Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 15, 2014 3 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 15, 2014 3
The strong and forward-looking Foundation. He was active on the
spirit of our dear father, Milton boards of many organizations,
William Valois, left us on the and helped establish the Dental
afternoon of February 13. Dr. Hygiene Department at Pasadena
Valois died of consequences of a Junior College.
fall he had sustained the Saturday Pop’s passion was boating.
before. The day of his accident, Beginning with a small
he’d taken one of his daughters powerboat, the Yoyo, and later
to lunch and spent the afternoon graduating to a sailboat, the
sailing his boat with a friend; Santé, he and the family cruised
just two weeks before that, he’d the Pacific from Mexico to San
completed a snorkeling trip in Francisco. Countless weekends
Belize with another daughter. were passed at Cherry Cove,
beloved grandchildren, Dana
Milton “Pop” Valois was 96 years Catalina Island. Pop was a
Keig, Rob Walter, Zachary
old, and had hoped to live to be member of the Alamitos Bay
Linford, and Scott Linford reside
100.Yacht Club, the Shoreline Yacht
in Scottsdale, North Tustin,
Pop was born on June 22, Club, and was Commodore of the
San Diego, and Los Angeles,
1917, in Pasadena, California. Cherry Cove Yacht Club. He was
respectively. Pop enjoyed and
He married his sweetheart, Ann awarded “Emeritus” status by the
followed the exploits of grandson-
Dowell Hayes, in 1942, before Adventurer’s Club of Los Angeles,
in-law, Gordon Keig, and two
completing dental school at the and was a founding member of
granddaughters-in-law, Rebecca
University of Southern California. the Pasadena Power Squadron.
Walter, and Rachel Linford; and
He served as Dental Officer and He and Mom traveled throughout
six great grandchildren, Anna
Junior Medical Officer aboard an the world, often cruising on small
and Caroline Keig, Robby and
attack transport ship, the U.S.S. ships.
Pearce Walter, and Abby and Joe
Crittenden, for two years in the Pop loved music. After retiring
Pacific, and retired from duty as a from his dental practice, he joined
Friends and family surrounded
Lt. Commander in 1954.the Valley of the Sun Theater
Milton in his last days. We are
Pop and Mom chose the small Organ Society, and the American
grateful for the friends, new and
community of Sierra Madre, Theater Organ Society.
old, who sailed with him, kept
California, for their home But in Pop’s own words, “my
in touch by phone, and indulged
and for the site of Pop’s dental true love was my wife Ann of 71
in his local dreams and schemes.
practice. They reared their three years, my three daughters, four
Our last words to him were “À
daughters, Pamela, Renee, and grandchildren, and six great-
Votre Santé!”
Teresa, in Sierra Madre. Both grand children.”
In lieu of flowers, donations may
Mom and Pop were very involved Pop is survived by his three
be sent to: The Los Altos Family
in their community. Pop served daughters, Pamela Valois, of
YMCA, Dr. Milt Valois Memorial
as President of the School Board, Berkeley; Renee Walter, of
Fund, 1720 Bellflower Blvd, Long
the Kiwanis Club, the San Gabriel Phoenix; and Teresa Valois, of
Beach, CA 90815. Checks should
Valley Dental Society, and the Seattle; and by his son-in-law,
be made payable to the YMCA.
Southern California Dental Lloyd Linford of Berkeley. Four
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
For the period March 2--9, 2014
During the week of Sunday, March 2, 2014 through Sunday March 9, 2014 the Sierra Madre Police
Department responded to approximately 265 calls for service.
Wednesday March 2, 2014
On Wednesday March 5, 2014, at 4:23 pm, Sierra Madre Police Department responded to Kersting
Court regarding a male subject acting aggressive and approaching people for money. A witness
advised Sierra Madre Police, that they saw this same subject getting out of a grey Nissan Sentra parked
outside a local business. During investigation, vehicle was located; license plate was run to find
that the vehicle was stolen out of the City of Fontana. Police saw suspect matching the description
entering a business. Suspect was detained and later booked on charges for Grand Theft Auto and
Commercial Burglary.
Saturday March 8, 2014On Saturday March 8, 2014 at 9:59 am. Sierra Madre Police responded to a threatening call in the
200 block of W. Laurel. After officer’s investigation, one party was arrested for threatening another
individual with bodily harm. Case is still under current investigation.
Sunday March 9, 2014On Sunday March 9, 2014 at 1:00 pm, Sierra Madre Police Department responded to the 300 block of
Foothill regarding a residential burglary. Resident advised officers that they were gone approximately
3.5 hours. When resident returned home they discovered their house had been ransacked, and items
were stolen.
Photo and Story By Deanne Davis
“Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have hadbeer and hot dogs.” Dwight Eisenhower
“Only in America do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten
and buns in packages of eight.” Anonymous
Woo hoo! Went to our brand
new restaurant today (24 W.
Sierra Madre Blvd. – site of the
former Mountain View Sushi) for
lunch and had a great time! All
sorts of folks, including friends
Kim Clymer-Kelley and Charley
Kissinger were in there devouring
hot dogs. My hot dog companion,
the adventuresome and intrepid
John, had the “I Love New York”
which is a Polish dog with ranch
dressing topped with grilled onions
and pan fried tomatoes. And I had
the “Papi El Guapo” (I’m going
to spend the rest of the day going
around saying Papi El Guapo for
no reason at all!) which is a bacon
wrapped jalapeno cheddar link
with house chipotle sauce and their
fresh pico de gallo salsa. Delicious.
Just delicious. Charlie made quick
work of “The Green Hornet” – a
Louisiana Link with house-made
spicy habenero green sauce,
melted Monterey jack cheese and
guacamole. This one is Very Spicy!
Said so right on the menu! Kim had
the “Slaw Dog” – an all beef dog
topped with regular mustard, chili,
shredded cheese and the house
made cole slaw. Everybody liked
everything. Doesn’t this make your
mouth water??
Well! I’m going back. In fact, if I
can talk him into it, we might do
Vicious Dogs again for dinner. I want that Green Hornet (I am, after all, fearless and close to Pepto
Bismol at all times) and John wants a chili dog. Kim and Charlie shared their fries with us – very
crispy and hot. I want to try the Garlic-Feta Fries, or maybe the Chili Cheese Fries.
Ah, friends and neighbors, we’ve needed Vicious Dogs! And judging from the crowd last Saturday
for their opening day, the rest of Sierra Madre thinks so, too! They were mobbed from the opening
bell till the doors finally closed. Hours, by the way, are 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and they’re closed
The staff today, Rayna White and Keisha Tucker, were very helpful, friendly, and able to keep all the
people and orders organized while continuing to smile and explain the menu. I like that.
Right now Vicious Dogs can serve you a variety of sodas, iced tea, bottled water, lemonade and other
soft drinks. Yes, wine and beer are coming, but not for a few more weeks.
It was really pleasant sitting outside looking up at our own personal mountains and eavesdropping
on one of our public works guys who was saying that the rain a couple of weeks ago was just totally
absorbed and brought our reservoir level up about a foot or so but we’re still needing it to rise about
another hundred feet. So, I guess we continue to do our best to be H2O Heroes and keep our showers
down to a couple of minutes and water sparsely. After all the rain, I was astonished to see how quickly
the ground dried out.
We’re H20 Heroes,
Our water use is low.
With all our sprinklers turned off,
Just how low can it go!
We’re doin’ all we can here,
To save a drop or two,
H20 Heroes!
That’s me, that’s you!
And keep praying for rain! And maybe do a little rain dance or two like they’re doing up in San
Juan Bautista. “Dozens of locals danced with hopes that their positive energy will help welcome rain
clouds, and organizers said the power of prayers and people is strong.” Like they say in the movies,
“It’s so crazy it just might work!”
“Do you know why the Indian rain dances always worked? Because the Indians
would keep dancing till it rained.” Sherman Alexie
Meanwhile, take a walk downtown and drop in at Vicious Dogs for something outrageous…like the
“Chicago” with neon green relish! Bon appétit!
Check out my book, Walking Sierra Madre friends!
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.”
It’s available on and at the following link: at the bookstore at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene
3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasad
Rayna White and Keisha Tucker modeling the Vicious
Dogs t-shirts
Re: Sierra Madre Utility Tax Extension
On April 8, 2014 we vote whether to extend the Utility Tax.
I don’t like paying taxes any more than anyone else, but at the same time I have read both the official
argument against the extension and a letter to the editor of the Pasadena Star News and I simply
cannot figure out how failing to vote for the extension will leave the City able to fund the present level
of modest expenditures. It is a truth we accept when we move here that we do not have the tax bases
of other nearby communities and will need to do more for ourselves.
I have lived here since 1989. I can remember when Sierra Madre was so broke that when the City had
to replace a police car we had to buy one used that another city was discarding. I can remember when
the mechanic who serviced our fire trucks went unpaid for months and appeared before the Council
begging for his bill to be paid. Things are no longer as desperate as that, but yet only this past year
did we finally get our street resurfaced, which had needed it for years, and I look around and see that
there are many other streets that equally need to be resurfaced.
Every house in the City is valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In my opinion, that is
an investment worth protecting. A modicum of public services, a library that we can be proud of,
parks that I am happy to entertain my grandchildren at, streets that look like they are not in a slum,
reasonable fire, paramedic and police protection, pay considerable dividends in the value of our
property as part of being in a desirable community. The the loss of these expenditures would promptly
cost us dearly far beyond any alleged “savings”. Think of it as “saving” money by firing your gardener
and letting the yard go, and wondering why your property value is down.
Eric Olson, Sierra Madre