Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 1, 2013
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
Why I Wrote My Books:
[Nyerges is the author of 10 books, and teaches regular classes through the
School of Self-reliance. He does a weekly podcast at Preparedness Radio
Network, and blogs regularly at www.ChristopherNyerges.com.]
Over the Memorial Day
weekend, my family and I
attended three great events
that honored our Veterans.
On Saturday, Supervisor
Mike Antonovich hosted
his 16th annual Veterans
Fair, “Remembering Our
Veterans & Their Families,
Past Present and Future”
at Arcadia Country Park.
The Master of Ceremony was Channel 4’s
Fritz Coleman. Also joining Antonovich were
Congresswoman Judy Chu and Sheriff Lee Baca.
Local dignitaries included Temple Station’s
Captain Nee, Pasadena Police Chief Phil Sanchez,
Arcadia Council Member Peter Amundson,
Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz, Duarte Mayor
Pro Tem Liz Reilly and Council Member Phil
Reyes, Glendora Mayor Joe Santoro and Council
Member Karen Davis, and Monrovia-Arcadia-
Duarte Town Council Members, Terrence
Williams, Linda Sells and John Nicoloro.
The day began with great music by “Tony’s
All-Star Band” followed by Lutheran High
school’s Junior ROTC Armed Drill Team. There
was a special ceremony with Opening Prayer
by Bishop John B. Reid, St. Michael’s Orthodox
Church and presentation of Colors by AmVets
Post 113 from Irwindale. Highlights included the
Golden Skydiving Team and a flyover by WW II
Condor Squadron. Throughout the day, no cost
immunizations, haircuts/manicures and health
screening were available as well as information on
employment, veterans’ benefits and legal issues.
There were many Military Vehicles on display, the
Sheriff’s Posse, food booths and a play area for
kids. There also was the “Wall of Remembrance”-
where photos are placed each year. It was certainly
a great event.
Monday, Memorial Day, we attended the special
Mass, celebrated by Monsignor Zimmerman. He
told how his dad was in the military during World
War I, but wasn’t permitted overseas because of
his German background. However Monsignor’s
older brother Bill, an Air Force Major, made up
for that. During World War II, he flew Fighter
Planes over Europe.
Later that morning we attended the Memorial
Day Tribute at Live Oak Cemetery, and it was
truly amazing. Janine Coyne, Secretary/Treasurer
of the Allied Veterans Council welcomed us. The
M.C. was Scott Sinclair, its President. Colors
were advanced by the Civil Air Patrol, followed
by Monrovia High School Band‘s rendition of the
National Anthem. Chuck Keen, from American
Legion Post 44 led us in prayer followed by Clint
Stamps, Arcadia/Monrovia VFW Post 2070 and
the Pledge.
The main address was by Chaplain CPT Morsan
McSweeney, US Army Reserves. She was awesome,
relating experiences of her work with returnees
from Iraq and Afghanistan. Other speakers
included Senator Carol Lui, Congresswoman Judy
Chu, Monrovia Mayo Mary Ann Lutz, Duarte
Mayor Pro Tem Liz Reilly, and Arcadia Mayor Pro
Tem John Wuo. My daughter Karen commented
how EACH of the above-mentioned gave an
outstanding talk-yet each was from a different
perspective. Karen felt Mary Ann‘s reached our
granddaughter Jen. My heart broke as Judy Chu
told us of her nephew’s death in Afghanistan, and
Liz Reilly reminded everyone how Memorial Day
began. I’ve known Carol Lui for fifteen years and
she was as eloquent as always. Other local officials
included Duarte Council Members Phil Reyes
and John Fasana, and Monrovia’s Mayor Pro Tem
Becky Shevlin and Council Member Larry Spicer.
There was recognition of Blue Star Families,
Gold Star Mothers, and Veterans of ALL branches
of service. The Celebration concluded with
Benediction, a 21 gun salute, Taps, Raising of
the Flags, Dove Release and Amazing Grace
performed by Pipe Major John Massie, MBE.
Afterwards, Live Oak Cemetery provided
refreshments and attendees left with an even
deeper appreciation of the
GREAT SACRIFICES our Serviceman and
Servicewomen and their families made for us.
The first book I
wrote was “Guide
to Wild Foods.” It
represented my
attempt to put my various notes and articles
about plant lore and ethnobotany into some
usable format. If these notes were organized,
others might be able to travel over the path I’ve
struggled over a bit more easily. But I actually
compiled and wrote the book for my own
personal use and was happy to see that others
found the book worthy of purchase.
I began “Guide to Wild Foods” in 1975, and
I began by simply alphabetizing, by common
name, all the notes on the various plants I’d been
learning to identify, and then learning how to
use them for food, medicine, or something else.
In my bedroom of my parents’ home, I kept
my crude of my observations, my studies, and
my recipes scattered in a somewhat organized
fashion over every flat surface. In 1976, I began
by writing weekly columns for the now-defunct
Altadena Chronicle as my first attempt to begin
publishing my book.
With the help of various mentors, I began
to more fully organize the notes into cogent
chapters, got illustrations, and got the whole
book printed and bound.
The first edition was a dream come true, but
contained many typos. By the next printing, I’d
cleaned up the errors in the text, improved the
drawings, and expanded the text. In fact, since
it’s first appearance in 1978, I’ve updated the
book nearly every time there was a new printing.
One of my greatest surprises came when I was
listening to the old American Indian hour on
Pasadena City College Radio early one Saturday
morning. Dorothy Poole, aka Chaparral Granny,
was talking about the uses of certain local wild
plants. As I listened, it sounded vaguely familiar.
I quickly pulled out my copy of “Guide to Wild
Foods” and opened to the plant she was talking
about. Imagine my surprise to see that she was
reading directly from my book! I felt honored
that she felt my compilation and personal
commentary was worthy of sharing on the
American Indian hour.
The book helps the beginner understand
the basic botanical terminology, and quickly
shows the reader how to best utilize many of the
common wild plants for food, medicine, soap,
Many of the plants listed in this book are not
native, and are considered invasive weeds. They
are the plants that gardeners love to pull up and
toss in the trash, or worse, to spray Roundup on
them so they don’t come back.
But it turns out that some of the wild foods
are more nutritious than much of what we find
in the supermarket. And they taste good too, if
you simply take the time to learn how to prepare
In “Guide to Wild Foods,” you learn that
the brown pod from the carob trees planted all
over Southern California are edible, and are an
excellent source of calcium and B vitamins.
You also learn that dandelion is the richest
source of beta carotene (not carrots), and that
purslane is the richest plant source of Omega 3
fatty acids, and that the common lambs quarter
is like nature’s mineral tablet.
I include many of the Native American uses
of plants, such as the yucca plant which was a
valuble soap and fibre source, as well as three
types of food. And you learn about many of
the natural cures to poison oak, including the
seemingly unusual treatment that I’ve done for
the past 30 years.
“Guide to Wild Foods” is available at Amazon,
at bookstores, and at www.ChristopherNyerges.
com. I hope you enjoy your copy!
Election Day June 8 – Pre-Election Event June 4
Locations for eight Altadena Town Council Election Polling Sites have been announced. There will
be seven sites open on Election Day, Saturday, June 8, from 9:00am to 3:00pm, with the exception
of the Library, which will open at 10:00 to coincide with the start time of the “Art on Millionaire’s
Row” event.
There will also be a pre-election event on Tuesday night, June 4, from 5:00 to 9:00pm at the Altadena
Community Center for voters unable to vote on Election Day. As usual, the Tuesday night ballot box
will be locked in an unused jail cell at the Altadena Sheriff’s Station until the ballot count on Saturday
The locations are: Altadena Library
600 E Mariposa Street Crown City Masonic Building
2540 Fair Oaks Avenue
Farnsworth Park
568 Mt Curve Avenue Gordy’s Garage
843 W Woodbury Road
Loma Alta Park
3330 North Lincoln Avenue Podley Properties
1471 East Altadena Drive
S&J Automotive
1904 New York Drive Pre-Election Tuesday, June 4
Altadena Community Center
730 East Altadena Drive
5:00 to 9:00pm
For more information contact Eric Pierce, Chair
2013 Altadena Town Council Election Committee
626 664-4300
Olive Tree will be held on Thursday,June 6, from 7-9pm, in the Cultural Hall of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, Pasadena Stake Center. The Stake Center is located at 770 Sierra Madre
Blvd. Pasadena 91107.
The purpose of Olive Tree, is to provide clarity for both believers and nonbelievers in the, Messiah.
The panel will discuss the differences, common roots and misconceptions amongst: Catholicism,
Islam, Judaism, Evangelical Christianity, Protestant denominations and Mormonism. Following a 60
minute formal discussion, audience members will have the opportunity to ask members of the panel,
questions pertaining to their faith.
Speakers include: Father Alexei Smith, Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer, Archdiocese of Los
Angles; President Jorge Becerra, Arcadia Mission President- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints; Sarah Taylor, an adjunct professor at Fuller Seminary, in Pasadena; Jonathan Freund, Interim
Executive Director, Board of Rabbis of Southern California/ The Jewish Federation of Greater Los
Angeles; Levent Akbarut, Spokesman, Islamic Congregation of La Canada-Flintridge; Jeremy Langill,
Director of Youth Ministry, All Saints.
Sacramento – Assemblymember Chris Holden’s
legislation to give active duty military personnel
a tax break when they are transferred into California
was approved by the state Assembly late
Wednesday. AB 143, the Military Use Tax Exemption,
would eliminate use taxes – a type of
sales tax – on personal property purchased by an
active duty military member who has been transferred
into the state.
“It just doesn’t seem fair to tax our active duty
military personnel when they are already making
so many sacrifices,” explained Assemblymember
Holden. “California is home to nearly 13% of active
duty members stationed in the U.S. It just
seems the right thing to do to relieve some of the
burden for those who may least be able to afford
it,” concluded Holden.
Here’s how it works: A “use tax” is levied on items
purchased out-of-state for use in California.
If you are on active duty in Texas and buy a computer
or furniture, then three months later you
are transferred to a base in California, you would
be required to pay a “use tax”. Under AB 143 the
tax would be waived.
Active duty military in California are already
exempt from paying taxes on such items as cars
or trucks they bring into the state. This measure
would expand that to include items such as furniture,
stereos, computers or any items purchased
from a retailer while living in another state.
AB 143 is supported by the State Board of Equalization
and Veterans groups throughout California.
It now moves to the Senate for consideration.
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Initiated by Supervisors Mark
Ridley-Thomas and Michael
D. Antonovich, the Board of
Supervisors unanimously approved
a Mills Act Ordinance
that allows owners of qualified
historic properties to receive
a tax reduction and use
the savings to help rehabilitate
and maintain their historic
“These economic incentives
help preserve historic residential
neighborhoods and revitalize
older downtown districts,”
said Supervisor Antonovich.
“Older unincorporated communities
including La Crescenta,
Montrose, East Pasadena
and Altadena have older housing
and commercial buildings
that will benefit from these