Mountain Views News Saturday, October 6, 2012
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
Despite the supreme
court’s landmark
ruling on the
constitutionality on
President Obama’s
Patient Protection
and Affordable Care (APPAC) earlier
this year, health care seems to have
dropped off the political map in
recent months as the presidential race
continues to place more importance on
job creation and economic growth.
But for many Americans health care
remains a pertinent issue and one that
affects nearly everyone. It’s remarkable
because only a couple months ago
health care was the hot issue.
However, I think that it is still a hot
issue and I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t
come up again during the final few
weeks of the presidential campaign
because it is an issue that reaches every
demographic in some way, shape or
form. It is also the issue that most
distinguishes President Obama from
Mitt Romney.
The issue of health care reform
is especially relevant for younger
Americans and the unemployed
who have no healthcare insurance
whatsoever because prior to APPAC
health coverage covered employees
rather than individuals themselves
regardless of their employment status.
Perhaps a brief review of the pros and
cons Obama’s health care reform is
in order. What follows can be found
on the Congressional Budget Office
Everyone can have health insurance if
they want it.
Insurers will not be able to stop paying
for people who are sick, even it they
lose their jobs.
People who cannot afford health
insurance won’t have to pay as much
People who are already sick will be
eligible for healthcare.
In the long run APPAC will reduce
medical costs significantly. Rising
medical costs are the main reason the
long-term budget projections are so
alarming. Something has to be done.
Unfortunately, this bill might not be
enough. While there will definitely be
some savings, it is not clear that they
will be as transformative as hoped.
Health insurers can no longer cap
coverage. In other words, they will no
longer say that they have spent enough
on you and you’re on your own for the
next hundred thousand dollars. This
should reduce medical bankruptcy.
There will be increased competition
in the insurance market. It might be
from a future public option. It might
also be from some kind of non-profit,
state-specific co-operative exchange
that are being tried by 12 states and the
District of Columbia. This might push
the healthcare companies to lower costs
and provide better service.
For the first ten years, APPAC will cost
about $100 billion a year. This is about
the yearly cost of the Afghan War.
This bill might increase the cost of health
insurance. This depends on whether the
gains from increased efficiencies and
increased competition is outweighed by
cost providing additional benefits.
The Individual Mandate. You will have
to either buy health insurance if you
don’t have it or have a 2% tax increase.
This insurance will be subsidized, but
there is no guarantee that the subsidy
will be enough to cover your specific
There will be a tax increase on very high
income people. If you are making more
than half a million dollars a year you
will have about a 1% tax increase.
There is also other stuff that might be
good or bad, depending how you see
Increased government involvement in
Health care. Government already pays
for huge amounts of health care--so
this won’t be anything new.
Additional regulation on insurance
companies. This might increase costs.
It will certainly increase quality.
Physicians will have increased access to
information about what treatments are
most cost effective. If two treatments
work equally well and one is cheaper,
doctors can recommend that one. This
was almost universally considered a
good thing until a few years ago, but
some people have started criticizing it
Large employers may also have to offer
insurance to more of their employees.
If they do not, they may have to pay
some extra tax.
Readers who have followed my column
know well my position in support of
universal single-payer healthcare. So it
should come as no surprise when I say
APPAC is a step in the right direction,
but only a small step. It does not
guarantee universal access to quality
health care as a single-payer system
would. It is, however, much better than
what we had before APPAC. In short,
Americans are better off than they were
Mr. Romney has threatened to the
dismantle APPAC if he is elected. If
for no other reason than this, I will
be voting for President Obama in
Two young fish are swimming along and they happen to meet
an older fish swimming the other way. The older fish goes by and
call out to them, “Morning , boys, how’s the water?” The younger
fish continue side by side for a while and then one stops and says,
“What the hell is water?”
This little joke is taken from a 2005 Kenyon College graduation
address delivered by David Foster Wallace, as described on page 285 of his biography
entitled, Every Love Story Is A Ghost Story. As many of you know, David Foster
Wallace was an essayist and novelist noted for producing monstrously long, complex,
hysterically funny novels. Often it seemed that DFW knew everything about
everything. For the past couple of weeks, since I finished reading the biography, I
have been kind of obsessed by David’s little joke contained in the Kenyon College
commencement address. Yesterday, as I tried to ignore the heat and made my
morning canyon walk, I ran into a neighbor and repeated the little fish joke to him.
He responded by telling me another tale. A giraffe and a lion were talking and the lion
asked, “Do you ever see that old guy down by the river. Every time I see him he looks
like he’s scared out of his mind and about to faint”.
“Well”, the giraffe said, sometimes I see this old guy down by the river but it must
be a different guy. This one always looks kind of peaceful and amused.”
Do you get the joke? I’m pretty dense and didn’t get it at first. Okay, now you get it.
When the old man sees the lion, the man is scared out of his wits and looks the part.
When he sees the non-threatening, vegetarian giraffe there is no threat. . Everything
is a part of an interaction between the observer and the observed. The growling lion
scares hell out of the man, while the peaceful giraffe relaxes and amuses him. (For
those of you in the know, that is Schrödinger’s Cat that you hear meowing.)
Yes, everything about who we are and what we project out into the world impacts
on our perceptions and what comes into us. Do you get what I mean? It’s like that
tree that falls in a forest in a basic philosophy class. Is there a sound if there is no one
around to hear it? Is everything an interaction such that there is no observed absent
an observer?
Are you thinking about that. And while you’re thinking about, that let’s go back to
the three fish. Remember the old fish says “how’s the water?’ and the young fish have
no idea what the scaley old guy is talking about. (Scaley old guy is a secret reference
to myself and this kind of obscure column.)
How come the young fish don’t notice the water? It’s everywhere around them. It’s
behind, ahead, above, and below. It’s past present, and future simultaneously—sort of
like time. So how come they don’t even know it’s around? I think Wallace’s message
to the undergraduates is that it is extremely difficult to be aware of life as we live it.
Especially for the young, the major experience of life can be nothing but anxiety and
irritation. Not just the young; for all of us right now we can be so overcome by worries
regarding the future and the economic, environmental, and political circumstances
that we completely fail to notice what is going on right now. Have you ever wandered
back to your college and noticed how beautiful the place is and wondered how come
you never noticed it during the four years you were there.
Maybe the point of David Wallace’s joke was that by the time one is old and the
overpowering needs have quieted, perhaps it is possible to notice what’s been going
on all our life. Maybe by time we’ve reached a certain age we may be wise enough
to notice that despite the economy, the politics, the environment, and the creakiness
of our bones, things aren’t really so bad. Look around right now. People are living
twenty years longer, there is less violence than there ever has been and remarkable
progress is being made towards alleviating medical problems. Perhaps David Wallace
was in such pain that he could not appreciate this or perhaps he couldn’t wait. He
hung himself in his pleasant Claremont House at age 47. Last year my wife and I took
a picture of the house.
Whether or not we’ve published successful novels we’re still around. Hopefully our
pain is not so great that we are unable to appreciate what we’ve accomplished. We’re
still alive, living in a wonderful place and have done many wonderful things. We
care about our families and our communities and, if you take the time to notice all of
this, you might well notice that you are actually happy. Really we’ve done all this and
might consider ourselves FULFILLED. If not, there’s still time!
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A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
If I heard it once, I
have heard it a million
times and this
week was no exception.
In fact, the
words carelessly tumble from my lips on many
occasions, some of which have been perilously
near the conclusion of my sermons. Most
preachers never conclude their sermons, they
just quit when they cannot indulge the congregation
another minute longer.
Someone once asked a famous preacher what
it meant when he said, "Now, in conclusion ..."
He thought for a moment and then replied,
Preachers are not the only ones inflicted with
this verbosity virus. Watching a news broadcast
recently, I heard a politician tumble headlong
into the same abyss; "We're going to make
some changes around here," he proclaimed,
"and that's my final word on the subject."
It does not really matter which politician pontificated
thusly, for all of them have said it at
one time or another and usually it is never
their "final word" on any subject.
Several things are wrong with that statement.
First, when a politician uses the word "we're"
he never means to include himself. It is just a
word he uses to confuse the subject at hand.
Someone once made this observation, "if all
the politicians were laid end to end I would
not be surprised."
Secondly, the only change most politicians are
interested in is the change in my pocket. They
have committees devoted to figuring out how
they can change the change in my pocket to
their pocket. The slickness to which they do
this is most remarkable.
Thirdly, there is no such thing as a "final word"
among politicians. Every politician insists
on having the last word on any subject even
though he knows nothing about the subject at
It is rumored by some unidentified source
that the entire political sorority has one brain,
which they share. The Democrats have the left
side, the Republicans have the right side and
they have one intent; mouth in motion at all
times. Since they share the same mouth, they
both sound alike. When a politician has nothing
to say you can be sure he will say it most
profusely. Today, the only difference between
a Republican and a Democrat is the spelling.
One can spell in the other cannot.
Every politician has two faces, before the election
and after election. What a politician says
before being elected has absolutely no relationship
with what he or she will say after the
election. The only thing absolutely certain is
the newly elected politician will have a lot to
say, but not much.
Once elected their only strategy is to stay
elected. They will do everything and anything
to get my vote. I vote they all be elec-tro-cuted.
Nothing would be cuter.
One thing that can be said about the political
institution in our country, it is an equal
opportunity liars club. Women have as much
opportunity to join this truth-challenged extravaganza
as the men.
I do not know who makes better liars, men or
women. The feminine side of this auspicious
group has made a miraculous progress in
catching up to their male counterparts. They
both seemed quite adept in the practice.
Many elected officials go to great lengths to
keep their constituency from knowing where
they stand on the issues. They are seated on
committees so they do not have to reveal
where they stand. They are good at sitting and
pontificating but bad when it comes to standing
for anything, which makes them believe
their constituency will fall for anything. And
we usually do.
The lawmakers of our day are great "change
agents," to use a contemporary phrase. Their
opinion on important issues changes with every
new poll published. Unfortunately, or fortunately,
depending on your point of view, for
our friendly politicians, opinion polls can be
given every hour on the hour.
Of course, the more important the issue the
more the politician reforms his opinion. A
politician should have the cleanest mind in
our country because they change it so much.
Unfortunately, the exchange is usually down.
Perhaps the best final words any politician
could utter are, "I won't run again." Usually
when a politician says this, it means he is currently
running from something or someone.
Regrettably, the only change that comes with a
new election is the name on the office door of
the public servant.
The bolts and nuts of our political system can
be boiled down to; the politicians bolt for or
from any excuse and we are nuts for electing
them to any office.
I sometimes get weary of all this superfluous
change. It is true; the more things change the
more they remain the same. What I want to
change never does and what I do not want to
change does.
You can imagine what comfort I get from the
Bible that never changes despite the efforts of
some people. Two verses are particularly comforting
to me.
One from the Old Testament: "For I am the
Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob
are not consumed." (Malachi 3:6 KJV.)
One from the New Testament: "Jesus Christ
the same yesterday, and to day, and forever."
(Hebrews 13:8 KJV.)
When it comes to final words, I want that
word to come from someone who will not
capriciously change that word and upset my
life. I can always trust Jesus Christ to give me a
word I can always count on.
RICH Johnson
Watched the first debate with me mate, Barry Schwam. It
was very interesting particularly because this is the first
time each candidate has been in earshot of the other.
And able to react to the claims made by each other. I
hope everyone is watching and trying to decide who has
a better program.
So what about the electoral college? The electoral college came about as a
compromise between the guys who wanted the popular vote to choose
the president and those other guys who wanted Congress to choose the
president. Did you know in the first couple of presidential elections the
losing candidate became the vice president? It was a problem in 1800
because candidates Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr had the same
number of electoral votes. The decision was thrown into Congress and
Jefferson’s buddy Alexander Hamilton had enough sway in Congress
to swing it to Jefferson. You may recall that Aaron Burr and Alexander
Hamilton later shot it out in a duel. Mr. Hamilton lost that discussion.
Burr was indicted for murder but later dismissed or acquitted. It did end
his political career.
In 1824 something similar happened. Andrew Jackson had 151,271
votes and John Quincy Adams had 113, 122 votes. For those of you into
percentages, that’s 41.3% for Jackson and 30.9% for Adams. Neither received
a majority of the electoral vote so again it was thrown into the House of
Representatives who decided on Adams. Here’s something else you might
not know. Presidential inauguration day and start of congressional terms
used to be March 4th, not January 20th. It was originally set in March
because it took a while for everyone to get to Washington D. C. Remember
it was back in the 18th century when air travel was, ahem, in its infancy.
The twentieth Amendment changed the date and was ratified on January
23, 1933. If you are thinking a big “SO WHAY” I’ll tell you why it was a
good idea particularly in 1861 and 1933. Abraham Lincoln and Franklin
Delano Roosevelt (and all those Senators and Representatives) had to
wait four months before dealing with, oh, the secession of the Southern
states in 1861. And the Great Depression. Some people argue if Lincoln
had been inaugurated January 20th he would have had a better chance of
staving off the Civil War.
Don’t know what these means but they
sound interesting. Let’s chew on them together:
“If the camel once gets his nose in a tent, his body will soon follow.”
Saudi Proverb
“An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a
sheep.” Arab Proverb
“There is a demand today for men who can make wrong appear right.”
Terence (160 B.C.)
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
George Orwell
“Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not
believe it anyway.” Elbert Hubbard
“To escape criticism – do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” Elbert Hubbard
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