LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Mountain Views News Saturday, August 3, 2013 16 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Mountain Views News Saturday, August 3, 2013 16
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterStuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James SnyderBobby EldridgeMary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
describes government pensions as a
“Detroit’s not going contractual obligation that “shall not be
into bankruptcy . . .
diminished or impaired.”
bankruptcy shouldn’t be Ingham County Judge Rosemary
on the table.”
Aquilina told the state’s attorney general,
- Gov. Rick Snyder (R-
“I have some serious concerns because
MI) – June 2011
there was this rush to bankruptcy court
that didn’t have to occur and shouldn’t
have occurred. Plaintiffs shouldn’t have
Fifteen years ago,
been blindsided.” Judge Aquilina ruled,
the cure for Detroit’s
“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good
economic ills was obvious: the city, and
people who work.”
the State of Michigan, simply needed
EM Kevyn Orr is not unsympathetic
to commit hundreds of millions of
to those who, after a lifetime of hard
dollars in public funds to finance new
work, face having their retirements
professional sports facilities. First was
wiped out at his sole discretion; “This
$300 million for a new home for the AL
is very personal to me . . . My mother is
Tigers. They got $66 million back by
a pensioner.” He promised all retirees
selling naming rights to Comerica Bank,
would continue receiving full payments
and Comerica Park opened in 2000. The
– for another six months.
Tigers are owned by Mike Ilitch, founder
The target always seems to be
of Little Caesar’s Pizza – with a family
the pensions – especially public
net worth of $2.7 billion.
ones (lest workers in the private
Next, taxpayers were committed to
sector get subversive ideas of being
shelling out $430 million for a new
somehow equally deserving of a secure
home for the NFL Lions. The team is
retirement). In Detroit, there’s $3.5
owned by William Ford (son of Edsel,
billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
grandson of Henry – whose business
(In L.A., the figure’s $30 billion.) It’s
model was based on the principle that
only 18% of Detroit’s total $19 billion of
those who built his Model T’s should be
indebtedness, but for Gov. Snyder and
paid enough to be able to afford one) –
those bankrolling his political career, the
net worth $1.25 billion. $40 million was
discrediting and destruction of pensions
paid for naming rights, and Ford Field
(along with privatizing however much of
opened in 2002.
government they can get away with) is
A decade later, it was clear that the
what this opportunity is all about.
promised economic benefits of providing
There’s the talk of bloated pensions
affluent suburbanites new places to
and greedy pensioners. The average
watch millionaires play ball would never
pension for a retired Detroit municipal
materialize. All it amounted to was
worker is $19,000 a year. For a retired
billionaires getting taxpayers to commit
cop or firefighter, it’s $30,000 – and they
hundreds of millions to subsidize their
don’t collect Social Security.
William Shine, 76, a retired Detroit
Four months ago, Michigan Gov.
police sergeant, was quoted in the NY
Rick Snyder (R) turned Detroit over to
Times; “Does Detroit have a problem?
Washington D.C. bankruptcy attorney
Absolutely. Did I create it? I don’t think
Kevyn Orr under Michigan’s Emergency
so. They made me some promises, and
Financial Manager Law – which allows
I made them some promises. I kept my
the appointee to take over all financial
promises. They’re not going to keep
affairs from a city’s elected officials.
(At the time of his appointment, Orr
No money for pensions. No money for
was reminded he owed $15,800 from
schools, hospitals, public safety, or to put
four liens placed on his $1 million Chevy
people to work helping revitalize their
Chase, MD home by the Maryland Office
communities. Priceless works are to be
of Unemployment Insurance for unpaid
sold off the walls of Detroit museums.
taxes on childcare for his two kids. Orr
Less than a week after he announced
called the oversight “embarrassing”.)
Detroit’s bankruptcy, Gov. Rick Snyder
Last November, Michigan voters
had another announcement – one
rejected a tougher version of the law
enthusiastically embraced by EM Kevyn
pushed by Gov. Snyder – which would’ve
Orr - that taxpayers would be providing
allowed the appointee to take over
$400 million to once again subsidize
virtually all civic authority; leaving
the hobbies of Little Caesar’s billionaire
the mayor, city council, and all elected
Mike Ilitch – this time to share the $650
officials with only whatever powers
million cost of a new arena for his NHL
the Emergency Manager decided to
Red Wings.
grant them. It would’ve allowed the
As once our nation’s fourth-largest
appointee to personally shape curricula
city and one of the industrial hubs of
in financially troubled school districts.
the world, over most of the past century
After that rejection, Gov. Snyder
Motown was a place where, thanks to
pushed through an even more draconian
strong unions, with a good blue-collar
measure that took effect last March - one
job you could afford a home, send your
that allows his appointees to summarily
kids to college, take your family on
dismiss elected officials, cancel labor
vacation a couple weeks a year and be
contracts, sell public assets and
assured of a secure pension providing a
unilaterally impose taxes on residents.
comfortable retirement.
(I wonder if the tea-baggers who
Thanks to a government purchased
helped Snyder get elected were paying
by the one-percenters, there will now
be taxation without representation to
Two weeks ago, Detroit became the
raise hundreds of millions for a project
largest U.S. municipality to file for
providing, as described by Dave Zirin
bankruptcy. Gov. Snyder and Emergency
in The Nation, “No living wages. No
Manager Orr are now appealing a circuit
job security. No tax base. Just spanking
court’s ruling issued the day after the
new stadiums for suburban sports fans,
filing, following actions brought by
which Detroit residents will be able to
municipal pensioners and pension
enter only if they’re selling foam novelty
funds, that the bankruptcy violates the
Michigan State Constitution – which
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
According to my cal-Although I may not be good at a wide variculations,
summer is ety of things, I have mastered the art of doing
half over. I am not nothing. I can do nothing better than I can do
quite sure how this anything. Of course, I do not have too many
came about but the opportunities to do anything; I have more op-
calendar has never lied to me before. It has portunities to do nothing. If I had my choice,
confused me and taunted me but it has never I would rather do nothing than anything.
lied to me. My philosophy is simply this, why be good at
Looking at my calendar I can see no lazy nothing and not put it to good use?
days of summer noted anywhere in the fore- I have invested a lot of time and energy into
seeable future. I am not sure if this is an over-doing nothing and I am concerned that not
sight on my part and that I should have at having an opportunity to do nothing I might
least penciled in one lazy day of summer or if forget the finesse associated with that art.
those lazy days of summer are a thing of the I do not get a chance very often to do noth
past. I sure hope it is not the latter. ing so I am anxious to practice the skills as
I can hardly imagine a world without any sociated with nothing. In this regard, my cal-
lazy days of summer. It just would not be endar has not been very cooperative. Where
summer in my opinion.
are those lazy days of summer where I can do
This probably is the price people pay for get-nothing?
ting old. When I was young most of my sum- Not only has my calendar not been coopera
mer was filled with lazy days where I prac-tive but also my wife has been the epitome of
ticed the fine art of doing nothing. Oh how obstruction in this pursuit of mine. Just when
I yearn for the return of those good old days I think a lazy day is looming on the horizon,
of yesteryear.
she comes up with something for me to do.
Someone once told me, ''Sonny, don't ever Even though all I wanted to do was nothing,
grow old.'' At the time, I did not know what she insists that I do her something. Either I
he meant. I assumed he was referring to his do her something or else. I do not want to do
loss of hair or arthritis in his joints or forget-her or else for nothing.
ting things. I thought that was what it meant Those lazy days of summer were the perfect
to grow old. He meant nothing of the sort. opportunity to perfect the fine art of doing
Now that I am old, I understand exactly what nothing. Regretfully I have to honestly face
he was warning. There is no doubt in my the fact that those times are far behind me.
mind; he was bemoaning the fact that his lazy No more lazy days of summer for me. At least
days were gone. Perhaps, he was envious of not as many as there used to be.
the fact that at the time I had loads and loads The old preacher in Ecclesiastes was right
of lazy days on my hands. I did not know just when he said, ''To every thing there is a sea-
how rich I was.
son, and a time to every purpose under the
Now I do, but it is too late. Where have all heaven:'' (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV).
those lazy days gone? I can look back with a sense of satisfaction
I was whining about this to the Gracious and know that when I did have those lazy
Mistress of the Parsonage hoping to get some days of summer I put them to good use and
empathy at least. Instead of sympathizing developed skill in doing nothing. I know be-
with me, all she did was look at me and say fore me are some days when I will not have
in that tone of voice that I know so well, ''You the strength or energy to do anything, then
just want an excuse to do nothing.'' my ability to do nothing will come in good
To which I replied most sharply, ''I don't use.
need an excuse to do nothing, all I need is an I think it is quite important to live in the time
at hand. The apostle Paul understood this
Thinking about what I said I discovered when he wrote, ''And that, knowing the time,
there was more wisdom in that one sentence that now it is high time to awake out of sleep:
than anything else I have ever said. I had to for now is our salvation nearer than when we
sit in the corner for a few moments recover-believed.'' (Romans 13:11 KJV).
ing from the shock of saying something with Now that I am older, (and who's to say how
wisdom in it. I probably say many things with much older I will get) I can say with a good
wisdom in it without even thinking. In fact, deal of expertise, never grow old. By that I
I am good at saying many things without mean, never forget those lazy days of summer.
average, 23.2 percent of Hispanics live
Paul Ryan, U. S. Representative, below the poverty line compared to
Chairman of the House Budget the national average of 14.3 percent.
Committee and former vice-presidential
candidate recently declared that the Ryan, a self-proclaimed budget-busting
federal war on poverty “has failed Republican has curiously assumed
miserably.” No one argues. During Senator Marco Rubio’s role as the GOP’s
the fifty years since President Lyndon most vocal proponent of granting
Johnson first promised to end poverty, amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants
the United States has wasted $15 trillion; and importing millions more overseas
46 million Americans live in poverty workers. In private meetings with Senate
and 15 million more receive food stamps and House members, Ryan has been
than before the 2007 recession started. trying to map out a strategy to pass
amnesty legislation before the year’s end.
The complete story is worse than
Ryan indicated. For every job that According to Ryan, passing a generous
the White House claims to have immigration reform bill is “the right thing
created, two Americans have been to do.” But amnesty is the wrong thing,
added to the food stamp roles. Over especially for millions of impoverished
the weekend, the Associated Press immigrant-headed households and the
reported that four out of five U.S. adults 20 million jobless or under-employed
have struggled with joblessness, near-Americans. Part-time job creation
poverty or welfare reliance for at least now exceeds the numbers of full-time
parts of their lives, a sure sign that jobs added each month. Even Ryan, a
the economy is deteriorating and the supposed budget guru, can’t deny the
American dream more elusive than ever. math. Every authorized worker added
to the labor market makes it tougher for
Despite the obvious truth that the last unemployed Americans to find work.
thing the nation needs when so many
Americans are suffering is more people, Ryan is rumored to be considering
especially more poor people like those a 2016 White House bid. Like Rubio
who would be invited through the ill-earlier this year, Ryan may think that
conceived Senate immigration bill, S. 744, if he takes a leadership role in passing
advocacy for the legislation grinds on. an immigration bill, his chances will
improve. But immigration advocacy
Poorly written immigration bills ended poorly for Rubio. In January,
like S. 744 translate into importing a Public Policy Polling report ranked
poverty. Historically, immigration Rubio number one among potential
legislation admitted only the foreign-Republican presidential candidates.
born who would be self-sufficient. Today, after assuming a prominent
Those who entered but became role as the Gang of Eight’s most visible
welfare dependent were subject to immigration advocate and promoting
deportation under the policy then S. 744 for months, Rubio ranks sixth.
known as the public charge doctrine.
Veteran Capitol Hill observers know
Today, because of political correctness, that immigration is Congress’ most
the public charge doctrine has toxic issue. Wise politicians listen to
disappeared. Whether they are legal their constituents who strongly oppose
or illegal immigrants, the poor, under-to rewarding illegal immigration with
educated and unskilled are welcome, legalization and importing millions
even though jobs are few and budgets of overseas workers to compete with
to fund more services depleted. struggling Americans.
The current and future beneficiaries Joe Guzzardi is a Californians for
of lax immigration enforcement are Population Stabilization Senior Writing
Hispanics which the Census Bureau Fellow whose columns have been
has identified as the group with the syndicated since 1986.. or comments to
nation’s highest poverty rate. On Joe email joeguzzardi@capsweb.org.
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
Last week as I really want to try and look at
my wife and I flew the news that we are allowed to hear
home from Boston in a positive way. Life is scary enough
the pilot made as it is and I don’t want to scare myself
several changes in more than necessary. Sitting in the
the flight route to back of the plane together with you
avoid difficult weather conditions. As and everyone except for the highly
he made his announcements I thought privileged few I feel so hopelessly
of the Chinese air-flight that crashed powerless and dependent on those
in San Francisco a couple of weeks that I can find no reason to trust. One
ago. On that flight I guess there was a interesting bit of news that hit the
pilot error and the plane approached front pages this weekend discussed the
the landing strip too slowly and –hunger strikes taking place within the
BAM- the tail of the plane hit the California Prison System. The reported
ground before the landing strip was stories explain that these strikes are
reached which eventually resulted organized by prisoners who have been
in the loss of lives and many injuries. locked in solitary confinement often for
After having that lovely picture in my decades. These inmates are prohibited
mind I thought of the recent Denzel from communicating with anybody
Washington movie in which the pilot and yet theses people, seemingly even
kept pouring alcohol into his system more powerless than the rest of us,
even as he addressed his passengers. have found a way to assert some power.
These thoughts hit me again yesterday Through hunger strikes taking place
as I watched the Sunday morning news throughout the state they have forced a
shows that addressed the present state review of the inhuman conditions that
of the global economy and the dangers are their daily lives.
associated with climate change.
How did inmates create these
It hit me that for most of us in coalitions that reportedly go beyond
terms of the economy it is as if we are tradition racial differences seemingly
all passengers on a plane controlled by always present in prisons. If these
unseen pilots hidden behind a closed seemingly powerless individuals can
cockpit door. Think of a huge passenger force the closed doors of power to
jet with hundred and hundreds of open perhaps there is hope for the rest
passengers piloted by a couple of of us. The first question is whether or
strangers hidden from us at the front of not our leaders have sufficient ability to
the plane. Are those pilots concerned focus on problems and come up with
about our welfare and are they properly the right solutions. There is argument
focused on their jobs. I’m afraid that in over the causes of the ecological
terms of the economy the small class of problems facing the world and perhaps
people that seem to have some impact some of the ecological conditions
on economic conditions do not seem to are manifestations of cycles that are
have much concern for the hundreds of beyond human control.
millions of Americans and the billions
of people throughout the world that Certainly this is not the case
are affected by their decisions. All as far as economic conditions are
statistical reports reveal that the very, concerned. While half the world starves
very rich are getting even richer while and the problems even in developed
conditions are not improving very countries increase there really is food
much for all the rest of us. enough and wealth enough to provide
for the needs of everyone if the right
The politicians that are elected policies are established. Perhaps
in those countries that label themselves the millions of people taking to the
as democratic and are entrusted with streets in Brazil; millions of seemingly
the responsibility of protecting the powerless people not so dissimilar
public welfare are almost universally from the prisoners held in Pelican Bay,
viewed as failing in their jobs. Maybe will force the powerful pilots of the
this failure is the inevitable result world to change course and save us all
of systems wherein elected officials from disaster.
are dependent upon the rich and
powerful for contributions necessary Perhaps the sad truth is that
to win elections. Maybe there only when the pilots behind their
are other reasons. Probably most closed doors realize that crash is so
elected officials, world-wide, are as imminent and so horrifying that it will
incompetent and ignorant as the rest of reach even them then, perhaps then
us and simply don’t have the expertise and only then will world policy change
necessary to make the right decisions. to avoid this bad weather. Until then
It’s probably harder to make the right maybe we should enjoy our flights and
economic corrections and decisions trust that our pilots will make the right
than it is to fly a large passenger jet—decisions. I wish I could follow this
way harder.