Mountain Views News Saturday, August 17, 2013
City of Sierra Madre
WHEREAS, meeting the requirements of evolving state and federal environmental regulations will require the
City to effectuate its own ordinances, policies and programs; and, WHEREAS, community volunteers forming
comm1ss1ons and committees are an invaluable resource in assisting the City Council and staff to develop and
publicize new programs, raising public awareness and providing a means of gathering community input; and,
WHEREAS, matters involving potable water, clean storm water, urban forest management, and state
and Federal mandates are closely related; and WHEREAS, the City has reduced staffing in most City departments
in order to reduce operating expenses, and the reduced staffing resulted in the need to reduce staff workload
where feasible; and
WHEREAS, the City Council decided to disband the Public Works’ staffed Tree Advisory Commission and the Public
Works’ staffed Green Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to create the Energy, Environment, and
Natural Resources Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Sierra Madre as follows:
SECTION 1: Municipal Code Text Amendments Existing Chapter 2.46 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with
the following:
2.46.010 – Created An Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Commission is hereby created.
2.46.020 – Membership The Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Commission shall be comprised of seven
(7) members, each appointed by the City Council. Membership of the Commission shall consist initially of those
individuals appointed to the former Tree Advisory Commission and Green Committee.
2.46.030 - Commission Officers The Commission shall elect from its own members a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
Terms as Chair and Vice-Chair shall be for one year.
2.46.040 - Meeting Time and Place
The Commission shall meet at 7:00PM on the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings shall be held in the City
Hall Council Chamber unless clearly noted as elsewhere on the posted agenda.
2.46.050 – Purpose The purpose of the Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Commission shall be to enhance
quality of life in the community by promoting good stewardship of precious environmental and natural
2.46.060- Powers and Duties
A. The Commission shall serve as an advisory panel to the City Council, Planning Commission, and to city staff
on matters pertaining to water, water conservation, energy efficiency, State and Federal environmental mandates, urban
forest management, and public outreach regarding the same.
B. The Commission shall act as the communications link between the residents, City Council, and Public Works
department, in all matters pertaining to water and water conservation, energy efficiency, State and Federal mandates,
management of the community forest. The Commission shall cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic
groups in the advancement of environmental policies.
C. The Commission shall plan, evaluate, recommend and conduct community outreach, community programs and
services designed encourage responsible use of water and energy, as well as overseeing the protection and enhancement
of the community forest.
D. The Commission shall perform all other duties referred to and requested of the Energy,
Environment, and Natural Resources Commission from time to time by the City Council.
SECTION 2: CEQA. This Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act because a code
text amendment relating to a purely administrative matter is not a project under CEQA and because it is certain
that the activity in question that there is no possibility that the activity in quest will have a significant effect on the
SECTION 3: Severability: If any selection, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance
is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this
Ordinance and each selection, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the
fact that any one or more selections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared
SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published or posted in accordance with California
Government Code Section 36933, shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and his/her certification, together
with proof of the publication, to be entered in the.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July, 2013.
City of Sierra Madre
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2012 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1322 pertaining to Mandatory Water
Conservation; WHEREAS, on May 28, 2013, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1338 and 1338U, making
modifications to the City’s Mandatory Water Conservation Ordinance; WHEREAS, the City Council may find and
determine that a water shortage emergency condition may exist or may in the immediate future exist; WHEREAS, the City
Council may declare the necessity of implementation of a mandatory water conservation plan by adopting a City Council
WHEREAS, the Raymond Basin Management Board has implemented the Section VI (3) of the 1984 Raymond Basin
Judgment, reducing Sierra Madre’s water production right from the East Raymond Groundwater Basin by 47%;
WHEREAS, water levels at multiple city wells are in decline, and on June 29, 2013, City Well Number 4 was shut-down
due to low water levels;
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that modifications should be made to the Mandatory Water Conservation
Ordinance to account for seasonal usage and other factors.
Section 1. Section 13.24.140 Failure to comply – Penalties is hereby amended to read:
13.24.140 It is unlawful for any customer or user thereof of the water department to fail to comply with sections
13.24.070 through 13.24.120 of this chapter. Civil penalties for failure to comply with any of the provisions shall be as
follows: First Violation. For the first violation by any customer of the water department of any provision of sections
13.24.70 through 13.24.120, a surcharge penalty is imposed in an amount of twice the Tier 1 water rate per one hundred
cubic feet of water or billing units. Second Violation. For the second and all future violations by any customer of
the water department of any provision of sections 13.24.70 through 13.24.120, a surcharge penalty is imposed in the
amount of three times the Tier 1 water rate per one hundred cubic feet of water or billing units.
Section 2. Section 13.24.150 Installation and removal of flow restrictors. Is hereby revised to read as follows:
13.24.150 Flow Restrictors
13.24.150 Flow Restrictors will not be installed for any violation of the City’s water conservation will not be installed
for any violation of the City’s water conservation plan.
Section 3. Section 13.24.160 Violation Period Determination is hereby amended to read:
13.24.160 After a notification period, the first, second, and all future violations will be determined by comparing the
customer’s current bi-monthly water consumption with that customer’s average bi-monthly consumption for a summer
base period or a winder base period. Average bi-monthly consumption for the base periods shall be determined by
calculating the customer’s average water consumption for three consecutive billing cycles. The notification period is
the first billing cycle after adoption of a resolution establishing mandatory water conservation.
Section 4. Section 13.24.200 – Base period allocation is hereby amended to read:
13.24.200 Base period allocation. Base period allocation: The Consumption Data for the three consecutive
billing cycles comprising the winter billing periods and the summer billing periods, as established by City Council
Section 5 The City Council intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to duplicate or contradict, applicable state and
federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent.
Section 6 If any sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of Ordinance 1338 or 1322,
or any part hereof or exhibit hereto is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of the Ordinance or any part thereof or exhibit thereto. The City Council hereby declares that it would
have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that
any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraph, sentences, clauses or phrased is declared invalid.
Section 7. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published or posted in accordance with California Government
Code Section 36933, shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and his/her certification, together with proof of the
publication, to be entered in the book of Ordinances of the City Council.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 23rd day of June, 2013.
HOWARD Hays As I See It
Today we seem to face a myriad of divisive
issues: deficit spending, Obamacare, deficit
spending, gun control, criminal sentencing
standards, to name but a few. Beneath
the surface of all of them, though, is one
underlying issue. Today, there is an almost
unbreachable void between those who
believe in personal responsibility and those
who believe in victimhood. Perhaps it will
help to illustrate the difference with a couple
of examples.
Last week, a young man named Shaaliver
Douse was killed by NYC police. This 14
year-old boy was a troubled kid, who had
been raised by a single mom, with no father
around. His rap sheet included attempted
murder along with burglary and assaults.
In the early morning hours last Sunday,
Shaaliver was shooting at a man in the street
when police arrived. Rather than surrender,
this young man turned his gun on the police
who, in self-defense, shot and killed him.
Shaaliver’s aunt was interviewed after the
incident and stated, “What if he did have a
gun? Does that give [the police] the right to
shoot him in the head -- a kid? Police can
shoot our kids? It’s not fair. It’s not fair for the
police to be able to kill our kids.”
With all deference to her grief, the
aunt’s response aptly illustrates what a large
section of Americans believe. This kid was
not responsible for his actions, they would
claim. It was not his fault he picked up a
gun; it was not his fault he was shooting at
a guy in the street; it was not his fault he
had committed numerous robberies and had
attempted murder in the past; it was not his
fault that he threatened a police officer; it
was not his fault, and therefore, he shouldn’t
have been killed. What’s lacking here, of
course, is any acknowledgement that these
voices screaming in defiance at the reality of
a young man’s needless death wouldn’t have
said a word had Shaaliver killed the cop and
escaped into the early morning darkness.
Consider one other example. Nicholas
Kristof, writing in the New York Times,
said that a 15-year sentence handed out to
Edward Young for possessing shotgun shells
in violation of his parole is evidence that
America’s criminal justice system victimizes
the poor and downtrodden. Mr. Kristof
wrote, “[Edward] Young, now 43, was
convicted of several burglaries as a young
man but then resolved that he would turn his
life around. Released from prison in 1996, he
married, worked six days a week and raised
four children in Hixson, Tennessee. Then
Young became a suspect in burglaries at
storage facilities and vehicles in the area. And
the police searched his home and found the
forgotten shotgun shells.” Doesn’t seem fair,
does it? Certainly seems like Mr. Young is a
victim of an unfeeling system.
Well, here’s the truth about Mr. Young.
His rap sheet contains 22 felony charges - the
majority of them violent. Mr. Young was
actually arrested for
a series of burglaries
during which he had
brought his 14 year-old
son to teach him the
business. If convicted
of the burglaries and
child endangerment, he
would have faced a lot
more than 15 years. The
“system” did Mr. Young
a favor by dropping the other charges in
exchange for the guilty plea on parole
Here again, though, Liberal voices would
tell us it was not his fault he committed 22
felonies; it was not his fault he had committed
violence in these crimes; it was not his fault
he was teaching his son how to steal.
The dividing line in both these illustrations,
and in countless other social issues, is
pronounced. There are those who blame
society and will find any excuse whatsoever
for a criminal’s personal choices. There are
those on the other side who see crime as a
result of individual choices made by the
perpetrator, not as the result of society’s
Perhaps the most prescient commentary on
this divide was offered by Bernie Goldberg,
formerly a CBC
reporter and card-carrying member of the
Liberal Eastern elite, but now an outspoken
critic of Liberalism. He attributes the
problem to a warped concept of “tolerance”.
To Liberals, tolerance is what separates them
from the right. They are tolerant, we are not.
But as the left preached tolerance, it gradually
moved from tolerating the right things – like
racial differences – to tolerating everything,
including many social pathologies. The left
today can’t bring itself to criticize 13 year-old
girls having babies, young men abandoning
their families, violence in the inner-city,
dropping out of high school, etc. They’ve lost
the ability to distinguish between right and
Too many of our leaders today refuse to
confront basic problems because they don’t
fit their Liberal ideology. Confronting these
issues is portrayed as blaming the victim.
We conservatives actually see confronting
these issues as helping people turn their
lives around. It’s a stark difference of values
and opinion, and until it is addressed, the
divisions in America will remain.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a
freelance writer and has spoken to several civic
and religious organizations on cultural and moral
issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his
wife and 3 children and is active in the community.
He can be reached gregwelborn2@gmail.com
GREG Welborn
It boils down to how one
views the role of government.
Liberals see its purpose as to
“form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility, provide
for the common defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the
Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our
Posterity.” Conservatives see opportunities for
someone to make a buck.
When the Supreme Court turned down Gov.
Jerry Brown’s request to reconsider the order
that 9,600 California State Prison inmates be
released, transferred or otherwise dealt with to
relieve overcrowding, our County Supervisor
Mike Antonovich concluded that “the governor
has only two choices . . . release 9,000 dangerous
felons into our communities” or transfer them
“through contracting”. “It’s a no-brainer”. The
establishment of justice seen not as a goal
pursued through our government, but as a job to
hire-out like we’d contract with somebody to fix
our plumbing or repair a transmission.
Antonovich made news last month when
he promoted a ballot measure overturning the
2002 initiative limiting Supervisors’ service to
three four-year terms. He wants it extended to
five – twenty years total. That initiative wasn’t
retroactive, so the 24 years he’d spent on the
board prior to his 2004 reelection doesn’t count.
He’s now been on the Board of Supervisors for 33
of his 74 years – and wants to run again in 2016
so he can take the gig into his 80’s.
And why not? Pulling in nearly $200k a year,
great benefits; if his district were a city, it’d be one
of our nation’s five largest – more people than in
a dozen states. Should crises arise, responsibility
extends no further than endorsing formation of
a “blue ribbon” commission to look into it. And
there’s job security – no incumbent Supervisor
has lost their job in the past thirty years (though
that’ll change in 2016). For last year’s “election”
(how many of you are aware that last year we
had an election for our seat on the county Board
of Supervisors?) Antonovich raised $360,000
mainly from developers and contractors with
business before the county – to scare off would-
be challengers and use for self-promotion.
Whenever I hear the phrase “it’s a no-brainer”,
I feel I’m hearing someone who hasn’t given the
matter much thought. The business model of
the private prison industry is to advertise a lower
per-prisoner cost, and then bribe elected officials
to pass more stringent mandatory-sentencing
laws to increase the number of those behind bars.
In 2010, the two largest players, Corrections
Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group
took in $2.9 billion in revenue. The three largest
spent $835,000 bribing federal officials, with $6
million spent at the state level. Over a million
bucks was doled out over three months in 2011
to bribe Florida officials to take their prisons
private. 30 of the 36 Arizona legislators who co-
sponsored bills to put immigrants behind bars
were bought off by the private prison industry.
A 2011 ACLU study finds that “private prison
companies have capitalized on the nation’s
addiction to incarceration to achieve gigantic
profits . . . mass incarceration wreaks havoc
on communities by unnecessarily depriving
individuals of their liberty, draining government
resources and bringing little or no benefit to
public safety . . .Our nation’s reliance on mass
incarceration has bankrupted government
budgets, torn families and communities apart,
disproportionately impacted people of color . . .
But it has been a bonanza for the private prison
industry, which rakes in billions of dollars a year
and dishes out multi-million dollar compensation
packages to its top executives. For-profit prison
companies are a barrier to the kind of criminal
justice reform that is desperately needed in
Arizona offers an example of a bought-off
legislature. As reported in the Tucson Citizen,
a state statute reads, “A proposal shall not be
accepted unless the proposal offers cost savings
to the state.” Prison contractors were unable
to meet that standard, so purchased legislators
responded by repealing the statute. Gov. Jan
Brewer’s campaign manager and spokesman
are both lobbyists for prison contractor CCA.
As part of the deal with contractors, the state
had to guarantee “100% occupancy” for certain
prison beds. The result was Arizona’s losing $3.5
million a year because of its decision to contract-
out its prisons. Arizona paid the contractors out
of the federally-negotiated settlement fund set
aside for victims of mortgage fraud.
In New York, the state’s attorney general is
investigating the private contractor hired to
provide health services in its prisons, and the
nine deaths between 2009 and 2011 “linked to
negligent or inadequate care”. In Mississippi,
a federal judge found a juvenile facility run by
private contractor GEO Group to be “a cesspool
of unconstitutional and inhuman acts”, with
assault rates two-to-three times those found in
publicly-run facilities. Inmates in Idaho have
sued contractor CCA over partnering with
prison gangs to control inmates – one facility
termed “gladiator school”, where medical
treatment is denied as a means of covering up
assaults. A CCA subsidiary in Denver reached
a $1.3 million settlement with the EEOC over
charges female prison workers were forced to
perform sex acts to keep their jobs.
Meanwhile, a GEO executive assures investors
of increasing profits from a “growing offender
population”. The federal prison population has
grown 790% since 1980, largely due to drug and
immigration laws.
Last week, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder noted that
in a country with 5% of the world’s population,
we have a quarter of its prisoners. “Too many
Americans go to too many prisons for far too
long, and for no truly good law enforcement
reason.” He described the “draconian mandatory
minimum sentences” imposed on low-level drug
offenders as “ineffective and unsustainable”.
“Unwarranted” racial disparities in sentencing
are “shameful” and “unworthy” of our justice
If Supervisor Antonovich were to consider
the words of our attorney general, perhaps he’d
realize Gov. Brown has more than “only two
choices”. That’s a no-brainer.
“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” - Victor Hugo