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Mountain Views News Saturday, August 10, 2013 



by Lori Koop, Right Brain Business Coach 

“All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and 
to, and why.” - James Thurber

Who am I? This is one of the most perplexing and mysterious questions you 
can ask yourself. It’s my hunch most of us don’t know the answer.... why? Too 
often we do not spend enough time getting to know ourselves.

When we want an intimate relationship, we spend lots of time with the other. 
We talk openly and share secrets; we reveal fears and disappointments, dreams 
and desires. We allow ourselves 
to be seen… the perfect and 
the imperfect. The same is true 
with getting to know ourselves. 
It takes time. Regular talks. Honest exchanges of 
vulnerability and truth.

It’s the journey that woos me every morning at 4:30. 
I sit at my window, light a candle, and begin writing. 
I ask anything. Then, write what I hear. After a while, 
I transition from my left brain to my right brain, and 
my spirit becomes clear. It’s healing. It’s clarifying. It’s 
essential… if I want to find my answers. After all, the 
spirit knows everything about me! And yours knows 
everything about you. Aren’t you curious?

The conversations are helpful, but not always easy. 
The spirit doesn’t know “easy.” It knows the truth. 
Sometimes it’s a tough resolve. Other times, it’s 
simple. No matter the content, it goes down on paper. 
The words flow from the pen, my hands transcribing 
my mind directly, one thought at a time. So I can 
understand it. Understand me. 

If you want to know more about who you are and 
were created to become, I suggest you give journaling 
a try. Begin with a half a page every day. Start 
slow and form commitment. You will as you feel the 
difference. The process makes room, audio room, for you to stand in the open air with the still, small, 
faithful voice of your spirit. 

For more detailed instructions on how to journal, download How To Journal. Here’s the link:
downloads/howtojournal.pdf. Let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear: - - - - - - - - - -
Lori Koop, The Right Brain Business Coach

Reach your tru* potential! Schedule a complimentary coaching session at The Center for Wellbeing, 626-355-2443.

I am always impressed how improves my view of the world. Just the act of taking care of myself and 
my body changes everything. Come to class, feel better. Repeat. Further, my general outlook begins 
to improve. And I'm able to be more active because my body feels better. Can you imagine the potential 
of summer time when your body is in shape and the mind is feeling good? Wow. 

If only staying active and maintaining that good health were so easy. Life happens, right? 

It's during the busiest times that we need our yoga the most. Even during the best times as well as 
the worst. We can inspire others and stay well during the best. During the challenging times, we 
desperately need the love yoga gives our bodies and some "off" time for the mind. 

Staying positive and keeping positive is a full time job. Yoga helps with that. Our problems literally 
seem to shrink in size as our overall well being improves. In treating ourselves with compassion, we 
treat others with compassion. The world can become a little softer. Really, it's you who's becoming 
softer. Cultivating that super sweet quality of taking it easy on people. Expecting the best. Expect the 
best in advance and let the goodness unfold. 

Namaste and see you in class, 

Keely Totten - Teacher at Yoga Madre


by Dr. Tina Paul 

Obesity is a problem in all industrialized nations. In the United States 
obesity rates are among the highest in the world. Some time ago, it was 
concluded that eating fat makes us fat. Because of this fact, Americans 
eat less fat today than they did 20 years ago. So our obesity rates must 
be going down right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. The culprit is 
SUGAR. The single largest source of calories for Americans is sugar and 
it is taking a toll on our health. 

Sugar provides us with empty calories which means we get no nutritional 
value from eating it. Some sugars have to be processed in the liver. When 
you eat foods with added sugar meaning, not naturally occurring sugar, 
the liver breaks down some of it and produces fat cells called triglycerides. As people continue to 
eat or drink processed foods containing sugar and their weight goes up, their triglycerides rise, 
eventually their blood pressure rises too. All of this can lead to type II diabetes. 

The problem is sugar is addictive. Food manufacturers add it to virtually all processed and many 
canned foods to make the food taste better and to keep us buying them. Sugar is not simply something 
that is adding little value to your health; it is causing disease and shortening the chance to live to a 
vibrant and healthy old age. The solution is to stop eating sugar or at least drastically limit it. 

There are some ways to easily cut back on sugar…. Try using the herb stevia in place of sugar. Avoid 
soft drinks and energy drinks. Read canned and packaged food labels to watch out for hidden sugar. 
Better yet, rather than prepackaged foods eat the way mother nature intended, whole unprocessed 

Dr. Paul is a traditional naturopath and nutritionist at Vibrant Living Wellness Center


 July 26, 2013 - Pasadena, CA – WOD Gear Clothing Co. is pleased to announce City of Hope as the 
beneficiary for the WOD Gear Third Annual Team Series crossfit competition being held at Caltech 
in Pasadena, on August 17, 2013. City of Hope is a nationally ranked comprehensive research institution 
dedicated to the treatment and eradication of cancer and other life threatening diseases, 
including diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Known for its compassionate patient care, City of Hope has been 
serving Los Angeles County for 100 years. WOD Gear is honored to donate a portion of the event’s 
proceeds to support such a worthy cause.

 WOD Gear founder, Gabriel Pelino, says “We are so excited to have City of Hope come 

alongside for our competition. So many of us within the crossfit community have dealt with cancer, 
up close and personal, and we stand with City of Hope in its continuous fight to find a cure.”

 With 80 teams of 2 men and 2 women per team, for a total of 320 athletes, and a mini-triathlon 
being incorporated into the competition, this year’s Team Series will be unlike previous years. The 
number of spectators to converge on the campus of Caltech is expected to reach 3,000, making Pasadena 
another mecca for crossfit enthusiasts and fans. 

 WHEN: Saturday, August 17, 2013, 7:00 am – 4:30pm. 

WHERE: Caltech - 1200 East California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125



Twitter: @WODGear 


Hashtags: #wodgear, #WODGearTeamSeries

About City of Hope:

An independent biomedical research, treatment and education institution, City of Hope is a new model of cancer 
center, focused on rapidly transforming scientific discoveries into better treatments and better prevention strategies. 
Recognized worldwide for our compassionate patient care, City of Hope is a leader in the fight to conquer cancer, 
diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. Its mission is to shorten the time from initial research idea 
to therapy.

 City of Hope has been designated as a comprehensive cancer center, the highest recognition bestowed by the National 
Cancer Institute. It also is a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance 
of 23 leading cancer centers created to improve the quality and effectiveness of cancer care.

 City of Hope’s main hospital is located in Duarte, Calif., just northeast of Los Angeles, with clinics in Antelope Valley 
and South Pasadena. It is ranked as one of “America’s Best Hospitals” in cancer by U.S.News & World Report.


About WOD Gear Clothing:

WOD Gear Clothing is a fitness apparel brand with its roots in creating durable and fashionable workout wear 
for the crossfit community. WOD, which stands for “workout of the day” is a universal term for crossfitters, and 
embodies the strength, determination and stamina of its athletes, both in body and in mind. WOD Gear Clothing 
began as an online retailer, and quickly grew a huge customer and fan base. Now with a retail store in Pasadena, 
California, the WOD Gear brand and logo have become a globally-recognized fitness brand. Its product line includes 
tights, shorts, hoodies, socks and various fitness accessories for men and women, and all items are made in 
the U.S.A. To shop online or for store details, go to