Mountain Views News Saturday, March 15, 2014
11HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Mountain Views News Saturday, March 15, 2014
RENE QUENELL (continued)
4. What type of practice and/or study is informing your teaching the most
right now? (brahmavidya)
Mantra Japa is numero uno for me and, of course, the teachings of Para
Yoga and Living Tantra. So, the tantric style I teach is focused around
prana and how we can shape the mind and emotions through changing
prana. I like to bring in what I think the students need each class. I am loving boosting the adrenals
and Moon Practice right now. Prana Dharana (concentration and meditation) and more Prana Dharana
helps us all learn to channel that great energy.
5. What obstacles have you had to overcome and how has this made you better and brighter as a teacher
and in your life? (agni/sri)
“Ouch, thank you!” - too many times to list – each one makes me a better teacher. But, the way I
found yoga was through my biggest obstacle. I have had an auto-immune disease since my early 20’s
– more than half my life. Some days are debilitating. I can relate to physical pain in almost every
joint, and the depression that goes with. So, I became a Structural Yoga Therapist in order to help
myself and others relieve suffering. But, through Para Yoga, I have been able to learn the proper use of
energy and self-care. I continue to uncover underlying desires and explore them more deeply. I have
learned to live my life listening to my inner teacher, in the path of my teachers and most importantly
in the lap of the Divine. The inner peace and ability to shine, regardless of challenges - to overcome
and change karmas - this is what I was seeking. This is what I can share. And, I know it can be done.
With overwhelming gratitude I bow to my teachers for helping me along the path.
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Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
Do you ever worry that the food you are buying might be contaminated
with E. coli or salmonella? The big problem with our food supply isn’t the
pathogens that may be lurking there, but it’s the lack of nutrients coupled
with the chemical additives and the addition of dangerous chemicals
leaching from the packaging materials.
If you watch the nightly news, then you’ve undoubtedly heard about the
many bread products that contain the same ingredient used to make yoga
mats. The ingredient, azodicarbonamide, is used in other food products
but now some creative person gave us a specific visual. The visual, eating
breads or other products with this chemical is like eating a yoga mat.
Would you consider eating a yoga mat? Of course not. This is by far just
one of thousands of food and skin care additives we should be concerned
All artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colorings should be avoided.
Did you know that studies show artificial colorings have been linked to
hyperactivity in children? Another chemical is phthalates which is used in the manufacture of plastics
to make them flexible. It’s found in hundreds of products, such as fragrances, shampoos, plastic
wraps and nail polish. We are then exposed to phthalates by eating and drinking foods that have
been in contact with containers containing the compounds. Research shows phthalates are hormone
disrupting chemicals. They can interfere with the reproductive process and can damage sperm.
So what are we to do? Eating healthy is available to all of us, if we are willing to choose it. Yes,
processed food does make our busy lives easier but at what cost? Ask anyone who is very ill what the
most precious procession a person can have is and they will tell you, their health! Choose whole foods
or minimally processed food with no artificial additives. There are natural alternatives out there for
these artificial ingredients. We need to put pressure on all manufacturers to seek safe alternatives.
If we do not buy these highly processed foods or the personal care products with ingredients you need
a chemistry degree to pronounce
then manufacturers will look for
better alternatives.
You are safe if you go by the rule, if I
do not recognize this ingredient as a
food then this item is not safe for me.
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