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Shop Small Business Saturday SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 48 COUNCIL AUTHORIZES PLACING USER UTILITY TAX ON APRIL BALLOT A special Sierra Madre City Council meeting was held on November 19th for the specific purpose of discussing whether or not to place a User Utility Tax Measure on the April Ballot. The matter was carried over from the November 12th meeting. City Manager, Elaine Aguilar started the discussion of the UUT Ballot Measure with an overview of our current UUT and the proposals to either extend or allow the law to sunset, noting the impact of each action. The history was the first topic brought up, which let those present understand that tax increases took place in 2008. When that measure was approved, it included a UUT Oversight Committee which has met as prescribed in the ordinance. After each meeting of the committee, reports were made to the council indicating that the funds were being spent as the voters had directed. City Manager Aguilar also explained how much the recession hit the projected UUT revenues stating, “When the recession hit, everybody had previously seen the utility users tax revenues in terms of being recession proof, but this last recession proved everybody wrong. We saw a drop as people conserved.” We are just now getting back to the level the city was before and there are high hopes of keeping it that way. City Manager Aguilar ended her presentation with a list of questions for the council members to take into consideration before they made a decision on the UUT. When the presentation ended, the council members each addressed the City Manager Aguilar as well as Karen Schneider, Sierra Madre’s Finance Director, regarding their concerns. The majority of the council agreed to put a measure on the ballot that would extend the UUT and cap any increase to 10%. With that vote, Mayor Walsh made a comment saying, “This should be an interesting election.” Hopefully the people of Sierra Madre will weigh the pros and cons before making a decision during the elections and the financial future of the town will stay at ease. Coco La Salle/MVNews WATER RATE INCREASE CALCULATOR NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE The City of Sierra Madre has given residents another tool that will help them decide whether or not to support an increase in the city’s water rates. Citizens can now go online and calculate exactly how much of an impact the proposed water rate increase will have on their finances. The calculator allows a rate payer to input the amount of water consumption they currently have, and the program will project the dollar amount and percentage increase each year through 2018. Based upon the tiered billing system, some water users will find that the increase may not take effect until 2015. Others it will go into effect in 2014. This tool has become available in time for residents to see what the real impact of an increase will be rather than speculate. It should prove to be helpful in assisting residents in deciding whether or not they want to protest the proposed rate increase when they recieve their ballots in the coming days. An example of how the new calculator works is illustrated below. In the calculation shown, the resident chose the classification, residential and meter size. Users then insert their usage levels. Once that is done, click ‘calculate’ and the table will show what your water bill will be each billing cycle for the next five years. To calculate your own projected water bills, go to: http://www.cityofsierramadre.com/water-rate-calculator Also Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 4 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 5 Mandatory Pit Bull Spaying Ordinance AROUND SGV Pg. 6 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 8 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 9 FOOD & DRINK Thanksgiving Recipes Pg. 10 WOUNDED WARRIOR CROSS COUNTRY CYCLING UPDATE: Jerry Poole Spends Thanksgiving On The Road. BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 11 Jerry continues on his courageous journey, spending Thanksgiving traveling in Texas, the widest state he will cross in his route to Florida. On Facebook he posted a picture of his dinner, unfortunately it was at McDonalds. He also posted pictures of a couple of friends he met along the way. Contributions have continued to come into the Wounded Warriors project supporting Jerry’s endeavor, but there still is a long way to go before he gets to the $10,000 mark. Read about Jerry’s experiences on Facebook. Like his Facebook page and follow the link to the Wounded Warriors Project. The fundraising goal for this project is $10,000 and 100% of the funds go to the Wounded Warriors benefit. Go to the link below and make a donation to WWP in the name of Jerry Poole’s Ride: Coast To Coast For Courage. https://support.woundedwarriorproject.org/individual-fundraising/ JerryPooleatFaceBook/ THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings This and That SUPPORT OUR LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS SECTION ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WORLD AROUND US Pg. 13 BUSINESS Pg. 14 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. 17 SMTV Channel 98 Program Guide Pg. 18 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 20 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |