Mountain Views News Saturday, March 8, 2014 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS 13
Mountain Views News Saturday, March 8, 2014
Education. The cost of college is already sky-high;
can you imagine what it will be like in another
18 years? You probably want to start saving right HOW TO PROTECT away, either through a 529 plan or an educational
trust so you can realize some tax benefits while YOUR NEWBORN you save.
Passing on your assets. Assets cannot pass
directly to children under the age of 18, so you
During the process of becoming new parents, will need to think about setting up a trust and
most couples also become experts at planning – naming a trustee to manage the assets you would
scheduling birthing classes, designing the new leave your children. You also need to examine
nursery, coordinating childcare ... and that’s just your beneficiary forms for retirement accounts
the proverbial tip of the iceberg. and insurance policies to be sure your trust is
named as a beneficiary.
But unfortunately, one of the most important
things you can do to protect your child is Avoiding probate. Probate is one of the worst
often overlooked: an estate plan. Here are five things your loved ones can be forced into just
important considerations you need to discuss after you’ve passed. Talk to your attorney about
with your personal family attorney when setting setting up a living trust so your heirs can avoid
up an estate plan once your new baby is born: probate and your assets can pass directly to them.
Guardians and trustees. Parents who delay Asset protection. If you are married and have an
choosing a guardian for their children often do so estate of more than $10.5 million, you will want
because they cannot agree on the “perfect” choice. to discuss asset protection strategies that will help
Guess what? There is no perfect choice – and if you minimize estate taxes and protect assets for
you don’t make a choice, the courts will choose your heirs.
for you. You can always amend your decision
later if you change your mind. When choosing If you’re ready to protect your children through
a guardian or trustee, you need to think about estate planning, call our office today to schedule
who shares your beliefs and who will naturally be a time for us to sit down and talk. Because this
a part of your child’s life. And you need to make planning is so important, I’ve made space for the
sure whomever you choose is willing to take on next two people who mention this article to have
the responsibility of raising your child if you are a complete planning session at no charge. Call
unable to do so. 626.355.4000 today and mention this article.
RICH Johnson
In mathematics, the number 100 is the square of 10. In science, 100 is the
boiling temperature of pure water (Celsius at sea level of course). In religion,
100 is the number of times a religious Jew is expected to utter a blessing perday.
In Greece, India, Israel and Nepal, 100 is the number you dial to get
the police. In the United Kingdom, 100 is the operator telephone number.
In entertainment, 100 is the number of episodes a TV series needs to be
considered for syndication. In sports it’s the record number of points scored in one NBA game in
March, 1962. Remember who? Wilt Chamberlain.
When you think of 100 do you think of the number as a lot? I guess it’s all relative isn’t it?
If you make $100 off the sale of your house, it definitely is not a lot. If you find a hundredkrugerrands (South African gold coins worth approximately $1400 apiece) buried in your backyard that would be a lot. 100 parking tickets on your car is a lot. 100 pennies in your Christmas
bonus envelope is not a lot.
Why my fixation on the number 100? Well, since you ask, this week the Barry Rich and Lisaradio show recorded our 100th program.
100 must seem like a gigantic number to my partners Barry and Lisa, when one considers theyhave had to sit and listen (and look) at me 100 times. I am so thankful to my partners for lettingme play with them on the radio. I am thankful for Jim Moran for creating Radio Fishbowl/VillageVine which gave Barry, Lisa and me a reason to turn on the record button. I’m thankful to JamesFaulkner, Jeff Rudisill, Gene Goss, Tina Salvatore, Susan Henderson, Carol Canterbury, CatherineAdde, Dean, and Andrea for all helping to create and sustain the local internet station. I’m also
thankful to Chuck (Lisa’s ball and chain), and Lydia (Barry’s unbelievably gracious, beautiful andtalented wife) for letting me play with their significant others every week.
Now, as of the writing of this column I am still unaware if I have advanced to the finals in the
Next KABC Talk Star Contest. Thank you to those who helped me by voting for me. And thankyou to those who thought about voting for me. Special thanks to Ms. Jane Fuller who kicked me
(metaphorically) in the you-know-where with her you-know-what, to get me to enter the contest.
And thank you mostly to Barry and Lisa for fulfilling the Herculean task of making me betterthan I am (on the air at least).
I’d also like to thank the Academy…oh, sorry. Finally, I’d like to thank fellow Columnist/
Attorney Stuart Tolchin. I’m not sure why I’m thanking him, other than he’s my friend and I thinkit will make him happy. And a happy lawyer is a severely compromised lawyer and we could sureuse a lot more of those kinds of lawyers (just doing my part). Have a great week.
By Marc Garlett
A great way to extend the reach of your Tweets is to feed all your tweets to your
web site. Here is what you need to do.
1. Sign into your Twitter account and go to settings.
Select Widgets from the left navigation menu.
Select the “Create New” button.
Adjust the settings to your preference. You can make the widget box sit on a lightbackground or a dark background. You can change the height and the color of the links etc.
Save Changes.
Copy and paste the code into your web site (or give it to your web). You will need to createspace on your site or blog for the widget/feed.
7. Every time you tweet, it will now show up on your web site too!
About MJ: MJ and her
brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative
services business that
specializes in Internet
Marketing strategies and
Social Media. They offer
a variety or webinars and
classes that help people
understand social media
and email marketing.
“Like” them on Facebook
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upcoming classes and presentations at:
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