Mountain Views News Saturday, August 31, 2013
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
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upon the recent tributes
to Martin Luther
King, my memory of
the era is that Martin
Luther King was
written about as
some sort of enemy of the People who
was causing dissension and was bringing
the Country to the brink of a Race
War. I know this is hard to believe but
on the day Martin Luther King was assassinated
I managed to get into arguments
with African-American students
who considered Martin Luther King to
be some sort of Uncle Tom who was a
highly-educated and over-privileged
elitist and who, therefore, had little relevance
to the vast majority of struggling
people on the streets.
The movie, Lee Daniels The
Butler, makes a similar point as it displays
the difference between the older
Generation of Black People who conformed
to the roles to which they were
assigned by the White Power Structure
while their educated children made
militant demands upon that power
structure demanding an end to the
nation-wide continuation of enforced
inequality between the Races. In the
mid 1960’s I was part of a small group
of UCLA STUDENTS (I was in Law
School by then) that were flown to Grenada
Mississippi to work with Martin
Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership
Conference. I am very proud of
my small part in working with this organization.
The experience of participating
in the marches connected to voter
registration and organizing boycotts of
local stores that maintained discriminatory
policies were of course memorable.
Also memorable was the experience of
marching past beautiful, wholesome appearing
Southern Whitegirls who spat
at me as I passed. I had a beard in those
days which made me a particularly noticeable
target not only for spittle but for
occasional thrown bricks.
One particular memory involves
participating in a march along
the side-walk when a huge and angry
policeman stood in my way. I was unsure
what to do and was about to walk
around the police officer when one of
the local kids in the march, who looked
to be about ten years old, somehow got
my attention and told me just to ignore
the cop and walk right past him but to
be sure and stay on the sidewalk. For
the moment I had forgotten that restraining
orders were in effect which
gave marchers the right to parade along
the sidewalk but who became subject to
arrest once they walked onto the street
and potentially impeded traffic.
This incident made a great impression
upon me and I spent a great
deal of my time in Mississippi talking to
the parents folk were hesitant about letting
their kids participate in the activities
any many parents were frightened about
their kid’s safety if they volunteered to
attend the newly integrated elementary
school. I certainly understood their
fears but I tried my best to present the
position that these young kids were participating
in something very important
that could make the world a better place
and that individually their children
might well gain new respect for the importance
of their own existence. These
conversations may not have made much
difference to the parents but they had a
profound effect upon me. I realized that
the most important thing to me was to
do something that I felt to be important.
Maybe this Mississippi experience
had something to do with my
participation, 50 years later, in the 5
Day Community Emergency Response
Team Training Program. During the final
question and answer session I asked
the instructor what he felt the actual
purpose of the program to be. He explained
that the thought behind the program
was that if people could be taught
to take care of themselves and their families
and maybe even a few neighbors it
would make things easier for everyone
else because they would not need to be
taken care of by other people.
Is participation in these kinds
of Community Programs a cure for the
passivity that has overtaken many of
us. After all we voted to elect Obama,
isn‘t that enough? Is it better for us to
imitate the rich just have as much fun
as we can until the world crashes down
around us. What I’m saying is that in
the 60’s it, in retrospect, seemed pretty
easy to find something important to do.
It took a little work and it was a little
scary but it was there. What do we do
I want to suggest that the first
thing we must do is to understand that
we as individuals are important. It is
time for us to wake up and look around
and see if we are proud of the way we
are living. Our goals should not be to be
living on a permanent Las Vegas vacation.
The important thing is to take care
of ourselves and our families. We need
to know ourselves and our children. We
should actually talk to one another and
learn to cooperate rather than compete.
It feels pretty good from what I’ve heard.
For my wife's birthday
(I am not allowed
to mention
which one) I surprised
her with round trip tickets to her
family reunion in upper New York State.
Out of courtesy to her, I elected not to include
myself in her little vacation. After all,
it is her family and that is just the kind of
man I am.
I must say I was looking forward to a week
in the house by myself, where I could be
the absolute boss. Nobody to tell me what
to do. Nobody to tell me where to go. For
a week, I would be the king of my castle;
the captain of my ship; the pilot of my
Actually, I need more than one week to do
all of these things.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
deserves time off and away from Yours
Truly. All year long, she works hard and
most of the time has her hands full trying
to untangle me from one foil after another.
Lately, it has developed into a foil-time job.
The day finally came for me to take her
to the airport and see her off. As I kissed
her goodbye, my thoughts roved back to
the week that lay before me as a freelance
All the way back from the airport I played
my Barry Manilow CD. I like Barry Manilow
because he can't Smile without Me.
Believe me, a smile creased my clock all
the way home.
One difference between men and women,
or maybe I should say husbands and wives,
is the notion of cleanliness. Wives have the
idea that cleanliness is next to godliness.
If true, ours is the godliest house on the
planet. Even God must wipe his feet before
coming into our home.
As a man, I see absolutely no connection
between cleanliness and godliness. I do my
best thinking, not to mention praying, in
the midst of clutter. If godliness is related
to happiness, then I am in heaven when
I am in the midst of hodgepodge — the
podgier the better.
Along about Friday afternoon I was absolutely
in heaven. The house was a complete
wreck and I could not have been happier.
About this time, an incident developed
that brought me to my senses.
I was about ready to take a shower when
I noticed the soap and shampoo in my
shower were gone. I knew reserves are
somewhere in our house but for the life of
me; I could not put my fingers on any of it.
This is by my wife's design.
Notwithstanding, and I was standing in
my birthday suit, I needed to take a shower.
Then a brilliant idea struck me. Since
my wife has not been home all week, the
shampoo and soap in her shower should
be in great supply. Snatching my towel
from my shower, I headed for hers.
One thing I noticed in my wife's shower
was the variety of bottles. Not wearing my
glasses, I could not read the labels on any
of them. However, I was not here to read
bottles, but to take a shower, and so I disregarded
the labels.
I turned on the shower, adjusted the water
temperature and began my shower.
I reached for the nearest bottle, which
I assumed was shampoo. After dousing
my hair with a generous portion, I began
scrubbing my head. I noticed, however, no
suds. I grabbed another bottle and repeated
the procedure with the same results.
After using 17 bottles, I finally found one
that produced suds.
I remember thinking to myself, what does
my wife do with all these bottles in her
shower that do not do anything? Nevertheless,
in a moment I forgot the whole
incident, stepped out of her shower and
toweled off.
I made a cup of coffee and settled into my
easy chair to watch a little television. As
I sat there, I noticed a strange fragrance.
This is the difference between men and
women. A man enjoys strange smells. A
woman, on the other hand, enjoys fragrant
I smelled a fragrant aroma with a strong
tinge of fruit about it. It smelled as if someone
had brought me a bowl of mixed of
fruit. I knew for a fact, there was no fruit in
the house, so this fruity aroma puzzled me.
I got up and walked around the house looking
for this bowl of fruit. No matter what
room I was in, I could smell the fruit. It
was the strangest thing I ever experienced.
Finally, I went back to my easy chair and
cup of coffee not knowing where these
fruity fumes were coming from. Some
mysteries are tough to solve.
Then something hit me right between the
eyes. The fruity bouquet was coming from
me! I took several healthy sniffs and discovered
I smelled like a bowl of fruit. I
could not understand this phenomenon.
Then I remember the bottles in my wife's
I went back to investigate and discovered
my wife had bottles of fruity concoctions
of every variety.
A verse from the Bible came to mind. "But
I have all, and abound: I am full, having
received of Epaphroditus the things which
were sent from you, an odour of a sweet
smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing
to God." (Philippians 4:18 KJV.)
The only fragrance worth dwelling on is a
life well pleasing to God.
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God
Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL 34483. He
lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores.
E-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. His web site is www.
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
“We’ve had universal health insurance for all our kids for twenty years.
They have 22% of their children uninsured in Texas. I don’t want anything
to do with Texas’ healthcare system in Vermont.”
- Former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT)
Syria’s use of chemical weapons to wantonly
kill at least 1,000 innocent, unarmed
civilians crosses the line demarking
barbarity which until now has only been the
domicile of Saddam Hussein and Adolph
Hitler. No other tyrants, dictators or evil
souls have flirted with, much less crossed,
this line. A civilized world cannot allow
this to continue or go unpunished. The
necessity of immediate and forceful action
today against Bashar Assad, and everyone
else who planned or carried out this crime,
is irrefutable.
And yet, that is exactly what we seem to
be witnessing: weak-kneed politicians
on both sides of the Atlantic dithering
and desperately scrambling to find some
justification for inaction in the face of
butchery. The U.N. will not act because
Russia continues to protect its Ally, Assad;
England’s parliament has just today
voted against a Syria strike; and President
Obama’s own inner circle (Secretary of
Defense, Chuck Hegel, being one of many)
is advocating indecision and delay as a
substitute for moral courage and principle.
This was all so avoidable, but now a
problem which President Obama converted
to a crisis must be addressed. The years of
dithering and deference to various “resets”
with putative allies and overt adversaries
has not generated goodwill or peace, as the
left has forever dreamt, and lines drawn
carelessly in the sand have only produced
There were, of course, many valid arguments
for intervening in Syria, just as there were
against such intervention, but the luxury
of debate ended when President Obama
publicly ventured into the debate. Two
years ago, the President stated to a world
audience that Assad must go. When Assad
was allowed to stay in power, the prestige
and, more importantly, the credibility of
the U.S. was damaged. When Assad then
proceeded to cross the red line a year ago
by using chemical weapons – albeit on a
significantly smaller scale than this month’s
episode – Obama’s mettle was tested.
There were, at the time, small doubts
that perhaps those attacks weren’t really
chemical or biological in nature. Fine. But
the administration insisted on inspections
– a demand which should have been
respected, had the U.S. possessed the clout,
or pushed, had the U.S. possessed the will.
We had neither, and Assad, along with
every other dictator and tyrant the world
over, took notice. The direct result has
been the slaughter of 100,000 Syrians, the
displacement of 1 million refugees, and
now the gassing death of thousands more.
Just as Hitler started small, tested the West’s
will, and then expanded his actions, so too
is Bashar Assad.
This is what the administration, specifically,
and the left, in general, fail to grasp. There
in the
is not an
option, and for
whom empty
threats are not
They don’t
desire a negotiated settlement reflecting
anyone’s definition of a reasonable, fair or
just outcome. They don’t care about their
citizenry, world opinion, or invitations to
Georgetown or Manhattan cocktail parties.
They seek to conquer and will do so until
they are stopped.
Compounding this problem is Secretary
of State Kerry’s remarks Monday where
he spoke with obvious conviction about
the “moral obscenity of using chemical
weapons” and the need to enforce
“accountability for those who would use the
world’s most heinous weapons against the
world’s most vulnerable people”. Make no
mistake; Kerry was right in his assessment,
appropriate in his emotions and righteous
in his demand. But it compounds the
problem if nothing is done. The more that
the U.S. condemns as unacceptable that
which it continues to tolerate, the more our
credibility and effectiveness suffer, and the
more dangerous the world becomes.
Perhaps that last statement comes as a
surprise. How could this situation really
become significantly more dangerous?
Despite the obvious fact that without
reprisal or severe penalty inflicted, Assad
is liable to use these weapons again and
more will die, there is the issue of global
deterrence. The fact that the mad Mullahs
of Iran are watching and calculating again
changes the dynamics.
President Obama has stated on numerous
occasions that the development of an
Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable.
The Israelis have thus far acted with
restraint, forcing upon themselves a belief
that the American President can be trusted
with such matters of principle and life-
and-death. They, too, are watching and
calculating. If Assad remains in power after
this blatant violation of clearly delineated
thresholds, the Iranians will push ahead,
and the Israelis will be forced to act.
President Obama has created a crisis that
need only have been a problem. He has one
last chance at a reset, but it must be done
correctly. Assad must be dispatched, and
he must go swiftly and violently. There can
be no mercy, or there will be none shown
Israel or us.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a
freelance writer and has spoken to several civic
and religious organizations on cultural and
moral issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area
with his wife and 3 children and is active in the
community. He can be reached gregwelborn2@
Gov. Dean was commenting
on the suggestion of
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that
one of the alternatives to
the Affordable Care Act
could be allowing consumers
to buy insurance “across state lines”. This
means that states with well-regulated systems
designed to protect the health and pocketbooks
of their citizens can be opened to infection by
companies from states where the only concern
is to make a buck.
Sen. Cruz is one of those (along with Sens.
Mike Lee R-UT, Marco Rubio R-FL and Rand
Paul R-KY) arguing that the threat posed by
the impending implementation of the ACA is
so great that a shutdown of the federal government
would be preferable. Jim DeMint,
who cashed in his Senate seat for a million-a-
year gig as head of the Heritage Foundation,
doesn’t take the prospect of a shutdown lightly,
but adds, “The risk of that is so much less
than the risk to our country if we implement
Another issue facing Congress is, once again,
raising the debt ceiling to allow us to pay our
bills. And again, there are threats to renege on
the full faith and credit of the United States,
welch on our debts and suffer the higher interest
rates coming from a dinged credit rating,
unless the ACA is defunded and prevented
from going forward.
Voters are tired of politics played with our nation’s
economy. A CBO analysis requested by
House Speaker John Boehner as he embarked
on his series of votes to repeal the ACA (forty
so far and counting) found that repeal would
increase government costs $5.6 billion over the
next ten years, and increase deficits by $109
billion. Left in place, the ACA would trim the
deficit by $210 billion over ten years, and by $1
trillion in the decade after that.
Four years ago, Republicans used the ACA as
an effective campaign tool. Talk of “death panels”,
“rationing” and “pulling the plug on grandma”
helped them win a House majority in 2010
elections. Next year brings another round of
mid-terms, and in January, implementation of
remaining major provisions of the ACA. This
time, however, it looks like they’d best find another
issue to campaign on.
The reason it won’t work as an issue is that,
with roll-out of the statewide “exchange” insurance
marketplaces only a month away, voters
already like what they see. Republicans might
tout a recent CBS News poll showing only 40%
support for the ACA, but the same poll shows
that of the remaining 60%, a third are in opposition
because they feel the ACA doesn’t go
far enough.
Fourteen states and D.C. have already announced
plans and prices that’ll be available
on their soon-to-open exchanges. In Colorado,
Deputy Insurance Commissioner Peg
Brown described “a wide variety of choice and
healthy competition in the Colorado insurance
marketplace”. She pointed out that comparison
with current plans would not be “apples-
to-apples”; under new regulations, rather than
required details on pre-existing conditions, the
main factors here are your age, where you live
and whether you smoke.
In Montana, State Auditor Monica Lindeen issued
a statement; “I’m pleasantly surprised by
these prices and pleased that Montanans who
have survived cancer and other serious illnesses
will no longer be denied health insurance
or priced out of the market . . . Not everything
about Obamacare is perfect, but these market
reforms were a long time coming.”
According to Rebecca Pierce, Executive Director
of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange,
“Under the new law uninsured residents of the
state will receive improved access to health coverage,
necessary preventative care, a more secure
financial future and peace of mind.”
Chief Executive Kevin Counihan of Access
Health CT, Connecticut’s new exchange, says
lower-than-expected rates show “insurers seem
somewhat confident that younger, healthier
people will be entering the marketplace – many
of them for the first time.”
New York State already had regulations on the
books about charging all consumers the same
rate and prohibiting denials for pre-existing
conditions. With the ACA’s added mandate
that all get coverage, the NY Times figures premiums
for individuals will drop by 50%.
Those preparing the Cover Oregon exchange
saw the benefits of an open marketplace early
on. When they publicly posted submitted rates
from participating carriers last May, the mere
fact of seeing their rates up there side-by-side
with competitors caused at least two carriers to
come back and re-file with lower rates.
California is among states reporting lower
than expected premiums, where 5.6 million
will be eligible for coverage through the exchanges,
with 2.6 million of those qualifying
for federal subsidies.
As was the case when the ACA was initially
debated, polling is mixed for the Act itself, but
shows strong support for its individual components.
A Kaiser Family Foundation survey
finds 80% and higher support for providing
tax credits to help small businesses insure employees,
closing the Medicare “doughnut hole”
to lower prescription costs, and setting up
statewide insurance exchanges – though only
around half of respondents knew these were all
components of the ACA.
Whatever voters know now, they’ll be learning
more in the months ahead and will likely have
had first-hand experience with the ACA by the
time campaigns heat up next year. For now,
there’s the example related by Kentucky public
health worker Reina Diaz-Dempsey, of an
incident that occurred while she was explaining
the ACA at a state fair. A man came to her
booth, and she described to him how he’d likely
qualify for federal subsidies to purchase insurance
over Kynect (the Kentucky exchange),
or perhaps qualify under the state’s expanded
Medicaid program (also part of the ACA). The
man was obviously pleased that health coverage
was in reach (in a state where one in five
adults are uninsured), and remarked, “This
beats Obamacare!”
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