Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 6, 2012
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
“He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear” ~ Matt. 11:15
Dogs who are trained for the specific purpose of meeting the human’s
practical day-to-day needs totally amaze me! So many kind canines have
devoted themselves to doing whatever it takes to help facilitate daily life
activities and tasks that would otherwise be very difficult for certain people
to achieve. The focus of those fabulous furry four-footers is to keep their
human companions healthy and happy, through the good times and the bad. We’re talking about dogs who are committed
to being true-blue friends through thick or thin, and I can’t help believing that God planned it that way when he created
them in the beginning.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a blind person walking with a seeing eye dog at the mall when I was a kid. I must have
been about 10 years old at the time, and I was shopping with my mom. Naturally, being the animal lover I already was,
I reached out to pet the dog, when the owner warned me to keep my distance because it was a service dog who was “on
the job” and it would be inappropriate for him to socialize with a stranger. At first, I thought that lady was being snobby
and rude, but I later learned that service dogs are trained to focus on their master‘s needs at all times, so they are not in
the position to meet and greet others in public. When I later learned even more about the role of a trained seeing eye dog,
I fully understood why that lady responded the way she did when I approached her gorgeous stoic German Shepherd at
the mall that day.
Mainly because of an early encounter I had with a seeing eye dog, the concept of canines catering to the needs of a human
being became familiar to me at a young age, and I am thrilled to know that a dog can and will be a servant on behalf of a
human companion. Over the years I have come to know many more amazing facts about dogs and what they are capable
of, so I am no longer surprised when I hear news about what they can accomplish, with sufficient training, support and
love on the part of the human being.
The idea of a canine helping a blind person make their way through their day is now a common concept to most of us,
but I must admit that the idea of a dog assisting a deaf person in any effective way to help them get through their day,
is rather new to me. Until my neighbor across the street recently introduced me to an organization called “Dogs for the
Deaf”, I was rather unaware of the fact that canines are being trained to communicate on behalf of a person suffering with
hearing loss or complete deafness. As it turns out, dogs understand way more than most of us think they do, and they can
be trained to help bridge the gap between sound and silence for the hearing impaired individual who is willing to accept
the kind assistance of a dog.
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. is an Oregon-based non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing shelter dogs that they train to
assist people with a variety of challenges and needs, including individuals who struggle with hearing impairment and
autism. They also have a program devoted to creating “canine co-workers”, where they train the dogs to help professionals
such as physicians, teachers, counselors, and court room advocates by assisting in the treatment of patients and working
with clients.
When I heard about this organization, I immediately decided to support them, because they make it their mission to
adopt otherwise euthanized dogs, and give them a second chance opportunity to carry out the task at hand in their heart,
which is to make their master happy! It’s another one of those
win/win situations, where people are working together to
bring to fruition a worthwhile dream and cause which in this
case is to rescue dogs to help humans who will benefit from
their presence. Above and beyond and maybe even equally
important to the physical factors of the services provided
by those courageous kind canines, is the bond and amazing
unconditional love the humans receive from and reciprocate
back to those darling dedicated dogs.
For more information about Dogs for the Deaf, you can visit
their website at: www.dogsforthedeaf.org
Meet a sweet and special little guy, Cosmo (A4491371).
Cosmo is a fantastic five year old cream neutered male
Lhasa Apso/Terrier mix who was found in Baldwin Park on
September 23rd and brought to the Baldwin Park Animal
Care Center. Weighing eighteen pounds, Cosmo walks very
well on the leash, is probably housebroken and is used to
life as a polite indoor dog. Playful and sociable, he is great
with other dogs and volunteers who have met him think he
will be fantastic with children and cats as well. Cosmo is a
handsome, kissy boy who will be the perfect indoor pet for
anyone in any living situation at all – this is a “plug and play”
dog! To watch a video of Cosmo please visit: www.youtube.
To meet Cosmo in person, please see him at the Baldwin Park
Shelter, located at 4275 N. Elton, Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(Phone: 626-430-2378 or 626-962-3577). He is currently
available now. For any inquiries about Cosmo, please
reference his animal ID number: A4489163. The shelter is
open seven days a week, 12 pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday and 10am-5pm Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intake shelter
with a great need for adoptions. For more information about Cosmo or the adoption process, contact United Hope for
Animals Volunteer Adoption Coordinator Samantha at samanthasayon@gmail.com or 661-309-2674. To learn more
about United Hope for Animals’ partnership with the Baldwin Park Shelter through its Shelter Support Program, as well
as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes available for adoption in local shelters, visit http://www.dhope4animals.
June Chandler’sTHE HALLOWEEN SHOWA Participation MusicalThe SIERRA MADRE PLAYHOUSE 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 RESERVATIONS (626) 355-4318TICKETS: *$18.00
Children 12 and under $12.00*Call for special group rates.
www.sierramadreplayhouse.orgSATURDAYS at 11:00amSept 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27 Nov 3Oct 13 - ASL interpretation
Sponsored in part by the Pasadena Tournament of Roses® Foundation and the Sierra Madre Community FoundationWear your
Visit us on Youtube
and learn the
to get ready for the show!
June Chandler’s Fairy Tale
Theatre Halloween ShowHalloween is the SCARIEST night of the year!
We’re going to have an exciting show with lots of wonderful monsters who live
in the Playhouse; a ghost, skeleton, witch, giant and an invisible man!
There’s only one problem, the monsters who live in the Playhouse
they are scared to be scary. We need your help!
Please come in your costume and show them
how to do it.
Bring your