Mountain Views News Saturday, September 7, 2013
HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
“A great democracy does not
make it harder to vote than to
buy an assault weapon.”
- Pres. Bill Clinton, at the 50th
Anniversary of the March on
When I read Susan’s e-mail
last week about the murder of
her and Hattie’s adopted son,
22-year-old Treavor Robinson, a phrase stuck out
to me: “wrong place at the wrong time”. I’d heard
the phrase in similar circumstances not long
Late last January, 15-year-old honors student,
majorette and volley ball player Hadiyah Pendleton
went with friends after school to hang out at their
Chicago neighborhood park. It rained, and all
took shelter under a canopy. 18-year-old Michael
Ward mistook one of them for a rival gang
member, jumped a fence and started shooting.
Hadiyah tried to get away – she was shot in the
back and died later that day. The week before,
Hadiyah Pendleton, along with her dance group,
had performed in Washington D.C. in official
inauguration festivities for President Obama.
(Two years earlier, Michael Ward pled guilty to
unlawful use of a weapon and got probation.)
First Lady Michelle Obama attended Hadiyah’s
memorial service. Later, both she and the
president returned to Chicago to address the issue
of gun violence (this was just a couple months after
it took less than five minutes for a Bushmaster
.223 cal. XM15 to cut down twenty first graders
at Newtown.)
As I recall, both the president and first lady
commented on the phrase “wrong place at the
wrong time”. In actuality, they explained, the
victims were doing what they should be doing;
being at the right place at the right time – going
to or from school, the library, spending time with
friends and family, running errands, helping out
around their neighborhoods. The tragedy is that
doing everything right, being in the right place at
the right time, is no protection.
I know the routine: Whether it’s the slaughter
of six-year-olds in Connecticut, an accomplished
15-year-old with a movie star smile (Google her)
shot in the back a week after dancing for the
president, or a young man filled with promise and
ambition whose murder might not make national
news, but whose loss is felt like that of a family
member to many here in Sierra Madre; there’s talk
about guns for a while, and then it fades away.
The NRA, however, is not letting up. (First
off, no more of this crap about the NRA being
an organization of gun owners. It’s a lobbying
front, whose purpose is to bribe and/or threaten
legislators to favor the arms merchants sitting on
its board.) A month ago, the NRA filed with the
Supreme Court a motion to overturn a lower court
ruling upholding a 1968 law preventing minors
from buying handguns and ammo from licensed
dealers. The way it is now, those 18, 19 and 20
years old can buy rifles and shotguns from dealers,
but handguns and ammo only from private sellers.
The NRA, though, is determined to remove any
inconvenience for teens wanting to acquire
handguns and bullets – so they can be ready next
time they spot somebody on the street or in a park
they think might be a rival gang member.
The NRA keeps their toadies in Congress
busy, too. In July, Reps. Nita Lowey (D-NY) and
David Price (D-NC) offered an amendment to an
appropriations bill that would allow the Dept. of
Justice to block someone on the FBI’s terrorist
watch list from buying firearms and explosives.
Republicans, at the behest of their masters at the
NRA, had it killed in committee.
Rep. Lowey issued a statement: “Americans
expect our government to keep guns out of the
hands of felons, domestic abusers, the mentally ill
and terrorists. A suspected terrorist cannot board
a plane but can pass a background check to buy a
gun.” She called Republican opposition “absurd”.
The NRA terms such legislation “extremist”.
The U.S. has the world’s highest per-capita gun
ownership rate, way above second-place Yemen,
and in the gun-related murder rate we’re bested
only by number one Mexico.
Regarding President Clinton’s comment above,
a 2002 federal law mandates that first-time voters
who didn’t register in person show ID at the polling
place. In 39 states, no ID or background check is
ever necessary to buy an assault rifle at gun shows,
flea markets or from private sellers. In the wake
of the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of key
parts of the Voting Rights Act, a number of states
are rushing to pass voter suppression measures
intended to make it harder for the poor, the elderly,
minorities and students to vote. In many of these
same states, any attempt to inconvenience thugs
and psychos wanting to pick up an AR-15 would
be regarded as infringing on cherished rights.
Last month another 22-year-old young man’s
murder made news. Chris Lane came from his
native Melbourne, Australia after accepting a
college baseball scholarship in Oklahoma. The
news here was centered on the horror of a random
killing by teens who were “bored”.
In Australia, the focus was different: “The U.S. has
chosen the pathway of illogical policy with regard
to guns . . . I am angry because it is corrupting
the world, this gun culture of the United States.”,
said Australia’s former deputy prime minister,
Tim Fischer. He pointed out that most illegally
obtained guns used in crimes in Australia come
from the U.S., and an Aussie visiting the U.S. is,
per capita, 15 times more likely to be shot dead
than if they stayed home.
There have been suggestions it’s unseemly to
use tragic events as an excuse to raise a political
issue like gun control. The unseemliness is in the
fact that, time after time we allow our efforts to
dissipate. Whatever we do, the fact is that the
efforts of those opposing sanity in gun legislation,
those who profit from the carnage, are not going
to let up.
We can debate whether or not President
Obama should have delayed action in Syria
in order to formally take the issue to Congress
for affirmation, but whatever the outcome, the
arguments the Obama administration is making
to use force at least represent a fairly significant
victory in the political battle over America’s role
in the world.
For too long, this president, and many on
the left, have explicitly and implicitly made the
argument that American intervention around the
world has been a cause of the world’s problems,
rather than an attempted solution to those
problems. Hence, we’ve heard about “specific
timetables for withdrawal”, the efficacy of
“leading from behind” and various “resets” with
this country or that people group, and America’s
international involvement has clearly decreased
during President Obama’s tenure. The result,
however, has not been what the Left predicted,
and The President is having to come to terms
with the reality that the world doesn’t operate the
way the Left supposes it should.
Several days ago, Secretary of State, John Kerry,
succinctly and accurately clarified the issues at
hand. “We know”, he said, “that after a decade
of conflict, the American people are tired of
war. Believe me, I am too. But fatigue does not
absolve us of our responsibility.” The statement,
of course, begs the question of what is America’s
If America’s responsibility is only to itself,
to its own parochial, selfish, interests, then we
wouldn’t be having this debate about Syria. But
the unrelenting fact is that the United States is the
only country on this planet which can prevent
Syria’s Assad, and Iran’s mad Mullahs, from using
chemical, biological and/or nuclear weapons.
Like it or not, we have a greater responsibility
than to just ourselves; we are the policeman on
the block.
America is sometimes blessed to have support
from other nations, but without doubt it is
America’s presence which determines whether
an issue will be settled. We are the guarantor
of world order. We guarantee a pax Americana
in the same way that a
century and a half ago
Britain guaranteed a pax
Britannia although there
are key differences in the
nature of the peace and
world order which each
country provided.
In its early years,
Britain colonized much of
the world, and then mastered control of the seas
in order to protect its mercantile interests. As
selfish as the goal may have been, one of the great
beneficent outcomes of that pax was freedom
of the seas, reliable commerce across them,
benefiting both exporter and importer alike, and
the introduction of the rule of law in many far
away lands. America, on the other hand, never
established a great chain of colonies across the
globe. We have invaded more often than not
to enforce a worthy principle of democracy or
freedom and/or to alleviate great suffering. In
doing so, we have voluntarily left each country
we’ve occupied unless the citizenry of that
country has requested a longer stay. It may seem
trite to say, but women and children do not shed
tears of anguish or fear when American soldiers
show up in their villages, towns or countries.
We are not perfect, but there can be little doubt
that America has accomplished more good in
the world than any other country in any other
time period in the long span of recorded human
history. We save people, free people, feed and
clothe people, and then give them back a country
in significantly better shape than when we first
In a sense today, we are returning to a consensus
that was shared by members of both political
parties for most of America’s history. It was only
in relatively recent years that the Left offered
a libelous alternative story line of American
occupation. Remember, it was a democrat,
President John Kennedy, who said, “Let every
nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that
we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to
assure the survival and the success of liberty”.
And it was Republican Senator,
Vandenburg, who in response told
a nation that politics stopped “at the
water’s edge”.
President Kennedy rallied a nation
after a similar period of protracted
conflict – WWII and the Korean
War. Yet, there he was arguing for the
necessity that the one world power
act on behalf of what was right, not
what was simply in its selfish interest.
Our current president has thankfully
returned to this theme. We can
only hope that he is not too late or
perceived as too cynical to finally
lead a nation to do what is right.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn
is a freelance writer and has
spoken to several civic and religious
organizations on cultural and moral
issues. He lives in the Los Angeles
area with his wife and 3 children and
is active in the community. He can
be reached gregwelborn2@gmail.com