Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 13, 2013
What Other Choice Was There?
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
By Christopher Nyerges
[Nyerges is the author of “How to Survive Anywhere,” and “Enter the
Forest.” Information about his books and classes is available from Box
41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or from www.ChristopherNyerges.com.]
1985. My
and I had
and were
renting a
house on
Arcadia. We were terrified to
leave a window opened at night-
the Night Stalker recently killed
a couple on Lemon Avenue, a
few blocks north of us. At that
time, I also vaguely remember
a young couple, John and Linda
were missing in San Marino and
that was was scary.
Years passed, we bought
our current home and were
settled in Monrovia. In 1994, a
pool was being built on Lorain
Ave. in San Marino. Human
remains were discovered.
Questions arose. Could these
remains belong to John or
Linda Sohus? There was an
initial problem with DNA
because John was adopted and I
believe the DNA testing wasn’t
as advanced as today. I read
of John’s mother Didi and her
anguish over her missing son,
even so far as believing he just
abandoned her.
The next piece of
this puzzle was the definite
identification of the remains
as being of John Sohus. Years
pass, and there is publicity
about a man who is posing as
a Rockefeller back East and
is wanted for kidnapping his
daughter. This man had married
a very intelligent Harvard/Yale
graduate, Sandra Boss who was
from high society. “Rockefeller”
was caught, tried and convicted.
A movie was made about the
couple meeting, their marriage,
the birth of their daughter and
Sandra’s suspicions about her
husband’s background and
identity. Of course she planned
to divorce him when she realized
he was an imposter. Somehow
during the trial, his daughter
was kidnapped. After I watched
the movie, I just wondered
how such an intelligent woman
could be duped by this man. But
apparently she was just one of
many. He had many aliases and
each had quite a background-
one was even a descendent of an
Earl in England!
Eventually the Los
Angeles County Sheriff’s
Department contacted
authorities in Massachusetts
and this man, Christian
Gerhartsreiter of Germany was
extradited to California for
trial. Frank Girardot, Editor of
the Pasadena Star News began
extensive coverage of the case
and daily went to trial. Each
morning I read his update and
decided to attend. The Thursday
I went I sat in front of Dan
Banks who gave me quite an
earful. Dan had known “Chris
Chichester” from Church of
Our Savior in San Gabriel
and didn’t care for him at all,
According to Dan, the twenty-
three year old Chichcester was
going after Dan’s seventeen-
year old daughter. Dan also
mentioned Chris never had any
money and wanted Dan and
Dan’s wife to preview a movie
Chris made, but they never did.
Lt. Dan Allen from Greenwich,
CT, and Ralph Boyton, a Wall
Street Veteran also testified. At
the trial, I also met a woman
from Northern California, who
was staying in Santa Clarita and
drove to the trial every day!
After the half-day court session,
I went home, and learned
that Girardot had written a
book, Name Dropper about
Chichester. Needless to say, I
read it for more insight into the
At the time of the trial’s
proceedings, my husband and
I were in the midst of planning
an eleven day trip to see the
newest granddaughter! We were
also working on a surprise 70th
birthday party for my sister at a
nursing home in Edison NJ! But
in the midst of all the planning,
I just had to go back to the trial!
The day I attended-Wednesday-
was the second day Sandra
Boss, the defendant’s former
wife testified and she gave quite
an account. Prior to the trial, I
also spoke with Jan of Sweden
and his wife, and they were sure
the defendant was guilty!
My husband and I
left California late Thursday
evening. We arrived in Philly
early Friday AM. In between
all the visits/travels, I called my
daughter back in CA for trial
updates, and went online when
internet was available. While
visiting Meg Gardner, a retired
psychiatric social worker/
counselor of thirty years and
my buddy since College, I gave
an account of the trial! Meg was
beyond interested and joined
my obsession with this trial.
On the day the verdict
was due, I went on the Internet
and was flabbergasted by
the quick results. GUILTY! I
immediately called Meg in NY
and her comment was, “What
else could they have done?”
This perceptive woman had
taken in all the facts and that
was her opinion. I also read
that John’s sister from Arizona
was in tears and relieved it was
over. But what about Linda?
Meg thinks Linda is probably in
one of the many wooded areas
of Connecticut or New York. No
one really knows.
In the “First Aid” chapter of How to Survive Anywhere, we address
specific simple ways of dealing with the common medical emergencies
that one can expect in the aftermath of a major disaster, or if lost and
hurt in the woods. What would you do if a major earthquake struck
Sierra Madre tomorrow?
Here is something else to consider.
It is not only the physical accidents that we need to be concerned about, whether in a wilderness
accident, or the result of an urban disaster (major earthquake, etc.). In studies that have been
done of the survivors of major disasters, the following conclusions have been made about the mental
state of the survivors. Approximately 15% made quick, appropriate, and efficient choices and actions
which were well-suited to their safety and security. Another 15% “went crazy,” making wild irrational
choices and even getting hurt as a result of their “losing it.”
The rest, about 70% of the survivors – a full majority – neither went crazy nor did they make wise
and efficient choices and actions, but rather wandered about somewhat zombie-like, spaced-out, in a
state of stupor and shock, simply not knowing what to do, where to go, what to think. This shocked
majority tends to be passive, but will take orders from someone who seems to be in control and who
seems to know what they are doing and why.
The point: None of us wants to be a part of that majority, and definitely we don’t want to be a part of
that “crazy 15.” No one would want to be wandering around Sierra Madre Blvd. in a dazed state of
What can we do to ensure that in a time of disaster, we find ourselves in that 15% category of wise,
appropriate, efficient actions? None of us really knows what we will do until we are actually tested
in difficult, stressful real life conditions. It is impossible to predict what you might do when you are
seated comfortably in your home drinking a warm beverage. The only way to expand our mental and
physical limits is to actually put ourselves into situations where we can discover more about ourselves
during situations of less sleep, less food, more work. People in the military often get that experience.
Some survival schools offer these experiences. And anyone (with a group of friends and supporters)
can regularly plan such trips with the express purpose of expanding limits, learning how you will
react in times of stress, and
attempting to make the
right choices when it is not
easy to do so.
I encourage everyone to
take the Red Cross Emergency
First Aid course, and
learn how to deal with everyday
first aid problems.
Consider enrolling in some
of my classes where we
learn about wild foods and
very basic survival skills
The schedule of our classes
can be seen at www.ChristopherNyerges.
com, , or
write to Box 41834, Eagle
Rock, CA 90041.
A METEORITE MYSTERY: First Meteorite From Mercury Found?
Early in 2012, someone in Southern Morocco picked up 35 greenish stones. Purchased by a dealer
in Erfoud, Morocco, one of them was then resold to Stefan Ralew, a meteorite collector from Berlin.
The dealer was demanding a high price, and Ralew may have hesitated. But the wrinkled glassy
coating on one face of the rock was clearly a fusion crust, a kind of glaze that forms when a meteorite
is heated as it passes through the atmosphere.
Looking at other faces, he would have recognized it as a type of meteorite called an achondrite,
says Randy Korotev, a meteorite
expert at Washington University
in Saint Louis (WUSTL). That
meant it was an exceptional
Most meteorites are stony,
he explains, and of the stony
meteorites, almost all (90
percent) are what are called
ordinary chondrites. These
are pieces of small, unmelted
asteroids that are uniform in
composition throughout.
The achondrites, on the other
hand are pieces of large asteroids
or planets, ones at least 200
kilometers in diameter. These
produced enough internal heat
early in their history to partially
melt and segregate into a metal
core surrounded by a rocky
exterior. Achondrites, which
come from the crust or mantle of
these differentiated bodies, make
up only 5 percent of the stony
meteorites that have been found.
So already this find was
looking very interesting. Where
might it be from? About half of
the achondrites come from the
large asteroid 4 Vesta. Others
come from Mars, the Moon, or
other asteroids.
To answer the question of
origin, the stone’s chemistry had
to be analyzed. Ralew shipped it to Tony Irving at the University of Washington. “Tony is where all
the serious collectors go when they find strange meteorites,” says Korotev, to whom Irving sends the
“lunars” (possible lunar meteorites), which is what Korotev mainly studies.
Both the iron/manganese ratio of an asteroid and the ratios of its oxygen isotopes (variants of the
oxygen atom) are thought to serve as “fingerprints” of its body of origin.
At the 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March, Irving said that the stone, now
officially designated Northwest Africa
7325 (NWA 7325), had highly unusual
chemistry. What’s more, he said, the
chemistry was suspiciously similar to
that measured by NASA’s Messenger
probe, which is currently surveying the
surface of Mercury from orbit.
“It is high in magnesium and very low
in iron, which is what they’re seeing on
the surface of Mercury,” Korotev, who
attended Irving’s talk, says.
Some chemical ratios didn’t match,
but Irving said that might be because the
stone had been “excavated from depth,”
that is, blasted into space by a collision
that left a deep scar in Mercury.
Although Korotev can’t say for certain
where the meteorite comes from, he
can say why it is such a peculiar green.
The green comes from a silicate mineral
laced with chromium.
“I once analyzed bottles to see what
made them blue or green,” Korotev
says. The greenest bottle had 660 parts
per million chromium, but some of
the mineral components of NWA 7325
have 7,000 parts per million chromium.
That’s why it’s green.”
But the bigger mystery—where did it
come from—is as yet unsolved.
You can contact Bob Eklund at:
One of 35 meteorites of mysterious origin found in the Moroccan desert. This piece weighs 100 grams. The alphabet
block to the right is a centimeter on a side. Stefan Ralew