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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 19, 2014 10 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 19, 2014 10 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 
How do we stay focused? Everyday there are more distractions, there 
is more drama, there is yet another reason to skip meditation. I was 
speaking with a friend of mine the other day and she was saying that she 
wants to meditate, but every time she sits down to do it, her mind starts 
thinking of all the things she should be doing. She should be working 
out, answering those emails, running those errands. And this is when 
meditation becomes very frustrating. The next day when she thinks "I 
should be meditating," she remembers how frustrating it was the day 
before and she doesn't even sit down. How can you meditate when there 
is so much to do? When there is so much to think about? 

 One of the most influential yogis of our time, B.K.S. Iyengar has many insights to the mind. He says 
that our mind is like a mirror covered with black spots. When we look in this mirror at ourselves, we 
see the spots and not the true reflection. So, what we see is not who we really are. It is an image of us 
that is clouded by distractions, by drama, by the lower mind. He says we must wipe the mirror clean 
each day, so that we see a true reflection (wiping the mirror being meditation). Or, to put it another 
way, if we never clean our house, the dust just keeps piling up until we can't even see the true beauty 
of our hardwood floors or our furniture at all. All we see is the dust that covers them. How does 
meditation get us to a clean reflection when we can't even meditate because of all the distractions? 

 First, we need to change our prana. We need to get grounded and balance our energy. Pranayama 
(breath) and yoga asana (postures) can help us do this. They are the "set up" for a meditation practice. 
Yoga totally paved the way for my meditation practice. If you have had the same problem as my 
friend, try working with a yoga teacher to help you learn the right postures for you, the right breath 
practice for you and even the right meditation practice, for you. It will make a huge difference on the 
road to seeing your true reflection. See you in class. Namasté, René 

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center 


A few weeks ago, I was attending the largest natural health products 
show in the country for professionals and businesses involved in natural 
health. Each year there seems to be a theme at the show that many 
are touting. This year it was “gluten free”. I saw so many old and new 
products boosting their gluten free credentials. Even products that never 
had gluten in them in the first place were touting on their labels, gluten 
free. So what does it mean to be gluten free and more importantly, what 
is gluten? Only in the last couple years have people been talking about 

Gluten is the protein found in wheat endosperm. This is a type of tissue 
produced in seeds that’s ground up into flour. It gives dough its elasticity 
and gives bread its chewiness. Gluten is often associated to wheat but 
“true gluten” includes other cereal grains like rye, barley, etc… 

More and more people are discovering that they are gluten-intolerant. 

This means their bodies produce an abnormal immune response when 
they try to digest gluten. The most well known gluten disease is celiacs. Studies say it affects one 
in ever 141 people in the US. When someone with celiac disease eats gluten, it triggers an immune 
response that damages their intestines which in turn, prevents them from absorbing nutrients. 
Scientists have now become aware of another intolerance to gluten called non celiac gluten sensitivity. 
After eating gluten, these people may experience celiac type symptoms like diarrhea, fatigue, and 
joint pain. 

In cases of gluten intolerance, doctors typically recommend avoiding foods with gluten. These 
include bread, pasta, beer, cookies, 

soy sauce, and some salad dressings. 
Experts are now beginning to worry 
that going on gluten free diets 
without explicitly needing to, could 
be detrimental to a person’s health 
because many times, these gluten free 
foods are nutrient deficient. 

Will the intoxicating smell of bread 
coming out of the oven ever go the 
way of the 8 track tape? Only more 
research will tell. 


(StatePoint) From watery, itchy eyes to unbearable congestion, allergies can certainly ruin one’s day, 
or even the entire season. But, there’s no reason to remain indoors in beautiful weather, say experts. 
“One over-looked approach towards feeling well lies in prevention,” says Lisa Metzger, PhD. 
With that in mind, Metzger is offering six allergy-fighting tips: 

• Get exercise. It may sound counterintuitive to go outside if you suffer from airborne allergies, but 
moderate exercise is known to strengthen the body’s immune response. Just be sure to watch the pollen 
count, and when it’s low squeeze in a brisk walk. If pollen count is high, head to the gym instead. 
• Wash up. Use baby shampoo to wash your face and eye area in the shower. During allergy season, 
sweat can trap the pollen and irritants in the creases of the face where they are the most irritating. 
Baby shampoo is a safe alternative to wash away the dirt, sweat and symptoms of allergy season. 
• Consider natural supplements shown in published research to help strengthen the immune system. 
Allergies can be described as being caused by the immune system over-reacting to harmless particles 
(like pollen). It is smart to strengthen your immune system by getting proper sleep and managing 
your stress. Sometimes that is easier said than done; so taking a natural supplement shown to 
strengthen the immune system can help. 

• Limit dairy. Dairy causes the creation of phlegm, which can increase the intensity of allergy symptoms 
like runny nose, sore throat and cough. 
• Change your diet. Incorporate natural antihistamines into your meals. Look for foods that contain 
flavonoids, such as tomatoes and blueberries, as well as Vitamin A found in green leafy vegetables 
and squash. 
• Use a saline spray for your nose. This may not sound like much fun, but using an inexpensive saline 
spray or rinse is an effective way to flush pollen out of your nose. Saline sprays can be purchased at 
any local pharmacy. As an alternative, use a neti pot salt-water rinse. 
“Your immunity affects every aspect of the day, from work performance to emotional well-being,” 
says Metzger. “By taking proactive efforts for better health, you’ll be less likely to miss out on life this 
allergy season.” 

52nd Annual 

Sierra Madre Art Fair 

Saturday, May 3 - 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
Sunday, May 4 - 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Wild & Tame Necklace 

Photos by George Post 
Leather Cuff Bracelet 

Enamel Earrings 

Jewelry Designs by Beverly Jones 
100 Artists, Children’s Activities 
Live Entertainment, Food Trucks 
Wine and Beer Garden 

Free Admission • Sierra Madre Memorial Park 

222 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, California 
For event information: 626.355.7186 or 
Benefits Sierra Madre Public Library