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DESTINATION SIERRA MADRE......................Page 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 32 Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE’S NIGHT OUT ALERT NEIGHBOR THWARTS ANOTHER ATTEMPTED BURGLARY SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 SMArtWalk Page 5 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 Marine Dies After Old Town Attack AROUND SGV Pg. 6 AB447 - Protecting Seniors Nyerges on Newspaper Logs ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 Swift action had SMPD at the scene within minutes. One suspect arrested. While Sierra Madre is not alone in the increase of residential burglaries of late, the town has been more successful than surrounding cities in having ‘strangers’ reported and the police taking swift action. In the last seven days, there have been eight known attempted burglaries and at least one other suspicious incident reported to police. SMPD Chief Larry Gianonne said in an interview earlier this week that residential burglaries have become ‘big business’ within the criminal element largely due to the lack of fear of jail time and the ease at which some thieves can rid themselves of stolen jewelry, making prosecution difficult. In addition, with the jail overcrowding, there has been a significant increase in the number of convicts released that have changed their ‘crime of choice’ from drugs, etc., to residential burglaries, said another law enforcement source. The last three suspects arrested in Sierra Madre and the suspects that the police are still looking for, all have lengthy criminal records and have been known to sometimes be armed. One of the persons arrested had a rap sheet 4 1/2 pages long. Neighborhood Watch Does Work Gianonne encourages residents to be observant and report any unusual activity to the police. In one of the incidents earlier this week, an alert neighbor noticed a strange car on the street in the early hours of the morning. When she saw the vehicle circle the street driving slowly for the second time, she called the police who were able to respond immediately and catchone of the thieves. He also encourages residents to know their neighbors and establish Neighborhood Watch Groups if none exists in your area. Sgt. Rueben Enriquez is available to help set up a Watch Program in your area. He can be reached at 626-355-1414. Be Cautious - Be Careful - Be Wise In another incident, two burglars approached a home and one knocked at the door while the other went to another part of the house to try to gain entry. In that instance, the husband answered, but did not open the door, while the wife was on the phone calling the police. The police were on the scene before the robbers could gain entry and made an arrest. One of the criminals was able to get away, however the police have learned his identity and have a warrant for his arrest. It was not known at press time whether or not he had been captured. Giannone stressed again the need to be observant. When possible, the following information is helpful when calling the police: Description of the vehicle including color, make, model, license plate and any oddities. Also try to describe the suspect to the best of your ability including their race. height, sex, build, hair color and length, and clothing. It is also important to describe what they were doing. All of this information helps police apprehende the criminals and will assist in their prosecution. The Chief also asked that in the event there is police activity near you, please stay in the house. Do not call the police to inquire what is going on. “If you hear helicopters for more than five minutes, its not looking for a bear”, said Gianonne. Times have changed and residents have to keep their doors and windows locked at all times. Several burglars have been sucessful gaining entry into homes because of open windows and unlocked doors. But most important, be watchful and report all suspicious activity at once. S. Hendeson/MVNews New Medical Center EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 8 Sierra Madre School No. 1 In Statewide Testing Again FOOD & DRINK Pg.9 Peter Dills - Table For Two SPORTS Pg. 10 North/West Tournament Zombie Run BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 Sierra Madre’s National Night Out was once again, a very informative and fun evening for the entire family. Above, the SM Fire Department gives a demonstration on the proper way to extinguish a fire. In addition to the interactive demonstrations, there were booths with information on safety and security information, Neighborhood Watch Programs, Animal Information from Pasadena Humane Society, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue, Sierra Madre Fire Dept., Food Trucks, Raffles, and a free family movie in the park. Below, a possible future law enforcement officer tests the latest in police motorcycles. Photos by Dave Felt THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings Katy Tse - This and That BUSINESS Pg. 13 HEALTHY LIVING NEW! Dr. Tina Paul Pg. 14 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 15 OPINION Pg. 16 Snyder -Rumors Tolchin - Two Movies Gandleman- Bipartisan Response Guzzardo - Prisoner Release LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 17 FYI Pg. 22 www.facebook.com/ mountainviewsnews Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |