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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Education & Youth: Good Food & Drink: Just for Best Friends: The Good Life: Arts / Health: The World / Business: Opinion … Left/Right: SMTV 98 Programming: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
BAILEY CANYON WILDERNESS PARK FALL CLEAN-UP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:00 A.M. TO NOON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 41 BEETLE ENDANGERS LOCAL TREES Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) Detected in Sierra Madre Sierra Madre, CA. – City staff has been alerted to a number of new tree wounds in public trees in the downtown and Canyon areas. Investigations and consultations with local arborists have concluded that the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) has very likely found a host in the trees on the eastern side of Mary’s Market Parking Lot, and could very possibly be existing in a number of private trees in the area. The downtown trees, however, do not appear to have been infected by the pest at this time, and will continue to be closely monitored. Staff is arranging to conduct laboratory testing on various samples to further confirm the borer and test for its associated and destructive fungus. The PSHB beetle and its associated fungus is a very destructive pest that has recently been found in parts of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. It is also a very unique pest in the variety of tree species that have been shown to be hosts. At this time, known hosts include Sycamore (detected in Sierra Madre), Box Elder, Castor Bean, Avocado, Black Locust, English Oak, Liquidamber, Coast Live Oak, Persimmon, California Bay Laurel, Mimosa, Goldenrain, White Alder, Big Leaf Maple, Olive, and Wistaria Vine. There are no known treatments for infected trees at this time. Staff is in contact with a number of agencies that are conducting experimental treatments. Containment of the infestation is the priority right now. Species show various signs of the PSHB; in general look for a newer wound and look for a very small hole that would indicate boring activity. In most cases loose bark can be removed to locate the small hole. Avoid movement of any infested wood out of the area. It is very important to purchase firewood where you intend to burn it. Dead infested wood should be chipped and tarped for no less than 1 week before movement. Tree trimming and landscaping equipment should be sterilized after each location with 25% household bleach or 70% ethyl alcohol. Additional information will be provided as often as possible, including possible treatment and containment recommendations as well as locations of infestations. For additional information contact the City of Sierra Madre Public Works Department at 626-355-7135. SIERRA MADRE SCARECROW CONTEST WINNERS Page B1 ANNUAL SMFD FIRE PREVENTION FESTIVAL The 26th Annual Fire Prevention Festival and open house presented by the Sierra Madre Fire Department will be held Saturday, October 12, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Fire Station located at 242 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., in Sierra Madre. There will be a variety of exhibits and displays at the festival to include; emergency medical and firefighting equipment, Earthquake preparedness and home fire safety information. There will also be representatives from Sierra Madre Police, Sierra Madre CERT, Southern California Edison, Red Cross and Post Alarm, to answer any safety questions you might have. There will be hot dogs, popcorn, balloons, coloring books and badges for all of the children who attend. There will also be a coloring contest with prizes and a bounce house. Your Sierra Madre Fire Firefighters look forward to seeing you there! Also Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page A2 Sierra Madre News Page A3 EXCITING INNOVATIONS FOR SIERRA MADRE’S LIBRARY AND RICHARDSON HOUSE MUSEUM By Coco La Salle PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. A4 Avon Closing Concerns Council AROUND SGV Pg. A5 Curse of the Leaf Blowers ARCADIA NEWS Pg. A6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. A7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. A8 FOOD & DRINK ARTS & MORE Pg. A9 BEST FRIENDS Pg. A10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. A11 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings This and That SECTION B SCARECROW WINNERS Page B1 Library Trustee Barry Ziff, Mayor Nancy Walsh and City Manager Elaine Aguilar show off the new digital storyboard that is housed in the library. Photo courtesy the City of Sierra Madre September 28 proved to be an exciting day of fantastic advances for Sierra Madre. After a lot of hard work, Sierra Madre Public Library and The Richardson House revealed presentations of their new digital storyboards filled with historical pictures and information telling the tale of the town. Those present were greeted by city officials; Mayor Nancy Walsh, City Manager Elaine Aguilar, Council Members John Capoccia, Chris Koerber, and Former Mayor Josh Moran. Members of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, who were on the forefront of this technology, even paid a visit to the presentations to see the finished product. Mayor Walsh led the exhibition stating, “This celebration highlights our grant funded project featuring two innovative and interactive digital story boards. We invite you to rediscover the history of Sierra Madre!” With a simple wave of a hand, like magic, these storyboards come to life and start to take interested guests on a journey through Sierra Madre’s rich history. Each storyboard contains categories, which when put together; paint a picture of the town’s past and progression throughout the years. Specifically for SMPL, visitors are given the chance to choose from categories such as Trailblazers, Joy Ride, Historic Hometowns, Locals, Disaster Strikes, and Mayor Walsh’s first choice, Surprise Me. The four topics to choose from at the Richardson House include: Happy Trails, Our Museums, Growing Up, and Bushels and Blooms. Each presentation has different stories to tell and people are encouraged to visit them both. Animated guests pointed out old friends and notable locations as they took a walk down memory lane. Everybody was pleased with the content and got to reminisce on deep-rooted memories shared in this charming town. Mayor Walsh reiterated how this project could not have been done without the help of many determined individuals, groups, and organizations. “We are pleased to offer Sierra Madre residents increased visibility and access to the community’s unique materials that tell the story of our distinct California community. This project will increase awareness of the public institutions as centers for local history, in addition to offering an inviting, interesting, and improved public space.” Special guest Matt Yousefian from Senator Judy Chu’s office ended the presentations with a certificate for the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society congratulating the group on their accomplishments. SMHPS President Amy Putnam enthusiastically accepted the certificate and welcomed the honor on behalf of the organization. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT HEALTHY LIVING Pg. B2 BUSINESS /WORLD AROUND US Pg. B3 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. B4 CHANNEL 98 PROGRAMMING Pg. B5 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B7 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |