Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, November 30, 2013

MVNews this week:  Page 6



Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 30, 2013 

“What’s Going On?” 

News and Views from Joan Schmidt

We HAVE Arrived

 At the recent 
Duarte Town 
Council, there were 
two special guests 
from Los Angeles 
County Department 
of Public Works: 
Hans Tremmel 
and John J. Walker 
from the Programs 
Division, and 
on two easels, 
pictures of the 
projected new signs, 

 What a long saga it has been. It began in late 1992 when deputies were being shot at, and then-
Temple Station Commander, Captain Bob Mirabella, called a community meeting at Maxwell School, 
Duarte. He introduced ALL his deputies from Temple Station and asked the jam-packed room to 
voice their concerns. In attendance was also Sarah Flores, Mike Antonovich’s Chief Field Deputy. 
At the second meeting, Pamela Park Director Maurice Wyre who lived in Acton, spoke of his Town 
Council as a liaison between County agencies and the residents. 

 A Town Council Formation Committee formed and met EVERY Tuesday from March-June, 1993. 
Because Sgt. Sammy Jones attended all meetings, residents brought issues that were solved by the 
LASD. An election workshop was held. In early June, newspapers were contacted and prospective 
candidates sought. For two straight weeks, my students, the Mc Nally twins and their grandma 
helped me pass 500 flyers in South Arcadia. The result was Arcadian Carolyn Ziegler came to the 
final meeting and asked to be a candidate.

 Carolyn Ziegler, Dave Hall, Yvonne Bullock, Richard Brown, Paul Diffley, Stan Trinaystich and I 
were elected to the first Council. There was much surprise that Reyna Diaz, who had been there from 
Day 1, had translated at every meeting and was an integral part of the community, wasn’t elected. 
However, Reyna became one of the first members of the LASD Community Advisory Committee 
and, when Paul Diffley relocated to another state, she came aboard the Town Council. 

 We all contributed. Carolyn Ziegler is WHY the unincorporated area has Transit Service. Reyna 
walked the Duarte area and registered voters. She was part of the annual Posadas and became a Duarte 
School Board Member. Yvonne and I were on the Duarte Ed Foundation and served on Habitat for 
Humanity. Stan kept track of finances and Dave represented us at so many important functions. He 
is well-respected. (He and Captain Mirabella calmed residents after a local shooting). Lack of space 
prevents me from telling all that was accomplished, but the stop sign at Daines/Tyler, and the red 
painted curbs across from Arcadia Baseball Field are highlights. What actually stands out is that 
the Town Council Meetings have provided a venue for issues to be discussed and its’ members call 
in the appropriate agency. A few months ago, there was an issue with street lighting; current Town 
Council Member Terrence Williams brought in an official to explain the procedure for better lighting. 
At EACH meeting, residents hear updates from the Sheriff’s Department on crime, Pamela Park 
happenings, and Library programs. Current Council Members Linda Sells and John Nicoloro from 
the Arcadia area report on the Arcadia Chamber’s Monthly Government Forum Meeting. Gloria 
Huss, a Monrovia business owner and Terrence Williams, newly elected Monrovia School Board 
Member bring news from the Monrovia area. 

 The Town Council meets on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month. Sites alternate: Annunciation 
Hall, Arcadia; Pamela Park, Duarte; and All Nations Church, Monrovia. Please visit their www. for more into.



“The Sounding Joy” is the musical theme for a holiday concert by the Westminster Gardens Choir in 
Duarte. Tabitha Henken will direct the cantata, a celebration of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Tom 
and Lydia O’Neil are the narrators. As they arrive, guests will be greeted by a caroling brass quartet 
of trumpets and trombones. The concert is at 3:30 p.m., Wed., Dec.4 in Packard Hall at Westminster 
Gardens, “a retirement oasis.”

 This is a marvelous opportunity to usher in the holiday season, and to fill your heart and spirit with 
joyful music celebrating Jesus’ birth!

Westminster Gardens is located at 1420 Santo Domingo Ave., Duarte. For more information, call 