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SIERRA MADRE COLTS ...SO CAL’S NO. 1! ....Page 10 Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Twelve Arrests At Week-Pg. 4end Concert AROUND SGV Pg. 5 A Day At The Beach and What Does An Assemblyman Do? ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 Street Closures MONROVIA/DUARTEStudent’s Appointed Pg. 7To Mayor’s Council EDUCATION & YOUTHTalk About Bullying Pg. 8 FOOD & DRINK Pg.9 SPORTS Pg. 10 SM Colts No. 1 In Southern Cal! BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings BUSINESS Pg. 13 HEALTHY LIVING Pg. 14 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 15 Left Turn/Right Turn/ Opinon Pg. 16 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 17 PUBLIC NOTICES Pg. 21 FYI Pg. 22 www.facebook.com/ mountainviewsnews SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2013 BURGLARS CAUGHT! Quick Action By SMPD Lead To Arrests In Sierra Madre, Neighborhood Watch works effectively. According to a report by the SMPD, an alert neighbor noticed two ‘strangers’ parked in a vehicle on Sierra Woods and called the police when she noticed them walking towards her neighbor’s home. She noted that the men had put on hoodies to hide their faces, but she was able to tell police exactly which house they went into. When SMPD entered the home, they found the burglars inside, but were unable to stop them from escaping on foot in separate directions. The SMPD immediately contacted cooperating agencies, the Pasadena PD, the Arcadia PD’s Canine Unit and they called for the services of the joint use helicopter. The Monterey Park and Alhambra Police departments also participated in the mutual aid effort. According to Captain Larry Gianonne in his press release, “One suspect managed to run through yards almost a mile away but was unable to escape the police helicopter above him. Lavon Fuller a 23 yr. old San Bernardino resident and Marquice Garrett a 20 year old Pasadena resident were arrested and booked for residential burglary. Lavon Fuller was additionally charged with Assault on a Police Officer. While being treated for a police dog bite injury at Arcadia Methodist Hospital he attempted to escape and was involved in a fight with a Sierra Madre Police Officer and a nurse at the location. He managed to escape for a short time but was eventually was caught by Arcadia Police Officers who responded to assist the officer. Officers later learned he attempted to car-jack a women in the parking lot of the hospital but was unsuccessful.” Fuller, who is 6’9” tall, is being without bail due to a hold from the San Bernardino authorities, indicating that he is on parole. Garrett posted a $50,000 bond Friday evening. There were four burglaries in the month of July in Sierra Madre and a Sierra Madre Detectives believe Fuller (above) and Garrett (below) may be responsible for several other residential burglaries and thefts in the City of Sierra Madre and neighboring cities. Anyone with any information should contact Sierra Madre Police Detectives at 626.355.1414. fifth burglary took place on Thursday evening at a home in the 400 block of N. Michillinda. In that incident according to SMPD, there was someone asleep in the home. The police are asking that anyone with information regarding this incident call the SMPD Detective Bureau at (626) 355-1414. S. Henderson/MVNews VOLUME 7 NO. 31 WATER SITUATION TAKES AN EXPECTED TURN FOR THE WORSE Despite Conservation Efforts, City Must Purchase Water From Arcadia/MWD Any day now, Sierra Madre residents may notice something very disturbing. When they have that nice tall glass of water it may seem a little different, and it probably will be. That’s because with two wells out of service, the city has had to purchased water from Arcadia via the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). As a result, what will be running through our faucets will not be the pristine well water that we have come to take for granted. The city applied for permission to open the recently completed MWD connection along Grand View Avenue and, once the permit is approved, we will purchase the authorized 1,468 gallons of water at a cost of $101,500.00. To cover the cost fundsswill be taken from the Water Department’s reserve. This past Tuesday, Mayor Nancy Walsh and Public Works Director Bruce Inman presemted to the Sierra Madre Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs to discuss that current status of the city’s water situation. The presentation was very detailed and explained the necessity of the mandatory water conservation effort. Inman did disclose that since residents have been asked to conserve water, our consumption has dropped significantly. As of the end of July, residents had saved 12.6 million gallons of water, 18.6% less consumption over the same period last year, according to the presentation made by Inman. And while that is good, our supply is still woefully short. But one of the most disconcerting statements made at the Kiwanis presentation was when Inman pointed out that water from the MWD would ne noticeably different. as the MWD uses chloramine to disenfect water which causes the water to be “harder and taste differently.” Sierra Madre uses chlorine to disenfect our well water. At one point, a resident asked why this crisis seemed to develop rather suddenly and it was pointed out that Inman had been warning the council and citizens of our diminishing water supply and the aging water delivery system for years. Not only does the city face a crisis in terms of the water in our wells and our use of it, the next challenge for City Officials will be figuring out how to pay for it. A rate increase appears to be inevitable said one city official. Unlike the attempt to raise rates in 2010 that failed, this time the city is being proactive by scheduling informative community meetings leading up to the Council’s consideration of new water and sewer rates in October, 2013. Each meeting will cover different aspects of the city’s water operations including the Water Department’s financial structure and status, the Capital and Long Term Master Plan and a review of the proposed revised rate structure. A chart of the dates is below. For the entire presentation, go to the city’s website: www.cityofsierramadre. com. Related story on page 3 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |