HOMES & PROPERTY Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 8, 2014
HOMES & PROPERTY Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 8, 2014
The star cluster Messier 7 Courtesy European Southern Observatory
You can contact Bob Eklund at:
When you hear that someone managed to sell a home without representation, it's likely that the sale
was to a family member, close friend, or a tenant who was already renting and living there. These
exceptional cases are not the norm, and there are powerful reasons why it is so difficult to make a sale
"by owner."
The biggest roadblock is that For Sale By Owners (FSBOs) aren't included in the Multiple Listing
Service (MLS) that licensed agents and organizations use. A sign in the yard and an ad in the newspaper
are no match for the widespread exposure gained from a listing visible on the MLS.
Since the FSBO has no listing agreement providing for a sales commission, many agents won't show
these homes with no promise of compensation. Again, this greatly reduces the number of potential
buyers exposed to the offering, not to mention the fact that buyers who do express interest will not
have been screened by a professional to determine their qualifications.
Perhaps the most hazardous aspect of selling “by owner” is the potential for legal oversights and
complications. Real estate transactions are loaded with potential liability for unrepresented and unwitting
sellers. One overlooked form or improper disclosure could generate an expensive lawsuit.
Just as you wouldn't enter the courtroom without an attorney, you shouldn't sell your home without
professional representation.
A new image from the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla telescope in
Chile shows the bright star cluster Messier 7. Easily spotted with the naked eye
close to the tail of the constellation of Scorpius, it is one of the most prominent
open clusters of stars in the sky—making it an important astronomical research
Messier 7, also known as NGC 6475, is a brilliant cluster of about 100 stars
located some 800 light-years from Earth. In this new picture from the Wide
Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope, it stands out against a very
rich background of hundreds of thousands of fainter stars, in the direction of
the center of the Milky Way.
At about 200 million years old, Messier 7 is a typical middle-aged open
cluster, spanning a region of space about 25 light-years across. As they age, the
brightest stars in the picture—a population of up to a tenth of the total stars
in the cluster—will violently explode as supernovae. Looking further into the
future, the remaining faint stars, which are much more numerous, will slowly
drift apart until they become no longer recognizable as a cluster.
Open star clusters like Messier 7 are groups of stars born at almost the same
time and place, from large cosmic clouds of gas and dust in their host galaxy.
These groups of stars are of great interest to scientists, because the stars in
them have about the same age and chemical composition. This makes them
invaluable for studying stellar structure and evolution.
An interesting feature in this image is that, although densely populated with
stars, the background is not uniform and is noticeably streaked with dust. This
is most likely to be just a chance alignment of the cluster and the dust clouds.
Although it is tempting to speculate that these dark shreds are the remnants of
the cloud from which the cluster formed, the Milky Way will have made nearly
one full rotation during the life of this star cluster, with a lot of reorganization
of the stars and dust as a result. So the dust and gas from which Messier 7
formed, and the star cluster itself, will have gone their separate ways long ago.
The first to mention this star cluster was the mathematician and astronomer
Claudius Ptolemy, as early as 130 A.D., who described it as a “nebula following
the sting of Scorpius”—an accurate description, given that, to the naked eye, it
appears as a diffuse luminous patch against the bright background of the Milky
Way. In his honor, Messier 7 is sometimes called Ptolemy’s Cluster.
It derives its present name from the French astronomer Charles Messier
(1730–1817). Messier is most notable for publishing an astronomical catalog
consisting of nebulae and star clusters that came to be known as the 110
“Messier objects.” The purpose of the catalogue was to help astronomical
observers, in particular comet hunters such as himself, distinguish between
permanent and transient visually diffuse objects in the sky.
In 1764 Messier included it as the seventh entry in his Messier catalogue
( Later, in the 19th century,
John Herschel (son of Planet Uranus discoverer William Herschel) described the appearance of
this object as seen through a telescope as a “coarsely scattered cluster of stars”—which sums it up