 
but will move to another district 
after the election (due to redistricting), 
issue a new list this week, one 
that has the dubious distinction of 
being labeled the “Top Ten Worst 
Bills”, in his opinion.

Donnelly authored a letter to his 
constituents that encouraged them 
to call the Governor and voice their 
opinion if they were in agreement:


In the last 5 days of session the Legislature 
passed over 550 new laws, 
none of which we need. It is amazing 
how much damage can be done 
in under one week.


While the Legislature is intended to 
be a deliberative body, openly vetting 
potential laws, the last week showed 
that some in the Legislature think it 
is more important to pass bills than 
to evaluate them in a public forum. 
Whenever I or my colleagues – your 
representatives – began to debate a 
new law during the week, we were 
quickly shut down and told we had 
too many new laws to “dispense with” 
to spend time considering them. The 
message sent was that we did not 
have time to discuss, much less certainly 
receive input from you in the 
race to impose a mound of new laws.


In the end, the Legislature turned 
the State into a true nanny-state that 
does not trust us with our own children. 
And, although a secure voting 
system is critical to the preservation 
of a free republic, our election process 
was severely compromised. It is baffling 
how far the Legislature can go in 
one week. Now, it is up to us to undo 
the damage. 

The Governor has until September 
30th to veto these liberty-killing measures. 
I encourage each of you to join 
with the thousands of other Californians 
who are demanding the Governor 
to veto these awful bills.


Below, I have compiled a list below of 
the 10 worst bills of the year. You can 
reach the Governor and voice your 
opinion by calling (916) 445-2841.


“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” 
– Attributed to Thomas Jefferson. 
Thank you for your vigilance.


Donnelly’s List of the “2012 Top Ten 
Worst Bills”


Call the Governor ASAP and urge 
him to veto the worst bills of 2012!

 Phone: (916) 445-2841 

Fax: (916) 558-3160 

1. AB 1081-Turns California into a 
sanctuary state for illegal immigrants 
by prohibiting law enforcement from 
cooperating with federal immigration 


2.AB 2189- Grants California driver’s 
licenses – gateway identification 
– to illegal immigrants


3.SB 901- Allows illegal immigrants 
to pay income taxes in California in 
exchange for not being deported, thus 
legalizing employment of illegal immigrants 
while we still have a nearly 
11% unemployment rate


4.AB 1532- Establishes the framework 
for Cap and Trade funding, 
taking another step toward imposing 
this tax on California businesses


5. AB 1527- Violates the second 
amendment by banning the open 
carry of unloaded long arm guns


6.AB 1436- Allows individuals to 
register to vote on Election Day, ensuring 
that no one can check eligibility 
before the person votes


7.AB 216 – Disallows deceased persons’ 
names from being purged from 
the voter rolls to ensure no one ineligible 
to vote uses their name


8.AB 2109- Requires Parents to receive 
a state licensed doctor’s signature 
before they can opt their children 
out of vaccinations, thus putting a 
parent’s decision in the hands of the 


9.SB 1221- Bans the use of hounds 
when hunting bears and bobcats, although 
the State will continue to use 
this practice for bear population control. 
This is the height of government 


10. AB 1492- Increases taxes on lumber 
products, furthering the decline 
of construction and manufacturing 
in our State

Donnelly, a vocal Tea Party Republican 
is probably best known of late 
for attempting to board a passenger 
with a loaded gun and multiple 
rounds of ammunition has been an 
outspoken critic of the Governor’s 

Driving down Sierra Madre Blvd 
these days you can’t help but 
notice how quickly previously 
vacant buildings are filling up. 
Most notably are the new restaurants 
that are certain to attract 
residents and visitors alike to our 

T. Boyle’s - 322 W. Sierra Madre 

If you like Sports Bars, you are 
certain to enjoy the new T. Boyle’s 
that has opened up where Cafe 
322 was formerly housed. On 
Tuesday, the nre restaurant and 
bar began it’s ‘soft’ opening, with 
a Grand Opening and Ribbon 
cutting scheduled for September 
27th. In the meantime, especially 
if you are a sports lover, you 
might want to stop by.

 There are a dozen flat screen 
monitors which have a variety of sports 
showing. On Friday afternoon for instance, 
there were 4 screens with the 
Golf play-offs; 2 or 3 screens with 
horse racing, and several other sports 
on the remaining screens.

 The menueResidents driving down 
West Sierra Madre Blvd will notice a 
lot of activity theses days. There appears 
to be construction crews working 

 They are open for lunch and dinner 
and serve food until 1:30 am.

Coming Soon: Sierra Briganti

 On the site of the former Sierra Bistro, 
142 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., a new 
upscale Italian Restaurant is opening. 
Sierra Briganti, operated by Ignazio 
‘Manni’ Mastromatteo, will have a 
similar menu to Briganti’s in South 

Subway Anyone? - 142 W. Sierra 
Madre Blvd.


 It has been rumored for several weeks 
that a Subway franchise is moving into 
the old Steamer’s location. Currently, 
according to the onsite construction 
manager, the fast food sandwich shop 
will be open in approximately three 
months. When all of the construction 
work is complete, there will be room 
for two other retail outlets at the site 
and office space on the upper level.

Sierra Madre Music - Music Boutique 
& Lessons - 280 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

In addition to the restuarants, a Almer 
Imamovic and Dr. Jessica Pierce have 
opened a music store that offers quality 
equipment and group and individual 

Stop by and support our new neighbors.


 The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce invites the public to attend a 
breakfast meeting featuring State Senator Carol Liu.

The event will be held on Monday, September 10th from 8am to 9am at the 
Hart House Senior Center in Memorial Park. 

Senator Liu is currently represents the 21st Senate District, and is a candidate 
for the newly created 25th Senate District which includes Sierra 

For reservations please contact Chamber President Ed Chen at edsierramadre@ or call the Chamber Office at 626-355-5111.

 The cost is $10 for Chamber members d $20 for non-members You can 
also make your reservations online at http://sierramadrechambersenliu.

State Senator Carol Liu

Fighting Depression.......Page 16

This Week’s Highlights: 

Calendar Page 2

Sierra Madre News Page 3

Pasadena/Altadena Page 4

Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5

Arcadia Page 6

Monrovia/Duarte Page 7

Education and Youth Page 8

Good Food & Drink Page 9

Best Friends/Sports Page 10 

Arts/Health Page 11

Homes & Property Page 12 

The Good Life Page 13

Business Today Page 14

Opinion Page 15

Left/Right - SM Notices Page 16

Legal Notices Page 17-19





Wistaria Thrift Shop Reopens







Rose Bowl Remodel

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548