Mountain Views News Saturday, August 31, 2013
By Pat Birdsall
FYI - Being a Senior in a Cyber World
The thought of using a computer can be overwhelming to some people, especially to individuals who
didn’t grow up with all the technology that we have access to today. For instance, when I was growing
up there were no cell phones, internet, IPod’s, IPads, etc.
I came to the conclusion that I would have to get with it if I was to survive in this day and age. Okay, a
bit melodramatic. The information at our fingertips is endless. Personally, I have barely scratched the
surface. Below are some benefits of computers to you as a senior citizen.
* Access to more information. You can learn about any topic that interests you from hobbies to medical
information.* Enables you to keep in touch with others. It’s a cost effective way to keep in touch with
your friends and family either through email or facebook. * Serves as a form of entertainment. Games,
magazines, newspapers, Internet radio, movies, message boards and forums are all easily accessible
online.*Shop in the comfort of your own home. Shopping on the internet is convenient, cost-effective
and safe, as long as you shop reputable sites. You can have the items delivered directly to your home.
Very convenient.
Once you start using a search engine like www.google.com for example, you will wonder why you
waited so long. Topics that interest you, topics that don’t, you can find out about anything…It’s so easy,
informative and just plain fun!
Now, if I could just get the hang of my cell phone. www.wcnc.com
HELPFUL HINT: Make that chunk of cheese slide across your grater with ease by coating
the grater with a little bit of non-stick spray.
FOR YOUR FUNNY BONE - Three men were hiking through a forest when they
came upon a large raging, violent river. Needing to get to the other side, the first man prayed, “God
please give me the strength to cross the river.” Poof! God gave him big arms and strong legs and he
was able to swim across in about two hours, having almost drowned twice. After witnessing that, the
second man prayed, “God, please give me the strength and the tools to cross the river.” Poof! God gave
him a rowboat and strong arms and legs and he was able to row across in about an hour after almost
capsizing once. Seeing what happened to the first two men, the third man prayed; “God please give me
the strength, the tools and the intelligence to cross the river.” Poof! He was turned into a woman. She
checked the map, hiked one hundred yards up stream and walked across the bridge.
~ ~ ~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! … August Birthdays
Karlene Englert, Juanita Fernandez, Jeanette Francis, Joseph Kiss, John Luke, Jacquie Pergola,
Maury Whitaker, Pat Miranda, Phyllis Chapman, Jerry Burnett, Margaret Aroyan,
Phyllis Burg, Beverly Clifton, Rosemary Marabito, Susan Poulsen, Dorothy Quentmeyer,
Genevieve Stubbs, Miep Tulleners, Joy Barry, Ellie Baudino, Marcia Bent, Daryls Brechwald, Joan
Spears, Ruth Torres, Jane Zamanzadeh ,Harry Enmark and Estelle Sykes.
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not
Quote of the Week: “Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.”
~ Grandma Moses
ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House
(Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
YMCA San Gabriel Valley Intervale Senior Café: Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon
(Participants are urged to arrive no later than 11:45 A.M.)
All seniors 60 and up can take part in the lunch program. There is a suggested donation of $2.00 for
those 60 and over and $3.75 for non-senior guests. Daily
reservations are necessary as space is limited.
Please call 24 hours in advance...626.355.0256
Free Balance Class: Every 3rd Monday for 11:00 am to 11:45 am with Shannon Vandevelde. A
variety of balance exercises are practiced; all ability levels are encouraged and welcomed.
Get fit, Have Fun with Zumba Gold
Zumba Gold is a low impact fitness class based on Latin and World Music. The upbeat music creates
a fun atmosphere with easy to follow dance moves that will have you toning your body and improving
your stamina and balance from your very first class. No dance experience is necessary and all fitness
levels are welcome. Class is held Mondays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.Next session begins in September.
$30.00 class fee. For more information or to sign up call the Community Services Department at
(626) 355-5278.
Free Blood Pressure Testing: This month only! Thursday, August 15th 11:00 am-12:00 pm: A nurse
from Methodist Hospital, Arcadia volunteers to do the readings. No appointment necessary.
Bingo: Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm Cards are only .25c each!
Free Chair Yoga: New Hours: 11:00 to 11:45 Every Wednesday morning. Join Paul Hagen for this
free class that focuses on senior yoga techniques. No reservation is necessary!
Free Legal Consultation: Pasadena attorney Geoffrey Chin volunteers on the 2nd Wednesday of
the month. He focuses on estate planning, trusts, wills, probate, conservatorships and business law.
*Appointments are a must! Please call: 626.355.7394 to make yours* Conflicting court schedules
can occasionally cause cancellations.
Lunch and Learn: Wednesday, August 28th- 12:15 to 1:00 PM
“You Are What You Eat”- Hart Park House-Senior Center- Listen to Victoria Pacheco, a licensed
Registered Dietician from Methodist Hospital, as she shares information on senior nutrition and brain
health. For adults over 50, the benefits of healthy eating include increased mental acuteness, resistance
to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times and better management of
chronic health problems. As we age, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying
emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Whatever
your age, eating well should be about fresh, colorful food, creativity in the kitchen and eating with
friends. If you would like to have lunch during the talk, please make a lunch reservation with the
Senior Lunch Cafe at 626.355.0256 or bring your own.
Birthday Celebrations: The 2nd Thursday of the month the Senior Center celebrates the birthdays of
our patrons at 12:30 pm. Please join us for free cake and ice cream and “celebration.” (The cakes are
provided due to a generous donation from the Sierra Madre Civic Club.)
Game Day: Every Thursday at 1:00pm. Poker is usually the game of choice, or should I say chance?
Board games and other card games are also available. Outside, on the patio, a beautiful, one-of-a-kind
chess table is anxious for players.
Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 1:00 pm -1:45 pm Conducted by long-time
volunteer, Lisa Brandley. The class utilizes light weights for low-impact resistance training. Weights
are provided by the Sierra Madre Senior Center. It’s a great way to stay in shape and to
socialize with your peers.
Senior Citizens Club: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House (Senior Center). Brown bag lunch at
11:30am; Club meeting at Noon; Bingo 12:30- 3:30 pm. Only .25c per card… For more information
call Pat Birdsall at 626.355.7290.
USS Iowa (San Pedro) Date: Friday, August 16, 2013 Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Meeting Location: Hart Park House Cost: $32.00 (Does not include lunch)
Don’t miss the trip to the USS Iowa, designated as the “World’s Greatest Naval Ship” due to her big
guns, heavy armor, fast speed, longevity and modernization. Visitors will enjoy a comprehensive tour
of the ship lead by an educated docent. In addition, several short films on the history of USS Iowa will
be shown providing an abundance of information on this historical ship. Lunch will not be provided,
but please bring $15-$29 for lunch at the Whale and Ale. Last day to register is Thursday, August 1st,
but those interested can be added to the wait list. (Should someone cancel, the waitlist participants
can fill the spot).
Save the Dates!
Friday, September 13, 2013- Riley’s Farm (Oak Glen, Ca.)
Saturday, October 12, 2013- Oktoberfest (Big Bear, Ca.)
*Registering for Excursions can be done in person at the Hart Park House Senior Center and the
Community Recreation Center or online at www.cityofsierramadre.com Cash,
checks, and credit cards are accepted. Make checks payable “City of Sierra
Madre”. Payment must be made at the time of reservation. CALL (626) 355-
Senior Movie Program:
FREE movies are chosen by the seniors themselves and shown on the 1st and
3rd Wednesdays of the month in Sierra Madre’s City Council Chambers, 232 W.
Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. ~ Start time is 1:00pm ~
August 21st: An Affair to Remember (1957)
Starring, Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr High profile types both engaged to be
married to other people meet and fall in love during an ocean voyage.To test the
Dear Savvy Senior:
What computers can you recommend for seniors with very limited computer skills? I am interested in
getting one, but at 76, I need one that’s designed simplistically for me. Inexperienced Senior
Dear Inexperienced:
There are actually several companies who make and sell computers designed specifically for seniors
who have little or no computer experience. Here are some top options to check out.
If you’re primarily interested in a home desktop
computer, the Telikin (telikin.com, 800-230-
3881), which has been on the market for over two
years now, is an excellent option.
Ready to go right out of the box, this all-in-one
touch-screen computer provides a big button
menu that displays all your favorite functions on the screen at all times. By simply touching the menu
option of your choice with your finger, you can get instant access to the Web, email, games, video chat,
photo sharing, news, weather and more.
Available in two sizes – the 18-inch LCD touch-screen with a 320-gigabyte hard drive that costs $699,
and the 20-inch LCD touch-screen with 500-gigabytes for $999 – all Telikin computers come with
built-in speakers, a Web camera, microphone, wired keyboard and mouse. They even offer “tech
buddy” software that your loved ones can download on their computers, so they can access your Telikin
remotely to help you when need be.
Running on Linux software instead of the standard Windows or Mac OS, the Telikin is also virus-
resistant, comes with a 60-day trial period, a one-year warranty and free tech support.
It’s also worth noting that Telikin has a partnership with firstSTREET – a senior product direct marketing
company – that is also selling the 20-inch Telikin for $999, but have rebranded it as the “WOW!
Computer for Seniors.”
Another option to consider is the MyGait Elite Computer (mygait.com, 866-469-4248), which costs
$899 plus a $20 monthly service fee. This mouse-operated PC has a 20-inch high-resolution monitor,
a large-letter color-coded keyboard, one-click functionality for all pages, a simple zoom feature that
lets you magnify your email or Web page up to 200 percent, and an ergonomic trackball mouse that’s
easy on the hand and wrist.
It also comes with a built in Web camera, DVD/CD player, unlimited storage space, dozens of games
and a unique customer service package that guarantees protection against viruses and spam, provides
ongoing computer updates, and offers a help line if you ever get stuck or need assistance.
If you’re interested in something mobile, there are several new senior-specific tablets on the market
you should look into like the Claris Companion (clariscompanion.com, 866-284-4939), which
combines a computer, digital picture frame, mobile phone and passive monitoring device into one
It has a 10-inch touch-screen with huge text and buttons, amplified sound and comes in a thick bamboo
frame that’s easy to hold on to, plus a stand that props it up.
It also provides simplified access to email, text messaging, the Web, video chat and photos. Along
with exercise videos, medication and other reminders, and gives family members the ability to easily
monitor you if you need an extra hand. It even let’s you or our loved ones personalize the tablet to
handle your specific needs and abilities.
The Claris Companion offers a variety of pricing packages that starts at $100 with a two-year contract,
plus a $59 monthly subscription fee.
Another option to consider is the In-Touch Senior Tablet (seniortouchpad.com), which is also a 10-
inch tablet that provides simple one-touch, big-button access to the Web, email, text messaging, your
calendar, video chat, medication reminders and more. The Senior Tablet cost $400.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
KATIE Tse.....................This and That
I hope you’ve had a wonderful week! In fact, such a wonderful week that
you don’t remember the last sentence of an article I recently submitted. It was
a story about my mom and aunt’s quest to find fish & chips as good as those
from Highland’s, a restaurant in Michigan that is now closed. The last sentence
was accidentally cut off. It read “God gave” It was supposed to say, “God gave
everyone a built-in map of Michigan (your left hand). What other state can claim
At first I was a little embarrassed by the typo, but then I thought that perhaps it would get people
thinking about God, which is a lot more important than my little fish & chip story! God gave
_____. We can all fill in the blank with the wonderful blessings we’ve received from God. Maybe
you’ve bought a new car or house. Or maybe you’ve gotten a raise in your salary.
It’s easy to identify major blessings like these, while forgetting all the billions of other blessing we
usually take for granted; like having food, clean water, and shelter. We are reminded of these every
time we see famine-ridden people suffering in other parts of the world. But there are so many
other blessing that sustain our daily lives! Breathing, swallowing, seeing, hearing, and walking are
just a few. My brief hospital internship constantly brought these often overlooked abilities to the
forefront of my attention. Truly, an infinite number of “little” miracles keep us going through the
In our post-modern, post-religious, post-moral society, humanism teaches that our
accomplishments are all a result of what we’ve done for ourselves. “I exercise and eat right to stay
healthy.” “I studied diligently to earn this degree.” “I worked hard to gain this promotion.” But
who gave you a functioning body to feed and exercise? Who gave you the intelligence to learn all
that was necessary for your degree? Who gave you the ability to work hard?
Sometimes our presumption shocks me. Whenever I read a billboard stating, “We live to cure
cancer” I inwardly cringe. By the grace of God the body responded well to the doctor’s treatments.
I doubt that the hospital ad creators had all this in mind when they designed it. But just the fact
that such self-important claims spill so easily out of our mouths is an indication of how far we’ve
fallen from recognizing our total dependence on God.
It’s true that it’s easier to recognize God’s blessings toward us when things are going well. “God
gave” also reminded me of the verse in Job, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed
be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21) That’s an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to do. However, I
believe that we’re better able to “bless the name of the Lord” in perilous times if we’ve remembered
to thank Him for all that He’s given us during good times.
What blessings has God given you?