Mountain Views News Saturday, March 8, 2014
15OPINION Mountain Views News Saturday, March 8, 2014
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterStuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean KaydenMarc Garlett
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STUART Tolchin........On LIFE
Last week a only losing bets. For me losing felt
couple of friends of right. It occurred to me that winning
mine came to visit was something out of the ordinary
from New Mexico. which probably required getting up at
Their presence pulled sunrise and studying the horses, their
my wife and I out of past performances and their present
our usual comfort zone. Our friends condition. It took a great deal of extra
had never been to a horse race and so, effort. Is it that extra effort that assists
about a week ago, I got up at sunrise and people to rise out of the ranks of the
drove over to Santa Anita to see what ordinary and to actually win their bets.
time races began. What I discovered I didn’t win my bets so I wouldn’t know.
at sunrise was a whole unknown I thought about this same
world. As the sun rose the mountains question of what it takes to be more
glowed pink and gold and I found than ordinary as my wife and I watched
myself among hundreds of people the Academy Awards presentation on
completely engrossed in what they were Sunday night. What I saw was a large
doing. Horses were being exercised as congregation of people very pleased
people with stop watches monitored just to be there. Many had taken
their movements. Other people were the time to be beautiful and to be
studying their crumpled newspapers as stunningly dressed. Even the nominees
intensely as potential lawyers preparing in the technical categories, who were
to take the Bar Examination. Some frequently not physically beautiful, had
never study that hard again.that special glow that seemed to say “I
Perhaps these early risers at the have proved it, I am not ordinary”. When
track were ordinary people; but they a winner was announced and allowed
didn’t seem to be ordinary that morning. to make a short speech something real
Everyone around had that look of what seemed to emerge beneath the pro-
I think of as a hard-working dreamer. forma words that thanked everyone
Today was the day they were going to who supported their success. What I
get rich or, to put it another way, today got from the speeches was the feeling
was the day they were going to discover that the winners truly believed they
some secret that would change their deserved their awards. They were up
lives At least that’s how I thought they there celebrating not because they were
all looked. A few hours later when just lucky. Hard work, study, sacrifice,
my wife and our friends went to the belief in their own talents had placed
track to view the races and bet things them in the position of being honored.
seemed very different. Because it was It was as if each of them was saying
a Thursday, I guess, we were all allowed “I am not ordinary; look what I have
to enter for free because we were senior done.”
citizens. We arrived in time for the Sure these people are frequently
second race and looked at the horses paid a lot of money but it’s not about
and watched the post-parade and found the money and it shouldn’t be. Talks
our way to the betting windows and of money taint the whole society
placed our bets. Our friends won forty and obscure the fact that what is of
dollars on their first bets while my wife importance is a connection to one’s life
and I lost ten dollars. and the ability and the clarity to take the
It’s funny how elated our friends opportunity to create something and to
were by winning those few dollars. dream. As important as is the dream
Getting in for free had excited them is the belief that one can achieve that
but now winning their first bet had dream and to work toward those ends.
reached into their souls. I could see Really many Americans of my
them imagining that they would win generation have been fortunate enough
forever and that there was something to sort of get in for free. We were born
special about them. As they collected in the right place at the right time with
and counted their winnings I saw many great opportunities to imagine ourselves
other people throwing their losing achieving all kinds of things. Most of
tickets to the ground. The look of these us did not take full advantage of these
disappointed people was a very different opportunities and, like me, wonder
look than the look of the dreamers about what more can be done. Certainly
I had seen in the morning. Reality there’s more to life than golf, watching
had already struck these disappointed television, and finding low price early
bettors, reminding them that they were restaurant dinners. No matter one’s age
just ordinary people, and it was only a there is still time to imagine, to create,
little after noon. and to change dreams into realities.
We stayed for a few more Sometime; but that’sx just a start..
races and our friends won a couple of
more bets while my wife and I made
HOWARD Hays As I See It
“God, in his infinite whatever bad things happen, here or abroad,
wisdom, has so ordained it it’s got to be Obama’s fault.
that when man destroys his The tone has softened over the past few days,
racial purity, it can never though. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) suggests our
be redeemed.”response should be to approve construction
- former Mississippi Sen. of the Keystone XL pipeline; the prospect of
Theodore Bilbo, 1946Canadian tar sands oil flowing through our
Bilbo shared the heartland on its way to China some years
prevailing religious from now would no doubt cause Putin to
conviction of his time, rethink his options. Sen. Lindsey Graham (Rcondemning
any “re-SC) asserts it all goes back to Benghazi.
defining” of marriage that The first meaningful outside engagement
would permit interracial couples. Using the in this conflict, it appears, was launched
Bible as cover for bigotry is nothing German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
Greg Welborn wrote last week that the veto who tried to make clear to Putin what was
by Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) of the bill allowing at stake. Europe may rely on Russia for a
businesses to discriminate against gays (based third of its natural gas (the major pipeline
on “religious conviction”, of course) was in running through Ukraine), but more than
response to “a small minority of activists”.half of Russia’s revenues comes from energy
Those “activists” included the Arizona and exports. The message was that Europe could
Greater Phoenix Chambers of Commerce, more easily make do without its imports from
who in a letter expressed “a fervent desire Russia than Russia could do without its export
for Arizona to be a welcoming, attractive revenue.
destination for the top talent that will be Putin himself might be “living in another
the cornerstone of our continued economic world”, as the Chancellor put it, but the
growth”, along with top employers like Apple, oligarchs he relies on are presumably more
Marriott, Delta and American Airlines, J.P. grounded in reality. Almost Immediately,
Morgan Chase and American Express. They, Russia’s major state-controlled oil and gas
and most Arizonans, have had it with inmates producer took a $12 billion hit in value. The
taking over the asylum at their statehouse.ruble plummeted against other currencies,
The bill’s purpose wasn’t to address any with a consequent leap in the cost of imports.
expressed need, but to divide people. Over a From Germany, these imports include not
decade ago, Karl Rove put anti-gay marriage only the Beemers and Benzes oligarchs
initiatives on state ballots – not because of any have become accustomed to, but the high-
expressed need, but to divisively energize and technology expertise upon which Russian
draw to the polls the voters he wanted; bigots industries rely.
fearing the “others” responsible for their Kremlin strategy is to inflame divisions
problems and not bright enough to realize among Ukrainians; Europe-leaning
their state likely had an anti-gay marriage law nationalists in the west, ethnic Russians
on the books the east and Muslim Tatars in Crimea.
Pitting one group against another is The Obama Administration, meanwhile,
nothing new, here or abroad. In a former is forging a unified response among our
Soviet Republic, stories spread of persecution allies. In his first public remarks after the
of the ethnic Russian minority, tensions were incursion, Putin mocked our “you’re either
stoked, and Vladimir Putin sent forces south with us or against us” posture. He seemed
to “protect” the ethnic brethren.unaware that was the proclaimed stance of
This happened in Georgia in 2008. Sort the previous administration; that under our
of like today in Ukraine, except then nobody current leadership, the goal is one of unified,
was accusing the president of being “weak international resolve.
and indecisive”; Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) In Ukraine, leaders realize their future
wasn’t on talk shows blaming events on the depends on their ability to achieve “one
president’s “feckless” foreign policy (George W. nation, indivisible”.
Bush, presumably, had plenty of “feck”.) Putin In Arizona and elsewhere, they’ve followed
made that move despite a U.S. administration the Kremlin strategy; focusing on how to
with a record of seven years demonstrating a exploit divisions between us to advance
disturbingly casual, alarmingly eager attitude political goals.
towards committing our forces overseas.Bill Clinton put it best in his first Inaugural
Commentators on Fox News simply Address; “There is no ‘us’ and ‘them’. There is
acknowledged what was happening in only ‘us’.”
Georgia, that there was not much we could From the time of our Revolution, we’ve
do about it and that it really didn’t affect us, been the land of E Pluribus Unum (“Out of
anyway. President Bush and Secretary of Many, One”). In1956, though, at the height
State Condoleezza Rice ultimately did go of the “Red Scare”, our official motto became
public in condemning the incursion into “In God We Trust”; the words “under God”
Georgia, according to NBC News, “after five having been added to our Pledge of Allegiance
days of fierce fighting that may have killed two years earlier.
2,000 people”. The message there could be interpreted
Critics today are those who derided the air as being, although we generally share the
strikes under President Clinton which ended Founding Fathers’ commitment to an
the slaughter in the Balkans, and Obama’s indivisible “We the People”, “with liberty and
support missions over Libya which helped justice for all”, we’re willing to give you an “out”
bring an end to Kaddafi (both of which if you want to claim such a commitment would
achieved their goals without any American be contrary to your “religious conviction”.
casualties), because they didn’t entail massive And finally – didn’t singer Julie London
commitment of ground forces – depriving war have a hit some decades past with “Crimea
profiteers of opportunities for multi-billions River”?
in “support” contracts.
Their goal is not to address any expressed
need, but to divisively energize those believing
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
I have been going to they were saying it was a "Knewest church."
church for more years I never heard of such a thing. My question
than I care to remem-quite naturally was, what is it that these peober.
If I tried to re-ple knew. I am constantly open for any new
member how many information so my curiosity went up.
years it is, I might then
remember how old I am. Knowing how old I Then my friend pulled out his smart phone
am does not have any appeal to me. and showed me a videotape that was on the
news about this church. It was not a "Knewest
I rather like going to church. I do not go to church" but rather a nudist church.
church because I have to. I go to church because
it is a wonderful place and it is filled When I watched it, I laughed because I be-
with wonderful people. Are there hypocrites lieved my friend was playing a prank on me.
in the church? Yes, a whole lot more. There are stupid people in the world, I admit,
but I think even stupidity has a limit.
You would be surprised at the people that go
to church. No matter how crazy you might He finally convinced me that this was a real
be, I am sure there will be somebody to relate news story of a real nudist church in Virginia.
to in any church you go to. Church is not for Fortunately, the people who produced this
the perfect, just for those who love the Lord. I video for the news strategically blurred out
think I could make myself comfortable in any certain parts of the video of which I am ever-
Christian church. lastingly thankful.
I do not always have to amend my thinking. It is a legitimate church and the motto, ac-
Lately I had to amend this thinking that I cording to the pastor, is that they do not want
could make myself comfortable in any Chris-to judge people by the clothing they are weartian
church. ing. Really! How about judging people by the
clothing they are not wearing?
In the news recently was the snake handling
church in Kentucky. These people believe that I have a hard time seeing through that kind of
you can pick up a poisonous snake and if it theology. I like to get down to the bare facts,
bites you, it will not kill you. I know the Scrip-but this is absolutely incredulous.
ture they use for that, but I am not sure they
understand what that Scripture really means. Of course, it does save a lot of time in the
morning trying to figure out what you are go-
Someone said to a friend of mine, "You mean ing to wear to church. You do not have to look
that if God told you to pick up a snake you at several neckties to see which one fits with
wouldn't do it?" this suit.
Without any hesitation, my friend said, "He Apart from the sheer ridiculousness of this
hasn't and I ain't." sort of matter, one matter truly annoys me.
Where do they keep their offering? On sec-
The fact that the minister of that church died ond thought, I do not want to know.
from a snakebite might bring into question
the validity of what they believe. Go ahead; Then a brilliant idea sloshed its way through
play with a poisonous snake in church if you the corridors of my mind. What if these two
want to. Me, I let those things alone and I pray congregations had a convention together?
they let me alone. The snake handler's and the nudist churches
get together for an annual convention. Can
I would not feel comfortable in that church you imagine the craziness of such a thing as
I am sure. that?
Then I learned of some other church. I guess Then I got to thinking about it again. That
in America, there are all kinds of churches for would be grossly unfair to the snakes. Who in
all kinds of people. And in America sanity is the world would they bite first? On the other
not a prerequisite of anything, just look at our hand, would they grow legs and run for the
politicians. I guess the only thing more insane nearest door?
today than politicians are some preachers,
and I happen to be a preacher, hopefully not I remembered what Jesus said to Peter refer-
of the insanity kind. ring to the church. "And I say also unto thee,
That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
One of my goals is to keep my insanity at a build my church; and the gates of hell shall
low level every day that I live so nobody re-not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).
ally sees it.
The church does not belong to men or any
Then I learned of a church in Virginia. I have one man. It belongs exclusively to God. The
often had a lot of respect for Virginia and vis-more churches look like the world around it
ited quite a few times. Some great men and the less pleasing it is to Jesus, the head of the
even presidents have come from the state of church.
Virginia. You can imagine how alarmed I was
to hear about this new church. Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
When somebody told me about it, I thought 34483.
The Sochi Olympics were a success, backwards where
not just for the athletes who won, not hostilities will
just for the visitors who came and left increase, freedom
without a terrorist incident, but mostly will be lost and the
for Vladimir Putin. Putin desperately United States directly
needed to put forth an image of threatened.
a modern, sleek, “member of the
There has been no
international community”. President
time in history when
Obama also needed the imagery to be
appeasement worked,
successful to camouflage his feckless,
when it achieved the
lead from behind foreign policy. Recent
peace it sought to secure. All it has ever
events in Ukraine have now revealed
done is delay the inevitable – war! World
the lie behind both these fantasies.
War II is the best historical reference,
Eventually, the truth always presents
but too many in America consider it
itself. Vladimir cares not a whit about
ancient history. So, if we must relearn
the international community, and
the lesson with examples from the
Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster.
modern era, consider Iraq, Iran and
Unbelievably, there are those who Syria. We’ve abandoned Iraq, and Al
don’t think these revelations matter. Qaeda is on the ascension. We failed to
Ukraine is a far-off, insignificant land, confront Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and
they argue, and who controls it will they continue to develop the bomb they
simply be an historical footnote. In fact, will export when given the chance. We
it does matter; it matters a great deal to blinked when Syria crossed the red line,
Eastern Europe, Western Europe and to and the civil war has been escalated.
the United States.
But more importantly, Putin has
Russia has sought to expand, gained confirmation of the weakness
conquer and control from the days in President Obama’s character, of his
of Peter The Great forward. The incapability to meaningfully defend
communist revolution hinted that the U.S. interests or democratic principles
“imperialistic” goals and policies of the anywhere in the world. With the issue
Czars would come to an end, but the of west’s resolve settled, Putin simply
truth was that the communists simply took over what he wanted. What
redefined the goals of imperialism: possible hope is there that he won’t
they still sought to conquer their continue to seek hegemony over every
neighbors. They just did so in the name other country once controlled by the
of an ideology. The result was the same. Soviet Union? He said he would, and
The iron curtain was not constructed he just took the first step.
to keep us out of Eastern Europe, but
Meanwhile, almost as a dark comedic
to keep Eastern Europe captive to
aside, China just announced another
(this ain’t the first) 10%+ increase
Weakness, indecision and in military spending. The signs are
appeasement in the west only absolutely unmistakable. When a
exacerbated the problem. Russia political and/or leadership vacuum is
engaged in proxy wars across the globe. created, someone always rushes to fill
They sought to throw democracy it. We lie to ourselves if we think the
on the trash heap of history. It was new leader is always the good guy and
only Reagan’s policy of strength and further deceive ourselves if we believe
confrontation that ended the cold war the transition will always be peaceful.
and freed millions. Western Europeans They rarely are.
and Eastern Europeans celebrated one
Hitler’s actions were “peaceful”
of the great political, humanitarian and
except to those who were enslaved and
moral victories in modern history.
murdered in occupied lands or to those
Vladimir Putin called it “the greatest who finally had to pay the ultimate
geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th price to liberate a continent. Winston
century”. He has sought to reverse it Churchill decried World War II as the
ever since. Those are his words. As most unnecessary war because decisive
with the pronouncement from so many action could have prevented it. The
politicians, we have been tempted to Ukraine matters because it is a critical
dismiss them as simply propaganda opportunity to prevent greater tragedy
for his political base. Putin’s physical and greater loss of life later.
seizure of Crimea and political seizure
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn
of Eastern Ukraine demonstrate the
is a freelance writer and has spoken to
truth and intentionality of his words.
several civic and religious organizations
Putin is seeking to restore the old on cultural and moral issues. He
Soviet Union. Without the Ukraine, lives in the Los Angeles area with his
that goal is impossible. With the wife and 3 children and is active in
Ukraine, the goal is not just possible, the community. He can be reached
but probable. Events in the Ukraine,
if left unchecked, will hurl the world