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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around SGV / The World: Education & Youth: Good Food & Drink: Just for Best Friends: Arts / Health: Homes & Property:
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VOLUME 6 NO 40 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2012 HAVE YOU SEEN THE TOWN’S NEWEST RESIDENT’S? 2012 Scarecrow Festival Gets Underway The Foothill Creative Arts Group gave birth to a new and ‘creative’ idea that is certain to bring visitors to town and hopefully give local retailers a boost. As advertised over the last month or so, the first ever Sierra Madre Scarecrow Festival began on October 1st. Cute, clever, scary and creative characters can be seen all over town and will be on display throughout the month. There were two primary categories, Residential and Business. On Friday evening, an awards ceremony was held at the Creative Arts Group headquarters and the following awards were presented: The festival was funded by the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club. Residential Awards: Scariest: 1st Place was a tie Van Fox and Jean Sudbury Bob and Rosemary Burnett 3rd Place The Murray Family Most Humorous: 1st Place Ginny Liskow 2nd Place Shannon Vandevelde 3rd Place Mary Talwar Business Awards: Best Representation of the Business 1st Place Leonora Moss 2nd Place Sierra Madre Public Library - above left 3rd Place Foothill Home Care Partners - above right. Honorable Mention: The Episcopal Church of the Ascension Prudential Realty, Savor the Flavor, Mail Box & Postal, Sierra Madre Garden Club, Podley Realty. There are more than 50 entries around town. Drive around and meet your new neighbors! CITY ATTORNEY TO REPORT ON POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION’S THREATENED LITIGATION On the heels of residents receiving a very informative flyer from the Sierra Madre Police Officers Association on the Department, the city attorney announced, via the agenda for this Tuesday’s City Council Meeting, that a report would be publicly given on “Anticipated Litigation”. It goes on to state that “A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council/Agency on the advice of it (sic) legal counsel, based on the below-described existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the City Council/Agency. Receipt of Claim pursuant to Tort Claims Act or other written communication from Sierra Madre Police Officer’s Association threatening litigation (copy available for public inspection in the City Manager’s Office)” This information was released on Friday and at press time, no additional information was available. It appears that this may be the continuation of the complaint filed in June earlier this year, when the SMPOA filed a claim against Sierra Madre regarding allegations that the city had failed to pay officers overtime pay during the 2011 holidays. (See Mountain Views News story from July, 2012. Go to: http://mtnviewsnews.com/v06/ htm/n30/index.htm) At Tuesday’s meeting the public will hear the results of closed session discussions from the City Attorney. The council will meet on Tuesday, October 9th at 6:30 p.m. in council chambers. Also on the agenda will be a possible ‘second unit amnesty program’. Homeowners recently received a notice from the city regarding reporting of ‘second units’, i.e., guest houses, rental units, on the property. CALIFORNIA’S SECOND GOLD RUSH – THE RISE OF THE CITRUS INDUSTRY If you missed it the last time, you have a second chance to see this interesting program! By special request, local resident Joe Feeney will present his talk on the rise of the citrus industry, called California’s second gold rush, and how this economic juggarnaut enabled the rapid growth of Southern California following WWII. Feeney, who has been in the Huntington Westerners history organization for twenty years and on the board for four years says, “I have been collecting orange crate labels for 30 years. It was through collecting them that I got interested in the fascinating history of the citrus industry. At one time, Los Angeles County was the highest dollar volume agricultural county in the United States, due largely to navel orange production. “The citrus industry revolutionized Southern California, but this change didn’t happen overnight or without difficulties. This is a great story, and it is our historical biography too! My talk will have plenty of pictures of the early citrus industry, some of Sierra Madre, and plenty of images of the beautiful crate label art.” Feeney has been on the board of directors of the historic “Campo de Cahuenga” for the last twenty years; and was vice president of the “Civil War Roundtable of Baton Rouge” for two years. He has an M.A. from L.S.U. in political philosophy. Joe’s family moved to Sierra Madre in 1962, into the Wistaria house. The program will be presented Thursday, October 18th at 7:30 at the Hart House in Memorial Park in Sierra Madre. Admission is free, light refreshment will be served. The program is sponsored by the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society. For more info email SMHPS@outlook.com. Joe Feeney This Week’s Highlights: Guess Who’s Back?............................Page 11 Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Education and Youth Page 6 Good Food & Drink Page 7 Best Friends/Sports Page 8 Arts/Health Page 9 Homes & Property Page 10 The Good Life Page 11 Business Today Page 12 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 13 Ballot Box - Election 2012 Page 13 Opinion Page 14 Legals Page 15-17 F.Y.I. Page 18 SIERRA MADRE NEWS AROUND SG Valley 3 5 Cal Fire Says: 2 Ways Out ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Rose Queen & Court Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |