Mountain Views News Saturday, August 31, 2013
by Lori Koop, Right Brain Business Coach
Unconditional love. Imagine receiving it from another. Being allowed, even
celebrated, for being exactly who you are. No apologies. No censoring. Total
acceptance. I believe that’s what we all want… to be loved “no matter.”
Unfortunately, we can’t control what others do or feel. Whether they offer
unconditional love is “their business.” Your business is what you do, including
how you love and treat others. Do you give unconditional love?
Brené Brown, in The Gifts of Imperfection, says you can’t give out what you
don’t have. Do you have unconditional love for yourself? Do you love yourself
“no matter?” I mean, really?
Listen to your self-talk. Is it
loving and kind? Or is it mean and unkind?
Imagine you were able to act and make decision as
your authentic self, with no “right” or “wrong” label
affixed to it. What if it was simply the decision being
made. And the outcome, well, it was just the outcome…
something to base a new decision on. Without
judgment. The truth is we make the best choice
we can at the time, but there is no way of knowing
what we don’t know -- after all, nobody can predict
the future. We can hope, but we can’t guarantee. So to
hold yourself to perfection, that’s just not fair. We cut
others slack, so why not ourselves?
We feel best when we accept what is. Even better, as
author Byron Katie says, “loving what is” (the name
of her book). How would life be different if you “did”
without fear? If self-love was not dependent on performance
or success? If love was what you gave yourself
each and every moment of every day. How amazing
would that feel?
“Nothing you become will disappoint me; I have no
preconception that I’d like to see you be or do. I have
no desire to foresee you, only to discover you. You
can’t disappoint me.” - Mary Haskell
Sounds like your spirit.
I can remember when I first
began practicing yoga, it felt
so natural. It felt like it was
meant to be, I was in the right
place. Like HOME. Even after practicing just a
couple of months, it felt like I had been practicing
for years. Attending a teacher training had actually
crossed my mind back then but when I looked
for programs, they were on the other side of town
taking place while I was at work. And not to mention
the part I was already working and 8-5 and
attending night school from 6-10 most evenings.
So, I settled in to develop a practice. Not only did
my physical asana practice improve, but my spirit
started to evolve. I began to loosen up and some
of my anxiety was relieved. I started to have fun!
Granted I was no stranger to spirituality or seeking
that out, but I needed more --time to just be.
Upon 2 pregnancies, I continued to practice;
right up until birth and then right after. My yoga
gracefully carried me through all of these stages.
I remember being impressed by the support from
the yoga community. My Love for yoga continued
to grow.
And yes, another natural step came next; a
Teacher Training. This time it could be a reality!
It was Yoga Madre's program, taking place on the
weekends. Right here in town. But what about the
time? the money? the baby?! Somehow it worked
out. I was so excited. And I can't say I was frightened
of any spiritual work and self study to be
had--I was excited to go deeper. I was keen on the
part about growing & moving forward; there's
going to be uncomfortable moments & stuff--
fear, pain, judgement. It became my job to be
fearless in this pursuit.
You ask what has come of this? Knowing myself
better, getting in touch with my dreams, developing
a sense of where my energy is going, sharing
(teaching) what I love with others, and a regular
meditation practice (something I've longed
for). This an ongoing continuous journey filled
with love, fear, joy, and countless opportunities
to learn!
So, there. For those seeking to deepen their practice,
get clear,and follow your dreams, we offer
you our Teacher Training/Advanced Studies program.
Next 200hr starting in November.
Namaste and Love,
Keely T. - Honored to be teaching yoga
by Dr. Tina
Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside a young
green coconut. Coconut water and coconut milk are not
the same thing. As the coconut fruit ripens the water
is replaced by the coconut meat. Coconut water is very
hydrating and naturally rich in electrolytes with a slight
nut flavor. It contains twice the potassium of a typical
banana and is low in calories. It’s a natural isotonic
beverage which means it is a solution that has the same
salt concentration as the normal cells of the body and the
In other words, coconut water has the same level of
electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. The five
electrolytes found in the blood which are calcium,
sodium, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium are
also in coconut water. We need to replace electrolytes
regularly to prevent headaches; muscle cramping;
fatigue; and to help our heart, nerves and muscles to
function optimally. During the Pacific War (1941-45),
both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water
siphoned directly from the nut to give emergency plasma
transfusions to wounded soldiers. This
could be accomplished because coconut water is naturally
Sports drinks were created to help athletes rehydrate when
fluids are depleted after training or after a competition.
Electrolyte replacement promotes proper rehydration,
which is important in delaying the onset of fatigue during
exercise. Commercial sports drinks contain similar but
not identical
of salt and sugar
as in the human
body. Why not
drink a beverage
that has identical
mineral salt
and made by
Coconut water is very nutritious and very low in calories.
It is a great beverage anytime not just as a sports drink.
Staying properly hydrated is a key factor in living life well.
Coconut water is a great way to rehydrate when you are
ill. Unlike many sports drinks and sodas, coconut water
contains no caffeine which is a diuretic. I recommend
you reach for coconut water and forgo the soda, and those
popular energy drinks the next time you are thirsty. Just
make sure it is pure coconut water and nothing else.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center