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SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 10 2014 SIERRA MADRE WISTARIA FESTIVAL SUNDAY - MARCH 16, 2014 SMPD ARREST SUSPECT IN KERSTING COURT BURGLARY Stolen Vehicle Recovered MEASURE UUT – YOUR CITY, YOUR CHOICE Editorial By John Capoccia, Member of Sierra Madre City Council SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 10 2014 SIERRA MADRE WISTARIA FESTIVAL SUNDAY - MARCH 16, 2014 SMPD ARREST SUSPECT IN KERSTING COURT BURGLARY Stolen Vehicle Recovered MEASURE UUT – YOUR CITY, YOUR CHOICE Editorial By John Capoccia, Member of Sierra Madre City Council later, people are moving here for the affected by the demise of small “mom same reasons. Let’s ensure that future and pop” retailers in favor of big-box. Sierra Madre, CA On Wednesday generations feel the same. Please take a As a result, our sales tax revenue is afternoon Sierra Madre Police hard look at what your tax dollars do to miniscule, approximately 2% of our Department received multiple calls of keep Sierra Madre the wonderful place General Fund revenue. Most would a person that was being very aggressive that it is before you vote. agree that it’s a good thing that we in soliciting for money in the Kersting don’t have big-box or other chain type Court area. The individual, laterYou’ll recall that when I ran to serve retailers here in Sierra Madre, but the identified as 33 yr. old Ismael Villarrealyou on our City Council two years ago, penalty is diminished revenue. of Pasadena, was also seen going in and I was against Measure 12-1, which was out of several businesses in the area as similar to what’s before you in Measure In 2008, Measure U was placed on the well as looking into parked vehicles. U, but different in significant ways. I ballot to raise the UUT from six percent Officers arrived on scene within was against Measure 12-1 because: to twelve percent, and it expanded the minutes of the call and when Villarreal categories of utilities to be taxed. There saw the first police unit arrive in the 1. It would have automatically were two reasons for the tax increase. area he took off running. He was later raised your utility tax to 12% on June One was to give our Police Department located in the Buccaneer Bar and taken30, 2013 without a council vote (I a raise in pay, as their compensation fell into custody without incident. Thedidn’t think a 12% tax was necessary significantly behind their peers in the investigation revealed that Villarrealand I still don’t)San Gabriel Valley. The other reason was taking money from the tip jars at On April 8, Sierra Madre will vote on 2. It was premature. The current was to provide continuing funding several of the local business and had Measure UUT, which is asking you 10% tax rate is scheduled to sunset for our newly formed Paramedic driven to the area in a vehicle that was to decide whether or not to cap and starting July 1, 2015. There was no program, which was implemented the stolen out of Fontana. Tax rate. Measure UUT is not raising need to make a decision three years year before using start-up money from extend the current 10% Utility Users early while still sorting out the effects of the sale of the canyon fire station. A Villarreal was booked at the Los Angeles County Jail for Commercial Burglary your utility tax rate. You’re paying 10% the dissolution of the Redevelopment citizen’s committee recommended the and Grand Theft Auto and is being held on $20,000 bail. Agency and the recession, and before utility tax increase that was placed on today, and if you vote yes on Measure UUT, you’ll continue to pay the same giving the new council a chance to the ballot. WISTARIA FESTIVAL SHUTTLE TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE! 10%. If Measure UUT fails, the tax assess Sierra Madre’s finances rate will sunset to 6% by June 30, 2016, 3. Public Safety was fully funded It’s interesting to note that at the Shuttle tickets to ride up to view the Wistaria Vine resulting in a loss of approximately in the then-current budget. I did not time Measure U was placed on the at the annual Wistaria Festival are still available for $1,000,000 annual revenue. I’m voting believe that public safety would have ballot, Sierra Madre had received four purchase! The 2014 Wistaria Festival will take place in favor of Measure UUT, and I’ll been in jeopardy had Measure 12-1 years of healthy property tax revenue on March 16th, 2014. explain why in a three part series. I failed, and thus far there have been no increases as a result of the huge run The Festival features tours of the world’s largest hope you’ll agree with me and vote Yes harmful effects up in residential property values. Even blossoming plant, certified by the Guinness Book of on Measure UUT. with the revenue surge, the citizen’s World Records. Each year, the property owners upon Two years have elapsed, and your City committee recommended the UUT whose land the vine sits open their homes to allow choice – Do you want to continue Council and staff has continued to increase. Sierra Madre’s voters agreed Measure UUT gives Sierra Madre a thousands to view the vine. Dozens of Sierra Madre exercise prudent expense management. with the recommendation, approving residents volunteer to act as docents at the property, to provide the means for our town Allowing the UUT to sunset will be Measure U by 62%. I’m sure it telling the story of the vine, which was originally to prosper as it has, or shall we force detrimental to keeping Sierra Madre helped that the Council Members planted from a 1-gallon pot that was purchased for $0.75 in 1894. In addition revenue reductions that could have the terrific place as we know it. Kurt Zimmerman, John Buchanan, to the tours of the vine, the two main downtown streets of Sierra Madre are Don Watts, Joe Mosca, and Enid Joffe far-reaching and unpredictable effects? closed to traffic so that crafters and artists can set up booths to display and sell First, some background. We’ve had My wife Marta and I moved to Sierra unanimously supported the tax and their arts/crafts. Downtown village shops are open, and musical acts perform a Utility Users Tax since 1993. The Madre thirty one years ago. We were signatories to the “Argument in at multiple outdoor venues. Memorial Park is transformed into a combination original UUT was implemented to came here because of Sierra Madre’s Favor” that appeared on the ballot. Kids/Food zone and a hub of information about local non profits. mitigate the effects of Proposition 13, small town atmosphere, low crime The shuttle to the vine from downtown avoids a long uphill walk from which limited property taxation below Our Police officers were given raises in rate, eclectic neighborhoods, central downtown to the neighborhood in which the vine sits. Tickets for the shuttle the rate of inflation. Property Taxes three consecutive years of 9%, 8% and downtown, and its proximity to the are $15 for adults. Seniors (over 65) and children (6 to 16) receive a discounted are the main source of revenue to fund 7%, which merely served to bring them beautiful San Gabriels. Sierra Madre rate of $7. Children under five ride for free. Families of 6 or more can ride the municipal operations for most, if not from far below their peers in the San had a great reputation as a place to shuttle of $30. (No more than 2 adults). all cities. Sierra Madre was forced to Gabriel Valley, to where they are now, raise a family. I can attest to that, our You can purchase tickets on the chambers website, www.sierramadrechamber. find new sources of revenue or cut which is at or very near the bottom. three children thrived growing up in com or by stopping by Savor The Flavor, Beantown or The Bottle Shop. services below a level that its citizens this wonderful town. Thirty one years Additional information on the festival can be found in Section B of this paper. would tolerate. Sierra Madre was also (continued on page 3) ELECTION COVERAGE On April 8, 2014, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of four to sit on the City Council. They will also vote on a local ballot measure to extend the city’s current User Utility Tax Ordinance. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: 1. Why are you running for City Council? 2. What are you going to do for Sierra Madre? 3. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions and their answers will be published unedited.) The paper will also review the pros and cons of the proposed User Utility Tax Ordinance. The schedule will be as follows: March 8th Candidate Rachelle Arizmendi March 15th Candidate Noah Green March 22nd Candidate Eugene Goss March 29th Candidate Forum Review It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. In addition to the candidate spotlights, we will attempt to cover the various forums sponsored by local organizations. Where possible, the unedited video of these forums will be broadcast on the papers website. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 8, 2014. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor Sierra Madre 2014 Inside this week: City Council Candidate SIERRA MADRE RACHELLE ARIZMENDI Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 I am running for City Council to help maintain and enhance the PASADENA/ALTADENA quality of life in our neighborhoods. Assemblyman Holden Pg. 4 Seeks Second Term For the past 14 years, I have been the Education Project Director fora large non-profit organization, managing an annual budget of over $20 million and 300 employees AROUND SGV Pg. 5 serving thousands of children and their ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 MONROVIA/DUARTE families at 27 schools. I have the Pg.7 knowledge and experience toestablish and enforce fiscal EDUCATION & YOUTH discipline. Pg. 8 As a long-time Sierra Madre homeowner, I am dedicated to maintaining home FOOD & DRINK values. That means, I will work towards limiting and controlling development to preserve the unique charm of Sierra Madre. Pg. 9 As a part-time PCC faculty member, I know the importance of strong neighborhood schools. I will work with the PUSD to make sure our neighborhood schools receive our fair share of resources. I am endorsed by the organization BEST FRIENDS Pg. 10 representing PUSD teachers. HEALTHY LIFESTYLES My civic engagement activities include serving on the City of Sierra Madre's Community Services Commission, serving as a member on the LA Child Care Planning Committee, the PBS SoCal Advisory Committee, and other nonprofit boards. Pg. 11 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 With your support, I will make certain that Sierra Madre is on the right track by working to: BUSINESS NEWS Pg. 11 HOMES & PROPERTY SIERRA MADRE KIWANIS CLUB PRESENTS: USER UTILITY TAXES - The Pros and Cons Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:00 noon The Lodge in Sierra Madre33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. SIERRA MADRE WOMAN’S CLUB & CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENT: COUNCIL CANDIDATES FORUM Thursday, March 13, 2014Call: 355-5111 for details - Establish and enforce fiscal discipline - Limit and control development WORLD AROUND US - Keep downtown an appealing and neighborhood friendly area Pg. 13 - Work with the PUSD to improve our neighborhood schools LEFT TURN/RIGHT In addition, I will prioritize Public Safety, Neighborhood Protection, and Water TURN/OPINION Pg. 14 issues. This includes working proactively with our police department, city employees, community members, and exploring other possible sources of funding. MORE WISTARIA I'll work to keep Sierra Madre a beautiful, safe place where individuals, seniors and families can flourish. I will always give priority to the quality of life in our & SIERRA MADRE neighborhoods. NEWS & FEATURES Please call me at 626-660-6294 or visit www.arizmendiforcitycouncil.com IN SECTION B I respectfully ask for your vote. 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