Mountain Views News Saturday, October 6, 2012
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA
There is an old quote that says, “Rome wasn’t built
in a day,” which is great. But I think “Everyday
they worked on building Rome” should be added
to that quote.
- 17 year old, Patrick Brennan
(empoweryourhealth.org; Empower Magazine, Vol 2, Issue 3)
Every significant accomplishment is the
result of teamwork. The latest new invention
that seemingly emerges from the efforts of a
single individual is made possible by existing
knowledge, materials and techniques that have
been derived from the teamwork of others at
some point. From the Great Pyramids in Egypt,
to a local ribbon cutting to mark the beginning of
construction on a new building, the coordinated
effort of interdependent teams is required.
Building a team takes time. The acknowledged
interdependence and mutual work toward a
common goal is what distinguishes a team from
a group. Individuals who are effective on a team
are able to suspend personal agenda and commit
to the common purpose as the priority. Every
team has one main captain, the primary leader,
who bears the responsibility for the overall
direction of the team as well as ensuring that each
member has the training and support needed to
be successful in their respective roles. Based on
the size of the team, it is common to have other
leaders with responsibilities for a specific set of
tasks or the management of other team members.
In order for a team to function in the best manner,
teambuilding is paramount. Organizational
Development is the academic field that deals with
the theory, study and practice of teambuilding.
Teambuilding may occur as a result of both
formal and informal processes. Establishing and
maintaining a healthy team environment requires
a foundation of trust, which requires authenticity
from team leaders. Team members determine
a leader’s level of authenticity by observing and
experiencing whether what a leader says is aligned
with what a leader does – in other words, does the
leader tell the truth.
It is not always feasible for the leader to share
details that may need to remain confidential,
or information that is not necessary for team
members to perform their respective tasks.
However, being perceived as dishonest or
withholding information that should be shared
with the team is a guaranteed way to undermine
When teambuilding is done right, it creates an
environment where positive communication,
problem solving and the ability to work closely
toward a common purpose define the team.
This type of team always results in varying levels
of self-development by individual members.
As members build their knowledge, skills
and confidence during the course of working
together, it strengthens the team’s ability to better
acknowledge, address and resolve differences
that come with all human interaction. Building a
strong team makes complex and challenging tasks
easier, because individual members understand
that success for the team as a whole is the ultimate
measuring stick.
A blog is a great addition to your on-line
presence. There are many advantage to
integrating a blog into your web site. The
main benefit is that it brings in fresh content
to your website, which the search engines
love. If you don’t have time to write a blog,
you might consider doing a simple photo
blog with good key-word “cutlines.”
Think of building a system for all of your
on-line tools including your blog. Here are
three (3) things you can do with your blog to
feed it into your overall social media system:
Auto-feed your blog to your social media
Twitterfeed.com is a great tool that allows
you to automatically feed your blog posts
into Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Once
you publish a blog, it will automatically
post on these platforms. It is a great way
to distribute your blog to your built-in
audience. Not everyone will subscribe to
your blog and check it frequently. Feeding
it allows you to create a multi-pronged
distribution channel and increase your
Use blog content in email marketing
If you are using an email marketing tool
like Constant Contact, you can easily
insert blog content into your emails. It will
automatically pull in the copy and truncate
it to about five (5) lines of copy, with a link
back to your blog/website to “read more.”
Constant Contact has made it easy to pull in
blog content. Look for the “Insert” button,
then select “blog content.” It will bring up a
list of all the blogs you have created and you
can choose which to use. If you are creating
newsletters in Constant Contact, your own
blog is a great source for content.
The other benefit of a blog is that you can
schedule your posts. If you take the time to
write your blogs in advance and you set up
a system to automatically feed your social
media sites, internet marketing starts to
become efficient and easy.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services business that
specializes in Social Media Education for
business owners. Join their conversation on
Facebook and get good tips and tricks about
social media, www.facebook.com/hutdogs.
HUTdogs will be offering a “Getting Started
with Constant Contact” demonstration
on October 17th at the Arcadia Chamber
of Commerce. Sign up for their upcoming
classes and presentations at: www.hutdogs.
OMG! Did you know………………..?
By Patricia Richardson, M.B.A QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor
QuickBooks Question: I was listening in on a conversation with Certified
QuickBooks ProAdvisors via their LinkedIn Group, so here is the question….
I have a client who sells inventory items at local shows. We would like to enter her
show sales on one Sales Receipt at the end of the show using the inventory items
that were sold. The problem is some of the sales are cash, some credit cards. We would like to be able to
separate these so we can match deposits to those that we download from the bank. During the show she
tracks total inventory but not by payment type, so we can’t enter one Sales Receipt for credit card purchases
and one for cash purchases. Any suggestions?
No problem. First, create the sales receipt, post the sales to the correct items, then setup a couple of new
items for “Cash Sales” and “Credit Card Sales” and map them to the bank account. Your sales receipt will
total $.00 because after posting your show sales to the correct inventory item, you will use your new cash
and credit card sales items to subtract the deposited amount from the total sales. It will look like this:
Hats sales
Shoes sales
Sub Total
Credit Card
$ .00
If you have not yet filed your 2011 personal income tax returns the drop dead date is October 15,
2012. The IRS has set up a “Fresh Start Penalty Relief” initiative that you might be interested to know
about. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic the national average unemployment rate in August
was 8.1% while in California the rate was still highest at 10.6%. So if you are one of the 10.6% of
Californians unemployed wage earners you will want to know more about this Initiative.
According to the IRS the Fresh Start Penalty Relief Initiative provides eligible taxpayers with a six-
month extension of time to fully pay 2011 taxes. Interest will run on the 2011 taxes from April 15,
2012 until the tax is paid but no “failure-to-pay penalties” will be incurred if tax, interest and any
other penalties are paid by October 15, 2012.
To be eligible your 2011 tax liability must be less than $50,000, your adjusted gross income must
be less than, $100,000 ($200,000 if married filing jointly), and you or your spouse (if married filing
jointly) must be a:
1. Wage earner who has been unemployed at least 30 consecutive days between January 1, 2011
and April 15, 2012: or
2. Self-employed individual whose 2011 business income decreased 25% or more due to the
economy (as compared to your 2010 business income).
Ask your accountant how to apply or see IRS form 1127-A Application for Extension of Time for
Payment of Income taxes for 2011 Due to Undue Hardship.
New workshops:
During the month of October on Friday’s between 9:00am and 9:30am I am hosting an online QuickBooks Q&A
forum. Email the registration form from my website and I will send you the info you need to tune in. Have your
questions ready it is a great time to stump the trainer. Also during the month of November look for Saturday
QuickBooks workshops. It will be a BYOL (bring your own laptop) workshop. Patricia Richardson the owner of
Monrovia Computerized Business Service and is a local accountant, educator and trainer working to help business
owners realize their business mission and vision by empowering them with tools and training in areas that may
not be their core competency. For additional information, patti@qbworkshop.com or www.QBworkShop.com
Beware: Mapping your items correctly will be very important so
that you can reconcile your bank account. If you have similar
questions please join me for an online question and answer
session on Friday mornings at www.QBworkShop.com.
What else is happening this month?
It’s pretty hard to believe it is October already, so it is time to
be thinking about end of third quarter reporting and before
you know it year-end will be upon us. Hopefully you have been
producing monthly financial statements so that you will not be
surprised come tax time. This is one area where you need to be
proactive and now is the time to get your financial house in order
so that you can make sure your tax plan is on target.