Mountain Views News Saturday, August 17, 2013
The Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Departments would like to congratulate the Summer 2013 Adult Basketball Division
‘C’ Champions, “That Team.” The championship game was played on Sunday, August 11th at the Dana Gym, with “That Team” taking
the win by two points over ‘Alpha Q.” Congratulations again, to the top division champs for a great season finish. Photo provided by
Jonathan Lui.
Registration for the Intramural Football League
is limited and will take place online beginning
Monday, August 19, and go through Friday,
September 6, 2013. Registration for the league
is online only. In order to register online, you
will need a login ID and pin number. If you do
not have your login ID or pin number, you will
need to contact the Recreation Department at
626.574.5113. Please keep in mind if you have
never registered with us and need to show proof
of birth for your child and residency, it may take
up to 24 hours to activate your online account.
Intramural football is held at all three middle
school sites. This program is open to boys and
girls in grades 6-8 of all ability levels. Practices
will be held two times a week after school. Rotating
teams will scrimmage each other each
Friday. The league will run from September 16
through November 8. The first league game will
be on Friday, September 27 and will conclude
with an end of the season tournament. Dates
and times to be determined. The league is organized
to provide a fun, non-competitive, learning
experience. Transportation to and from the
games is the responsibility of the participant.
Students must be picked up no later than 6pm
or have a signed consent to walk home. Late fees
will apply after 6pm on game days.
An experimental
malaria vaccine
proved highly
effective in a small,
early stage clinical
trial : This raises
hope in the global
effort to combat
the deadly disease,
U.S. researchers
reported Thursday
in the journal
Science. “This
was something
that everybody
said was not
possible. And
here it is.””We’re
in the first stages now of really being able to have
a completely effective vaccine,” said U.S. navy
Captain Judith Epstein, one of the researchers,
who said they hope to see licensing of the vaccine
within three to five years. Malaria,usually spread
by mosquitoes, infected 219 million people in 2010
and killed around 660,000, according to estimates
by the W.H.O. That translates into one child in
Africa dying every minute.
Cocoa might prevent memory decline: Drinking
cocoa every day may help older people keep their
brains healthy, research suggests. Reported in the
journal Neurology (a study from Dr. Sorond of
Harvard) 88% of those with impaired blood flow
at the start of the study saw improvements in blood
flow and some cognitive tests, compared with 37%
of people with no problems at the start. Experts
said more research was needed before conclusions
could be drawn.
Doctors don’t follow back pain guidelines: A
study published in JAMA Internal Medicine
has found that many Doctors are not following
expert recommendations for the treatment of back
pain. They are subjecting patients to unnecessary
ineffective surgeries, imaging tests, and addictive
narcotics. They don’t necessarily need tests such as
MRIs, CT scans, or referrals to specialists .More
aggressive treatments have not been shown to
improve the pain and can put patients to some
risk. “One of the biggest things to realize is that
when patients first present with back pain, the
majority of them will have complete resolution of
their symptoms within a couple of months,” said
Dr. Bruce Landon of Harvard . What works is time
. Physical therapies such as core strength building
,stretching, and regular exercising such as walking
and jogging have shown to improve back pain.
Climate change on pace to occur 10 times faster
than any change recorded in past 65 million years,
Stanford scientists Deffenbaugh & Field say:
Without intervention, this extreme pace could lead
to a 5-6 degree Celsius spike in yearly temperatures
by the end of the century. The planet is undergoing
one of the largest changes in climate since the
dinosaurs went extinct. But what might be even
more troubling for humans, plants and animals is
the speed of the change. If the trend continues at
its current rapid pace, it will place significant stress
on ecosystems and many species will need to make
evolutionary, behavioral or geographic adaptations
to survive. Although some of the changes the
planet will experience in the next few decades are
already “baked into the system,” how different the
climate looks at the end of the century will depend
on how humans respond. There are opportunities
to decrease those risks.
This artist’s concept shows a simulated view from the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Europa’s potentially rough, icy surface, tinged with reddish areas that scientists
hope to learn more about, can be seen in the foreground. The giant planet Jupiter looms over the horizon. This work was conducted with Europa study funds from
Most of what scientists know of Jupiter’s moon
Europa they have gleaned from a dozen or so close
flybys from NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1979 and
NASA’s Galileo spacecraft in the mid-to-late 1990s.
Even in these fleeting, paparazzi-like encounters,
scientists have seen a fractured, ice-covered world
with tantalizing signs of a liquid water ocean under
its surface. Such an environment could potentially
be a hospitable home for microbial life. But what
if we got to land on Europa’s surface and conduct
something along the lines of a more in-depth
interview? What would scientists ask? A new
study in the journal Astrobiology [http://online.
authored by a NASA-appointed science definition
team lays out their consensus on the most important
questions to address.
“If one day humans send a robotic lander to the
surface of Europa, we need to know what to look
for and what tools it should carry,” said Robert
Pappalardo, the study’s lead author, based at NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. “There
is still a lot of preparation that is needed before we
could land on Europa, but studies like these will help
us focus on the technologies required to get us there,
and on the data needed to help us scout out possible
landing locations. Europa is the most likely place in
our solar system beyond Earth to have life today, and
a landed mission would be the best way to search for
signs of life.”
The paper was authored by scientists from a
number of other NASA centers and universities,
including the Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md.; University of
Colorado, Boulder; University of Texas, Austin; and
the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Md. The team found the most important questions
clustered around composition: what makes up the
reddish “freckles” and reddish cracks that stain the
icy surface? What kind of chemistry is occurring
there? Are there organic molecules, which are
among the building blocks of life?
Additional priorities involved improving
our images of Europa—getting a look around at
features on a human scale to provide context for
the compositional measurements. Also among the
top priorities were questions related to geological
activity and the presence of liquid water: how
active is the surface? How much rumbling is there
from the periodic gravitational squeezes from its
planetary host, the giant planet Jupiter? What do
these detections tell us about the characteristics of
liquid water below the icy surface?
“Landing on the surface of Europa would be a
key step in the astrobiological investigation of that
world,” said Chris McKay, a senior editor of the
journal Astrobiology, who is based at NASA Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. “This paper
outlines the science that could be done on such a
lander. The hope would be that surface materials,
possibly near the linear crack features, include
biomarkers carried up from the ocean.”
you record your experience in a picture or poem?
Coastal Los Angeles was totally “socked in” with
low clouds on the prime viewing night (August
11-12), but fine sightings were reported at clearer
sites. The international astronomy outreach
organization Astronomers Without Borders (www.
astronomerswithoutborders.org) would welcome
meteor-viewing reports—in picture, prose, or
poem—for sharing in its AstroPoetry Blog. To share
your meteor experience with a worldwide audience,
email your material to:
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@