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MVNews this week:  Page 12

THE GOOD LIFE Mountain Views News Saturday, August 3, 2013 12THE GOOD LIFE Mountain Views News Saturday, August 3, 2013 12

Dear Savvy Senior:
What can you tell me about the shingles vaccine? 
I just turned 65 and have been thinking about 
getting vaccinated, but would like to know how 
effective it is and how it’s covered by Medicare. 
Afraid of Needles 

Dear Afraid: 
Older adults who get the shingles vaccine can actually cut their risk of getting the painful condition 
in half, and those that do happen to get it are likely to have a milder case if they’ve been inoculated. 
Here’s what else you should know about the shingles vaccine, along with how it’s covered by 

Shingles Overview

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a burning, blistering, often excruciating skin rash that affects 
about 1 million Americans each year. The same virus that causes chickenpox causes it. What 
happens is the chickenpox virus that most people get as kids never leaves the body. It hides in the 
nerve cells near the spinal cord and, for some people, emerges later in the form of shingles. 

In the U.S., one out of every three people will develop shingles during their lifetime. While anyone 
who’s had chickenpox can get shingles, it most commonly occurs in people over age 60, along with 
people who have weakened immune systems. But you can’t catch shingles from someone else. 

Early signs of the disease include pain, itching or tingling before a blistering rash appears several 
days later, and can last up to four weeks. The rash typically occurs on one side of the body, often as 
a band of blisters that extends from the middle of your back around to the breastbone. It can also 
appear above an eye or on the side of the face or neck. 

In addition to the rash, more than one-third who get shingles go on to develop severe nerve pain that 
can last for months or even years. 

Vaccination Coverage

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone age 60 and older should 
get a one-time shingles vaccination – called Zostavax. Even if you’ve already had shingles, you still 
need the vaccination because reoccurring cases are possible. See or call 877-974-4645 
for more information or to locate a vaccine provider in your area. 

The vaccine is also very safe. For most people the worst side effect is mild redness or arm soreness. 

You also need to know that Medicare covers the shingles vaccine as one of its preventive benefits. 
But, unlike some other vaccines that are paid through Part B, the shingles vaccination is covered by 
Part D. 

If you have a Part D prescription drug plan, it will pay for the vaccine itself and for your doctor or 
other health care provider to give you the shot. You are only responsible for paying the plan’s approved 
copay at the time you get vaccinated, which usually runs around $60 to $80. 

But, you need to make sure you follow your plan’s rules in order to keep your out-of-pocket costs 

If you’re vaccinated at a drugstore, check to make certain it’s in your Part D plan pharmacy network. 
Otherwise, the shot will cost you more than your usual copay. 

If you’re inoculated in a doctor’s office, check to make sure the office can bill your plan or at least can 
work through a drugstore in your plan’s network. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay the entire bill upfront 
and then claim reimbursement from your plan. 
Just to be safe, call your Part D drug plan ahead of time and ask which pharmacies and doctors in 
your area you can use to receive the shingles vaccine at the plan’s regular copay. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim 
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. 


 If you’re of a certain age, you know how you miss the days when you used to 

stay up past 11 p.m. to watch Johnny Carson’s monologue on “The Tonight Show,” 

even though you had to be out of bed by 6:00 the next morning. My parents 

are in this age group, and recently told me about a Johnny Carson special they 

saw. Besides all the funny clips from “The Tonight Show” and Carson trivia, 

they learned that he willed the rights to all of his episodes to his alma mater, the 

University of Nebraska. And, to date, they haven’t done much with this veritable 
gold mine entrusted to them.

 While it’s not impossible to watch episodes of “The Tonight Show” (there are several packages 
available for purchase), the Carson Entertainment Group has made it very difficult. If you want clips 
from any of the old shows, you need to make a formal request, which may be denied. If your request 
is granted, you still need to fork over a fee. It must be nice for the Carson Entertainment Group to 
enjoy omnipotence over Johnny’s reruns, but they should realize that their time to profit off his antics 
is limited. What do I mean by this? Simply that Johnny’s fan base consists mostly of Baby Boomers. 
So, in 20 to 30 years the demand for these 
films will be gone or greatly diminished.

 Enter my modest proposal for the 
University of Nebraska and the Carson 
Entertainment Group. Right now they have 
a death grip on the taped shows, but most 
things can be bought if the price is right (no 
TV show pun intended). Why not create a 
reality show pitting students from different 
cinematography programs against each other 
in a competition to restore beloved, but 
“forgotten,” TV shows from the 1960’s and 
70’s? Think “Peter Gunn,” “Bat Masterson,” 
and “Soupy Sales.” The ultimate prize would 
include cash, of course, and the honor of 
restoring the entire collection of “The Tonight 
Show” for modern viewing,

The format of the competition could be 
friendly, such as allowing every contestant a shot at the final prize. For instance, 10 students or teams 
of students could each get an episode of an old show to restore. The public would see clips of the 
original, and then watch the restored version. Next they would vote for their favorite, according to 
the quality of restoration the students achieved.

 Or, the show could take on the ever-popular cut throat format in which a pool of contestants get 
whittled down to a select few by a panel of judges (e.g., “America’s Next Top Model,” “Chopped,” etc.). 
Personally, I dislike this formulaic model. It doesn’t take great powers of observation to see that there 
are always “stock” contestants making up these groups. There’s always the “airhead,” the “nice guy/ 
girl,” and “the mean guy/girl.” Inevitably, the mean person survives until the last few episodes. This 
draws in viewership --no one can believe that such a jerk has made it this long, and are eagerly waiting 
for his or her expulsion from the game. Also, the judges frequently come up with lame excuses for 
eliminating contestants. When you get two contestants of equal skill, the judge’s critique becomes 
increasingly subjective. “Your dish was delicious, but I felt like you were playing it safe with your 
treatment of the ingredients.” Granted, I’m no foodie, but it’s just food for goodness sake! Both dishes 
probably taste great, and neither of them caused food poisoning. Heck, they’re both winners in my 
book! But I digress...

 Aside from what specific form this hypothetical show would take, it would have the public service 
benefit of reviving all these old shows which the media has forgotten, but the Baby Boomers haven’t! 
Come on, you know you miss “Sea Hunt,” “My Little Margie,” and “The Edge of Night.” So, when you 
see “Project Carson” or whatever they choose to name this reality show, remember... you read it here 


By Pat Birdsall 


 Recognize the signs and find treatment that works. Depression prevents you from enjoying life 
like you used to. But its effects go far beyond mood. It also impacts your energy, sleep, appetite and 
physical health. Some causes for depression in the elderly:
*Health Problems-Illness and disability; chronic or severe pain; cognitive decline; damage to body 
image due to surgery or disease. Loneliness and Isolation- Living alone; a dwindling social circle due 
to deaths or relocation; decreased mobility due to illness or loss of driving privileges.*Reduced Sense 
of Purpose- Feelings of purposelessness or loss of identity due to retirement or physical limitations 
on activities. *Fears- Fear of death or dying; anxiety over financial problems or health issues. *Recent 
Bereavement-The death of friends, family members and pets; the loss of a spouse or partner.
Depression red flags include: Sadness, fatigue, abandoning or losing interest in hobbies or other or 
other pleasurable pastimes, social withdrawal and isolation (reluctance to be with friends, engage in 
activities, or leave home), weight loss or loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, loss of self-worth (worries 
about being a burden, feelings of worthlessness, self-loathing),increased use of alcohol or other drugs, 
fixation on death; suicidal thoughts or attempts .Next week: Help for Depression 


HELPFUL HINT: Another Use for Dental Floss: Ideal replacement for thread when 
repairing outdoor gear because it is strong and resilient, but slender. 


FOR YOUR FUNNY BONE - Bartenders and waiters have heard them all, but what we 
rarely hear is someone turning down a drink. “Nah, better not have one,” said one man after I offered 
him a glass of wine. “I have the world’s worst stomach; I eat so many antacids that if I were to keel over 
dead right this minute, I’d leave my own chalk outline.”

 ~ ~ ~ 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! … August Birthdays 

Karlene Englert, Juanita Fernandez, Jeanette Francis, Joseph Kiss, John Luke, Jacquie 

Pergola, Maury Whitaker, Pat Miranda, Phyllis Chapman, Jerry Burnett, Margaret Aroyan, 

Phyllis Burg, Beverly Clifton, Rosemary Marabito, Susan Poulsen, Dorothy Quentmeyer, 

Genevieve Stubbs, Miep Tulleners, Joy Barry, Ellie Baudino, Marcia Bent, Daryls Brechwald, 
Joan Spears, Ruth Torres, Jane Zamanzadeh and Harry Enmark. 

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not 

Quote of the Week: “Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?”

 ~ Dennis and Wendy Mannering~ 


ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House 
(Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

 YMCA San Gabriel Valley Intervale Senior Café: Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon 
(Participants are urged to arrive no later than 11:45 A.M.)
All seniors 60 and up can take part in the lunch program. There is a suggested donation of $2.00 for 
those 60 and over and $3.75 for non-senior guests. Daily 
reservations are necessary as space is limited. 

 Please call 24 hours in advance...626.355.0256 

Free Balance Class: Every 3rd Monday for 11:00 am to 11:45 am with Shannon Vandevelde. A 
variety of balance exercises are practiced; all ability levels are encouraged and welcomed. 

Free Blood Pressure Testing: This month only! Thursday, August 15th 11:00 am-12:00 pm: A nurse 
from Methodist Hospital, Arcadia volunteers to do the readings. No appointment necessary. 

Bingo: Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm Cards are only .25c each! 

Free Chair Yoga: New Hours: 11:00 to 11:45 Every Wednesday morning. Join Paul Hagen for this 
free class that focuses on senior yoga techniques. No reservation is necessary! 

Free Legal Consultation: Pasadena attorney Geoffrey Chin volunteers on the 2nd Wednesday of 
the month. He focuses on estate planning, trusts, wills, probate, conservatorships and business law. 
*Appointments are a must! Please call: 626.355.7394 to make yours* Conflicting court schedules 
can occasionally cause cancellations. 

Lunch and Learn: Wednesday, August 28th- 12:15 to 1:00 PM 
“You Are What You Eat”- Hart Park House-Senior Center- Listen to Victoria Pacheco, a licensed 
Registered Dietician from Methodist Hospital, as she shares information on senior nutrition and brain 
health. For adults over 50, the benefits of healthy eating include increased mental acuteness, resistance 
to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times and better management of 
chronic health problems. As we age, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying 
emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Whatever 
your age, eating well should be about fresh, colorful food, creativity in the kitchen and eating with 
friends. If you would like to have lunch during the talk, please make a lunch reservation with the 
Senior Lunch Cafe at 626.355.0256 or bring your own. 

Birthday Celebrations: The 2nd Thursday of the month the Senior Center celebrates the birthdays of 
our patrons at 12:30 pm. Please join us for free cake and ice cream and “celebration.” (The cakes are 
provided due to a generous donation from the Sierra Madre Civic Club.) 

Game Day: Every Thursday at 1:00pm. Poker is usually the game of choice, or should I say chance? 
Board games and other card games are also available. Outside, on the patio, a beautiful, one-of-a-kind 
chess table is anxious for players. 

Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 1:00 pm -1:45 pm Conducted by long-time 
volunteer, Lisa Brandley. The class utilizes light weights for low-impact resistance training. Weights 
are provided by the Sierra Madre Senior Center. It’s a great way to stay in shape and to

 socialize with your peers. 

Senior Citizens Club: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House (Senior Center). Brown bag lunch at 
11:30am; Club meeting at Noon; Bingo 12:30- 3:30 pm. Only .25c per card… For more information 
call Pat Birdsall at 626.355.7290. 


USS Iowa (San Pedro) Date: Friday, August 16, 2013 Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm 

Meeting Location: Hart Park House Cost: $32.00 (Does not include lunch)

 Don’t miss the trip to the USS Iowa, designated as the “World’s Greatest Naval Ship” due to her big 
guns, heavy armor, fast speed, longevity and modernization. Visitors will enjoy a comprehensive tour 
of the ship lead by an educated docent. In addition, several short films on the history of USS Iowa will 
be shown providing an abundance of information on this historical ship. Lunch will not be provided, 
but please bring $15-$29 for lunch at the Whale and Ale. Last day to register is Thursday, August 1st,
but those interested can be added to the wait list. (Should someone cancel, the waitlist participants 
can fill the spot). 

Save the Dates! 

Friday, September 13, 2013- Riley’s Farm (Oak Glen, Ca.)
Saturday, October 12, 2013- Oktoberfest (Big Bear, Ca.) 

*Registering for Excursions can be done in person at the Hart Park House Senior Center and the 
Community Recreation Center or online at Cash, checks, and credit 
cards are accepted. Make checks payable “City of Sierra Madre”. Payment must be made at the time 
of reservation. 

Senior Movie Program: 

FREE movies are chosen by the seniors themselves and shown on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the 
month in Sierra Madre’s City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. 
~ Start time is 1:00pm ~ 

August 7th: Brave (2012) 

Winner of the 2013 Academy Award for Best Animated Film. 
Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that 
brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery 
and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. Start time: 1:00 pm (run time is 93 

August 21st: An Affair to Remember (1957)

Starring, Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr High profile types both engaged to be 
married to other people meet and fall in love during an ocean voyage.To test 
the depth of their commitment to each other, Grant and Kerr promise that, if 
they’re still in love at the end of six months, they will meet again at the top of 
the Empire State Building. (Not rated)… Bring KleenexStart time: 1:00 pm (run time is 119 minutes)