Thursday, October 31, 2013. Halloween
Happenings’ activities
include the downtown trick-o-
treating sponsored by the Sierra
Madre Chamber of Commerce,
as well as the costume parade and
costume contest, supported by
the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club.
All activities for the Sierra Madre
Halloween Happenings are free!
• 3:30 - 5:00 PM Trick-O-Treating,
Downtown Sierra Madre
• 4:00 - 5:00 PM Costume Contest
Sign-up, Kersting Court
• 5:00 PM Costume Parade Begins,
Kersting Court
• 5:30 PM Costume Contest, Memorial
Park (no signups will be
taken in Memorial Park, signups
must be done in Kersting Court)
Participating Businesses in the
Downtown Trick-o-Treating -
Sponsored by the Sierra Madre
Chamber of Commerce, from
3:30-5:00pm in Downtown Sierra
Costume Contest Registration
and Participation
Supported by the Sierra Madre
Kiwanis Club. The costume contest
registration will be available
in Kersting Court from 4:00pm-
5:00pm. All youth must pre-
register in Kersting Court to be
able to participate in the costume
contest, no signups will be taken
in Memorial Park. The costume
contest will begin at approximately
5:30pm at the Memorial Park
Bandshell. Prizes will be given to
the top three contestants in each
of the five age categories: walking
to 2 years, 3-4 years old, 5-7
years old, 8-10 years old and 11
years & up. Sierra Madre Elementary
teacher Lisa Spigai will keep
all entertained as she emcee’s the
contest. All prizes for the costume
contest are provided by the Sierra
Madre Kiwanis Club. The judges
for this year’s contest are: TBD.
Halloween Parade led by the Sierra
Madre Fire Department
The costume parade will depart
from Kersting Court at 5:00pm
and will be led by the Sierra
Madre Fire Department, with the
Sierra Madre Police Department
bringing up the rear. The parade
will travel west on Sierra Madre
Blvd. and end in Memorial Park.
Youth can visit with firefighters
and explore the vehicles in
Kersting court before the parade
Alegria Avenue Festivities
(Independent Activity Hosted By
Residents on Alegria Avenue)
Alegria Avenue between Baldwin
Avenue and Mountain Trail will
be closed to through traffic on
Thursday, October 31, 2013 from
4:00-11:00pm. The homes on this
street are elaborately decorated
for Halloween and many families
visit this street to trick or treat.
*Note: this is not affiliated with
any of the City of Sierra Madre
Halloween Happenings activities.
For more information about any
of the Halloween Happenings activities
please call the
Community Services Department
at 626-355-5278.
On Saturday, residents and friends of Sierra Madre brought their “A”
games to the Memorial Park Tennis Courts and the Eaton Canyon Golf
Course for the Ninth Annual Oktoberfest Golf and Tennis Tournament
which raises money for youth and teen services. This yeaer preliminary
reports indicate that $5,500 was raised.
After the athletic activities, the participants gathered at the Hart Park
for a victory luncheon. This year a very special guest greeted the players,
Congresswoman Judy Chu.
Winners of this year’s events were:
1st Place Tennis John Capoccia (SM City Councilmember)
2nd Place (tie) Bryan Van Norden and Joseph Whidman
Pictured above, Congresswoman Chu and Tennis Champ John Capoccia.
Right., The winning golf team: Mark Levoe, Jeff Dapper, Greg
Johns and Kevin Jayne.
Winners of the golf competition were: Mark Levoe, Jeff Dapper, Greg Johns
and Kevin Jayne who swept away the competion with a 9 under round, breaking
last year’s record of 8 under. Other golf winners included:
Putting Contest - (a tie broken by Random Draw) Donna Burley
Accurate Drive for Women - Donna Burley
Longest Drive for Men - Frank Moore
Closest To The Pin - Justin Menzel
Although the golf tournament offered cash prizes of up to $5,000 for a hole and one and a five star resort trip, no player managed to accomplish that feat.
The image above was created by Bill Coburn depicting the changes of the face of the Bottle Shop over the years.
On Saturday, October 26th, from 2 to 6 pm, The Bottle Shop invites everyone to stop by and celebrate their fifty years of service in Sierra Madre. There
will be door prizes, appetizers, and live entertainment by the “Mello D’s”, featuring Dave Osti and Deanna Cogan. Participants will have the opportunity
to choose among dozens of wines and beers to sample. The cost is $10.00 per person
The Sierra Madre Search and Rescue
(SMSR) Team responded on seven
search and rescue calls in September.
With schools back in session the tempo
of rescues is beginning to drop after a
busy summer.
As part of the larger local search and
rescue structure, Sierra Madre Search
and Rescue often responds to assist
other agencies and SAR teams on
incidents. One of these mutual aid
assists is detailed below along with the
search for a missing hiker.
Stranded Hiker, Eaton Canyon:
(pictured on the right)
The Altadena Mountain Rescue Team
(AMRT) contacted SMSR at 2:28 p.m.
on September 11th to assist in the
rescue of a hiker stranded on a cliff
in Eaton Canyon. SMSR and AMRT
personnel established a command post
at the entrance to Eaton Canyon and
assembled rescue teams to access the
subject. The initial rescuers on-scene
determined that the hiker was uninjured
but was stranded approximately 200
above the canyon floor and unable
to safely ascend or descend from his
position. Rescuers quickly determined
that accessing the subject from above
by lowering a rescuer to his position
and then lowering both the rescuer and
hiker to the canyon floor would be the
safest course of action. This type of
rescue scenario is one that members
of all the SAR teams regularly practice.
Familiarity with working together and
the topography of the canyon allowed
rescuers to execute the plan safely and
efficiently. Hikers are reminded that
getting off trail into the vertical or
near-vertical areas of our mountains
can be very risky. It is often very easy
to climb up into an area and find that
it is not possible to safely ascend or
descend. Avoid placing yourself in
this situation if at all possible, but if
you do, to avoid the risk of serious
injury or death, do not hesitate to
request assistance if necessary. The
rescue was secured after all personnel
were out of the field at 6 p.m.
Missing Hiker, Clamshell/Monrovia
Peak area: SMSR was paged at 8:56
a.m on September 22nd to search
for a missing hiker in the area east
of Chantry Flat near Monrovia Peak.
Crews initially staged at the upper
helicopter pad at Chantry Flat for
potential helicopter insertion in the
search area. Information associated
with cell phone information placed
the hiker in the so-called Clamshell
area high above Monrovia. Due
to aircraft availability and timing,
field crews made the long drive into
the area via fireroad. Teams hiked
into the area to check trails and the
register on Clamshell Peak. No sign
of the hiker was located and the field
crews returned to Sierra Madre. Late
in the afternoon, the hiker was able
to contact his family and report that
he had been able to get back to town
safely. Search efforts were cancelled
at that point and the operation was
secured at 5 p.m.
For over 60 years the all-volunteer
Sierra Madre Search and Rescue
team has been responding to calls
for help in the local mountains and
beyond. Funded entirely by private
donations, SMSR provides a range of
public programs on wilderness safety
in addition to its search and rescue
activities. The Team never charges for
any of its services.
For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration
for your school or group, visit
OCTOBER 1 - 31, 2013
Have you seen all the scarecrows around town? Take a walk, drive or cycle around
and see all of the sights!
Pick up a map of all the Scarecrows around town at The Creative Arts Group, 108
N. Baldwin, Sierra Madre
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