Mountain Views News Saturday, September 7, 2013
by Lori Koop, Right Brain Business Coach
As a budding art school student, she was confident in her designs. She followed
her heart and created work she loved. No matter what the faculty said,
she remained true. It was clear she knew who she was and what she wanted to
accomplish. Her intuition -- her right brain -- guided her.
After several years in the fashion business and a “failed” business attempt,
things had changed. She no longer believed. The years of real life had played a
tune of struggle that she now believed instead. Fear and doubt overshadowed
her spirit’s voice, and she was stuck. Through coaching, we uncovered the
thought “I’m not good enough.”
This happens to many people. They enter the workforce with enthusiasm and
hope, determined to change the
world. The song of theory plays a magical tune. But as
they encounter real world circumstances, supportive
thoughts change to... “This is too hard! I can’t make it in
this economy. There’s too much competition.” And the
dream begins to fade.
Square 3 is the “Hero’s Saga,” and it’s called that for a
reason. The dream, when put into practice, often falls
short of expectations. What sounded good on paper
often doesn’t prove so easy in real life. Unfortunately,
the fact is that ideas usually don’t work the first time.
Nobody tells us that, but it’s true. The Hero’s Saga is a
season of trials and errors; it is trying to figure out how
to make the dream a reality. It’s the same for everyone.
And depending on what it is, it can take hours. Or years!
When we understand it takes time and trials, we can
stay positive and productive. Revise your idea and
try again. Get the support you need to stay clear. The
thought “I’m not good enough” will never get you to
Square 4 and “The Promised Land.” If that’s where you
want to go, choose again… how about “it’s not easy, and
that’s okay.”
Lori Koop, Career Reinvention . . . a Right Brain Approach.
Do work you truly love! Schedule a complimentary session, 626-
921-6315 (Sierra Madre) www.LORiKOOP.com
This morning in the studio many people were speaking about how much
they love it.
It happens every day. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful space, such wonderful teachers and
a fabulous community of practitioners. From those of us in gentle class to those of us in the advanced
class, we are all coming together and our lives are better for it. See, it’s all about perspective.
In yoga we learn to change the prana or the energy. This has a huge beneficial outcome on the way
we view the world. This is why we feel so good after we practice. We are balanced and focused.
According to the great sage Patanjali, “Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an
object and sustain that direction without any distractions.” (definition from the Yoga Sutras in The
Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikchar) or in another translation: “Yoga is experienced in that mind
which has ceased to identify itself with its vacillating waves of perception.” (Mukunda Stiles)
-Vascillating waves of perception, hmmmmm? So, what we are saying is that you can choose how
you want to see the world, if you can get a hold of your thoughts and direct them. Thus, we can be
happier. Wow, can prozac do that? Yoga is really the all –natural, anti-depressant. It teaches us not
to identify with the thoughts that are dragging us down and causing us misery. But to choose the
thoughts that are serving us. We can become our truest selves. The ones we were born to be, with
talent, creativity, open hearts and ready to serve each other.
Sounds easier said than done? Well, it is by learning to consciously shape your breath and body that
leads to this conscious shaping of thought. That’s why us yogis are smiling. That is what keeps us
coming back every day. We long to see the beauty in the world, and as we deepen our practice the
beauty begins to jump out at us more and more everyday.
Thank you to all our amazing family of yogis, for embracing a better way!
See you in class.
Om Shanti! René
BUYING? By Dr. Tina
The Environmental Working Group, the nation’s leading environmental health
research and advocacy organization, has found that people who eat five non-organic
(conventional) fruits or vegetables a day consume on average 10 pesticides. There’s
plenty of research that shows small doses of pesticides and chemicals can cause harm
to humans. With a little forethought, there are things you can do to limit your intake
of these dangerous chemicals.
Take a few minutes and rinse your produce. It won’t eliminate pesticide residue but
it will reduce it. You can peel your vegetables and fruits but then you risk losing
valuable nutrients when the skin is thrown away. The best advice is to buy organic
when possible or buy from a local farmers market where you know the farm does not
use pesticides. Since farmers have to pay to be certified organic, local farmers may
not chose to do so. Buying organic can come at a small premium. Here are two top
10 lists that will help you prioritize what you should buy organic based on what has
the most pesticide residues.
The best rule of thumb is to buy organic whenever possible and using the above list to
help you prioritize. But remember, while eating organic is best for your health, it is
better to eat conventionally grown produce rather than to not eat fruit and vegetables
at all.
The Cleanest (containing the
least pesticide residue)
1. Asparagus
2. Avocado
3. Cabbage
4. Cantaloupe
5. Sweet Corn
6. Eggplant
7. Grapefruit
8. Kiwi
9. Mango
10. Mushrooms
The Dirtiest (containing the
most pesticide residue)
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Cherry Tomatoes
4. Cucumbers
5. Grapes
6. Hot Peppers
7. Nectarines (imported)
8. Peaches
9. Potatoes
10. Spinach
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescope in the
Atacama desert of northern Chile has just opened a new window to the Universe, in
the 500 GHz frequency band.
Astronomers have successfully synthesized the distribution of atomic carbon around
the planetary nebula NGC 6302 in test observations with the ALMA Band 8 receiver,
developed by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). This is the
first 500 GHz-band astronomical image captured by a radio interferometer with
unprecedentedly high resolution.
NGC 6302 is a planetary nebula, which is in the final stage of the life of a star with a
mass several times that of the Sun. Visible-light images of this nebula show a bipolar
shape of gas ejected from the dying star. ALMA, using its Band 8 receivers, targeted
the center of the nebula and revealed that the distribution of carbon atoms there is
concentrated in a small part of the nebula, which is similar to a dust and gas disk
around the central star that has been found by previous observations with other
telescopes. Further observations of carbon atoms with better resolution will no doubt
give a more detailed view of the chemical environment in the nebula.
So far, observations in the 500 GHz band, including emission line from cosmic carbon
atoms, have been made with single-dish radio telescopes. The typical spatial resolution
of those observations is 15 arcseconds or larger (1 arcsecond corresponds to 1/3600
of 1 degree). However, the ALMA array has already achieved nearly five times better
resolution—3.5 arcseconds in this test observation. By installing the receiver in all of
the 66 ALMA antennas, the resolution will become far better than this—by 400 times.
Astronomers around the world have high expectations for future observations with
Band 8 receivers.
Yutaro Sekimoto, an associate professor at NAOJ and the leader of the Band 8 receiver
development team at the NAOJ’s advanced Technology Center, says, “I deeply
appreciate the long and hard efforts of all staff to realize ALMA observation of the
carbon atom. I expect that further ALMA observations will unveil the evolutionary
process of interstellar matter.”
The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) is an astronomical
interferometer of radio telescopes in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Since
a high and dry site is crucial to millimeter wavelength operations, the array has
been constructed on the Chajnantor plateau at 16,500 feet altitude. Consisting of 66
12-meter and 7-meter radio telescopes, ALMA has been fully operational since March
Soon after the Sun dips below the western horizon on Sunday, September 8th, anyone
looking in that direction will see a dramatic sight: a pretty crescent Moon paired
closely with the dazzling planet Venus, the “Evening Star. Although the celestial duo
might seem close together, Venus is actually more than 400 times farther away—100
million miles, compared to about 235,000 miles for the Moon.
When the sky darkens a bit, try also looking to the upper left of the Moon and Venus—by about the
width of your fist at arm’s length—to spot the ringed planet Saturn. To the duo’s lower right, not quite
as far away, is the star Spica.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@MtnViewsNews.com.
Planetary Nebula NGC 6302. The right image is the composite of ALMA Band 8 (yellow) and the Hubble Space Telescope
(gray). Upper left image is the whole view of NGC 6302 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Lower left panel
shows the line profile of atomic carbon. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope