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this Week: Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Education & Youth: Just for Best Friends: Healthy Lifestyles: The Good Life: Homes, Property & More: Opinion … Left/Right: Sierra Madre — The Place to Be: Arts & Entertainment: SMTV 98 Programming: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
2014 SIERRA MADRE WISTARIA FESTIVAL SUNDAY - MARCH 16, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 11 MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS EAST VALLEY EDITOR JOAN SCHMIDT HONORED BY LA COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Joan Schmidt, East Valley Editor for the Mountain Views News, and a Monrovia resident for 27 years was among the honorees at the 29th Annual “Women of the Year’ Awards and Scholarship Luncheon held at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles on Monday. Supervisor Mike Antonovich nominated Ms. Schmidt, a retired teacher of twenty-five years at Annunciation School, Arcadia, for this special award for her service and San Gabriel Valley Examiner, spoke to Inday SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 2014 dedication to her community. Moses and began a ten year stint with that In 1992, although a full-time teacher, paper. she heeded the suggestion of then Captain Bob During her ten years on the Town Mirabella, Commander of Temple Station, Council, Joan received several awards: 1999 to help form a “Town Council” and become City of Duarte Civic Service Award and 2001 a member. When the question of “drawing Woman of the Year by Assemblyman Dennis up an area map” arose, she volunteered and Mountjoy. In addition she was recognized by insisted Arcadia is included. For two weeks, Supervisor Antonovich, L.A. County Parks she handed out 500 flyers in South Arcadia to and Recreation Department, Los Angeles ensure representation from that area. Carolyn County Sheriff ’s Department and California Ziegler came aboard and Carolyn was the Highway Patrol. impetus for Monrovia Transit serving all three After ten years, Joan decided to step areas and the Stop Sign at Daines/Tyler which down from writing and the Town Council. residents had been unsuccessfully seeking for Curriculum in schools was much more 25 years! extensive. Because of the economy, there were As a candidate for the newly-formed budget cuts. In addition to seven subjects, there Town Council, Joan was asked her goals. After had to be lessons for art and computer. Joan listening to many Duarte county residents voice felt the need to concentrate on her teaching. concerns about many issues and having no one In 2010, Joan retired from to call for assistance, Joan said, “My goal is to Annunciation. After some prodding from bring our three communities together as one, Supervisor Antonovich, she resumed her and alert ALL residents what specific county writing career and became East Valley Editor agency to contact for assistance.” for the Mountain Views News. There STILL After the Town Council formed, were people in the county areas not aware there Joan knew she had to spread the word about was a Town Council! Residents STILL did not the Council. She Xeroxed copies of a flyer know who to call if they needed assistance! about the Council and started giving them Joan’s goal is basically the same as it was in to neighbors in Monrovia. But that wasn’t 1993: “Get the news out and let residents know enough. One day, she picked up the Gem City what is happening in our areas.” She also feels News, a local weekly paper and decided to try that “There are so many positive things going the press. She contacted Editor David Crane on in our communities…we need to spread and he ran the article. She also met with Von the word and get more residents involved...our Reese from the Monrovia/Arcadia Weekly and county area IS a great place to call HOME. then went to the phonebook. She called the ARE THE WATER WARS BACK? Sierra Madre Confronts Arcadia Over SuspectedViolations of Water Rights By Susan Henderson For several months, the City of Sierra Madre has been City of Arcadiajudiciously monitoring the water levels of its wells. The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallerymonitoring not only included measuring the water lev-Pasadena Cemetery Associationels, but also researching whether or not there were other City of Pasadenafactors that contributed to the diminishing water supply. City of Sierra MadreAnd, according to Sierra Madre City Manager Elaine California-American Water CompanyAguilar, it was discovered that Arcadia was in fact draw-East Pasadena Water Companying down more than their allocated share of water from Kinneloa Irrigation Districtthe East Raymond Basin. La Canada Irrigation District Los Flores Water CompanyThe facts are both simple and complex. The distribution Lincoln Avenue Water Companyof water in the Raymond Basin was adjudicated in 1937 Rubio Canon Land and Water Association “when officials from the City of Pasadena called together San Gabriel County Water Districtrepresentatives of other Raymond Basin Producers in an Sunny Slope Water Company andattempt to negotiate a pumping reduction on a coopera-Valley Water Company. tive basis”, according to the opening brief submitted by These entities will ultimately decide if the City of Sierra Sierra Madre Assistant City Holly Whatley. Madre’s claim is valid. That negotiation failed and the courts ultimately laid out At the hearing on Thursday, the city presented a brief the plan for “purveyors” to draw water from the wells. asking the Board to Enforce the 1984 Judgement. (That The cities involved included Pasadena, Arcadia, Sierra judgement was the last court action taken which upheld Madre, Alhambra and twelve other entities such as the the city’s rights regarding the East Raymond Basin). Both Kinneloa Irrigation District and the Sunny Slope Water sides, Arcadia and Sierra Madre not only were represent- Company. That ruling, although challenged unsuccess-ed by their lawyers but also brought expert witnesses. fully over the years still governs who can take how much water from the basin. Ten people from Sierra Madre were present including Mayor Walsh and Council members John Capoccia and However, despite the adjudication which limits how Chris Koerber. Whatley stressed the adverse impact Ar- much water can be drawn by the city of Arcadia, Sierra cadia’s actions were having, especially in face of the cur- Madre City officials are alleging that its neighbor is vio-rent drought. lating the agreement and taking water that doesn’t belong to them. One of Arcadia’s arguments against the city’s claims is that they believe the science used to establish the bound- Specifically, the allegations are that two new wells, the aries is ‘outdated. Witnesses on both side argued that Anoakia Well built by Arcadia in 2001 and the Colora-point. do Well, built in 2007, are taking water from the Sierra Madre allocation. The hearing lasted more than two and a half hours. A decision from the Board is expected in mid-April. Arcadia on the other hand is challenging the boundaries of the basin and claiming that they are not. Regardless who prevails, it is very likely that the matter will ultimately end up back in the courts, as the courts On Thursday, March 13, 2014, the matter was taken be-have the ultimate authority to decide the case. fore the basin’s “Watermaster” in an attempt to settle the dispute. In the brief filed by the City Attorney, the initial suit was filed in 1937 and decisions were rendered in 1944, 1954, The Watermaster, aka The Raymond Basin Management 1974, and 1984. Those familiar with the matter suggest Board consists of representatives from all users of the ba-that another court decision is probably forth coming. sin, i.e., Stay tuned. City of Alhambra Inside this week: ELECTION COVERAGE On April 8, 2014, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of four to sit on the City Council. They will also vote on a local ballot measure to extend the city’s current User Utility Tax Ordinance. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: 1. Why are you running for City Council? 2. What are you going to do for Sierra Madre? 3. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions and their answers will be published unedited.) The paper will also review the pros and cons of the proposed User Utility Tax Ordinance. The schedule will be as follows: March 15th Candidate Noah Green March 22nd Candidate Eugene Goss March 29th Candidate Forum Review It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. In addition to the candidate spotlights, we will attempt to cover the various forums sponsored by local organizations. Where possible, the unedited video of these forums will be broadcast on the papers website. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 8, 2014. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor CANDIDATE FOR SIERRA MADRE CITY COUNCIL SIERRA MADRE NOAH GREEN Calendar Page 2 I am a proud resident of the Canyon and live Sierra Madre News Page 3 in a little house just past Mary’s Market. My wife and I have met many good people here PASADENA/ALTADENA who we are proud to call friends. I am a 14year attorney and specialize in representing Deputy Saves Teen From Pg. 4 small businesses. Been Attack I am running for City Council because I am AROUND SGV Pg. 5 trying to make our piece of the world a better place, and thought it was time for me to lead instead of follow. ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Here is what I stand for: Pg.7 1. Water Supply EDUCATION & YOUTH Grey water systems divert much of our used Pg. 8 water away from the sewer and back into the ground to replenish our wells. I would require FOOD & DRINK them on new construction and provide financial assistance for retrofits with funds available through state and federal programs. Pg. 9 Legal battles with Arcadia and others over water rights will surely intensify as BEST FRIENDS the drought continues. I will make sure that our interests are properly defended. Pg. 10 2. Budget HEALTHY LIFESTYLES I will review the budget on a line-item basis and require justification for every Pg. 11 expense. I believe my experience in helping businesses shed unnecessary expenses to emerge from bankruptcy will be useful in this regard. THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 3. Police and Fire With average response times between 3-4 minutes, our Police and Fire BUSINESS NEWS Pg. 11 Departments provide excellent service while remaining under local control. I oppose outsourcing public safety to the County. 4. Business We can help our local businesses by adding more events like the Wistaria Festival. How about a Halloween event? Why not move the farmer’s market to the weekends in Kersting Court? 5. Development I want our town to stay beautiful and uncrowded because I will be living here another 30-40 years. I will do everything in my power to control development. I thank you for your consideration and hope to earn your vote. LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. 14 HOMES & PROPERTY WORLD AROUND US Pg. 13 MORE WISTARIA & SIERRA MADRE NEWS & FEATURES IN SECTION B SIERRA MADRE KIWANIS CLUB PRESENTS: COUNCIL CANDIDATE FORUM Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:00 noon The Lodge in Sierra Madre33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. SIERRA MADRE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS: TELEVISED CANDIDATES FORUM Tuesday, March 18, 2014 6:00 pmCity Council Chambers Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |