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 Mountain Views News Saturday, June 1, 2013 




by Lori Koop, Right Brain Business Coach 

TRU Harmony

In an ideal world, our spirit (which lives in our right-brain) would be guiding 
our moves… informing our direction and leading us upward. And after receiving 
these instructions, the left-brain would detail the action plan, mobilize the 
troops and execute with confidence. This is how we were designed and how we 
move forward with ease.

The spirit is consistent. It is the most reliable part of us. And it contains our 
roadmap, the best path to our purpose. The left-brain, however, is not always 
consistent. It has options: it can choose to do what the spirit suggests, or not. 
When it listens to the spirit, the left and right brain harmoniously align. And 
things get done beautifully, seemingly without effort. 

When it chooses not to listen, it is because the logical left-brain has snapped into protection mode. 
This part of our brain is scared of new things -- anything that requires risk, or threatens its sense 
of security. It sends out all kinds of fearful/doubtful thoughts that derail the clear directions of the 
spirit. If we believe these thoughts, we get stopped. It’s too scary to move forward, so we don’t.

Where there is disagreement between the left and 
right brains, there is tension. This is where “stress” 
comes from: the discord between what our spirit 
suggests (the direction which is TRU for us), and 
the actions we take or don’t take (hindered by our 
fear). Imagine the flow of a river. The spirit is our 
natural, authentic flow. Fear is our attempt to swim 
upstream and resist the truth. If we dissolve the fear, 
the calm flow of life returns, even if it isn’t perfect. 

Next week, I will show you how to dissolve the fear 
so you can return to harmony. This is what Living 
TRU is all about. In the meantime, notice when you 
are stressed. Look for the conflict… what is your 
spirit suggesting and what fear is coming against it? 
It might surprise you.

- - - - - - - - - -
Lori Koop, The Right Brain Business Coach

Get clear about The Real You and what’s TRU, for 
you and your business. Schedule a complimentary 
coaching session at The Center for Wellbeing, 626-

When you really need someone – who can you count on? When you are feeling low? When you want 
to share your joy? When you make a huge mistake or a huge accomplishment, do you have that go to 
person who is always at the ready to listen to you and comfort you/support you? Well, that’s a pretty 
tall order for a best friend, spouse or even parent – to always be there, all the time, at a moments 
notice. Who can you count on for that sage advice, any time of day or night? The answer is so easy. 
It’s you! We have to be there for ourselves. Love all of ourselves, support all of ourselves, be the wise 
sage with the answers for our best well-being. 

So the question is: how do you cultivate this relationship with yourself? You are too busy being there 
for others. Too busy working and distracting yourself with the internet. Is that last hour a night on 
the computer the absolute best way to support your self?

In yoga we learn to be there. We cultivate a relationship with our Inner Teacher. This inner teacher 
knows what we should do, knows how to avoid the same mistakes and directs us with love and 
support. We learn to be our own best friend. The practice of yoga is for self-sufficiency. Then when 
we are not looking to others for love and support, when we feel complete and whole within, we can 
share that confidence and love with others. We can inspire and be a bright light. We are never alone. 
You are so very wise, and yet, you may be completely dependent on someone else. The journey of 
self -discovery is rewarding beyond belief. It is not always easy. That is why we avoid. But once you 
understand how strong and happy you are, your self is such a wonderful place be.

You can spend time inside and on your side, every time you practice yoga. You may just learn you 
have a new best friend! See you in class. Namasté, René

In the January 2000 edition 
of the Journal of Manipulative 
and Physiological Therapeutics 
comes a study that discusses the 
beneficial treatment and cost 
effectiveness of chiropractic 
maintenance care.

The study provided “health 
promotion and prevention 
services” for senior’s, 65 years 
and older, for a period of at 
least 5 years at a minimum 
of four visits per year. 
The patients treated with 
chiropractic maintenance care 
were compared to the general 
population and this was also 
compared to those treated by 

The patients saw the 
chiropractor on average of 
16.95 visits per year or once 

every three weeks. They saw 

the M.D. on average 4.76 times 
per year. The cost for health 
care for the chiropractic group 
was 31% less than the national 
average for the same age group. 
In fact the chiropractic group 
was lower than the national 
average for all age groups. The 
patients receiving chiropractic 
care spent on average $1,723 
for hospitalization vs. the per 
capita expenditure for Medicare 
hospitalization was $5,121 or 
51% of the total cost of health 
care services.

The study concluded the 
although the patients saw the 
chiropractor at least twice 
as often it resulted in a 50% 
reduction in M.D. visits. 
This also resulted in extreme 
differences in hospitalization 
cost and the total annual cost 
of health services. The patient 
receiving chiropractic 

maintenance care was 
conservatively 1/3 of the 
expenses made by US citizens 

of the same age.

With an aging population, the 
preventative and restorative 
benefits of chiropractic care 
along with a healthy lifestyle 
creates a true “health plan” to 
utilize as you grow older and 

If the benefits of chiropractic 
maintenance care can be 
demonstrated in the age group 
65 and over when the effects 
of life has its most profound 
effects, think of what it can 
do for your health today in 
avoiding premature disability 
and illness and lowering your 
overall health care cost not to 
mention the secondary effects 
on your quality of life.


by Dennis R. Buckley, D.C.




Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams 




By Scott Sigler

 As we start to move away from May and into the 
start of June, we’ll start to pick up with much more 
exciting reads for the summer and this next pick will 
do just that. “Infected” by Scott Sigler will be sure to 
pull in readers with not just its premise and plot, but 
with action and the thoroughness of each individual 
character. “Infected” focuses on a few different but 
unique characters that are challenged in their own 
unique perspectives when a mysterious disease 
descends onto their hometowns in Michigan. 

 More trouble is added however when it turns out 
this mysterious disease turns sane people into raving 
murderers, who inflict on harm on not just others, 
but themselves. Sigler is wonderful with pacing and 
tone here, making readers eager with each turn of a 
page and anxious as the chapters start to build up to 
their climax. The tone of “Infected” will not be lost on 
readers, as each chapter not just focuses on different 
characters, but play off of each other; character 
interactions build up from one chapter to the next, as 
well as the resulting actions that affect one character 
or all characters as the later chapters progress. 

 What readers will really enjoy as that these chapters progress, is that the antagonists that 
act as the disease slowly make themselves known, and become not just the essence of what 
“Infected” is about, but provide dialogue from both themselves and how the characters 
around them react, providing plenty of opportunities for readers to see multiple perspectives 
on the same situation. Sigler is not afraid of building up tension, excitement, and adding in 
graphic visuals, making “Infected” a gripping read. 

 Copyrighted in 2008 and receiving praise from various critics and Publishers Weekly (and 
steering clear of younger readers), “Infected” is one that will definitely be a must-read for the 
start of your summer reading.

Debut records are difficult to critique. With the hope and promise of a long 
lasting career, many buzzed bands fizzle out after an album or two. I hate 
when expectations are so high after hearing a new band’s single and only to 
find out the rest of the record pales in comparison. This next band is one I was 
worried about despite hailing from the Arts & Crafts label, which houses such 
wonderful acts like Broken Social Scene, Feist, Eight and A Half, and Bloc 
Party. After a name alteration and line-up change, Gold & Youth was rebranded when they dropped 
their first single “City of Quartz,” a song dripping in 80s pop. It was brooding pop tune, at least for 
the first three-fourths of the way. It quickly turned into a more polished, expansive song toward the 
last minute or so. 

After months of delay, the long awaited debut album 
from Canadian synth-rockers, Gold & Youth has 
finally been bestowed upon us. “Beyond Wilderness” 
is the creation of Matt Lyall (lead vocals, guitar, keys 
and bass), Louise Burns (vocals, bass and keys), Murray 
McKenzie (guitar, keys and backing vocals), and Jeff 
Mitchelmore (drums). The thing that makes Gold & 
Youth different than their synth-pop peers is how their 
record is fully engaging, bold, and mature. While veteran snyth-rockers Phoenix and newcomers 
Youngblood Hawke may get all the attention in 2013, there’s an intrinsic exuberance found in Gold & 
Youth that shouldn’t be ignored. 

“Beyond Wilderness” is ambitiously modern regardless of roaming through the likes of 80s synth 
rock. What is even more amazing is that just about every subsequent track feels different than the one 
before. “Quarters” has this sunny and warm atmosphere going on for it. The last minute is reminiscent 
of something found on a Broken Social Scene record. “Tan Lines,” a true standout, boasts understated 
guitars, softened snyths, and powerful choruses. This is the song to identify summer with as soon as 
it arrives. “Daylight Colours” demonstrates tropical guitars, ultra chill vibes, and supreme catchiness. 
“Little Wild Love” is a menacing, moody tune and while it criminally sounds like a cut off some 
Depeche Mode record, it’s still pretty darn good.

There are a few mishaps along the way with “Beyond Wilderness.” The dreadful “Cut Lip,” which 
features barely audible vocals is a dream-like song, but plays more like a nightmare you desperately 
want to wake up from. “Jewel” is a little too much 80s for its own good. It features the vocals of 
Louise Burns, which is nice change of pace, but the jarring vocal change makes this song seemingly 
just a plain old filler. Luckily, there’s a song like “Young Blood” to crank up the energy once again. It 
should be the go to song for any club looking for something different to play on the dancefloor. Many 
newcomers exercising their musical aptitude in synth-pop seem to create the same ten or eleven 
songs on their brand new record. I’ve already vocally expressed this genre to be an overcrowded 
arena, but with “Beyond Wilderness,” Youth & Gold are doing something intoxicatingly refreshing. 

It’s a pleasant surprise to find exceptional depth and profundity to a record of this nature. While it 
may not be a perfect album, this rather striking debut record wields both high energy and a mature 
sound that’s rare to find working hand in hand with one another. 

Grade: 7.9 out of 10 

Key Tracks: “Quarters,” “Tan Lines,” “Daylight Colours,” “Young Blood”
Artist: Gold & Youth 

Album: Beyond Wilderness

Label: Arts & Crafts

Release Date: May 14th, 2013

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