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Mountain Views News Saturday, November 30, 2013 

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PEOPLE TESTEDMOTHER NATURE APPROVEDPEOPLE TESTEDMOTHER NATURE APPROVEDnaturesorganicgarden.comnaturesorganicgarden.comWHAT’S ON 98December 2 –December 8The best horror movies uses people’s fears and nightmares against themto provoke a strong sense of anguish.
The Best Horror movies are made especially to produce negativeemotions in their viewers. This is achieved by playing on the viewers’fears and nightmares. Horror movie scenes include startling the viewerwith violent, evil, or supernatural elements. The Best Horror Movies lullyou into a false sense of complacency and then scare the wits out of you.
You like that don’t you!
Horror films made their debut in the 1890s. Maori du adiable producedby Georges Melies is thought to be the first horror film. A few years laterin 1910, Edison Studios produced the first Frankenstein film. Theseearly horror films were quite mild on scariness scale compared to thehorror films we watch today. These early horror films didn’t have eeriemusic to make the mood tense, special effects, and didn’t have scenesinvolving the supernatural. These films were often silent films, featuringmonsters such as Frankenstein, Quasimodo, and Dracula, Dr. Jekyll andMr. Hyde, and the Phantom of the Opera.
Each decade has it’s the best horror movie. Horror movies became verypopular with the public over the years. In the 1930s, Tod Browning’sDracula became popular, and more versions of Frankenstein wereproduced. The Old Dark House, The Invisible Man, and The Mummywere also some popular horror films of the ‘30s. These films featuredgothic horror, mad scientists, and incorporating horror into real- lifescenes.
In the 1940s, the horror movie genre progressed and becomeincreasingly popular. Some notable horror films from the decade areThe Body Snatcher, Cat People, and I Walked with a Zombie. During the1950s, with the popularity of horror movies still on the rise, technologywas also advancing, and the horror films started shifting from Gothichorror to more contemporary horror. Also, this is when thesupernatural started to become a regular part of horror films. Somepopular examples of horror films of the ‘50s are Godzilla and its sequels,
The Thing from another World, and Shrinking Man.
The best horror movies has greatly changed the film making industry aswell as the culture. People find horror films to be thrilling and exciting.
They want to feel that rush of adrenaline they get when they watch ahorror film. As a result of this, people are more aware of violence, evil,
and the supernatural. Some argue that watching violent films makes aperson more inclined to violence. Also people have more interest in andexperiment with evil forces and the supernatural.
The best horror movies have been around for so long, there areobviously going to be a lot of them out there! If you want to see a fewhorror movies, but don’t know which ones are the best, the following listof horror films should be on your must- see list: Alien, Psycho, TheTexas Chainsaw Massacre, The Shining, and The Exorcist.
After 11a.m. about every two hours a new movie will start on channel98.
This is how the schedule works:
7-11Youth programs and movies11- NoonComedy movies1-3Romance movies3-5Film Noir movies5-6Community Programing7-9Crime movies9-10Mystery moviesThis programming is only available for Sierra Madre Time Warnercustomers. Those who do not subscribe to Time Warner will not beable to view the programing available on Channel 98.
We are looking for help in provide this service to the Sierra Madrecommunity. I know there is some kind of video entertainment youenjoy. Help develop a time segment for the shows you want to watch.
My Picks of the WeekMondayLast Time I Saw Paris 
TuesdayThe Son of Monte CristoWednesdayThe Red HouseThursdayAmericans, they all are great you chooseFridayCause for AlarmSaturdayWar of the WildcatsSundayGirl of my DreamsMake sure you have your popcorn ready, gone to the potty, cushionsfluffed and your are comfortable. There are no interruptions duringthemovie. The films are not edited for time or content.
The City of Sierra Madre is not funding any aspect of the printing, videos, movies,
tv shows etc. Not one taxpayer dime has been spend on this programing.
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126 E. Montecito, Sierra Madre 91024www.naturesorganicgarden.comU.S. Ranger Tex is inviting all you youngcowboys and cowgirls to watch WesternSaturdays every Saturday on Channel 98