Mountain Views News Saturday, August 17, 2013
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Jasmine Kelsey Williams
Even though the L.A. Times front page earlier this
week displayed a huge picture of a shooting star over the Anza
Borrego Desert while I suffered the pain of a stiff neck resulting
from a fruitless multi-hour search for these same shooting stars
racing across the Sierra Madre Northeastern sky I still love
newspapers. Oh, by the way, I did see a few of the exciting
meteor trails as they flew across the sky and quickly disappeared
and really treasured the experience of sitting out on the deck at
three a.m. together with my wife, son, and his girl friend as we craned our necks
searching for what we could not see.
My son’s girl friend unexpectedly exclaimed “This is just like one of those
glaucoma tests” and all at once I had the feeling of sharing something precious
and yet unexplainable with my family. My feeling about newspapers is much the
same. It is a feeling of sharing something with unknown hundreds of thousands of
people as we flip through the pages in the early morning as we get out of bed and
take a few minutes before we face the tasks of our usually difficult days. As I look
at the morning paper I think of my Dad working at the CCC camp almost 80 years
ago and writing his praise for President Roosevelt and thanking the President for
helping him to regain his self-esteem as he built bridges in the Midwest.
I included a part of my father’s article written in a tiny Wisconsin newspaper
on the occasion of reaching his birthday in 2010. By some strange coincidence my
almost 80 year old barber right here in Sierra Madre grew up right near Ladysmith
Wisconsin the very city where my father’s article appeared. By another coincidence
my friend John played minor-league baseball right there in some sort of tri-cities
league 40 years later. Perhaps these connections mean little to anyone in the world
besides me but I think that’s the point. Newspapers allow all of us to experience
our own individuality as we connect to whatever is presented as news in the daily
paper. We are part of that world.
I love newspapers partly because the existence of our little paper in our
little corner of the world has allowed me to write these 299 consecutive articles
about whatever I feel like writing about and presenting those feelings to the world.
Every week I imagine my unknown and perhaps non-existent readership thinking
about these articles and reacting to them. Occasionally I run into strangers who
recognize me and talk about articles I have written and how these articles affected
them. There was a period when I received regular reviews from strangers who
criticized me or sometimes praised me in ways I never expected. There still hangs
on the wall of Andy’s Coffee Shop my article, together with my son’s picture on a
Monrovia Bench sitting next to the statue of Mark Twain as they both appear to be
reading books.
The fact motivating this article is the recent purchase of the Washington
Post by the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. Does this mean that the daily printed
Washington Post will soon disappear? Really I am not very talented at making
predictions. Twenty five years ago I told my son not to bother learning to use
a computer or a skateboard because such things were just passing fads. Such a
terrible prediction carries on a tradition in the Tolchin family similar to my father’s
urging me to not waste time going to college when I could be learning a trade like
being a linotypist which would always assure me of having a job to perform. I
wonder why he did not mention chimney sweep?
This weekend my gang had breakfast at my daughter’s new home and
there on the wall I noticed a picture of Orson Welles standing above a pile of
newspapers. It is a picture taken from the movie Citizen Kane given courtesy
of my daughter’s new boyfriend, a Film School graduate. Citizen Kane, picked
by many as the greatest picture of all time in which newspapers are portrayed
as an institution that somehow describes the rise and fall of the whole country.
Somewhere I learned that enthusiasm the Spanish American War was brought
about as a way to sell more newspapers. I’m old enough to remember that that the
efforts of two young reporters, Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford (just kidding)
working at the Washington Post and persevering through initial indifference and
obscurity eventually securing evidence which brought down the whole corrupt
Nixon Administration. After that, only four years later, the Savior Ronald Reagan
and his Vice-President and soon to be President George H.W. Busch were elected.
Whatever happened to that family?
My point is that newspapers cannot guarantee our nation’s security or well-
being. Rather, for me at least, all that is promised is a chance to stay connected to
what is presented at my own pace and time and in the privacy of my own mind.
The internet is not a place to reflect.
Recently, it was
my privilege to go
to a convention
in Ohio in the
middle of a large
Amish/ Mennonite community. I looked
forward to this very much because I grew
up in Lancaster County Pennsylvania,
which has many Amish/ Mennonite
I was expecting quite a bit as I packed
my bags to leave.
“Are you sure you got everything?” A
phrase reiterated to me by the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage.
To which I responded by saying, “Yes,
for the umpteenth time I got everything.”
This in and of itself was to guarantee
me I would forget something, usually
essential in my travel. Then when I get
home, I will be reminded that I was
reminded to make sure I got everything.
Nothing, at this point, could deter
my high-level expectation of going into
an Amish/ Mennonite community. My
great eagerness was looking forward to
indulging in one of my favorite desserts:
the shoofly pie. Nobody makes shoofly
pie quite like those wonderful Amish
To make matters even more enticing,
I would not have anybody sitting next to
me reminding me I had enough shoofly
pie. I fully intended to gorge myself on
as much shoofly pie as my wallet could
handle. In my book, there is no such
thing as too much shoofly pie.
I drove 15 hours to get to this little town
in Ohio. Every mile creating anticipation
for my dessert delicacy awaiting me in
some Amish restaurant.
I confess it has been a long time
since I visited an Amish/ Mennonite
community. Even though I grew up in
such a community, some things a person
tends to forget.
The convention I was attending ended
Sunday morning at lunch. I, being the
grandiose Know-It-All, decided to
skip the Sunday lunch and look for a
restaurant to indulge in my delectable
delicacy. The convention was wonderful
and as I left the grounds, I did so with a
lot of joy in each step.
The thing I forgot was it was Sunday in
an Amish/ Mennonite community. If you
have never been in such a community, let
me inform you that on Sunday the only
thing open are churches. I had forgotten
this little tidbit.
During the week, I made a list of
several Amish restaurants. I had plans
of visiting each of them before I left and
having shoofly pie, a whole pie, in each
When I got to the first restaurant,
it finally hit me. This was Sunday and
everything in an Amish/ Mennonite
community was closed. I do not usually
go to a restaurant on Sunday unless
it is some special occasion. I was a
little chagrined to realize everything
was closed. This only heightened my
anticipation of the shoofly pie delicacy
awaiting me come tomorrow.
At times it feels like tomorrow will
never come, but eventually tomorrow
came and I awoke with a song on my
lips, a pang of hunger in my stomach and
a desire to indulge in a shoofly delicacy.
I finally arrived at my first Amish
restaurant and I was drooling so much
I could hardly tell the hostess I was just
a party of one. Boy, what a party it was
going to be.
Being a gentleman, I contained
myself as best I could and ordered a
very scrumptious repast. Nobody can
cook like those Amish women. Oh, what
a lunch I had. I think what made it so
wonderful was the dessert expectation
hovering over me like an angelic halo.
Just as I was finishing my lunch the
lovely young waitress, all dressed in
Amish attire, came by inquiring if I
would like to see the dessert menu.
“No,” I said with a delectable
determination, “I know exactly what I
want for dessert.”
We exchanged smiles. I have no idea
what she was smiling about; maybe
the anticipatory tip. I knew what I was
smiling about; the anticipatory dessert.
I tried to contain myself and carefully
pace out my instructions.
“Young lady,” I said as calmly as
possible, “I will have a piece of shoofly
pie. In fact, why don’t you bring me the
whole pie.” And with that, I smiled.
The waitress looked at me rather
strangely and said, “What kind of pie do
you want?”
Being the kind of person that enjoys
a good old-fashioned joke, I responded,
“Ha ha ha. A shoofly pie, if you please.”
“What’s a shoofly pie?”
I can take a joke as well as anybody but
there comes a time when all jokes need
to be put aside and bring on the shoofly
“This is an Amish restaurant, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is,” she smiled patiently.
“You’ve heard of a shoofly pie, haven’t
“No, I’ve never heard of such a pie.”
I cannot tell you the depth of
disappointment this brought to me. For
weeks, I have been looking forward to
some good old-fashioned shoofly pie.
As it turned out, only the Amish/
Mennonite in Lancaster County
Pennsylvania, know anything about
shoofly pies. Not all Amish are the same,
even though they look alike.
The apostle Paul understood this kind
of disappointment.
“If in this life only we have hope in
Christ, we are of all men most miserable”
(1 Corinthians 15:19 KJV).
I have had many disappointments in
life and many people have disappointed
me, but I have found in Jesus Christ
no disappointment whatsoever. All
legitimate hope is in Jesus.
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver
Springs Shores. Call him at 1-866-552-2543 or
e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. His web site is
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JOE Gandleman...Independent’s Eye
tourist Mecca has
long been loved for
the gleaming beaches
along its 70-mile
coastline where
the sea caresses the
sand. Now it's becoming
known as
the city where its Mayor allegedly gave
unwanted caresses, butt pats and playful
chokeholds to more than a dozen
Every day the San Diego Union-Tribune
newspaper boasts: "The World's
Greatest Country and America's Finest
City." These days San Diego is becoming
known as America's city with a mayor
who refuses to resign even though he's
caught up in one of the country's worst
sex scandals.
San Diego Mayor Bob Filner's latest refusal
to resign was coated with political
gobbledygook: "Now is not the time to
go backwards — back to the time middle-
class jobs and neighborhood infrastructure
were sacrificed to downtown
special interests," he said in a written
statement required by law to the committee
trying to recall him. "We need to
continue to move forward."
Make no mistake about it: the 70-year-
old Filner, once upon a time a progressive
Democratic member of the House
known to deliver and fight hard for his
supporters and causes, is now arguably
the worst of America's high-profile
Three Stooges of sex scandals.
Former Rep. Anthony "Stop Me Before
I Sext Again" Weiner is continuing
his magical mystery humiliation
tour as he campaigns to become New
York City mayor, definitively done in
by revelations that he was "sexting" after
he claimed he had stopped. Plus, he's
highly obnoxious and wears as well as a
nonstop migraine.
Watching videos of Weiner mocking
a British reporter, blasting the media,
answering outraged constituents who
take him to task, or calling a 69-year-
old rival in the mayor's race "grandpa"
at an AARP event reveals less of a run
for mayor than a public meltdown.
Weiner's sexting and his embarrassing,
nearly masochistic, run reflect a huge
out-of-control ego.
Former New York Governor Elliot
Spitzer, who quit his office after it was
revealed he was offering his own extensive
stimulus package to New York's
prostitute industry, seems to be on the
rebound after flopping as a CNN talk
show co-host. Polls show he could well
win in his race to become New York
City comptroller and rejoin the ranks of
elected politicians -- those who often do
in office to voters what prostitutes do to
their clients.
But Filner is increasingly in a sleazy category
by himself. The accusations fall
under the blanket category of "sexual
harassment" but they aren't just about
words or an isolated action. Attorney
Gloria Allred, who is representing Filner's
highly respected former communications
director Irene McCormick
Jackson in a lawsuit, is having prominent
women come forward virtually
every week.
Filner reportedly approached women
at a meeting for women raped in the
military. One nurse felt he was demanding
she go out on a date with her if she
wanted his help in treating a wounded
veteran patient. Filner has been accused
of groping and trying to kiss women
and getting several in a supposedly
playful dominating "Filner headlock."
New revelations are coupled with reports
that Filner wasn't much better
while in Congress.
Perhaps the best advice to San Diego
women might be: if Bob Filner asks you
what you want for Christmas, don't say
"Christmas goose."
Filner insists his actions weren't sexual
harassment and refuses to quit. He can't
be fired by the City Council and the
recall effort's success isn't certain. He
proclaimed he was going away for two
weeks of harassment therapy, then came
back at the end of a week announcing
he'd completed it early. Meanwhile,
comedians are having a field day, and
a You Tube video parody of Robin
Thicke's "Blurred Lines" centers on calls
for him to resign. And it's getting worse
for him.
All Hooters restaurants in San Diego
have put up a poster -- text and design
suggested by Glenn Beck -- saying they
won't serve Filner.
And Talking Points Memo reports " investigators
are looking into claims by
Filner's security detail that Filner frequently
took women to the Westgate
hotel in downtown San Diego... In any
case, it may all be too much for Filner's
one week of harassment therapy to
Or would it? Many politicians are
shameless. But Bob Filner almost makes
Anthony Weiner look contrite and in
RICH Johnson
Hi! My Name Is
Rich Johnson.
I am filling in this week for Rich Johnson. He has been
out of touch (who doesn’t know that already) but has
managed to convince me to step into his shoes this week
and pass along some valuable information.
Part of that valuable information is to pass along local
restaurant suggestions. Two I would like to highlight are
Corfu and The Peppertree Grill.
The Peppertree Grill previously T-Boyles, previously Café 322, and
previously The Peppertree Grill. Yes, it is back. The owners are the Lopez
family.same family as before with one exception. George and Consuelos son
Ryan is now in charge. Even more importantly, Juan, the magician chef is
back in the kitchen working miracles. I dare you to come try their Empanada
appetizer. And stay for dinner. The Peppertree Grill is on the Northeast
corner (almost) of Sierra Madre Blvd. just east of Lima.
Corfu is known by many as a great Mediterranean Food Restaurant.
HOWEVER, what you might not know is they serve everything from
kebabs to pasta, steaks to fish, vegetarian to cheeseburgers. And the food is
extraordinarily good. Not only do they have a Juan in the kitchen like the
Peppertree Grill, they also have a Martin and a Julio. If you like lasagna,
they don’t have it. What they do have is something just like lasagna…maybe
better. It is a Greek dish called moussaka. I love it. Tuesdays and Wednesdays
during lunch they have a buffet where, for $10.99 you can all you want, and
try several different types of food. Corfu is at 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (a few
storefronts west of Baldwin Avenue on the south side of the street).
Okay, we have all been suspicious about how the country is progressing
in 2013. A good friend forwarded me these proofs that the economy is really
struggling (Thank you Cindy)
Today she received a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
CEO’s are now playing miniature golf.
EXXON-Mobil had to lay off 25 congressmen.
Angelina Jolie is now adopting children from America.
Motel Six isn’t leaving the light on for us anymore.
A picture is now worth only 200 words.
Wall Street has been renamed, “Wal-Mart Street.
Yes, many think it is really bad. Reminds me of when Will Rogers was
asked how the economy was doing. He said, “Things will get better despite
our efforts to improve them.”
Nice to talk to you again.
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