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March 17, 2013March 17, 2013• Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival •• Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival • www.wistariafestival.com VOLUME 7 NO 8 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 A New Vine Comes To Life: VILLAGE VINE ONLINE - SIERRA MADRE’S INTERNET RADIO STATION LAUNCHED MAYOR DELIVERS STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS By Bill Coburn The City hosted its 3rd Annual State of the City event on Tuesday in the Sierra Madre Room at the Rec Center. Mayor Nancy Walsh emceed the evening, introducing 3rd graders from Sierra Madre School who performed several songs from their recent spotlight assembly led by former principal Gayle Bluemel and their teachers, Girl Scout Troops 8471 and 13,731 from St. Rita, who presented colors as they have every year since the City first started doing the State of the City event, and then Mayor Josh Moran. Mayor Moran began by noting that like former Mayors Mosca and Buchanan before him at the previous SOTC events, he was able to report that the City is still operating on a balanced budget, thanks in part to a staff reorganization that is projected to save the City a quarter of a million dollars annually, thanks to City staff not receiving their Cost of Living Adjustment increases for the third year in a row, thanks to the PD and the City reaching an agreement that did not call for raises for personnel, and thanks to a lot of cuts in every department. And unfortunately, the future looks like more of the same. Noting that General Fund revenue, which pays for things like first responders, Library and Recreation services, streets and sidewalks, and administrative costs amounted to $8,263,000, the Mayor added that the bulk of the funding for that (53%) comes from property taxes 31% comes from the Utility User Tax (UUT), and the remainder from sales, tax, franchise fees, business licenses and other fees. Unfortunately, only 22 cents on the dollar comes back to the City from the property taxes Sierra Madreans pay, and while trend of costs since the recession has been an annual 2-5% year over year increase in cost, property taxes over the last five years have increased only 3% total. According to the figures cited by the City, this negative ratio of revenue to expenses projects to a $300,000 shortfall for FY 2013-2014, and $400,000 shortfall for FY 2014-2015. If the UUT sunsets, which it will unless it is put back on the ballot and voters choose to extend it, the projections show a $1.1 million deficit in FY 2015- 2016 and $1.7 million shortfall in FY 2016-2017. On the plus side, at the beginning of this year’s budget cycle, the City did still have $4,860,000 in reserves, and the projections show that at the end of this year’s budget cycle on June 30th, there will be a $78,000 surplus. Mayor Moran also briefly discussed the Water Fund, noting that “we have a huge hole literally and figuratively, in the water department. Right now we’re operating at a deficit to the tune of about a half a million dollars.” He said that the City has a rate study underway to look at the cost of covering not only the expense of pumping and delivering the water, but also the capital expenses involved with the water dept., which he said pumped nearly a billion gallons of water last year. The Mayor pointed out that cuts have been so extensive that “we are at a point where expenditure reductions truly equal a reduction in services.” But a good part of the evening was spent celebrating the accomplishments of the City. He noted that the Library has more registered borrowers than there are people in the City, with more than 11,000. Community Services had more than 6,000 participants at the 4th of July festivities, and served more than 9,000 meals to seniors. Public Works repaired more than 12,000 sq. feet of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, cleaned more than 159,000 feet of sewer lines, replaced more than 2,000 sq. ft. of asphalt, and pumped 950,000 gallons of water. The Police Department responded to 14,000 calls for service and made more than 400 arrests, and while burglaries had increased, there were zero robberies. The Fire Dept. made more than 1900 inspections, and the FD and the paramedics responded to nearly 900 calls, nearly 80% of which were medical calls. He recognized the General Plan Update Steering Committee for their hard work and being close to completing the General Plan update. The City’s technology has been updated, and now people can pay for their water bills and parking citations online, they can purchase overnight parking passes online, or download agenda packets for the City Council meetings. Grants have been received to help pay for not only replacement of trees destroyed in the 2011 windstorm, but also to create a Tree Master Plan. Also listed as accomplishments were keeping the pool open year round through a public/private partnership with Waterworks, the new Police MOU, the completion of the remodeled Children’s room in the Library, updating the City Hall and PD entries to be ADA compliant and the resurfacing of several streets in town, with more to come. He said we can anticipate replenishment of the East Raymond Basin water supply, the rebuilding of well 3 and the replacement of the Chlorine Analyzer, as well as the connection to the Metropolitan Water District pipeline for emergency use. The paramedics will be replacing the City’s cardiac defibrillators to help keep residents safe, businesses will soon be able to purchase or pay for their business licenses online, and Phase III street improvements. He closed by saying that it’s been an honor to serve as Mayor for the last ten months, and adding that he looked forward to the upcoming discussions with City staff and the City Council to find the balance for our beloved City of Sierra Madre. Excerpts of the Annual Report on Page 4 Above: Mayor Josh Moran delivers a serious, yet upbeat State of the City to a packed house on Tuesday evening. Quote of the evening, “One hundred year old houses are quaint. One hundred year old pipes, ain’t”, in reference to the state of some of the cities key water pipelines. Below, the audience is captivated by 3rd Graders from Sierra Madre Elementary School. Photos by S. Henderson/MVNews Tina Salvatore and Carol Canterbury who broadcast Canterbury Tales each week, were on hand at the State of the City address for a live transmission. If you missed the event, you can go to www.villagevine. org and hear the re-broadcast Earlier this month, a new institution was introduced to the community. The successor to Radio Fishbowl, a local internet radio station that has been in operation for a little over a year, VILLAGE VINE ONLINE was launched at T. Boyles Sports Bar to a full house of supporters. The station, which offers 24/7 radio programming, can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection, including desktop computers, smart phones and tablets. In addition to a wide range of music for listeners, there are several thought provoking, entertaining shows. (See calendar on page two). Live Broadcasts are also a part of the VVO experience. At the State of the City address this week, broadcasters Tina Salvatore and Carol Canterbury were on hand to broadcast the festivities to those unable to attend. The station is owned by the Jim Moran Community Radio Foundation, Inc., a non profit agency named in honor of Moran who was the creator of Radio Fishbowl. Gene Goss is the Chairman of the Corporation and serves as its CEO and Jeff Rudisill is the interim General Manager. To access the station, simply go to: villagevine.org. There you can listen to live broadcasts or access the archives and listen to programming that you may have missed. PSA’s If you have a public service announcement for a non-profit organization or civic event, the station can webcast the announcement. VVO also has the ability to professionally produce announcements. For more information, go to www.villagevine. org and click on “Contact Us” SIERRA MADRE & THE PUSD: Beginning March 2nd, the Mountain Views News will begin a series on the recent events involving the SM City Council, Sierra Madre Residents, Sierra Madre School Parents and The PUSD. School/City Work Plan Approved By Council, PUSD by Dean Lee Touting what officials called a plan to strengthen ties and align resources between the city of Pasadena and the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) to improve students’ education was approved Tuesday night during the annual joint meeting of the Board of Education and the City Council. “Tonight we’ve taken some important steps in aligning PUSD and the City into a progressive ‘community schools’ program to help us work together to achieve stronger results for our students,” Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard said. “The plan will be a living document that brings the City, the District, parents, teachers and community together to demonstrate how our joint efforts are producing accountable results.” Continued on page 5 SPECIAL SIERRA MADRE REPORTS......................Page 4 This Week’s Highlights: Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3-4 Pasadena/Altadena Page 5 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 6 Looking Up Page 6 Arcadia Page 7 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Best Friends Page 10 Arts/Health Page 11 The Good Life Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 14 Opinion Page 15 Business Today Page 16 Legal Notices Page 17-21 FYI Page 22 AROUND SG Valley SIERRA MADRE NEWS 5 3 Get Ready For The Wistaria Festival ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 5 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Cal Tech President To Step Down | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |