Mountain View News Saturday, April 26, 2014 3 Mountain View News Saturday, April 26, 2014 3
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
For the period April 13 to April 29, 2014
During the week of Sunday, April 13, to Sunday April 20, the Sierra
Madre Police Department responded to approximately 283 calls for
Tuesday April 15, 2014
At 8:45 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to Bailey Canyon
regarding a vehicle burglary. Victim stated that around 7:30 am,
he parked his Dodge pickup truck in the parking lot of Bailey
Canyon. At around 8:30 am, the victim returned to his vehicle, and
found his rear side window smashed, with his property missing
from the backseat. Unknown suspect(s) smashed a rear window,
reached inside the vehicle and stole a laptop computer and Tablet.
The stolen property was valued at approximately $1,100.00.
At 10:07 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 500 blk. of
Ramona Ave. regarding a residential alarm. While on scene, the
officer noticed that the rear door was ajar and the door latches
broken off. Officers made entry into the residence and discovered
that the house was ransacked. Officers made contact with the
residence, and they were able to confirm that miscellaneous items
were missing from their home. Suspect(s) made entry into the
residence using a screwdriver, and possibly fled the location over
a rear wall. This case has been forwarded to the Detective Bureau
for further investigation.
At 7:45 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 300 blk. of
Sturtevant Dr. regarding a verbal disturbance. Officers made
contact with a male and female at location, both parties advised
and were willing to comply.
At 8:26 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to Sierra Madre Police
Department lobby, regarding a hit and run that occurred in the
100 blk. of W. Highland Ave. Reporting party advised she was a
victim of a hit and run. Victim advised, she parked her vehicle
parked in a parking lot in the 100 blk. of W. Highland. Victim
stated she returned to her vehicle approximately fifteen minutes
later where she noticed that there was damage to the rear of her
Friday April 18, 2014
At 1:51 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 200 blk. of
Auburn regarding two males fighting in the street. Police went
on scene, spoke to four witnesses, which advised officers that the
subjects fighting left the area.
Saturday April 19, 2014
At 3:32 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 100 blk. of
E. Grandview regarding a suspicious subject. Resident arrived
home, and noticed a male subject standing in the front yard of
her home. When subject saw the resident, he left west bound on
foot towards Baldwin.
If you have been the victim of a property crime within the last
two years, please visit the following link: http://cityofsierramadre.
com/departments/police-department. The link will take you to
the City Of Sierra Madre web page, which has pictures of items
that were recovered/seized during two investigations.
Furthermore, if anyone knows of someone who may have been
a victim of a property crime in the surrounding area, please pass
the word around. The photos will not be available after April 30th,
2014. Thank you.
By Deanne Davis
“A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.”
“A Father is his son’s first hero and his daughter’s first love.”
A couple of pictures arrived on my phone the other day from our
daughter, Crissy, in Texas. As always, they gripped my heart
and made me smile. My son-in-law, Christopher, is holding
the hands of his two little girls; Emily who is three and Jessie,
who is six and doing splendidly in Kindergarten. Emily looks
like she’s about to giggle, and Jessie is looking up adoringly,
dressed to the teeth in black velvet, hair-bows and a beatific
I asked their mommy what was happening and she said
that Chris and Jessie were off to the Daddy-Daughter Dance
at school. I immediately thought back a number of years to
when their mommy, our daughter, dressed to the teeth with an
equally beatific smile, was off to the Father-Daughter Dinner
Dance at Alverno High School, just down the road from us. In
those days, Crissy was driving a Dodge Dart which, I think,
Another mother, a dear friend of mine, reported this
was older than she was, but was made, apparently, of solid steel
conversation, “Mom, I think you should know… I don’t believe
as she drove it into all sorts of things but the Dart always came
in God.” My friend’s answer, “That’s OK, honey, God believes
out the winner. Being a teen-ager’s first car is fraught with
in you.”
peril for the car. Our son was driving my Oldsmobile station
wagon, delivering pizza, when the rear axle broke. Something I’m not exactly sure what Christopher and Jessie talked
I never knew could happen. But I digress! No, the Dodge Dart about at the Daddy-Daughter Dance, but he went and she
did not take them to the dance!was thrilled. He went to the one they had for pre-school, too.
Crissy’s Dad went to the Father-Daughter Dance, he also went
The relationship between fathers and daughters is a beautiful
to move her back home when things went wrong for her. The
thing. Mothers and daughters, especially in those teen years,
Fathers, most of them, are amazing guys who will go to a dance
not so much. We’re the ones who are always having to say,
with a six year old, attend every game they play in, ballet recital
“clean your room,” and “why isn’t your homework done,” and
they dance in, pick them up in the middle of the night when
“I’ve asked you 35 times to finish the dishes,” well, all you
their cars fail, or drive to Buttonwillow to bring them home
moms out there, you remember. On the other hand, I have
when they run out of gas and money.
the distinction of being the only mother I’ve ever heard of who
told a 13-year old seventh grader to “Go put some blush on, I realize it’s nowhere near Father’s Day, but the Daddy-
for pity’s sake!”Daughter Dance and the look on Jessie’s face when she and her
Daddy stood still so her mommy could take their picture has
We have three daughters, all of whom are grown with children
made me want to celebrate Dads. So! If you haven’t talked to
of their own and one of our greatest pleasures is hearing them
yours lately, pick up the phone!
say and watching them do all the things they said they’d never
say or do because we, terrible parents that we were, did and “The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.”
said them. Yes indeed, the Parent’s Curse – May you have
Antoine Francois Prevost – Manon Lescaut
children just like you – still works!
“I believe that what we become depends on what our
Classic mother-daughter conversations:
fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying
“Are you up?” this to a daughter who was still nowhere near to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.”
up, she knew it, I knew it, but the rhetorical question is the Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum
parent’s friend. Her answer, “Almost!”
Check out my book, Walking Sierra Madre friends!
“Do you know what time it is!!” Of course she knew what
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.”
time it was. It was about 2:30 a.m. and, while the father slept
It’s available on CreateSpace at the following link: https://www.
peacefully, the mother stood by the window waiting for a car to
drive down the driveway, alternating between terror and rage.
And at the bookstore at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene
Her answer, “Well, yeah, but I knew you wouldn’t mind. I
3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena! And on
knew I was OK.” The mother, “You couldn’t call!!” Her answer,
“No, I didn’t want to wake up Dad!”
Emily, Christopher, Jessie Brown
Business owners are invited to joining the Police Department for a Business
Watch Meeting on Wednesday April 30th at 7:30 AM in the City
Council Chambers.
TODAY -We want you to be a part of our City Team!
The Sierra Madre City Council encourages citizen participation in its decision-making process through
the use of citizen commissions. Currently, there are five citizen commissions established by the Council
to advise and assist them in dealing with specific problems.
Applications to serve on a commission may be obtained at City Hall or the City website at http:// Applications will be accepted until all positions
are filled; however, it is recommended that applications for appointment for the beginning of the 20142015
fiscal year be submitted by Friday, May 23, 2014 to the City Manager’s Office. There are currently
vacancies on the following commissions:
The Community Services Commission is responsible for overseeing the City’s recreation and community
services programs. The Commission oversees the general use of park facilities and matters relating
to the community’s arts and recreational service needs. The Commission provides information and
recommendations to the City Council in these areas. Meets the 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm, in the City Hall
Council Chambers
The responsibilities of the Library Board include the following: establishing Library policies and programs
to ensure that quality programs are provided to the community, recommending an annual budget to the
City Council for approval, and ensuring that efficient and effective services are provided at the Library.
Meets the 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm, in the City Hall Council Chambers
The responsibilities of the Planning Commission fall into two broad categories: consideration of current
land-use (i.e. applications for General Plan amendments, zone changes, specific plans, conditional use
permits, tract maps, variances, and appeals of staff land-use decisions); and advising the City Council on
City initiated amendments to the City’s General Plan. Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm, in the
City Hall Council Chambers
The advisory bodies study a variety of topics in detail. After gathering all pertinent information, hearing
arguments, and weighing values, they recommend to the Council what they consider the best action to
take. In certain situations, commissions are empowered to make specific decisions, subject to appeal to
the Council. Public notices on all commissions are prepared in compliance of the Maddy Act.
For more information please visit or call 626.355.7135.
2014 SIERRA MADRE PLEASE NOTE - the process for signing up as a
free agent has changed this year.
Registration Now Open 1. Signing up does not guarantee a spot in
Grab your friends and neighbors
the league; free agents will be added to teams as
and sign a team up for the City of
needed and space permitting.
Sierra Madre’s 2014 Summer Adult Softball League! 2. Free agents will not pay a fee at the time of
The season begins mid-June and runs through the
registration. If a free agent is placed on a team, the
end of August with an anticipated start date of
fee will be collected by the City of Sierra Madre at
Wednesday, June 18. Games are held Wednesday
that time.
evenings from 6:00-10:00pm, and Sundays from 3. Team managers will be notified of available
12:00pm-10:00pm (due to a regional little league
free agents once they sign up. Team managers will
tournament games may fall on days other than the
have access to selecting a free agent from the roster
regularly scheduled). Games are played at Heasley
on a first come first serve basis.
Field, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. The Sierra Madre 4. Team managers can select from the roster
Adult Co-Ed Softball League is divided into an “A”
based on their team level and gender needed;
league geared towards the competitive participants,
however, they must add the first available free
and a “B” league for recreational competition. All
agent that meets these requirements.
players must be over 18 to play. The champions of 5. The last day to add a player is by the first
each league receive t-shirts.
game. No players will be added after this point.
6. Free agents not added to a team for the
Registration can be done as a team or as a free
season will be kept on the free agent roster for the
agent. The cost to participate is $458 for a team and
following year or until the free agent asks to be
$46 for a free agent. Teams must register in person
removed from the roster.
at the Community Services Office, 611 E. Sierra
Madre Blvd. Deadline to register is Thursday,
Due to limited field space, registration is limited.
May 15. Free agents can register online, www.Be sure to sign up early and don’t miss out on the, or in
2014 season! For more information please contact
person. Deadline to register is Monday, June 2.
the Community Services Department at 626-3555278.